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Modes of Organizational Communication


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Modes of Organizational Communication

A 2011 study of communicational means in six individual companies (Bani Amin & Associates, HKD (H-Tech) International, Jamuna Bank Limited, Rahimafrooz Accumulators Limited, Robi Axiata Limited and TopOfStack Software) of Bangladesh with pros and cons
Modes of Organizational Communication

A 2011 study of communicational means in six individual companies (Bani Amin & Associates, HKD (H-Tech) International, Jamuna Bank Limited, Rahimafrooz Accumulators Limited, Robi Axiata Limited and TopOfStack Software) of Bangladesh with pros and cons

Prepared For:

Mr. Mohammad Saif Noman Khan

Assistant Professor

Prepared By:

H. M. Shahriar Hassan - ZR05 (Group Leader)

Khurshid Hasan - ZR11

Asaduzzaman - ZR20

Sajjad Ahmed - ZR31

M. M. Shahriar Kabir Siddiquee - ZR40

H. M. Shibly Noman - ZR41


Institute of Business Administration

May 14, 2011

May 14, 2011

Mr. Mohammad Saif Noman Khan
Assistant Professor
Institute of Business Administration

Dear Sir:

Hope you are in good health.

Here is the report on our individual organizational communication, which you selected for us as a significant part of our Business Communication course.

We took our time and gave our best effort to make this report up to the mark. The report is descriptive. It mainly depicts various modes of communication going on inside our organizations with a short criticism on respective organizational communication at the end of each chapter.

We consider ourselves fortunate enough to have you as our course faculty. We ardently look forward to have more courses with you through our post graduation.

We wish your success in every aspects of your life.

Sincerely yours,

H. M. Shahriar Hassan

Khurshid Hasan


Sajjad Ahmed

M. M. Shahriar Kabir Siddiquee

H. M. Shibly Noman

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ix
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Objective 1
1.2 Scope 1
1.3 Sources & Methodology 1
2.1 Introduction 3
2.2 Communications in practice 3
2.2.1 Internal Operational Communication 3 Formal Communication 4 Forms of the Communication 4 Means of Communication 4 Shortcomings 5 Recommended improvement 5 Informal Communications 5
2.2.2 External Operational Communication 5 Repetitive 5 Audiences 6 Forms & Contexts 6 Means & Channels 6 Problems 6 Recommended Adaptation 7 Legislative 7 Audiences 7 Forms & Contexts 7 Means 8
3.0 HKD (H-Tech) International 9
3.1 Introduction 9
3.2 Current Pattern of Communication 9
3.2.1 External Operational Communication 9 3.2.2 Internal Communication 10 Formal 10 Vertical 10 Horizontal 11 Informal/Grapevine 11
3.3 Loopholes 11
3.4 Probable Solutions 12
4.0 Jamuna Bank Ltd 13
4.1 Introduction 13
4.2 Current Patterns of Communication 13
4.2.1 Internal Operational Communication 14 Formal Internal Communication 14 Formal Internal Communication Network 14 Types of Messages Transmitted 14 Ways of Communication 15 Informal Internal Communication 15
4.2.2 External Operational Communication 16 Formal External Communication 16 Formal External Communication Network 16 Types of Messages Transmitted 16 Ways of Communication 17 Informal External Communication 18 C.S.R. Activities 18 Customer Night 18 Advertisement 19
4.3 Drawbacks of Current Patterns of Communication 19
4.3.1 Drawbacks of internal Operational Communication 19
4.3.2 Drawbacks of External Operational Communication 19
4.4 Solutions and Recommendations 20
4.4.1 Solutions for Internal Operational Communication 20
4.4.2 Solutions for External Operational Communication 20
5.0 Rahimafrooz Accumulators Ltd 22
5.1 Introduction 22
5.2 External Communication 22

5.2.1 Marketing 22 Verbal 22 Business Letters 23 Mails 23
5.2.2 Procurement 23 Verbal 23 PO (Purchase Order) 23
5.2.3 Production 24 FO (Factory Order) 24
5.2.4 Maintenance 24 Verbal 24 PO 25
5.2.5 Intra-factory Communication 25 Mail 25 Meeting 25
5.3 Internal Communication 25
5.3.1 Formal 26 Mail 26 Meeting 26 Receipts 26 Notices 26
5.3.2 Informal 26 Phone and Verbal 27 Feedback 27 Grapevine 27
5.4 Communicational Goal 27
5.4.1 Where It Excels 27
5.4.2 Where It Struggles 28
6.0 Robi Axiata Limited 29
6.1 Introduction 29
6.2 Forms of Communication 29
6.2.1 Internal-Operational Communication 29 Communication Network 29 Formal 29 Informal/Grapevine 30 Messages Transmitted 30 Medium Used for Communication 31 Drawbacks 32
6.2.2 External Operational Communication 32 Peoples & Organizations Involved 33 Types of Messages Transmitted 33 Medium Used for Communication 33 Drawbacks 34
6.3 Solutions and Recommendations 35
7.0 TopOfStack Software 37
7.1 Introduction 37
7.2 Internal Operational Communication 37
7.2.1 Network 37
7.2.2 Communication Means 37 Email 37 Phone 38 SMS 38 Instant Messenger (IM) 38 Meeting 38
7.2.3 Grapevine 38
7.3 External Operational Communication 39
7.3.1 Network 39
7.3.2 Communication Means 39 Email 39 Mail 39 Site Message 39 Fax 39 Phone 40 Instant Messenger 40 Desktop Sharing 40 Free Hosting 40

7.4 Analysis of the Quality of Communication 40
Bibliography 42

Executive Summary

This report represents the analytical findings of six different surveys, which have been conducted in six different business organizations of Bangladesh as follows-

The overall strategy and quality of business communications of Bani Amin & Associates are up to the satisfactory level exclusive of some minor shortcomings. But introducing computer based internal communication network and an individual communication cell for external communication could make the communication more effective.

HKD (H-Tech) International is a 100% export oriented organization. Here the communication plays a vital role in business growth. But there is some indirectness in the current communication procedures, which can be improved to a satisfactory level.

The internal and external communication procedures in Jamuna Bank Limited are quite effective. Still there remain some drawbacks and some communication procedures should be rearranged to make quality improvement and sustainable growth. These potential improvements will ultimately provide better organizational growth and quality performance improvement for Jamuna Bank Limited.

The communication volume is huge in Rahimafrooz Accumulators Limited because the belief is that proper and effective communication is the most important in business. But the communications are almost limited to specific areas with little variables as the stakeholders are same. The communication process is well organized and efficient. Major modes of external and internal communication are e-mails and telephones.

Although the overall communication process in Robi Axiata Limited is effective, but still some internal communication processes should be revised to make quality improvement which will ultimately provide betterment for Robi Axiata limited.

Communication system in TopOfStack Software is technically up-to-date. The inclusion of memos and ultimately a website will contribute in the further growth of the organization.
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Objective

The primary objective of our report is to find out what are the major criteria that hinder our business communication. We indicate some major drawbacks and propose some modification for better business communication

1.2 Scope

The scope of the study is divided into six completely different fields of business. For this diversification, the communication process, media used for communication and their relative advantages and disadvantages can be broadly identified.

1.3 Sources & Methodology

This report has been done based on qualitative, analytical and review approach. Besides personal experiences, communications and discussions have also played a vital role in preparing the report.

For qualitative analysis, we have to go through different websites, books and newspaper. Then based on this study, we prepare a survey questions. After getting the feedback from the respective personnel we identify some major points those will be discussed in the following chapters.

For analytical approach, discussions have been arranged with high and low level employees of the organization belonging to head office and branch offices. A general customer review was also arranged. The discussions were about the communication procedures, their advantages and disadvantages, potential solutions etc.

For solution proposal, we have to go through different websites, books, annual reports and newspaper. Then based on this study, an interview pattern and general questions were arranged. Then the issues were discussed with the officials and general persons. After getting the feedback from the respective personnel we identified some major points those will be discussed in the following chapters.

There were also other primary data like interviews of specific personnel from various departments. Though there was no ready-made questionnaire but the interview was more like an informal conversation having a focus on the process of internal and external communications, mainly how the communication is done and how it triumphs or fails.

The report was also strongly based on personal/official experiences and discussions since each of the report writers belong to different organizations, which are the place of the study.


2.1 Introduction

Bani Amin & Associates, henceforth referred to the Organization, is a legal service provider having its registered office at 16, Karan Bazar, 2nd floor, Dhaka- 1215, Bangladesh. The honorable Chair of this organization Advocate Md. Bani Amin is an enlisted Advocate of Bangladesh Supreme Court Bar Council as well as a Notary Public appointed for whole of country by the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The Cair himself with several other lawyers and legal professionals under his direct supervision and control has formed Bani Amin & Associates that takes miscellaneous legal actions irrespective of nature from civil to criminal as to the demand of its clients. Besides, the organization is involved in providing consultancy and services in the cases under Income Tax Ordinance, Company Act and Muslim Family Law. It also assists its clients in transferring properties, receiving business licenses and processing visa applications.

2.2 Communications in practice

Not only as business operations to carry out the organizational objectives, but communication are also services that Bani Amin & Associates perform for and on behalf of its clients as their authorized representative. All sorts of communications that are in practice at the Organization are reported below with analytical review and necessary recommendation where applicable.

2.2.1 Internal Operational Communication

Bani Amin & Associates mainly takes any order and case of a client as an assignment and accomplishes the same by forming a team for that particular assignment. The chair remains as the chief advisor of any team and coordinates the work activities of all the existing team to achieve the overall business goals of the organization. Affective communications among the members of the Organization are the key to successfully carry out those assignments. All the communications take place within the organization among its members are categorized and analyzed as follows: Formal Communication

Bani Amin & Associates maintains a formal network for operating smoothly. Some specific duties and responsibilities are assigned to each member of the organization. The members formally integrate their respective works and activities by communicating with one another following the chain of command of the existing network. Forms of the Communication

In most of the cases, the organizational members communicate verbally among themselves when they order, instruct and share information to perform and complete a particular task. Communications are written only when it is necessary to keep records for further use or to share vital information or data to any of its members staying away of the office for carrying out any job assigned to him or her. Means of Communication

Followings are the means of the formal Internal Communication of Bani Amin & Associates:

✓ Meetings and Discussion: Meetings and discussions are frequent at Bani Amin & Associates as a dominant means of formal Internal Communication. The members of the organization get together before the chairman twice on a day, at the very beginning and at closing. Messages contributed at those meetings include reports, feedbacks, inquiries, instructions, decisions, announcements; and so on. ✓ Mobile Conversation/SMS: All the members remain connected 24-hours on a day with their cellular phone. Therefore, mobile phone serves a vital portion in internal communication. ✓ Memos: Handwritten memos are produced initially during the conversation with customers depending on his or her necessity. Then orders or instructions are written on them and passed to the concerned person who serves that particular case. Eventually a memo becomes a part of the record file of a client. Frequent instruction and information are also shared through memos those become paper wastages at the end of a working day. ✓ Messenger: Four Office Assistants of Bani Amin & Associates also work as Messengers who bears memos and information within the organization during the busy hour of working day and some often to the member staying outside. Shortcomings

It is observed that following shortcomings is hindering the service quality of Bani Amin & Associates: ✓ Lack of knowledge of the people involved in using latest communication technology or internet; ✓ Absence of minutes writing practice among the employees during a meeting; Recommended improvement

Considering the shortcomings cited above, it is hardly recommended that necessary initiatives is to take ✓ To train and make employees habitual for using internet service that must facilitate and improve the internal communication system of the organization. ✓ To start a culture of writing minutes by all the members present in a meeting. Informal Communications

Most of the informal communications among the members of the organization is evident but have a minor affect on the operational activities since the top of the organization has always a dominant role in the Grapevine channel of the organization and he harnesses it prudently.

2.2.2 External Operational Communication

Depending on the goals and purposes, the external operational communication of Bani Amin & Associates are classified as follows: Repetitive

The communications that Bani Amin & Associates practices with and in external environment as a compulsory element of day to day operations are categorized here as Repetitive Communications.. Audiences

Bani Amin & Associates repetitively communicates with people and organizations as its prospective Clients and who have already been its clients. Besides, the Organization requires interacting with government authorities, purchasing goods and services from various services providers and suppliers and appointing other professionals to complete some specific tasks related to the service the Organization is proving to its clients. Forms & Contexts

When communicating with any individual or organization at the very first time, the basic pattern of communication of Bani Amin & Associates is sales message. Some other noteworthy forms of remaining communications are routine inquiries, feedbacks, reports, legal opinions, work orders, instructions, consultancies, acknowledgements, bills and so on. Means & Channels

The Organization relies on both formal and informal means of communication to draw the attention of its prospective clients. When communicating formally, the Organization resorts the traditional advertising policy such as publishing leaflet, posters, banners, classified advertisements in various printed media and distributing visiting cards. Alongside the formal means, the organization harnesses some people or authority as mediators who inform, pursue, recommend and even bring clients to the Organization. A lion portion of remaining repetitive communications is held with verbal means either on telephone and mobile conversation or in face to face meetings. All other technical facilities such as emails, mobile sms and postal mails are also used to communicate with external environment. Problems

The major problem is that the organization nobody in the organization is supposed or employed to receive the visitor or customer calls for the very first time. Entering in the entrance room of the office for first time, a client often confuses to decide whom is to communicate with. Moreover, the contact land phone numbers those are provided in various advertisements of the organization are the telephone and mobile numbers used by the chair. Although visiting cards of individual personnel of the organization contains any one of their personal mobile number, the chair who is the essence of this organization often disturbed by the frequent inquiry calls of the clients that interrupt during important conversations with clients present before him. Recommended Adaptation

A front desk operator and information officer skilled in communication process is to be employed as the gatekeeper audience of the organization for the external environment who will manage all frequent customer calls and connect the line with remaining others when necessary. Legislative

The central part of the services that Bani Amin & Associates provides is to communicate with some individuals or organizations for and on behalf of its clients as their authorized representative. These sorts of communication are not the part of the primary operational procedures of this firm but treated as legal actions and procedures in which the organization serves for its client. Audiences

Depending on the legal services that a client requires, Bani Amin & Associates communicates with opposite parties to the concerned clients, law enforcing organizations, court of laws, government authorities and the mass community as well. Forms & Contexts

Being legislative in nature, these communications generally take the form of written documents to be exact legal notice, formal request, petitions, replies, legal statements and so on. Besides written communications that initiate a legal procedure, oral communications also posses a significant part of this communication process such as meetings with and hearing procedure before the competent authority. Means

The means used for any legislative communications are defined by the rules and regulation of the concerned authority with which the organization communicates for its client. In most of the case, the authorized representative of the organization needs to present before the concerned authority for communication.

3.0 HKD (H-Tech) International

3.1 Introduction

HKD (H-Tech) International as a 100% export oriented organization & the largest tent producer in the country. It is a Korean investment in the Chittagong EPZ. As a foreign investment as well as the export oriented organization, it needs to deal & communicate with a large variety of people am organizations.

3.2 Current Pattern of Communication

Currently the organization is communicating with a large variety of group of people consisting primarily of its customers, suppliers, banks, governmental organization, the press etc. which is expanding day by day. The current pattern of communication in HKD (Hi-Tech) International can be classified as follows:

Figure 3.1: Current Pattern of Communication in HKD (Hi-Tech) International

3.2.1 External Operational Communication

It is such a communication that a business does with people and groups outside the business. As a 100% export oriented organization, HKD (Hi-Tech) International has a wide range of external communication. The main parties of such communication are customers/buyers, suppliers, banks, governmental organizations, competitors etc and the key modes of communication are direct conversation, telephone conversation, email., letters Brochures, international & domestic campaign etc. Although the external communication with different parties has different purposes, the ending purpose of the overall external communication is either to increase the sales volume or smooth the path of achieving the expected sales.

3.2.2 Internal Communication

All the communication that occurs in conducting work within a business is classified as internal operational communication. This is the communication among the business workers that is done to implement the business plan. In HKD (Hi-Tech) International, the internal communication takes many forms, such as: it includes the orders and instructions that supervisors give workers, as well as oral exchanges among the workers about work matters. It includes reports that we prepare concerning sales, production, inventories, finance, and maintenance and so on. It also includes the email messages that we write in carrying out our assignments. However, the overall internal communication in HKD (Hi-Tech) International can be classified into 2 broad categories namely formal & informal: Formal

The formal channel again can be categorized as vertical and horizontal. Vertical

The vertical communication again can be classified as Downward & Upward.

✓ Downward: The downward communication flows from a superior to subordinate. The key modes communications are: oral orders, instructions, conversation, policy statements, emails, meeting minutes, memos etc. The main objectives of such communication are to give directions, explain policies and organizational procedures & apprise the subordinates about their performance.

✓ Upward: The downward communication channel that pushes the flow of information upward is known as the upward channel of communication. This is just he reverse of the previous one with the same modes of communication. The difference is that this communication basically holds the feedback and bulk of information whereas the previous one basically deals with instructions and guidelines. Horizontal

Communication between departments or people on the same level in the managerial hierarchy of an organization known as horizontal communication. The basic modes of communication are basically telephone conversation, email, memos etc. Informal/Grapevine

Grapevine is the informal internal communication which exists in all the organization. In my organization also there exist a number of informal groups. Such as; ✓ A Group of people who have investment in stock market ✓ A group who are die hard fan of cricket ✓ A group of smokers ✓ A group of officers who completed their graduation from Chittagong University

3.3 Loopholes

The different loopholes that were observed throughout my job life in the organization are as follows:

• Absence of Video Conference: Most of the times buyers from different countries visit our organization and later they send a report to the higher management of the buying organization which finally place the order based on that report. The problem is that he buyers who come here either the mid level officers or the middleman. Consequently the effectiveness of communication reduces due to the presence of number of channels as well as the absence of effective direct channel. Again sometimes we try to convince the buyers over telephone. In these cases Video Conference could have been the best solution as it would have enable us to contact directly to the original buyer or the higher level of management who can take quick decision.

• Drawbacks of Grapevine: The officers who have investment in the stock market waste a valuable portion of office hours in discussing the share related issues which acutely reduces the productivity of the organization.

• Ineffective Upward Communication: Although upward communication exist in the organization, its effectiveness and usage is not up to the mark. Particularly with the workers, carrot & stick approach is followed and their feedbacks regarding different decision of the authority get little value. This could make a negative impact on the organization in the long run. • Lack of Authority in Horizontal communication: Whenever different departmental head communicate with each other for accomplishing different portion of a same assignment, this problem often arise as they can not give order to each other.

3.4 Probable Solutions

The problems mentioned above can be easily eradicated with the following measures:

• First of all, the authority has to be believe that there still a lot remains undone and space for development regarding the communication level of the organization. • Secondly, to introduce video conference arrangement and to make it as a key source of receiving orders from the buyers. • To concentrate more on the emotions and feedbacks of the workers and to stop adopting carrot and stick approach as the only method. • Finally, in case of the Lack of authority in Horizontal communication it is very difficult to find out a proper solution. Probably the highest management can interfere and find out a road map to eradicate the problem.

4.0 Jamuna Bank Ltd

4.1 Introduction

Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL) is a Banking Company registered under the Companies Act, 1994 with its Head Office at Chini Shilpa Bhaban, 3, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000. The Bank started its operation from 3rd June 2001. Jamuna Bank Ltd., the only Bengali named new generation private commercial bank was established by a group of winning local entrepreneurs conceiving an idea of creating a model banking institution with different outlook to offer the valued customers, a comprehensive range of financial services and innovative products for sustainable mutual growth and prosperity. The sponsors are reputed personalities in the field of trade, commerce and industries.
The Bank is committed to satisfying diverse needs of its customers through an array of products at a competitive price by using appropriate technology and providing timely service so that a sustainable growth, reasonable return and contribution to the development of the country can be ensured with a motivated and professional work-force.
At present the Bank has real-time centralized Online banking branches (Urban & Rural) throughout the Country having smart IT-Backbone. Besides this traditional delivery point, the bank has ATM of its own, sharing with other partner banks & consortium throughout the country. In order to serve its purpose of becoming a leading banking institution and playing a pivotal role in the development of the country the bank needs to deal & communicate with a large variety of customers, people and organizations.

4.2 Current Patterns of Communication

Currently the organization is communicating with a large variety of group of people consisting primarily of its customers, banks, governmental organization, the media etc. which is expanding day by day. The current pattern of communication in Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL) can be classified as follows:

4.2.1 Internal Operational Communication

The communication processes those take part within the organization between employees are called internal operational communication. All the persons in the internal communication network communicate either formally or informally. Formal Internal Communication

Here the internal communication process takes place following the formal prescribed channels. This is the communication that enables the organization to function properly through the prescribed network within the organization. Formal Internal Communication Network

The formal internal communication process takes place between two or more employees belonging to a single branch, two different branches and one from branch another from the head office. Types of Messages Transmitted

The messages those are transmitted through this network can be broadly classified in the following types

• Order: In this type of messages basically official instructions are provided from the supervisors to the subordinates. This tells the subordinates what to do and what not to do in certain circumstances.

• Inquiry: In this type of messages official queries are made regarding any particular incident. This is also done to find out what the organization is doing & how it is performing.

• Report: This type of messages are usually prepared to provide answers to the official queries. This provides the higher order employees the information about what had been done to meet up their queries. Sometimes it also provides a vivid picture of the term wise performance of the organization. Ways of Communication

The following ways are generally used to facilitate the internal communication. • E-mail: These days E-mail is getting more and more popular among the employees of our organization. It provides the flexibility of conveying the message to a number of people at the same time. • Phone: Phone is the mostly used communication method in our organization. The availability and portability of mobile ensures quick communication throughout the organization. This also ensures the availability of necessary information even when the officials are not at the office. • Meeting: In our organization weekly meeting is arranged in all the branches. Through the meeting all the staffs and officers inform the branch in charge or the manager relevant information about their performance, seek help and advice for solving their problems. This also provides them guidelines about what the branch is going to do in future. Besides this Executive committee meeting and board of directors meetings are also held on a regular basis. This facilitates the loan proposal granting and decides the operating principle of the organization in order to adjust in the ever changing business world. • Memo: Memo is usually used to facilitate internal communication of the branch. This is very useful especially for one to one communication. It provides short message function. However this is not as popular as the phone or E-mail. • Fax: Fax usually provides the function of quick providing of information. It is used in branch to branch and branch to head office communication. This also ensures the function of quick customer service and provides the function of quick documentation. • Notice: Notice usually provides general information to the employees regarding meetings and targets of individuals. This is one of the most effective way to inform employees about the changes and modifications of the banking policy. Informal Internal Communication

The communications which take part in the organization without following any formal channel are the informal internal communications. This network basically transmits gossips and rumors. But like the other organizations this network is far more effective in certain situations. The main information which run through the informal network of Jamuna Bank Limited are related to salary rescaling, incentives, increment, the instability of the commerce market etc.

4.2.2 External Operational Communication

The external operational communication plays a vital role in Jamuna Bank Limited. All the communications which take part outside the organization are called the external operational communication. Here in general one party is involved from the bank and the other party is from outside the bank. The communication can be classified in the following categories. Formal External Communication

The external operational communications which take part following formal rules and regulations are the formal external communication. This communication enables the bank to run and maintain its formal external information transmission. Formal External Communication Network

This mainly comprises of people from Jamuna bank Limited, the customers, other banks, insurance companies, governmental organizations, and the electronic and printing media. Types of Messages Transmitted

The messages those are transmitted through this network can be broadly classified in the following types

• Request:In this type of messages the bank employees usually request the clients to provide the necessary documents especially for account maintaining, credit, export and import facilities providing. Sometimes the information regarding the newer or modified facilities is also provided to the customer and they are requested to participate in banking through those facilities. From the customer side sometimes they request the bank employee to provide their interest amount to some designated account. • Inquiry:When the bank or the customer has any queries regarding any particular incident or any banking facility the communication is established through inquiry. Bankers also communicate with the customers to know when the customer is going to pay his/her due installment, when the customer is going to get his/her due payments in export-import facilities take place. This is also done to find out what the organization is doing & how it is performing. • Report:Reports are usually prepared to provide financial information to the general customers, other banks, shareholders and potential new customers. This provides the information about what had been done to meet up the expectation performance, how the profit margins are achieved, and what the organization is going to do in near future or in the upcoming years. It also provides a vivid picture of the term wise performance of the organization. • General Courtesy Messages: These types of messages are usually the greeting messages. Both bankers and customers usually congratulate each other on festive occasions. Both the parties also greet each other for their successful banking relationship running. • Confirmation: This usually occurs between the banker and the customer or bankers from two different bankers. In Jamuna Bank Limited the customers are usually confirmed about big amount paying and collection from their account. In foreign exchange the acceptance of the bills, letter of credits are usually confirmed to ensure risk free transaction. Ways of Communication

The following ways are generally used to facilitate the external communication.

• E-mail: These days E-mail is getting more and more popular among the customers of our organization. It not only provides the flexibility of conveying the message to a number of people at the same time but also ensures the risk free, unchanged message transmission at a very low cost. • Phone: Phone is the mostly used communication method in our organization. The availability and portability of mobile ensures quick communication with the customers. This also ensures the availability of necessary information even when the officials are not at the office. When the customers are moving on the road they can also communicate with the bank through this and ask them to arrange large payment. This saves the time and money of both the banker and the customer and ensures the facility of quick payment. • Meeting: In the organization these meetings are usually arranged in such a manner where a party comprising of a banker or a group of bankers participates from the banks side and the other party comes from the external side. In these meetings communication becomes a lot easier and direct. It enables the organization to keep up its business relationship with the customers. • Letter: The organization communicates with its customers through letters when it usually offers an especial facility or makes any specific query. • Fax: Fax usually provides the function of quick providing of information to facilitate quick customer service. It occurs between bankers and customers, bankers from two different organizations and ensures mutual support. Informal External Communication

The external communications which take part without following any formal channel are the informal external communications. This involves all the parties from the commerce market. This communication is usually carried by the following activities C.S.R. Activities

Corporate Social Responsibility (C.S.R.) activities are those activities which creates the concept of the organization as a concern social group in public mind. Jamuna bank Limited runs a especial foundation called the Jamuna Bank Foundation for this type of activities. The foundation runs schools for slum children, organizes blood donation camps, arranges seminars against drug addiction, provides computers to blind children schools etc. Customer Night

In customer night programs the bank higher level employees meet with the valuable customers, shareholders of the bank. The bank employees greet the customers, listen to their problems, have dinner with them and try to find ways to solve the customers’ problems. Advertisement

This makes the general people aware of the banks presence. Through this people come to know about the bank, its activities, vision and mission. They get the message that if they will need any monetary support they can approach to Jamuna Bank Limited at their nearby places branches. It forms the bonding between the customer and the bank.

4.3 Drawbacks of Current Patterns of Communication

The current communication processes of Jamuna Bank Limited have some drawbacks. The drawbacks can be divided in the following two categories.

4.3.1 Drawbacks of internal Operational Communication

• Lack of Proper Addressing: In most of the cases the E-mail messages and the mobile messages does not contain proper address. It is not clear enough that who is sending it and who is going to receive it. Sometimes subject line is not properly completed and lacks clarity. • Adverse Effect of Official Hierarchy: Sometimes in the meetings the lower level officers feel shy to participate actively. Due to their fear the official meetings do not reach a success as the afraid officers fail to represent their problems and queries properly. • Gossips and Rumors: Because of the gossips and rumors in informal internal communication channels it becomes tough for the managers or officials to find out the proper information out if those.

4.3.2 Drawbacks of External Operational Communication

• Computer Network Problem: Because of the network problems sometimes it becomes tougher to communicate via E-mail. It disturbs the entire external communication and hampers customer reputation. • Fax Machine Problem: Sometimes the fax machine fails to work in time properly. Due to the problems in the telecommunication line make it tougher to provide quick customer service. • Lack of Advertisement: As the number of advertisements in the electronic media and the print media customers do not get proper information about the modified and updated services of the bank on time. • Tough Languages in the Banking Document: In most of the cases the language of the banking documents are quite cumbersome and complex. As a result it becomes tough for a general customer to go through it and understand it properly. The lack of directness and absence of active voice sentences cause inconveniences to the general consumers.

4.4 Solutions and Recommendations

In order to address these problems the following steps can be taken.

4.4.1 Solutions for Internal Operational Communication

• Proper Addressing: Proper addressing should be ensured in the mails. The regard part should be present. Subject line should be clear and complete. • Participative Management: Participative management should be more and more practiced in the organization. The active participation from the employees part will make the meetings a lot more effective. • Management Capability and Experience: Management should be more focused and aware of the informal communication channel. This will enable the management to extract proper information out of it and to use it effectively.

4.4.2 Solutions for External Operational Communication

• Complete Network Connection: The computer network has to be managed in such a way that it should provide 24 hr connection. Thus the communication will be a lot easier and save time and money of both the banker and the customer. • Advertisement Number Increasing: The advertisement number will have to be incremented. People should be made aware of the bank, its functions and modified and changed up to date facilities. • Big Idea Presentation in Messages: In good messages the big and customer beneficiary information should be provided at first. In negative situations the news should be provided in such a way so that it causes the customer feel good by thinking that he/she would have a huge loss. Instead of that they will now feel better that they have gone through minimum losses. • Use of Directness: The language should be direct and easy to understand. All sorts of negative information should be presented carefully. • Increment of Volume of C.S.R. Activity: The organization needs to involve in more and more C.S.R. activities. This will build up the public image and create reputation for the bank. Besides the ill, helpless people will also be benefited.

5.0 Rahimafrooz Accumulators Ltd

5.1 Introduction

Rahimafrooz Accumulators Ltd is one of the eight strategic business units (SBUs) of the parent company Rahimafrooz (Bangladesh) Ltd. The main product is light engineering product such as the Solar Batteries, used in solar applications\f and VRLA (Valve Regulated Lead Acid) Batteries for supporting power of telecommunication towers. We also produce customized batteries for various industrial purposes e.g. in railway, electric vehicles and forklifts.
The communication process in our organization is quite well planned and organized. We have a highly effective communication network throughout the company which is centrally managed by both Business Process Automation (BPA) and Group Information Technology Centre (GITC) team together.

5.2 External Communication

The major external communication in our organization takes place evidently in Marketing and Sales Department. Also, being a manufacturing company, there is significant portion of external communication just to manage and accumulate raw materials for production which is done by Procurement department. This mainly includes finding suitable suppliers for different types of materials. Other departments also engage sometimes in external communication, e.g. for customized product required for a specific usage.

5.2.1 Marketing

The sole purpose of marketing is to draw potential buyers’ attention and convince them to buy products from us. Hence the communication here is very important. The modes of communication though are pretty much usual. Verbal

To attract new buyers continually, our marketing team engages themselves communicating with every probable potential buyer around the country and also in some foreign lands where our operation prevails and demand exists. This is initial stage communication and most of it is verbal i.e. over phone or accosting to them with feasible standard or customized solutions according to their demand. Business Letters

Business letters play a vital role while communicating with buyers. When agreed upon a deal, a business letter is issued to the buyer company mentioning product specifications and financial details. This also contains a formal request to confirm and issue a work order from their end. Mails

When everything is set and in motion, any type of further communication happens mainly via e-mails among respective concerns.

5.2.2 Procurement

Procurement is like a heart to the supply chain of a manufacturing company. Each and every type of communication and collaboration with suppliers and vendors is done by the procurement team. This communication occurs in following forms: Verbal

When we need anything, from a bolt to a generator, we buy them. But before the ‘buying’, the item is to be outsourced. This sourcing involves communicating with previously known suppliers and vendors including new ones pertaining to that particular item. And this total process of communication is verbal and informal. The designated personnel from Procurement Department are liable to carry out the task. Larger portion of this communication happens over phone. When agreed upon a deal about an item, the supplier is then asked to submit a ‘quotation’. The process then moves towards evaluating the offer and issuing of POs. PO (Purchase Order)

Purchase orders are issued to buy something for the factory, in fact everything. This is generally preceded by collecting “Quotations” from the enthusiastic eligible suppliers that describe the details of the item along with the proposed price. The offers are then evaluated and usually granted for the lowest bidder. The proposition is finally approved by the head of Supply Chain. Then POs are devised mentioning each detail about that item and issued to that supplier to deliver us the goods on a date that’s mutually agreed. It’s totally formal and is the key external communication in our factory.

5.2.3 Production

Production Department is further segmented into other sub departments according to their type of activities. Usually these departments don’t have to do much of external communication. They interact with each other and also with Procurement for any of their external need. But one external communication that production goes through is FO (Factory Order). FO (Factory Order)

Factory Orders are well documented papers, issued by Marketing Department to the factory. It states the type and features of a product, laid out to the tiniest specifications, that’s to be manufactured in the factory. This is how Marketing communicates with factory in a formal way. Factory i.e. production receives the order and acknowledges it. Then they plan their production according to those orders collaborating with the Planning Department.

5.2.4 Maintenance

Maintenance Department is actually to keep the factory on smooth running. But in order to do that, they have to buy some tools occasionally or manufacture customized spare parts for different machineries. For this, they have to communicate formally with external supplier and machine tool workshops. As the process is simply ‘buying’, it pretty much is the same as described earlier. Verbal

The suppliers that are known from experience of working together before are communicated for the required tool. If the supplier has a good reputation with us, then the process speeds towards issuing purchase orders. Otherwise a number of them are asked to submit their quotation prices. PO

When agreed, the PO is issued to the supplier which has to be approved by the head of Supply Chain.

5.2.5 Intra-factory Communication

As there are different companies as SBUs under the parent company, there are lots of products of a unit/factory that may be of interest for another unit/factory. And that’s when intra-factory communication arises. There are specific guidelines for intra-factory business such as the profit rate. Both factories that are to do business with each other go forth by agreeing to those stipulated terms and conditions. Mail

This communication is pretty much straight forward. If the product in discussion is in abundance to the manufacturing factory, then only communicating through mails would suffice stating the quantity and the delivery date. Meeting

When the product is expensive and highly in demand to the manufacturing factory itself or of great importance, then the heads Supply Chain of both factories sit together to resolve the issue as if both parties can be benefited.

5.3 Internal Communication

Internal communication is the major type of communication that goes on inside the factory. This happens among different production departments, maintenance, planning, procurement, warehouse & logistics and quality assurance department about numerous production issues.

5.3.1 Formal

The formal communication between department include the current production status, sales and operational planning (SOP), management information system (MIS) and every other kind of information that’s required to maintain smooth operation. This kind of communication is mostly vertical. Mail

E-Mails are the principal mode of this type of communication. If one requires delegating an information to a particular department or to all, s\he generates an e-mail and the communication process runs further that way. Meeting

The head of Supply Chain sits with all other heads of the departments (HODs) each morning in a meeting where everything’s discussed including the daily production status, any change in plan, any pop-up burning issue and other management\administrative concerns.
The individual HODs also sit with their subordinate officers occasionally to resolve issues particularly specific to his\her department. Receipts

This is an internal memo which is sent to the warehouse & logistics department from the manufacturing end i.e. production departments. It states the amount of production for each single type of product for a specific shift. Notices

Any administrative decision or order is communicated throughout the factory by notices. Also the production departments circulate notices about their internal issues and concerns on their individual production floor.

5.3.2 Informal

Informal communication is mostly horizontal. It is done for communicating either among the shift in charges for production issues or personal purposes. Phone and Verbal

Informal communication mostly occurs by means of telephones or face to face conversations. This is done to pass information about production or operational problems between either officers or technicians of the same department or other departments. This is the type of communication that keeps the factory throbbing and enables it to run smoothly. Feedback

It is an informal kind of communication between the officers and the technicians. It can be about anything and a two-way communicating process and mostly verbal. Grapevine

It’s the most common and inevitable mode of communication. It happens everywhere in the factory, every time people meet. Harmless discussion about interesting topics along with the occasional rumors and personal smearing accompanied with a good laugh help to sweep the monotony away from the hectic job-life.

5.4 Communicational Goal

The one and only goal of communication is to make sure that the information is passed to the right persons and interpreted accurately. As much as an organization may be developed in its communication process, it can never stop continuing to develop further. Our goal is the same, to ensure successful passing of information and try for its continual development.

5.4.1 Where It Excels

The communication system in our organization is efficient enough. Having our own mail server and intercom system, it’s very easy to move with anything anytime. Through this mail server and intercom system, one can communicate to anyone within any SBU. It also enables one to communicate outside, anywhere in the country. The information can never be unattended. As most of it happens via e-mails, it’s well documented and properly directed. It ensures avoidance of any communicational noise that could provide ambiguity which eventually would make the communication a failure.

5.4.2 Where It Struggles

Though the communication system is efficient, it can be bogged down due to human error. Individual’s failure to transmit the message appropriately will eventually be catastrophic however self-sufficient the system is. That can happen if the person is in hurry or callous or the most unfortunate, has inadequate communication skill. Sometimes this transmits ambiguous information which creates misunderstanding and to the gravest extent, can compel to lose significant production time or mismatch in production and the actual demand.

6.0 Robi Axiata Limited

6.1 Introduction

Robi Axiata Limited is a joint venture company between Axiata Group Berhad, Malaysia and NTT DOCOMO INC, Japan. It was formerly known as Telekom Malaysia International (Bangladesh) which commenced operations in Bangladesh in 1997 with the brand name AKTEL. On 28th March 2010, the service name was rebranded as ‘Robi’ and the company came to be known as Robi Axiata Limited.

6.2 Forms of Communication

Robi is a customer oriented company where customer gets the first priority. To provide better service to its customers, Robi has to coordinate the activities of many groups of people: employees, suppliers, customers, legal advisors, community representatives, government agencies and others. And, for this reason this company uses two forms of communication.

6.2.1 Internal-Operational Communication

Internal operational communication occurs mainly inside the organization within the employees. To create, implement and track the business operating plan, this internal operational communication is a must. Communication Network

The communication network in Robi Axiata limited can mainly be divided into two groups as Formal and informal communication network. Formal

In Robi Axiata limited, formal communication network mainly exchange information of the official communication. Formal communication network comprises of the major, well established channels for information exchange. These formal channels can be classified as the following:

• Upward: The upward communication channel in Robi Axiata Limited mainly carries information from the lower level of organization to the higher level of organization through established and well organized channels of formal communication to exchange information, offer ideas, express enthusiasm, achieve job satisfaction and provide feedback.

• Downward: The downward communication channel in Robi Axiata Limited comprises of both formal and sometimes informal communication network that contains instructions as well as directions from higher level of organization to lower level of organization. It is mainly used by top management to transmit vital information, give instructions, announce decisions and provide motivation to employees in Robi.

• Horizontal/Lateral: For coordinating within Robi Axiata limited’s planning, organizing and implementation team this lateral communication network is widely used. It helps to creative problem solving, accomplishing tasks and improving teamwork within the organization. Informal/Grapevine

The informal communication network or Grapevine is playing a major role in Robi Axiata limited now-a-days. This grapevine is mainly responsible for carrying gossip and rumors. And, as most of the other organizations this communication network is far more effective than a formal communication network. The main topics those are being discussed at Robi is about salary re-alignment, profit disbursement, threat of Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission(BTRC) of 2G license renewal and 3G licensing. Messages Transmitted

The messages those are being transmitted through the above communication networks can be divided into the followings:

• Inquiry: Inquiry mainly comprises of the need to know information about a particular work, service or order. It is the process that has the aim of augmenting knowledge, resolving doubt, or solving a problem within Robi Axiata limited.

• Order: Within Robi Axiata limited, order carries out an important part as it gives the direction of the working plan from higher order management to lower level of organization to execute the company’s overall operating plan.

• Report: Report is mainly designated to furnish the need for inquiry or order in a more formal format. Medium Used for Communication

There are certain media those are used for communication purpose within the organization.

• Phone: Phone is the primary medium of communication that is used in Robi Axiata limited. For any query regarding any type of internal issue phone is used.

• Email: After phone conversation, if the internal issue cannot be solved then email plays a major role. Email is also used to receive instructions from management, send queries to respective departments. Employees receive directions and information from their supervisors and send back orders and regular reports to their supervisors through email. It is also used to circulate any type of notices to the employees from various departments.

• Memo: Memo is used when there is a simple inquiry within the organizations single department. It is not as much popular a medium of communication as email and phone.

• Meeting: Meetings are used for face to face communication among the various departments. There are mainly two types of meeting those are being held in Robi Corporate office (RCO) premises: Weekly planned meeting that is to discuss various issues about planning, integrating and organizing different projects advancements. And, unplanned meeting that is called to resolve any critical issue, where there is a critical time constraint pressure.

• Online Chat: Online chat is commonly used in place of email when there is a need to communicate live. Chat tools are being used in Robi for internal communication to share employees’ ideas about company policy, customer services, development issues in real-time. Drawbacks

There are certain drawbacks of these internal communications. These are:

• Lack of addressing: Phone conversations sometimes create confusions among employees of two separate departments. Most of the time it is seen that phone conversation leads to a heated discussion without solving the original issue. Sometimes, Chain email leads to confusion when it is being sent to several groups of people without properly addressing to a particular person who is responsible for the job. • Layer or management: In a traditional organizational structure like Robi Axiata limited, employees work under several layers of management. Communication in these organizations originates at the top, typically with the organization's senior leaders, and flows downward through the company's various layers. Employees at or near the bottom of one chain of command typically experience difficulty communicating with peers in other work groups, as the organizational structure nearly prohibits the horizontal flow of communication. Similarly, employees in such organizations often lack the ability to communicate upward, and this restriction inhibits the receipt of employee feedback. • Security Issues: Using business technology in communication can create various security issues. Emails, text messages and other website communication are often vulnerable to hackers or other individuals who should not have access to certain information. These security issues can create serious legal liabilities if a customer’s personal information, such as a mobile phone number, home address is accessed by illegal means through a company’s business technology.

6.2.2 External Operational Communication

Communication with people outside the company is called External communication. Top level managers communicate with sources outside the organization, such as vendors and customers, which leads to better sales volume, pubic credibility, operational efficiency and company profits. Peoples & Organizations Involved

External communication reaches out to the customer to make him or her aware of our product or service and to give the customer a reason to buy. This type of communication includes Robi Axiata limited’s brochures, various forms of advertising, contact letters, telephone calls, Web sites and anything else that makes the public aware of what Robi does.
Figure 6.1: External communication in Robi Axiata limited Types of Messages Transmitted

To make external communication Robi Axiata limited uses order, inquiry, reports and most importantly sales messages those can be divided into sales messages through SMS, advertising through billboards, newspapers etc. Medium Used for Communication

• Phone: To communicate easily with stakeholders, customers and vendors phone is the primary medium. A good business phone package will allow one to receive emails, and be notified of important calls and faxes, meaning that being away from the office will not separate one completely from essential communications.

• Email: Email is a good medium, which is used to reach to our stakeholders, customers and vendors without any delay.

• Meeting: While technology is rampant, face-to-face communication remains a key method for communicating in business environments. This type of communication with external stakeholders, companies, vendors, media are very effective for market growth and building goodwill.

• Mail: Even with all the modern methods of communication, regular postal mail is still one of the most powerful tools for Robi Axiata Limited’s business. It adds a personal touch which is very useful for goodwill relationship. It is used for delivering secure documents, contracts, and shipping items.

• Advertisement: Image is extremely important in external communication. Company logo represents who we are. Our letterhead works as a selling tool. Robi invest a lot to advertise its product over newspaper, billboard and also through SMS.

• Social Networking sites: Social Networking sites have created a great opportunity for businesses to generate interaction with present and potential customers. To be successful, it requires a steady effort and participation over time. With an ongoing commitment of effort Robi has created its Facebook page to share its mission, vision, goals and above all the customer feedback. Drawbacks

• Goodwill building problem: Although sending an email rather than personally meeting with someone is more efficient, it tends to be less personal and can hinder social interaction and relationship building. Messages can also easily be misconstrued. Because it is so difficult to convey via email that something was meant ironically, misunderstandings are common and can lead to major fights. • Threat to server: Sometimes Email may contain viruses that can harm our computer seriously and have the potential to destroy our whole computer server system. One has to be careful while posting any kind of content through an e-mail. • Conveyance of message failure: If typed in a hurry, the matter could be misinterpreted. Sometimes, readers get bored and loose interest if the email is not written properly and is too long. • Ineffective meeting: A meeting would turn out to be ineffective if the organizer failed to properly facilitate the session and if the meeting agenda is not observed.

6.3 Solutions and Recommendations

• Effective internal Email communication: Good internal communication helps to increase job satisfaction, safety, productivity, and profits and decrease grievances and turnover. Email can be effectively used to discourage grapevine. Although grapevine can be used effectively, it also leads to rumors, in the absence of information passed on through the formal communication network. When employees are misinformed, they become dissatisfied and de-motivated. Using the Email as an official channel to post information for all employees to see discourages gossip and avoids creating a transparency gap.

• Introduction of voice mail message: For saving time, a voice mail message can be recorded that will make sure when one will return the call and then continually check his/her voice mail to return calls promptly. Voice mail is reliable, reasonable in cost, accessible from anywhere. Employees should have a separate line for his/her business phone and personal phone.

• Effective external Email communication: Basic business communication rules should be applied for interoffice email. Staying on message, avoiding controversy, following company HR policies and forwarding frivolous chain emails, respecting confidentiality and responding to interoffice emails promptly will better Email communication.

• Well organized meeting: Successful meetings--those with a stated agenda, specific starting and ending time, skilled facilitation and minutes to indicate who will be responsible for what after the meeting--are important elements that can guarantee communication success. Good business courtesy includes avoiding being interrupted by telephone calls when in a meeting or during a business lunch.

• Introduction of Video conferencing: Video conferencing allows a company to communicate as if someone were face-to-face with customers anywhere in the world. Time and money that would be spent on traveling can be used to conduct meetings. One can share documents, make presentations and conduct meetings on short notice. For example, without leaving one’s office he/she can collaborate with employees who work from home or from other company locations

Organization can motivate its staff through various forms of communication, which can include awards, newsletters, meetings, telephone calls and formal and informal discussions. Good external communication improves company’s overall performance, public goodwill and corporate image. By improving these company achieves organizational goals and customer satisfaction.

7.0 TopOfStack Software

7.1 Introduction

TopOfStack Software is a quite new and tiny software company started on February 2011. Its only office is located at Krishi Market, Mohammadpur, Dhaka. It outsources software mainly for various mobile platforms like iPhone, Android, J2ME etc. Currently with only 7 staffs, TopOfStack Software is maintaining consistent increase in monthly revenue. It has strict vision to grow just in fair ways.

7.2 Internal Operational Communication

As a software development firm, TopOfStack Software has CEO, CTO, project managers and employed developers. It also has few contract/project based developers and designers. As the number of people engaged here is very small, both of its formal and informal communication are mixed up.

7.2.1 Network

The communication network consists of the programmers mostly. Both of the communication flows, i.e.- management to developer and developer to management contains technical information. Obviously decisions/instructions come ultimately from the management.

7.2.2 Communication Means Email

Email is the most elaborative and well-tracked means of communication here. Usually email from management to developer contains project requirement details, intermediate instructions, query about progress, official announcement etc. On the other way, email from developer to management usually contains intermediate update of projects, request for explanation/suggestion on faced issues to by pass to clients etc. Phone

As an outsource-based firm, TopOfStack Software requires to maintain time-constraint seriously. Communication over mobile phone is the key solution to this. From the beginning of a bid for any project till the completion, whenever it requires, communication over phone performs the best. SMS

This is the alternate way of making phone call. It is very useful whenever there is possibility of the intended person being busy or temporarily unavailable. Instant Messenger (IM)

Skype, Yahoo messenger and Google talk are widely used IMs in the office. Employees use these for sharing knowledge, partial work etc. Meeting

Meeting is a mass communication way within the office. There are project meetings where the engaged manager and developers discuss and analyze project requirement, progress etc and design/plan based on that. In the official meeting, usually all staff attend and there goes strategic discussion, performance evaluation, instruction and feedback etc.

7.2.3 Grapevine

Beyond the above electronic and/or formal communications, grapevine exists in TopOfStack Software. The management and the developers have lunch together. Often they go for prayer and leave office together.

7.3 External Operational Communication

7.3.1 Network

TopOfStack Software has an external communication network consists of few freelancing sites, few monetary sites, foreign clients, banks etc. Most of the external communications are formal.

7.3.2 Communication Means Email

This is the most standard way of external communication for the firm. Exchange of project requirement, documentation, work update, singed non-disclosure agreement (NDA), invoice, payment agreement and update between client and the office happens through it. Mail

Mail or post is the alternate way whenever client requires any document like- NDA, invoice physically. For urgent/secure case, such documents are sent using DHL, FedEx services. Site Message

This is the safe way to deal a project on any freelancing sites. Project requirements and updates those are passed through this, serve as a proof to site authority. It serves as strong evidence to protect ones right and to justify any claim regarding the project. Fax

This is another way of transferring secure documents like NDA, invoice etc. Usually this method is not used where email (with scanned copy) serves the purpose. Phone

Usually phone call is made between the management and bank or familiar clients. This serves immediate actions whenever required like filling out a C-Form at the bank or quick clarification. Instant Messenger

Whenever both the client and project managers are online on IMs, the best communication takes place there. Eventually voice call and/or video chat is frequent and very normal here. Desktop Sharing

The most technically advanced communication way is desktop sharing. Usually client shares their desktop to illustrate the requirements/issues and developers work through it. Commonly used software are TeamViewer, RealVNC etc. Free Hosting

This facilitates the sharing of screenshots or video between client and office. Sometimes also references (not actual requirement) are mentioned via these. TopOfStack Software uses, etc.

7.4 Analysis of the Quality of Communication

TopOfStack Software uses most of the most advanced techniques in communication. As the number of ways for communication here are large enough, so the other one way recovers shortcomings of one. The informal communication is also very deep and fruitful here. However the company has also few limitations too. • While using IMs, only singe manager (at a time) get the client requirements and very often this leads to information drops. • Email is not also fully reliable means as TopOfStack Software has faced several times “email undelivered” (lost on the server) issues. • It has a poor structure of management considering absence of the documentation/memo of current projects and/or communication regarding those. • TopOfStack Software still does not have a functioning website which can be a real asset in today’s business world. This is the most crucial lacking the company has.


1. Amin, Md. Bani. Chair, Bani Amin & Associates. 2. Hossain, Sadi Muhammad. CEO, TopOfStack Software. 3. Hossain, Md. Mofazzal. EVP, Manager Jamuna Bank Ltd, Dhanmondi. 4. Rashiduzzaman, A.K.M. SEVP, Jamuna Bank Ltd, Head Office. 5. Asaduzzaman. SEO, Jamuna Bank Ltd, Dhanmondi. 6. Hakim, Md. Azizul. Executive, Rahimafrooz Accumulators Ltd. 7. Farazee, Mohamma Babul. Sr. Officer, IT, Rahimafrooz Accumulators Ltd. 8. Khanam, Maksuda. Specialist, Transport Network Planning Technology Division, Robi Axiata Ltd. 9. Shujan, Ehsanul Matin. Specialist, Transport Network Planning Technology Division, Robi Axiata Ltd. 10. Kayser, Abu Hena Md Imrul. Manager, Transport Network Planning Technology Division, Robi Axiata Ltd. 11. 12. 13.










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...How will this technology be received by organization members? How will it affect the definition of traditional office work? What will be its impact on individuals, work groups, and the structure of the organization? This paper presents a descriptive model and propositions concerning the potential impacts of office automation on the organization and it stresses the need, when implementing automated office systems, to take a broad perspective of their potential positive and negative effects on the organization. The need for further research examining the potential effects of office automation is emphasized. CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: J. 1 [Administrative Data Processing]--business; K.4.3 [Computers and Society]: Organizational Impacts General Terms: Experimentation, Management, Theory, Human Factors Additional Key Words and Phrases: office automation, automated office systems, impact on organizations, electronic mail Authors' Present Address: Marrgrreth H. Olson and Henry C. Lucas, Jr., Computer Applications and Information Systems Area, Graduate School of Business, 100 Trinity Place, New York, New York 10006. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct...

Words: 8078 - Pages: 33

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Five Models of Leadership

...The role of Leadership in Organizational Integrity, and five modes of Ethical Leadership Components of Ethical Leadership. Ethical leadership begins with the way leaders perceive and conceptualize the world around them. Ethical leadership, organizational ethics, and social responsibility are inseparable concepts. They are developing concepts, to be sure, but inseparable. How ethical leaders relate to and come to understand the world around them involves judgment and action. These can be developed. In sum, the leader's role is to guide the human potential of the organization's stakeholders to achieve organizational aspirations in ways that liberate rather constrain their imaginations and judgment. Ethical leadership must, then, be effective, efficient, and excellent if it is not to waste human potential. It is not enough to be ethical in one's individual actions to be an ethical leader. To be effective, efficient, and excellent, four components of ethical leadership must be understood and developed: purpose, knowledge, authority, and trust. The relationship between these four components can be visualized as interrelated components, as described in the figure opposite. Attention to any one component alone is incomplete and misleading. * Purpose-The ethical leader reasons and acts with organizational purposes firmly in mind. This provides focus and consistency. * Knowledge-The ethical leader has the knowledge to judge and act prudently. This knowledge is found...

Words: 1678 - Pages: 7

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The Case of Value Based Communication—Epistemological and Methodological Reflections from a System Theoretical Perspective

...Volume 11, No. 3, Art. 17 September 2010 The Case of Value Based Communication—Epistemological and Methodological Reflections from a System Theoretical Perspective Victoria von Groddeck Key words: Abstract: The aim of this paper is to reflect the epistemological and methodological aspects of an communication empirical research study which analyzes the phenomenon of increased value communication within theory; form business organizations from a system theoretical perspective in the tradition of Niklas LUHMANN. analysis; Drawing on the theoretical term of observation it shows how a research perspective can be functional developed which opens up the scope for an empirical analysis of communication practices. This analysis; Niklas analysis focuses on the reconstruction of these practices by first understanding how these practices Luhmann; stabilize themselves and second by contrasting different practices to educe an understanding of organization different forms of observation of the relevant phenomenon and of the functions of these forms. studies; George Thus, this approach combines system theoretical epistemology, analytical research strategies, such Spencer-Brown; as form and functional analysis, and qualitative research methods, such as narrative interviews, system theory; participant observation and document analysis. value communication Table of Contents 1. System Theory and Empirical Research: Epistemological...

Words: 9617 - Pages: 39

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Mba Syllabus

...CURRICULUM AND SYLLABUS - 2013-14 1 Code MB 13101 MB 13102 MB 13103 MB 13104 MB 13105 MB 13106 SRM University MBA - Revised Curriculum - 2013-14 Semester –I Thinking and Communication Skills (Practical) Accounting for Decision Making Philosophy for Management Economics for Managers Managerial Statistics Managerial Skills (Practical) Semester-II Financial Management Management Information System Marketing Human Resource Management Production And Operation Management Legal Aspects of Business Semester- III Summer Internship (8 weeks)(Practical) Entrepreneurship Strategic Management Business Analytics (Practical) Elective-1 Elective-2 Elective-3 Elective-4 Semester- IV Elective-5 Elective-6 Industrial Elective (Practical) Total Credit L 0 2 3 2 2 0 T 0 4 0 2 4 0 P 4 0 0 0 0 6 C 2 4 3 3 4 3 19 4 3 4 2 4 3 20 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 22 3 3 5 11 72 MB 13207 MB 13208 MB 13209 MB 13210 MB 13211 MB 13212 MB 13313 MB 13314 MB 13315 MB 13316 2 2 3 2 3 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 4 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 MB 13417 Functional Electives Marketing Finance Systems Human Resource Operations Vertical Electives Pharma Hospitality Enterprise Resource Planning Agriculture Hospital and Health Care Retailing Auto Industry Project Management Media and Communication Banking Financial Service Insurance   2 MB 13FM01 MB 13FM02 MB 13FM03 MB 13FM04 MB 13FM05 MB 13FM06 MB 13FM07 MB 13FM08 MB 13FM09 MB 13FM10 MB 13FM11 MB 13FM12 MB...

Words: 53231 - Pages: 213

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...Demonstrative Communication Stephanie Vejar BCOM/275 November 13, 2011 Professor Rod Thirion Demonstrative Communication From youth into the adult life communication develops over the years and taught. Communicating is a learned style. In certain circumstances effective communication is acquiring the facts and information of the topic in which the sender is trying to send to the receiver. Whether the communication is positive or negative expressing feelings and the thought process can be receive in different ways. Non-verbal and unwritten communications are forms of demonstrative communication. Depending on how the listener response to the massage demonstrative communication can be positive or negative because of non-verbal and unwritten communication. Demonstrative communication produces a message through sending and receiving that involves an exchange of thoughts, expressions, or information. Demonstrative communication can vary from effective or ineffective using non-verbal and unwritten messages. Knowing how demonstrative communication can transform the listening and response through the message can create the process of communicating possible. Both the oral and written styles attain perfection with the usage of non-verbal cues. The verbal sign (language)and the non-verbal cues together in the right proportion pave the way for a meaningful communication. Among the various factors determining the success of an effective communication, non-verbal cues play...

Words: 1132 - Pages: 5

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Communication Audit

...of internal communication of a reputed consulting firm that has widespread reach on domains such as media intelligence, PR, consulting and training to undergraduate students. The research process included conducting in depth interviews with two of the department heads and also with a reporting subordinate. Other sources include organizational statements posted online and the behavioural aspects of employees as monitored before and during the interview process. The research draws attention to key findings that the organisation fosters open communication and there is a strong commitment from top management towards employees. The communication channels applied most frequently are informal, such as word-of-mouth and telephone coupled with a company intranet or emails which the employees can access. The dialogic communication has paved way for strong interpersonal relationships between the employees. While the firm’s operations are currently goal oriented, as the firm plans to enlarge its scale, operations will lean towards being process oriented. In such situations it will be difficult to sustain an informal communication structure and there will be a realization for a more formal communication structure. The report evaluates this range and concludes that even though the current communication practices in the organization are satisfactory, there is always a scope for improvement as there as in scenarios of expansion. The organization should strategize communication culture to maintain...

Words: 4023 - Pages: 17

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Business Economics

...the communication process and how it affects the organization to achieve its goals. Communication in organizations encompasses all the means, both formal and informal, by which information is passed up, down, and across the network of managers and employees in a business. These various modes of communication may be used to disseminate official information between employees and management. Communications can be effective and non-effective which lead the organization to accomplish the tasks. This project presents the classic communication models that are taught in introducing students to interpersonal communication and mass communication, including Shannon's information theory model (the active model), a cybernetic model that includes feedback (the interactive model, an intermediary model (sometimes referred to as a gatekeeper model of the two-step flow), and the transactive model. It then introduces a new ecological model of communication that, it is hoped, more closely maps to the the range of materials we teach and research in the field of communication today. This model attempts to capture the fundamental interaction of language, medium, and message that enables communication, the socially constructed aspects of each element, and the relationship of creators and consumers of messages both to these elements and each other. There are several other models of communication like Intermediary Model, Interactive Model, Transactional Model and the new Model of communication is Ecological...

Words: 479 - Pages: 2

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Hrm 531 Week 6 Learning Team Assignment

...For this task, Traci has asked you to develop some recruitment and selection strategy recommendations for your client. It is important for you to understand the relationship between the business strategy and the recruitment and selection strategies. Having appropriate alignment and clear goals helps to ensure that a business is recruiting and selecting the right candidates. It is also important that you examine the importance of a diverse and inclusive workforce in today's global economy. This includes diversity in the recruitment and selection strategies. Resources Required Week Six e-mail from Traci and Week Six client communications Includes organizational goals Includes a workforce plan that ensures proper staffing for the next 5 years in alignment with organizational goals and objectives Includes workforce diversity objectives Includes organizational branding Includes methods for screening candidatesInterview methods Testing procedures Interview process considerations Includes methods for...

Words: 753 - Pages: 4