...Week Five Assignment Corporate Culture Paper PSY 428 August 28, 2006 Corporate Culture Paper Organizational culture refers to an organization's values, beliefs, and behaviors. In general, it is concerned with beliefs and values on the basis of which people interpret experiences and behave, individually and in groups. Cultural statements become operationalized when executives articulate and publish the values of their firm, which provide patterns for how employees should behave. Firms with strong cultures achieve higher results because employees sustain focus both on what to do and how to do it. Organizational culture is reflected in the use of symbols, artifacts, rites and rituals, language communication, stories and legends. According to Jex, Symbols and artifacts are objects or aspects of the organizational environment that convey some greater meaning. In most organizations, symbols provide us with information on the nature of the culture. An example of a symbol would be an employee obtaining the largest or “Corner office” and example of an artifact would be the Business suit or corporate attire, however, the suit and tie seems to be giving way to a more casual look in many organizations. Another example of how organizational culture manifests itself is in rites and rituals. According to Jex, Rites as described as “relatively elaborate, dramatic, planned sets of activities that consolidate various forms of cultural expressions into one event...
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...Second Draft Week Seven – February 22-27, 2015 Leadership Topic – Organizational Communications, Communications Styles Key Teaching Points * Effective Organizational communication, (modes, barriers) * Communication styles Assessment – Discuss their personal strengths and styles. Styles of those they work with. * Explore the “How to’s” of giving direction and feedback. * Explore the Emotional intelligence assessment * Discuss the role of Emotional Intelligence in your daily work as a nurse. Discussion of Readings, Video Blog, and Communication Self Tests Video Blog – Daniel Goleman Introduces Emotional Intelligence * Four Domains * Self Awareness, Self Management, Empathy, Skilled Relationship * Women vs. Men * Cultural Differences Emotional Intelligence Quiz – compliments above video. Communications Style Inventory and Assessment * Discuss the four styles – review the provided document, pg. 5 * Controller/Director * Promoter/Socializer * Supporter/Relater * Analyzer/Thinker * Do certain roles attract specific styles? (ex. Charge nurse, nurse manager etc) * Discuss the strengths of each style. * Discuss the communication barriers or trends between individuals with various styles. Marquis & Huston Chapters 19 – pages 421-438, skim 439-445. * Organizational communication – complicated * Internal Climate vs. External Climate ...
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...compared to other institutions or organizations like, companies, charitable organizations and even other government bodies among others. Every organization may have a culture, what varies is what type of culture the organization in question has (Davidson & Goldberg 2009). The culture may either be good or bad depending also on the organizational objectives and aim. The educational institution in context can be described to be having more of a good culture to happy staffs or employees. The culture depicted by the organization enables it to achieve its mission and visions. Its culture goes along with a number of criteria which it has adopted in order to achieve its aim. These criteria includes, being strategically relevant as the first point. It also is very strong so as to give the employees and the employers the culture to have the morale that is going to spearhead better performance. Other than the already mentioned, the organization in question in respect to its culture also has got an intrinsic ability that enables to adapt to the various changing circumstances. It should be considered that culture in itself impacts most of the organizational life even if we go out to other organizations like the examples that were mentioned in the first paragraphs. The subject organization has got a culture that has a close eye or a close watch when it comes to decision making process. It is very keen on who makes the decision and who the decision is made to, so as to ensure that it does...
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...The Impact of Communication in the Workplace Every organization or businesses depends on communication which leads to an effective and successful growth of business. The objective of communication must be forethought in terms of ultimate result. When one expects a receiver to act after communication, it is the question that a communicator should post for himself before he starts the communication. This becomes an objective of a two way communication. If one has understood the objective of the message and the receiver’s likely perception about it, the message will thus have clarity about the communication. For example, if one is sending a fax or an email, one has to be brief. It is observed that many things at organization are taken for granted but in a commercial world this must be spelt out since people are not supposed to while away time in pursuing it. Thus communication plays an important role in any sector. Many organization face issues in regards to the communication in the workplace. In fact, it is observed that the mode of communication should be such that not only we should come to know that it has been received but also read and acted upon-the aim of any communication. In man to man contact, communication is made more effective through body gesture’s and eye contact. If one has eye to eye contact, it felicitates to know how one is reacting to a message, thus the communication mode can impact its cost and effectiveness and has to be chosen with great care. In reference...
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...Running Head: DECISION MAKING STYLES AND CROSS CULTURE Decision Making Styles and Cross Cultural Misunderstanding Name: University: Course: Tutor: Date: Abstract In an organizational setting, the employees might be of different cultures and therefore have different values. This is likely to bring about a clash in the operations in an organization. Managers normally have difficulties in making decisions based on the fact that those decisions mar rub a certain culture the wrong way. This Essay looks at the ways in which cultural differences could impact decision making in an organizational setting. It also determines whether there are any ways in which this cultural difference can be exploited for the benefit of the organization. These cultural differences do affect the company’s decision making process and therefore slows down business activities that depend on decision making in order to run. This is a great challenge in a business environment and might bring the performance of a business to a halt. This essay therefore looks into ways in which this challenge can be minimized. The distinct cultural differences between employees of an organization play out in the day to day running of the organization. These cultural differences may be in the form of dressing, values upheld, punctuality, overtime working, teamwork, etc. For example, we look at the Russian managers and the Chinese managers. Chinese managers are...
Words: 1937 - Pages: 8
...how expatriates contribute to the transnational firm’s strategic objectives of global efficiency, national (‘local’) responsiveness, and worldwide learning. We focus on their knowledge applications and experiential learning, two assignment-based outcomes of potential strategic value to the firm. We assess how these outcomes are impacted by the expatriate’s everyday knowledge access and communication activities, measured by their frequency and geographic extent. Within our case organization, a prototype transnational firm, we find that the expatriates’ knowledge applications result from their frequent knowledge access and communication with the corporate headquarters and other global units of the firm. In contrast, their experiential learning derives from a frequent access to host country (local) knowledge that is subsequently adapted to the global corporate context. From a practical perspective we view the knowledge gained through experiential learning as an invaluable resource for both present and future corporate assignments. 1 In their analysis of global business strategy and organizational design, Bartlett and Ghoshal (1988, 1989)...
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...entails continual communication and supervision. In this article, has been reviewed the evolution of conflict management and have been studied sources of conflict, styles of conflict management, conflict management methodologies and major features of the conflict management module and in the end has been presented conflict reduction strategies. Key worlds: conflict management, sources of conflict, styles of conflict management, conflict management methodologies Introduction: The term conflict refers to perceived incompatibilities resulting typically from some form of interference or opposition. Conflict management, then, is the employment of strategies to correct these perceived differences in a positive manner. For many decades, managers had been taught to view conflict as a negative force. However, conflict may actually be either functional or dysfunctional. Whereas dysfunctional conflict is destructive and leads to decreased productivity, functional conflict may actually encourage greater work effort and help task performance. Borisoff and Victor point out, "We have come to recognize and to acknowledge the benefits dealing with conflict affords. Because of our differences, we communicate, we are challenged, and we are driven to find creative solutions to problems [1]." The Evolution of Conflict Management: The early approach to conflict management was based on the assumption that all conflict was bad and would always be counterproductive to organizational goals. Conflict...
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...How will this technology be received by organization members? How will it affect the definition of traditional office work? What will be its impact on individuals, work groups, and the structure of the organization? This paper presents a descriptive model and propositions concerning the potential impacts of office automation on the organization and it stresses the need, when implementing automated office systems, to take a broad perspective of their potential positive and negative effects on the organization. The need for further research examining the potential effects of office automation is emphasized. CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: J. 1 [Administrative Data Processing]--business; K.4.3 [Computers and Society]: Organizational Impacts General Terms: Experimentation, Management, Theory, Human Factors Additional Key Words and Phrases: office automation, automated office systems, impact on organizations, electronic mail Authors' Present Address: Marrgrreth H. Olson and Henry C. Lucas, Jr., Computer Applications and Information Systems Area, Graduate School of Business, 100 Trinity Place, New York, New York 10006. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct...
Words: 8078 - Pages: 33
...The role of Leadership in Organizational Integrity, and five modes of Ethical Leadership Components of Ethical Leadership. Ethical leadership begins with the way leaders perceive and conceptualize the world around them. Ethical leadership, organizational ethics, and social responsibility are inseparable concepts. They are developing concepts, to be sure, but inseparable. How ethical leaders relate to and come to understand the world around them involves judgment and action. These can be developed. In sum, the leader's role is to guide the human potential of the organization's stakeholders to achieve organizational aspirations in ways that liberate rather constrain their imaginations and judgment. Ethical leadership must, then, be effective, efficient, and excellent if it is not to waste human potential. It is not enough to be ethical in one's individual actions to be an ethical leader. To be effective, efficient, and excellent, four components of ethical leadership must be understood and developed: purpose, knowledge, authority, and trust. The relationship between these four components can be visualized as interrelated components, as described in the figure opposite. Attention to any one component alone is incomplete and misleading. * Purpose-The ethical leader reasons and acts with organizational purposes firmly in mind. This provides focus and consistency. * Knowledge-The ethical leader has the knowledge to judge and act prudently. This knowledge is found...
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...Volume 11, No. 3, Art. 17 September 2010 The Case of Value Based Communication—Epistemological and Methodological Reflections from a System Theoretical Perspective Victoria von Groddeck Key words: Abstract: The aim of this paper is to reflect the epistemological and methodological aspects of an communication empirical research study which analyzes the phenomenon of increased value communication within theory; form business organizations from a system theoretical perspective in the tradition of Niklas LUHMANN. analysis; Drawing on the theoretical term of observation it shows how a research perspective can be functional developed which opens up the scope for an empirical analysis of communication practices. This analysis; Niklas analysis focuses on the reconstruction of these practices by first understanding how these practices Luhmann; stabilize themselves and second by contrasting different practices to educe an understanding of organization different forms of observation of the relevant phenomenon and of the functions of these forms. studies; George Thus, this approach combines system theoretical epistemology, analytical research strategies, such Spencer-Brown; as form and functional analysis, and qualitative research methods, such as narrative interviews, system theory; participant observation and document analysis. value communication Table of Contents 1. System Theory and Empirical Research: Epistemological...
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...CURRICULUM AND SYLLABUS - 2013-14 1 Code MB 13101 MB 13102 MB 13103 MB 13104 MB 13105 MB 13106 SRM University MBA - Revised Curriculum - 2013-14 Semester –I Thinking and Communication Skills (Practical) Accounting for Decision Making Philosophy for Management Economics for Managers Managerial Statistics Managerial Skills (Practical) Semester-II Financial Management Management Information System Marketing Human Resource Management Production And Operation Management Legal Aspects of Business Semester- III Summer Internship (8 weeks)(Practical) Entrepreneurship Strategic Management Business Analytics (Practical) Elective-1 Elective-2 Elective-3 Elective-4 Semester- IV Elective-5 Elective-6 Industrial Elective (Practical) Total Credit L 0 2 3 2 2 0 T 0 4 0 2 4 0 P 4 0 0 0 0 6 C 2 4 3 3 4 3 19 4 3 4 2 4 3 20 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 22 3 3 5 11 72 MB 13207 MB 13208 MB 13209 MB 13210 MB 13211 MB 13212 MB 13313 MB 13314 MB 13315 MB 13316 2 2 3 2 3 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 4 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 MB 13417 Functional Electives Marketing Finance Systems Human Resource Operations Vertical Electives Pharma Hospitality Enterprise Resource Planning Agriculture Hospital and Health Care Retailing Auto Industry Project Management Media and Communication Banking Financial Service Insurance 2 MB 13FM01 MB 13FM02 MB 13FM03 MB 13FM04 MB 13FM05 MB 13FM06 MB 13FM07 MB 13FM08 MB 13FM09 MB 13FM10 MB 13FM11 MB 13FM12 MB...
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...Demonstrative Communication Stephanie Vejar BCOM/275 November 13, 2011 Professor Rod Thirion Demonstrative Communication From youth into the adult life communication develops over the years and taught. Communicating is a learned style. In certain circumstances effective communication is acquiring the facts and information of the topic in which the sender is trying to send to the receiver. Whether the communication is positive or negative expressing feelings and the thought process can be receive in different ways. Non-verbal and unwritten communications are forms of demonstrative communication. Depending on how the listener response to the massage demonstrative communication can be positive or negative because of non-verbal and unwritten communication. Demonstrative communication produces a message through sending and receiving that involves an exchange of thoughts, expressions, or information. Demonstrative communication can vary from effective or ineffective using non-verbal and unwritten messages. Knowing how demonstrative communication can transform the listening and response through the message can create the process of communicating possible. Both the oral and written styles attain perfection with the usage of non-verbal cues. The verbal sign (language)and the non-verbal cues together in the right proportion pave the way for a meaningful communication. Among the various factors determining the success of an effective communication, non-verbal cues play...
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...of internal communication of a reputed consulting firm that has widespread reach on domains such as media intelligence, PR, consulting and training to undergraduate students. The research process included conducting in depth interviews with two of the department heads and also with a reporting subordinate. Other sources include organizational statements posted online and the behavioural aspects of employees as monitored before and during the interview process. The research draws attention to key findings that the organisation fosters open communication and there is a strong commitment from top management towards employees. The communication channels applied most frequently are informal, such as word-of-mouth and telephone coupled with a company intranet or emails which the employees can access. The dialogic communication has paved way for strong interpersonal relationships between the employees. While the firm’s operations are currently goal oriented, as the firm plans to enlarge its scale, operations will lean towards being process oriented. In such situations it will be difficult to sustain an informal communication structure and there will be a realization for a more formal communication structure. The report evaluates this range and concludes that even though the current communication practices in the organization are satisfactory, there is always a scope for improvement as there as in scenarios of expansion. The organization should strategize communication culture to maintain...
Words: 4023 - Pages: 17
...the communication process and how it affects the organization to achieve its goals. Communication in organizations encompasses all the means, both formal and informal, by which information is passed up, down, and across the network of managers and employees in a business. These various modes of communication may be used to disseminate official information between employees and management. Communications can be effective and non-effective which lead the organization to accomplish the tasks. This project presents the classic communication models that are taught in introducing students to interpersonal communication and mass communication, including Shannon's information theory model (the active model), a cybernetic model that includes feedback (the interactive model, an intermediary model (sometimes referred to as a gatekeeper model of the two-step flow), and the transactive model. It then introduces a new ecological model of communication that, it is hoped, more closely maps to the the range of materials we teach and research in the field of communication today. This model attempts to capture the fundamental interaction of language, medium, and message that enables communication, the socially constructed aspects of each element, and the relationship of creators and consumers of messages both to these elements and each other. There are several other models of communication like Intermediary Model, Interactive Model, Transactional Model and the new Model of communication is Ecological...
Words: 479 - Pages: 2
...For this task, Traci has asked you to develop some recruitment and selection strategy recommendations for your client. It is important for you to understand the relationship between the business strategy and the recruitment and selection strategies. Having appropriate alignment and clear goals helps to ensure that a business is recruiting and selecting the right candidates. It is also important that you examine the importance of a diverse and inclusive workforce in today's global economy. This includes diversity in the recruitment and selection strategies. Resources Required Week Six e-mail from Traci and Week Six client communications Includes organizational goals Includes a workforce plan that ensures proper staffing for the next 5 years in alignment with organizational goals and objectives Includes workforce diversity objectives Includes organizational branding Includes methods for screening candidatesInterview methods Testing procedures Interview process considerations Includes methods for...
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