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Howard Zinn Critique

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The first chapter of Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States sets the tone of the rest of the book—as any well written opening to a text of this sort should—and gives the reader a clear idea of its perspective on the history of the United States. The text simultaneously broadcasts facts and theories from historians while providing thought provoking commentary on it. This is primarily why I was so interested in this text. In particular, I found Zinn’s choice to tell the story of the United Sates through the eyes of the victims, the complete disregard for the Native Americans by the Puritans, and how life for those in the League of Iroquois seemed utopian fascinating.

First, I will touch on my interest in Zinn’s decision on how …show more content…
He knows that many times the victims “turn on other victims” (10). I feel that his awareness of the imperfections of peoples throughout history makes his summary of the United States’ history true to life. He hasn’t romanticized the victims or oppressors unlike many accounts of history have which makes this chapter of the book so interesting to …show more content…
I was not surprised by their behavior as I have been taught many times of the horrid ways in which settlers have acted towards the natives of different regions, but reading how the used the Bible to justify their actions surprised me. On page 14 it is written: “The Puritans…appealed to the Bible Psalms 2:8…And to justify their use of force to take the land, they cited Romans 13:2.” I guess I’ve just never thought that these settlers would use a system never before seen in this New World to get what they wanted. This does make sense when taking into account their devotion to God as well as the feeling of superiority the European newcomers seem to have when arriving in ‘undiscovered’ lands. God had granted the Puritans these lands “…and the uttermost parts of the earth for [their] possession” (14), who were these non-believers to question a holy grant? I honestly baffles me how they could see the Native Americans in the wrong for simply being not knowing of a belief system across the ocean. I understand that this was in a completely different time period than the one we live in today, but that fact does not make this any less interesting to

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