...George Washington became the first president of the United States. He went to school at his house. Tutors came to his house ad taught him. He also graduated at a young age. In this essay its about George Washington and what he did and how did he become president. George Washington was born February 22, 1732. He died December 14, 1799.He grew up on his family's plantation. When George Washington was in school he went to a private school. When he graduated he graduated at age He had private tutors that would come to his house”. George was the oldest of six. His father died when he was six. “George washington spent most of his childhood in the Ferry farm at a plantation near where he lived”. [http://www.biography.com/]In his...
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...Revolutionary War, George Washington was the first president of the United States (1789-1797). In the battlefield, Washington managed to provide motivation and guidance for the troops which led to a signed peace treaty between Great Britain and the U.S. After this, despite the fact that he intended to go back to his life as a family man, he was asked to attend the Constitutional Convention held in Philadelphia and head the committee that was in charge of drafting the new constitution. His leadership skills were tested in both, the battlefield and the convention, where he was able to prove his qualifications and, therefore, become the nation’s first president. He was born in February 1732 and died 67 years later in 1799. Despite the fact that he didn't belong to any party, he did not lacked popularity and his term lasted for 8 years. Back then, the United States was made up of 11 states and over four million people...
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...George Washington once said, “Example, whether it be good or bad, has a powerful influence.” George Washington lived by this quote, especially when he became president. When he became the first president of the new country, the United States of America, he knew that he would be an example for all the future presidents, so he needed to be a respectable example, because he knew it would be a powerful influence on the history of our country. As a result of George Washington being the first president, being one of the founding fathers of the United States, and setting a prodigious example for future presidents, George Washington is a famous man. Some people, however, think George Washington should not have a prestigious place in history because...
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...George Washington is well known as the general who helped the colonies gain their freedom from the British. As the first president of a young country, he helped form the government and laws that still exist today. How he acted as president would affect the office from that time on. Washington was born February 11, 1731 in Virginia, which at the time was a British colony. According to the New World Encyclopedia, “Washington was the oldest child from his father’s second marriage. Washington had two older half-brothers: Lawrence and Augustine, Jr and four younger siblings: Betty, Samuel, John Augustine and Charles.” (2) Washington’s parents were of British descent and his father was a plantation owner, which included slaves....
Words: 1817 - Pages: 8
...George Washington and John Adams were the first two presidents of the United States. They played vital roles in creating the American Republic, and had it not been for them, our current American Republic would be very different or possibly even nonexistent. Yet, despite the hard work they put into our nation’s beginnings, they were also very different. Both men came from the same era, but could one be considered better than the other? George Washington, born on February 11, 1732, in Westmoreland Country, Virginia was our nation's first President. Washington and his ancestors were quite influential in Virginia “The patriarch of the family, John Washington, had come over from England in 1657 and established the Washingtons as respectable, if not...
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...history has ever taken on such as strenuous a role as George Washington did as the first President of the newly formed United States of America. The country had just gained independence from the greatest power in the world at the time, but the biggest challenge would come ahead; the making of a country. This journey began with the creation of the Constitution and the first President of the United States taking office; George Washington. Although he did not willingly accept his duty, he ended up serving eight terms as the first President. In his farewell address to the nation, Washington warned the young country of what he believed to be the downfall for the nation. These warnings included the exclusion of foreign affair, a way to conserve and prosper financially, and no political parties. Even though Washington was such a successful President, these warnings were not followed by any means, and even today America does offend every single one of these warnings, although not each one proving costly to the nation. Washington lived in a time where people gave their lives to be independent from a mother country. By experience, he knew that a country operates better when it is unaltered by other countries. In his farewell address, Washington says that it is understandable to have commercial relations with a country, but America should “have with them as little political connection as possible” (Farewell Address). Washington did not want to include the country in foreign affairs because...
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...French Indian War and George Washington: Shaping Our Countries Independence HIST 101 American History to 1877 Nicholas R. Arrivey American Military University Professor Sine The French and Indian War: Shaping Our Countries Independence The French and Indian War lasted from 1756 – 1763, lasting seven long years. Compared to other significant events in our great countries history (like the Revolutionary War), how could these mere seven years play such a huge role in shaping our countries independence? Could it be because of the outcome of the war? Or could it be because of the personnel who took part during the French and Indian War? One key person who was involved in this war and is a founding father of the country is President George Washington. His role in this war helped him gain leadership traits and abilities that guided him to shape the great country. The French and the British were involved in a conflict over the Ohio Valley during the early 1750s. The main conflict was due to the French and the British expanding their territories over the land while crossing paths in Ohio. The French had already set up trading posts in Ohio. Once the British entered into Ohio they also set up trading posts, which the French viewed as the British impeding on their commerce they gained from the Indians. Mount Vernon Non-Profit states, “In 1744 the Iroquois signed the Treaty of Lancaster with the British, which ceded Iroquois claims in Maryland and Virginia. While the Iroquois...
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...New Republic Historical Fiction How would George Washington advise President Barack Obama? “Mr. President, your press conference regarding Ukraine will start in a hour.” informed Joseph Jones. “Thank you, Mr. Jones”, answered the President. “Anytime”, he said says as he leaves. The President paced the room. What was he going to say at the meeting? He still had no idea what he was going to do about Ukraine. He walked over to the wall of past presidents and looked at George Washington’s portrait. “If only you could come and give me advice about my situation.” All of a sudden, the cloudless, blue sky turned black and lightning struck. The front door of the White House flew open and a man in a trench coat came walking in. “Um, excuse me sir, but do you know where I can find the current president?” , says the strange man. The President straightened his tie and said, “I am he.” The strange man looked at him doubtfully. “I am here for a short time. I have no time for jokes. There is no way an African American like yourself could ever think of being President? Now step aside so I could go search for the President myself” The strange man started to walk by him. The President, surprised by such comment, stopped him in his tracks. “Who are you, exactly?” He asks trying to get a better view of his face. The strange man put his hood down to show his face. “I am no other than George Washington.” The President was at a loss for words. He attempted to speak...
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...toward a “history buff” type audience, just by the how the films present themselves. Chronologically the historical documentaries increased to become more “historian like” in content and how the information was presented to the audience. Out of the three documentaries, Pocahontas Revealed, was the closest to accurate historical thinking, followed by The Best George Washington, and coming in last was the Mystery Files: Joan of Arc. This was determined by how the information was presented and how much bias could be seen from the documentary. In Pocahontas Revealed, the documentary was about Jamestown during the 16-17th century when they first arrive. It mainly focused on the myth surrounding Pocahontas and John Smith during that time. The experts through the film debunked this myth with evidence that possible showed Pocahontas being taught how to be a chief once her father stepped down or died for the tribe. With the near-death-experience John Smith wrote about, the experts had assumed it was on Pocahontas to decide if John Smith lived or died, as a test in her training to become the chief. The documentary continued until when John Smith wrote about his time...
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...My topic matters to history because George Washington was an important historical figure that helped shape America today. My topic has made an impact on society because George Washington was the first president of the United States. But he learned most of his skills from his previous career as a war general. Few have investigated the assumption that Washington was a war general solely based on the fact that he had a military background and that he could help Virginia reunite the colonies. Many people assume that Washington did no greater good during his time as a war general. George Washington was the best war general in 18th century America. The significance of George Washington being a general cannot be overstated, particularly in the context...
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...George Washington, a strong, smart and bold leader. Washington was the leader of the Continental Army in the American Revolution, and was the first to become U.S. president. As the years went on he grew in his knowledge, and soon enough he was a magnificent president/leader. He is now known as one of the seven founding fathers of the United States. Today, I will be writing about his life, who he has influenced today, and why he is an important person to know about. Washington’s ancestory is originally all the way from England. His great-grandfather, John Washington, migrated from England to colonial Virginia. Washington’s father, Augustine Washington, was an ambitious man who acquired land and slaves, built mills, and grew tobacco. Augustine...
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...Lies, deceit, deception, these are not words that you commonly associate with George Washington, but as it turns out he was a master at all of those. Even though he is primarily known as the father of our country and our first president; he was also a master spy. Washington was a Visionary Leader and Ethical Leader while leading our nation’s fight for freedom from the British, and as the country’s first president. In this paper we will review how he used visionary traits to win the revolutionary war, and then we will discuss how his strong ethical traits ensured our country remained true to its founding principles. I will then describe how I used many of the same Visionary Leadership and Ethical Leadership traits while I served in Afghanistan....
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...Mount Rushmore is a national monument in the Black Hills of South Dakota, which has become a big tourist attraction. It has a history that not everyone knows, which makes it unique from other United States monuments. Some common questions people have are why was a huge carving placed on a mountain in South Dakota, who carved it, and how did they choose which four presidents would be on it? In the 1920's a historian by the name of Doane Robinson had an idea to carve historical figures into the granite “Needles”, which was the tallest mountain in South Dakota to attract more people to visit the state (Smithsonianmag.com). Robinson located a sculptor named Gutzon Borglum, but when he came to look at the site called “needles” he felt that...
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...many American presidents came across disputes within the country that needed to be resolved. In order to fulfill their position as a president, they would need to come up with a plan of action. This action would sometimes create tension and cause conflicts between the president and the people. George Washington and John Adams both served as presidents of the United States who played key roles in developing plans of action. Washington served a two year term as president from 1789 to 1797, while Adams followed after Washington and served only one term from 1797 to 1801. President Washington played a part after the Whiskey Rebellion broke out during his presidency. During Adams presidency, he contributed to producing the...
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...grievances to King George III and the Second Continental Congress where he was the leader of the Massachusetts delegation. During the revolution he had more of a diplomatic role, in which he would help negotiate peace treaties with other countries. One of the most important peace treaties he had helped negotiate was the Treaty of Paris, which brought an end to the revolutionary war. John Adams was wed to Abigail Smith on October 25, 1764, he and his wife had fallen in love over their shared interest in books. Adams and his wife had six children throughout their marriage: Abigail, John, Susanna, Charles, Thomas, and Elizabeth. Not too long before having children, Adams had inherited 9 and a half acres of land because of his father’s passing. After the war he was the minister to...
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