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Human Rights In America

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Imagine yourself being independent and free within the border of America would you ever consider the importance of human rights? As an American citizen who were raised in this great country, not a single child would question if their human rights were being taken away. Mostly because America could be considered the first pioneer to develop and establish natural human rights within their country. Human rights are important because it give each person an equal access of rights, during World War II the Holocaust was an incident affected human rights by stripping it away from the victims treating them as trashes within society. After World War II, the United Nation was formed to enforced human rights as a universal right to all people. America …show more content…
In fact, America was founded for change. Rather than having rights given to the powerful, give them to the weak to defend against the powerful. However, the American found out that not all countries have the same concept of human rights as themselves. Some wanted what America developed while others wanted a total equality system where everyone is the same and there no competitions. Yet, there will always be countries who did not accept the universal human rights for religious purposes. America is the leader of the United Nation who enforces universal human rights but America itself did not accept most of these rights being ratified by other countries. For example, American did not give equal rights to all their citizens the African Americans, Women, or Poor white Americans. America did not enforce CEDAW, a convention that would treat women and men as equal for equal pay, respect, and treatment within the community. Most of these rights that American citizens earn was from series of civil rights movements or their local community enforcing them. America treat everyone differently and that also includes other

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