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How to Box


Submitted By kacork
Words 626
Pages 3
How to Box

General Purpose: To demonstrate
Specific Purpose: To demonstrate to my listeners how to wrap their hands for boxing and some simple moves. Central Idea: Boxing is a great way to exercise and let out some pent up energy.

INTRODUCTION I. Attention Material

A. Boxing is a sport. 1. Boxing can be dangerous. 2. Boxing can be really fun.

II. Orienting Material

A. Boxing has been around since the 40th century BC and it has evolved greatly. B. In the 40th century boxing fighters were usually offenders and slaves who fought for their freedom. C. Boxing today is either an amateur fight or a professional fight. Amateur fights are three rounds whereas professional fights are four to fifteen rounds and all fights are scored by judges and refs. Last fighter to stay standing wins. D. My information comes from my experience, boxing websites, and the Olympics website.
(Transition: Begin wrapping my hands and talks about the history of the wraps.)
I. Hand wraps for boxing help to prevent broken knuckles and wrists. A. Back in the 40th century boxers would braid their fists and forearms with soft leather straps. B. Later on the straps were made out of harder leather that would be armored with special copper and iron brackets.

II. How boxing evolved. A. Throughout time boxing became known as the workingman’s sport because of the prizes boxers could win. So everyday men would put their fist to the test to try to win a little extra cash or sometimes even food. B. Before the 1850s boxing was played in street allies at night. It was called street fighting that’s how that term got its name but back then it was also called bareknuckle fighting. In which boxers boxed without and protection. Bareknuckle fighting wasn’t around long before the rules changed again.
(Transition: Before you begin boxing…)

III. Before you begin boxing you’ll want to warm up. Warming up for me consists of stretching, running in place, and jump roping. A. When warming up I’ve always done it like seven minutes of running in place then one minute of jump rope, six minutes of running in place and two minutes of jump rope and continuing down and up like that till you’re back to where you started with seven minutes of running and 1 minute of jump rope just backwards. B. Another thing before you begin you’ll want to figure out your stance. There are two stances orthodox stance and the southpaw stance. (Show each stance)
(Transition: Time to show some moves) IV. Time to begin boxing A. There are three simple moves. 1. The first move it the 1 (JAB) 2. The second move is the 2 (CROSS) 3. The third move is the 3 (HOOK) 4. You can put these moves together to create combos like 1, 2; 1, 2, 3; or the 1, 3, 2.
(Transition: All in all…)


A. Boxing has been around for a long time. It’s evolved through the years becoming something great. B. Not only do you get to punch a bag over and over it’s a great workout as well.

II. Clincher A. It is a dangerous sport, but with proper training and practice anyone can become great.


"History of Boxing." Fight Club America. Web. 20 Oct. 2015. <>.

"Rules of Boxing." - BoxRec. Web. 20 Oct. 2015. <>.

"The History of Boxing." The History of Boxing. Web. 20 Oct. 2015. <>.

"Boxing Equipment, History and Rules |" Equipment and History. Web. 20 Oct. 2015. <>.

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