...Marissa Mayer was right on asking Yahoo employees who currently telecommute to start to come in to the office regularly. I support her decision because people should understand that it is called a job for a reason and it has to be taken serious and without distractions. Before technology was this advanced, people did not have the option to work from home and now people are becoming lazier and lazier and want to do everything from their home. It is right to have employees at the office to be able to supervise them every now and then and make sure they are giving it their all. She’s doing it to benefit the company. I do think that the CEO’s gender had to do with how the message was received. When people see a woman they think feelings, drama, gossip. They feel all women care to talk about is about theirs and other people’s personal lives and feelings. Although some women do, there’s others that are professional about their jobs and do not let their feelings and personal lives become a topic in their conversations at work. People need to listen and analyze her reasons for doing what she did and when they understand them then they can finally share their opinions about it. They should not react the way they do only because she is a woman. Maybe she feels that if people come to the office regularly then they will work more effectively rather than working at home surrounded with a lot of...
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...The designers should have a bachelor degree holder with art, also have a strong fashion sense and rich experiences (at least 5 years) in art or fashion and they should at least have a diploma or more. They also required in fashion touch sensitive, a unique design concept, understanding of new product development at home and abroad, a better grasp the product style, skilled use in related software, familiar with women fashion process indeed. Moreover, The recruiter should seeks the people who are rich experiences in art and trendy to the designers because they are emphasized the creation and inspiration. We are also welcomed fresh graduates as well. Furthermore, we encourage students to learn more though internship, so we provided Internship...
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...this for two year; therefore she was nominated to select the new face for the data processing. Maria develops a plan for these trainees into a two years system analysis, which is aptitude skills test. The aptitude skills test is a questionnaire that exam to determine individual’s propensity to succeed in a given activity. Also, The aptitude skills test consistent of job-related skills and motivation questions. The aptitude skills test selected fourteen candidates, six were women and eight were men. However, Maria had to narrow the candidates by conducting an in-depth interview. Maria conversed with the fourteen candidates by collecting specific information, which left her with one woman and two men....
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...Public Policy and Management; University of Maryland; Carnegie Mellon 1,143 words 1 October 2003 Harvard Business Review 14 0017-8012 English Copyright (c) 2003 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. All rights reserved. Men and women are still treated unequally in the workplace. Women continue to earn less, on average, for the same performance, and they remain underrepresented in top jobs. Research has shown that both conscious and subconscious biases contribute to this problem. But we’ve discovered another, subtler source of inequality: Women often don’t get what they want and deserve because they don’t ask for it. In three separate studies, we found that men are more likely than women to negotiate for what they want. This can be costly for companies—and it requires management intervention. The first study found that the starting salaries of male MBAs who had recently graduated from Carnegie Mellon were 7.6%, or almost $4,000, higher on average than those of female MBAs from the same program. That’s because most of the women had simply accepted the employer’s initial salary offer; in fact, only 7% had attempted to negotiate. But 57% of their male counterparts—or eight times as many men as women—had asked for more. Another study tested this gender difference in the lab. Subjects were told that they would be observed playing a word game and that they would be paid between $3 and $10 for playing. After each subject completed the task, an experimenter...
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...and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies”. As one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies, Merck & Co, our mission is providing innovative, distinctive products and services that save and improve lives and satisfy customer needs, to be recognized as a great place to work, and to provide investors with a superior rate of return (Merck). Merck & Co is a participant in Global Compact. We established Global Compliance Organization in 2009 to be compliance with the ten Global Compact principles. And we hope that our submission can encourage more companies to fulfill their social responsibility to improve the whole global community through learning from our strengths and weakness or mistakes. In this way, we also can supervise ourselves to realize our slogan that everyone could be well. Recommendation:1 Protect human rights by applying diversity to workforce. Implementation: Merck is a good model to be devoted itself to owning more diverse, inclusive workforce and organizations. Our diversity policy can be interpreted...
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...UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX MGT311 ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT WK 3 EMPLOYEE PORTFOLIO: MOTIVATION PLAN SUBMITTED BY: Becky Grazier DATE: November 24, 2014 Employee Portfolio: Motivation Action Plan STEP 1: WORKSHEET Using the remainder of our text, determine the motivational strategy or strategies that would likely be most appropriate for each of your three employees, based on their individual characteristics. Indicate how you would use their employee evaluations to motivate each of the three employees. Describe one or more of the motivational theories and explain how the theories connect to each of your selected motivational strategies (give page # citation from our text). Evaluation 1 NAME: Teal Ferry Item | Description | Summary of Assessments | Teal is one of the employees that is always worried about what everyone else is getting and not wanting anyone to get a head of her in pay or prestige. Teal tends to feel that in the corporate world men are more apt to get the raises and the promotions before women. | Motivational Strategy & Action Plan | Teal will become part of the team that will help determine the allocation of raises and promotions. She will be part of a team and be able to give her reasoning why a person should or should not be given a raise or a promotion. With Teal becoming part of this team she will understand the reasons why they are done. | Relevant Theory | Equity Theory “A theory that says that behavior is a function of its consequences”...
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...Despite of what one personal life entails life is demanding and everyone needs to know or learn how to balance one’s work, family and, personal life. There will always be pressure in the workplace regardless of one’s status, single or a family the job will somehow, slip into one’s personal life or one’s personal life will slip into work, it inevitable. The key is balancing both equally important lives. In the year 2000 it was reported that 77 percent of women were part of the workforce. It’s fair to say that mothers are a part and continue to be a part of this workforce. The jobs today are not limited to secretarial work in an office or the usual nine to five positions. These are positions that in high demand such as project managers, financial analyst, managers and more (Porter, 2006). Today’s employers demand more time, availability, flexibility to fulfill a full-time position. This can be a struggle for some employees with families, which may include infants, toddlers, teens, daycare, after-school activities, preparation for events and conferences. Some of these may include the occasional call from the school nurse, asking one to pick up a child because to illness or minor injury. Corporations are becoming more family oriented to bring in employees who are educated, knowledgeable and hardworking. However, there are companies which are not as understanding and only want employees that can dedicate their time to the business. A person in this situation can feel the pressures...
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...know that in their early successful years, the dedication and commitment of the employees seemed to drive the organizations success. To help Listo Systems both measure and steer their motivational direction, we as a group have come up with the following theories and studies that could be applied to their organization. The Motivation-Hygiene Theory or Herzberg’s Theory When it comes to employee motivation, Frederick Herzberg is one of the most well known writers out there. He is famous for his two-factor theory, otherwise known as the motivation-hygiene theory. Herzberg recognized that there is one set of factors that leads to employee satisfaction at work and another that leads to dissatisfaction. Hygiene factors and dissatisfaction at work is a set of factors that mainly refer to working conditions. The key point about hygiene factors is that in their absence, particularly when they are suddenly removed, that causes dissatisfaction at work. Unlike hygiene factors that are there regardless of how hard employees work, motivation factors and satisfaction are only obtained by employees by the way they work. These factors motivate employees to work harder because their efforts have a direct connection to an outcome they feel is worth striving for. To apply Herzberg’s theory, you need to adopt a two stage process to motivate people. First, strive to eliminate the dissatisfactions employees are experiencing and, secondly, assist them in finding satisfaction. To eliminate...
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...21. How can organizational manage diversity effectively? Explain and pleas provide recommendations. Whereas diversity provides several benefits to an organization, it is necessary for managers and employees to comprehend how to supervise diversity for the organizational advantage. Organizations and managers need to intentionally take initiatives to support diverse groups that will directly improve knowledge and decision-making. This requires managers to comprehend their own backgrounds and behaviors and understand how it affects decision-making. A manager needs to be in a situation to manage diversity by building a diverse culture through teaching, communication and divergence strategies. A significant way to guarantee diversity, inclusion...
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...stop at college or university graduation. Canadians continue to learn in the work environment. When someone starts a new job, there is a lot of learning that takes place in order for an employee to perform the duties associated with their job. Depending on the role, the learning can take years. New computer software programs are constantly being introduced or changed so employees are challenged to keep up with new programs which ultimately change the way employees perform their roles. In for profit organizations the focus is on profit so if fewer employees can do more with training, then employers are willing to invest in education because education is less expensive than hiring more employees. Incentives may be provided to employees to encourage increased productivity. Many people I’ve spoken with have mentioned how busy they are at work and it is not uncommon for them to be working longer hours to keep up. Some people in the workforce today may not have attended college or university and are encouraged to obtain university education. Some universities, like Athabasca University, enable employees to obtain degrees while maintaining full time employment. Working full time, raising a family and taking courses through distance learning is not an ideal situation because it is a lot of work, but it...
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...Chapter 12: Managing Diversity in the Workplace The Chancellor's Committee on Diversity defines Diversity as: "The variety of experiences and perspective which arise from differences in race, culture, religion, mental or physical abilities, heritage,age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and other characteristics." So why is it when many people think of diversity, they think first of ethnicity and race, and then gender? Diversity is much broader. Diversity is otherness or those human qualities that are different from our own and outside the groups to which we belong, yet present in other individuals and groups. It's important to understand how these dimensions affect performance, motivation, success, and interactions with others. Institutional structures and practices that have presented barriers to some dimensions of diversity should be examined, challenged, and removed. A good starting-point for thinking about diversity is to become familiar with UC’s systemwide Non-Discrimination Statement: “It is the policy of the University not to engage in discrimination against or harassment of any person employed or seeking employment with the University of California on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or status as a covered veteran. This policy applies to all employment...
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...Chapter 1: Management Today Take Away 1: What are the challenges of working in the new economy? * Globalization means we can work from anywhere but competing with from from everywhere (pg 4) * Long-term employment can’t be expected in today’s workplace- jobs have to be continually earned and re-earned through performance and accomplishments (4) * High performance companies are better than their competitors at getting extraordinary results from their employees (4) * Intellectual Capital= competency x commitment (4) * Intellectual capital: combined brainpower and shared knowledge of an organization’s employee * Competency: personal talents or job-related capabilities * Commitment: how hard you work to apply your talents and capabilities to important task * Knowledge workers are dominating workplace; someone whose mind is a critical assets to employers (5) * Whole mind competencies will soon dominate the workplace * People who are creative and good with ideas (high concept) and also joyful and good with relationships (high touch) * Technology continuously tests or talents and infiltrates every aspect of our lives (5) * Tech IQ: the ability to use current technologies at work and in your personal life (6) * It is important to keep oneself updated with technology as it continues to evolve * TECH IQ is the baseline foundation for succeeding in a fast-chaining world of technological innovation ...
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...Occasionally, New Hampshire courts have difficulty deciphering how to treat confidentiality agreements. The questions that may be raised have to do with the manner in which Ms. Lawson was able to misappropriate the Ever-Gold process and to also determine why she was exempt from the non-compete covenant since she was privy to a large amount of information that executive level employees also have access to. The defense may be raised that Greene’s Jewelry should have taken steps to safeguard the information if they did not want the information to be revealed to another competitor. Also, since Ms. Lawson had access to similar information as executives, why then was she not required to sign the same non-compete agreement. The courts will confirm that the Ever-Gold process is a trade secret and that Howell’s...
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...Talking Turkey Brandon and Gabriella are both undergraduate students. Their parents take care of the majority costs of college, and two kids work with part-time jobs to pay incidentals. Brandon works “the traditional American way”, but Gabriella “Shakes her booty”. The issue is that each judge others’ work and they think the other is being exploited. Brandon works at Baxter Company, which is a manufacturing firm. The company monitors and tracks time, communication is also monitored. He gets better than minimum wage. On the other hand, Gabriella works as a Strip-O-Gram. She works fewer hours than Brandon but works as her convenience and gets well paid. Two kinds argue about three themes of their company that are sources of power in an organization, feminism, and exploitation. The first theme is power in the organization. According to Miller, there are three important elements of the organizational power, which are control, identification, and discipline (108). Brandon works with old theory bureaucratic control, the characters of it are standardized rules, runs systematically, and chain of command. Gabriella works in the company that is new theory concertive control. There are three characters in the concertive control. Firstly, control shifts form management to workers. In Gabriella’s situation, she has convenience for her working hours. She creates rules and norms for her dresses and working environments. The second character is identification which means perception of...
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...and studying cultural diversity brings about a better understanding. The more we understand other cultures and religions, the more tolerant we become. Throughout history in law enforcement all policemen were white, and especially no police women. Before the 1960s police departments were guilty of employment discrimination by not hiring minorities and women. Police departments also required applicants to be a certain height to keep minorities from applying and didn’t hire nonwhites (cliffnotes.com, 2011). One of the first African Americans to be hired in the United States as police officer was in Jackson Tennessee in 1960. When James Cherry was hired as a police he was sure he would not be welcomed by the white community, but instead he was rejected by the black community. Although James Cherry was a police officer he still had to follow the segregation rules (Morris, 2003). The first woman police officer was discovered to be in Chicago. According to Feminist Majority Foundation women were often hired to protect and supervise other women and juveniles. In 1893 Mary Owens was the first woman to be hired by the Chicago Police Department as a police officer. After World War II, the hiring of women as police officers doubled. In the 1960s women were allowed to expand their abilities having proved themselves to be equal to the men to go out on patrol (womenandpolicing.org, 2009). Because of the hiring issues of race and gender by police departments, the hiring process began to change...
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