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Purpose Of Prison Analysis

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Prisons have always been an important integral part of the criminal justice system and the society as a whole. Although, prisons differ between countries and it changes over time. To some extent, the functions of prisons all operate in the same facilities. Not surprisingly, there are two somewhat conflicting debates when it comes to the argument of the effectiveness of prison. Some have argued that prison is a useful institution that does work to prevent reoffending. Whereas, some have argued that prison is an ineffective institution that does not work to prevent reoffending. Yet the question itself has far too many layers to be analysed in order to reach a consensus whether or not prisons are truly fulfilling their purpose. This essay will …show more content…
This includes retribution, rehabilitation, deterrence, and incapacitation. These four factors are associated with one another, that underline the understanding and philosophical perspective of the criminal justice system. Retribution is the idea of giving a punishment that involves infliction on the offender as a revenge for their criminal actions (Blakely, 2007). Rehabilitation is to reform offenders reintegrating into society, offering programs to help offenders transform their lives and prevents later crime through altering their behaviour (Hallevy, 2013). Deterrence is the purpose to dissuade an individual from evaluating crimes and preventing recidivism (Grimwood & Berman, 2012). There is two different types of deterrence, the individual deterrence, and general deterrence. Individual deterrence intends to dissuade offenders from reoffending through a consternation of punishment. Whereas, general deterrence involves deterring offenders through imposing punishments for a specific offense (Bank, 2012). Finally, incapacitation is also known as the protection of society. It is a primary utilitarian purpose designed to place offenders in custody for a period of time to protect the general public from becoming victims (Miethe & Lu, 2005). However, the four philosophies and purposes of corrections are not equally exclusive, although, they function the similar provision. As a result, they …show more content…
Historically, many carceral institutions around the world had been inspired by the Bentham’s model of the panopticon. The panopticon design can be seen in institutions like the Pentonville Prison in London, Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, and Presidio Modelo in Cuba (Natsios, 2005). The original design of the panopticon was a circular building with several levels of rooms in a continuous ring. The rooms were placed in such a way as to be observable at all times from a central tower in which the presence of an observer could not be detected (Smart, 1994). According to Foucault, the panopticon offers an ideal ‘formula of power through transparency’ and ‘subjection through illumination’ (Ploger, 2008, p.65). Foucault states that the panopticon holds disciplinary mechanisms for creating power relation through perpetual surveillance (Sheridan, 2016). The key function of the panopticon is to instill each prisoner's mind to be subjected to constant surveillance through the standards of behaviour under the supervision authorities (Heineman, 1994). In effect, this generates prisoners to discipline themselves by self-monitoring their behaviours. According to Dobson and Fisher (2007), the panopticon constructs a form of fear as it “a powerful mark on public discourse that now merely saying its name is viewed as shameless fearmongering” (p. 307).

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