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How to Guarantee Safe and Secure Use of a Specialist Communication Channel


Submitted By HamzaRasheed
Words 562
Pages 3
How to guarantee safe and secure use of a specialist communication channel

Personal information is information that is just for you and nobody else. This could be an email address, a user name, credit card details etc. This helps ICT because it means that everyone will have a personal identification and they can log onto different sites using user specific details. Personal information is used on blogs to access you blogs and edit them. Personal information should not be given away because it would affect you by getting spam or people attacking your accounts and accessing everything you do. To avoid this you can be cautious with what details you give away and make sure things are safe and secure before entering any details.

Once you have registered and set up your profile you can start adding your friends and sending them messages. As long as you are careful online, you can have a lot of fun with your mates.

- Don't add anyone you don’t know to your friend list, even if they say they know you. If you don't know them, don't add them.
- People can create really great fake profiles, so be aware that even if someone says they are your age and into the same things as you, they might not be telling the truth.
- If you are doing a Prezi presentation make sure you its relevant with no personal information.
- Don’t arrange to meet someone that you have met online. Some people may not be who they say they are.
- If you are contacted by someone that you are unsure of on a forum, contact the forum administrator.
- Avoid sites that are meant for adults.

If there are any problems with other users bothering you, an enquiry can be made by going on customer support for help on problems. However Prezi is not a major threat since it is secure and has privacy settings to choose who views your presentations and if you put the relevant information there

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