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Human Resources Organizational Analysis


Submitted By lovemyself
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Pages 7
HR challenges and strategy: Johnson & Johnson
Johnson & Johnson Corporation is a well-known multinational company in the world. It was founded in 1881 and launched its first product in 1885 by three brothers named; Robert Wood Johnson, James Wood Johnson and Edward Mead Johnson. Robert Wood Johnson served as the first president of the company and work to improve the work performance of the company. Now the company has lunched more than 100 brands over these years to satisfy their customer. It supports the company based programs to improve health and create awareness. Along with its partners, it provides help to mothers and infants. Moreover, the company is working to support doctors, nurses, and other social organizations who are delivering medical care to people. They are also spreading awareness and educating people about the prevention of infections.
Johnson and Johnson are of the leading pharama company. According to different survey reports Johnson and Johnson is stood at the top of the list. It provides a wide range of household names of medication, first aid medicines and specially a variety of baby care products. People blindly trust on the products of Johnson and Johnson. The baby care products are attracts the attention of mothers in all over the world. Even in developing countries mothers mostly prefer Johnson and Johnson baby products for the appropriate care of their babies. The company is also well-known for its other products as well.
Mission statement of Johnson and Johnson
It is the core and central responsibility and desire of the organization to provide the safe and most reliable products and services to our consumers, employees, medical professionals and stockholders. The continuous growth of market and increasing competitive advantage across the regions will guaranty the improving ratio of profit and it is come true because of the well-trained employees, latest innovations, technology and market research. In the perspective of local and domestic communities, it is the aim of organization to assure that all procedures will be conducted within the realm of policies to be socially responsible and for the improvement of all concerned people of the organization. Johnson and Johnson has a broader vision to stand as a most acknowledged, advanced, and socially responsible name in the field of pharmaceutical, consumer health, medical device, and prescription products in the world. By fulfilling this criterion, the organization will earn the respect and interest of the consumers with consistent growth, which will become possible due to innovation, reliability, teamwork, and the aspiration to offer worth for the investment.
Human Resource is a tool to establish corporate culture within the organization which makes the organization different from others. HR works in different areas to foster the mission statement of Johnson and Johnson. HR professionals serve in the field of staffing, developing, designing, and rewarding to achieve strategic results that links with the values and mission statement of the organization.Staffing includes recruitment, hiring, and absorbent of talent and skillful persons. The development of organization and training of staff deals with simplifying learning, understanding, and obligation to the values and development and training. HR professionals make it sure that future managers are capable enough and trained to fulfill the demands, values and mission statement of organization.
HR challenges
There are few challenges that HR professionals of Johnson and Johnson have to face. The challenges includes increase in business competition from the newly industrialized countries of Asia and China, reduction of professionals and skilled workers due to the insecurity before the handover, and increase in labor turnover because of constricted labor market that includes for enrollment and other employment costs. Moreover, HR professionals have to face tensions amongst employers and employees because of increasing expectations from workers on the issues of payment and benefits, equal opportunity and rights and better systematizes and evident union activities.
To solve these challenges, the HR strategy of training and development can be deployed. Training is a process to improve and enhance the performance of workers. Most of the time training aim to sharpen and upgrade the capabilities of employees. Whereas, the development process is initiated to develop new skills according to the future work needs. Training contributes in the betterment of current job activities while development deals with the skills which will be required in future. The training and development of employees will make the organization capable to deal with its competitors, minimize the ratio of conflicts and tension between the employers and employees and will also help in fostering the mission statement of organization.
Effective Recommendation By implementing training strategies, employees stay abreast of the competition in other businesses thus giving them a competitive advantage; these training tools often enhance the capabilities of the employee making them a more valuable asset to the business model. But it is imperative to issue training not just to regular employees but also to those interchangeable within each department, for instance training for sales representatives in the advertising department allow firms to create new trends for marketing that set them aside from competition thus creating a competitive entry barrier from external threats. In an article titled “7 tips to make your business more competitive” tips are listed to effectively manage and create internal and external threats within a business model. Interestingly enough, these directives are targeted to CIO's Chief Information Officiers; however, upon closer examination one can determine these interchangeable tips would also be effective for HR professionals on both a domestic and global scale. Tip one focues on the business needs of the organization, its role and the goals it is expected to achieve. The following excerpt reflects that this tip should be taken as a serious assesment, and discussion of where the company should spend more or less on things and how those decisions impact costs, revenues, and profits (CIO 2008). Tip five refers to upgrading the staff of the organization. HR professionals must continually consider the interchangability functions of the organization and how those things affect the business model. HR professionals must team up with entry and mid level management to determine the performance level of each department and (if necessary) develop performance improvement plans that meet and exceed the needs of the organization within a small turnaround time. Those employees found to need an assessment should be critiqued bi-weekly regarding their performance; if those anticipated goals are not met, their employment services should be separated from the company (CIO 2008) Tip seven discusses how HR professionals should embrace (not deter from) their need to be “change agents” within a firm. Successful HR professionals must lead the venue for change within firms, and while HR professionals primarily assume the role of HR functions, these professionals must realize that they are part of a greater myriad of priorities, including data collection and design, technology, and information distribution. In addition, HR professionals should establish additional tactics within the organization to effectively manage its performance. Re-iterated, HR professionals must align employee goals and strategies with the organization. This tactic addresses effective target managing of goals within the company. Second, they must establish clear performance expectations for the workforce; with things such as a clear mission statement (as illustrated by Johnson and Johnson) objectives of the company are clearly defined and addressed. Next, HR professionals should support pay for performance initiatives within a firm; statistical data shows when employees are compensated in some manner (based on performance) they tend to feel valued and appreciated within the organization and commit themselves to employment relationship long term. Then, HR professionals must implement a form of standardization in regard to employee performances and practices within the firm, this ensures consistency across the HR diagram and lessens confusion within the organization; solidifys uniformity and reduces the potential for liability. Finally, and quite possibly one of the most imperative of all functions, HR professionals should create and enable company wide workforce reporting and analysis, along with regulatory compliance and auditing tools for implementation. These tactics ensure that the HR professional not only minimizes liability but sets the pre-tone for compliatory standards within the company for both internal and external awareness. At any given time an organization can be audited; it is essential that auditing tools are in place to show learning and career development processes, seamless to user interfaces while emulating a clear capability of performance management skills. Additionally, external auditing companys may ask questions such as whether or not systems are integrated with the costs of the firm to link all business functions together. If the HR professional answers naively it may not only cost the company but his or her job.

Xavie,Flavia. 2003. Human Resources Practices in Corporate Culture Communication: A Case Study of Johnson &Johnson. Eastern Michigan University.
Kurtz, David L. (2010). Contemporary Business (13th ed.)
Beth McNeil (2002). Core competencies: a SPEC kit. lincoln: university
Nadine Pahl, Anne Richter (2009). SWOT Analysis - Idea, Methodology and A Practical Approach. germany: druck and bindung. 92.
Shetty,Netra. (2011). Human Resource Management of Johnson & Johnson. Managementparadise. Retrieved from
CIO (2008). 7 Tips to Make Your Business More Competitive. Retrieved from

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