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Human Services Client Paper


Submitted By tberg73
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Human Services Client Paper

Tom Berg

University of Phoenix
Dr. Lowell Brubaker
March 10, 2014

The Human Services Client Paper explains some of the many problems and issues that an individual may struggle with in his or her lifetime. From their ability to seek help with their most basic needs to seek help for more complex physical and mental needs. We have learned over the years that a client's needs and problems range from short term issues to longer term issues and being able to solve the most immediate ones first will allow the professional the ability to recognize and help solve the underlying long term issues. As Maslow’s hierarchy of needs shows us the complex structure of one’s needs, it also gives us an example of how to understand the need to satisfy those needs and to help the person achieve self-actualization. The professional must possess certain skills and qualities as they are essential to a well-balanced helping process. These skills range from effective communication with the ability to walk a few feet in someone else’s shoes.
Human Services Client Paper

According to the National Organization for Human Services (, the field of Human Services is broadly defined, uniquely approaching the objective of meeting human needs through an interdisciplinary knowledge base, focusing on prevention as well as remediation of problems, and maintaining a commitment to improving the overall quality of life of service populations. The Human Service professional can be defined as persons who hold jobs in diverse settings such as, mental health centers, drug and alcohol treatment facilities and programs, correctional and rehabilitation facilities, family and youth service agencies, educational programs, employment services, services and

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