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Human Resources in Latin America


Submitted By kcoradin
Words 4082
Pages 17
Saint Leo University: Human resource management (HRM) as related to international business
MBA 575: Global Business Management
Karen Coradin
August 17, 2014

Abstract Saint Leo University, founded in 1899, is a higher education institution located in the state of Florida. The University bases itself on its Benedictine tradition, and prides itself on a set of core values which are included in the institution’s mission statement. Although international business and trade is composed of various, vital elements, human resource management plays a major role in such transaction. Efficient HRM is essential for the success of any business both domestically and internationally. This research paper will address the institution’s human resource management (HRM) practices and policies on how these could be implemented or altered if Saint Leo University were to ever expand its services to Latin America. Furthermore, the paper will thoroughly analyze how Saint Leo University’s core value and mission statement is implemented in both domestic and international HR policies and procedures.

Human resource management (HRM) can be defined as a set of strategic policies and procedures implemented by an organization in regards to employee’s management, performance, benefits, and success. By this, organizations and businesses can implement strategic HRM policies and procedures that best fits their needs and wants. In recent years, companies have expanded their services and production to foreign countries in order to increase their revenue and expand their customer market; such venture has allowed companies to expand their portfolio.
It has been noted, recently, that most multinationals ignore human resource issues which could potentially affect employee motivation, satisfaction, performance, and empowerment which are critical components to an organization’s effectiveness (Rao

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