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Hsc Community Application Essay Examples

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I have been a part of many communities through school and extracurricular groups, but the community that has made the most impact on me is the community of Oakcrest School, where I attended high school. Going into Oakcrest, I was a shy, quiet fifteen year-old who enjoyed her studies, didn’t talk much, and always followed the instructions of others. I have always considered myself an introvert; I don’t like crowded settings, I like completing my tasks independently, and I especially loathe public speaking and any sort of circumstance that would draw attention to me. At Oakcrest I was challenged to break out of these habits. With the support of my friends and teachers I began to branch out and try things I would never have dreamed of before. …show more content…
While I was unsuccessful, taking the step out and applying for such a leadership position was something I, as an introvert, could never have imagined myself doing before. However, because of the support of the Oakcrest community, I had gained the confidence to branch out and explore opportunities I would have never had otherwise. Oakcrest challenged my natural instinct and helped me expand beyond my comfort zone. Through Oakcrest I have done many things I never thought I would before; I was executive Student Council my senior year after campaigning for a second time, I was president of two clubs, I was captain of my softball and color guard teams, and I performed a solo color guard routine in front of the school community on four separate occasions. I have also grown in ways that have not earned me titles, including improving my every day conversation and discussion skills, leading the dance portion of our class cheer, and successfully coaching a color guard practice by myself. When I look back on my freshman year, I would never have imagined myself doing any of these things. Only through the challenging, yet supportive environment of the Oakcrest community was I able to accomplish such tasks and be a leader, and do so

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