Free Essay

How to Move


Submitted By hollyrada
Words 286
Pages 2
James Green
English 104
I will be making many changes on my rhetorical analysis essay. The first change that I will be making is the title I’m changing it from the original title of the article The Call for Moratorium Executions to Executions Mistakes. I feel that the new title really represents the article because, of what the objective of the article was and that was to help share the information on how many mistakes are made in the United States death penalty system. The next change that will be made is I will be taking out a lot of the Anthony Porter story in the second paragraph, and just leaving the main facts of the court case .I realize that there was way too much information on the court case of Anthony Porter that the reader did not necessarily need to know. The next change that will be made is I’m going to add two more paragraphs to the essay; the one paragraph that I’m adding is going to explain how the article relates to quoting authorities and narration. The article relates to quoting authorities, because the article really relies on facts of the death penalty from other sources to help strengthen the argument about the death penalty and executions. It relates to narration because of the Anthony Porter story that is told. The second paragraph that I’m adding will explain my work cited information and if I think the articles information was truthful; which I do I think the articles information was very useful in writing this essay. I’m very hopeful that with these changes made in my essay Execution Mistakes that I will be easier to read and understand.

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