...Human Service Professionals and Clients Week 3 Assignment: Client Paper University of Phoenix BSHS/305 There are so many issues that we as a human race face in today's society and some people may fare better than others when it comes to coping and dealing with problems while others may face more tumultuous events that require them to seek the help of a professional trained in Human Services. The most common problems that human service professionals deal with include: Children and Families, Elderly, Homeless, Veterans, Immigrants, People with Addictions, Criminal Records, Disabilities and Mental Illnesses. Human service workers provide a great deal of services and they all ultimately are aimed at improving client’s lives. Although the duties may vary by the job and client, all human service professionals essentially perform many of the same tasks. They interview clients, evaluate needs, create a treatment plan and put the plan into action. HSP’s often use outside services that work specifically a clients individual needs, such as addiction, job placement, assistance/aid, housing, etc. While working closely with a client, the helper will then be able identify the any problems that are preventing self sufficiency. This process includes evaluating the client’s support system, environment and values which are taken into consideration and is tailored to each individual’s specific needs. HSP’s (Human Service Professionals) cannot force assistance on someone who doesn’t want...
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...Remembered event Growing up for me was one of the best occurrences that made my life interesting. I got to explore things that meant so much to me, that included items and equipment in the house. My parents’ support made me feel that I was doing the right thing. Like a chick which hides under its mother’s feathers, I would always run to my mother whenever I messed up things, for instance when they started crumbling down. I would also be devastated when things did not work out for me and my experiments failed. This always made me sad as I felt as if I was a failure. However, life did not stop at any instance to let me continue enjoying the toddler things. I had to undergo changes that were meant to make me better and grow into the man I am today. However I do recall some of those instances that I find interesting about my childhood. When I was eight years old, it was the best time for me to leave home and become a pupil in a junior school. This was the worst thing that ever happened in my life. I felt as if all the weight on earth was being laid on my back. I had to leave my mother at home and go spend time with other kids in school. I hated everything about school at that time and no matter how hard my parents tried to convince me that it was good for me to be at school, I still could not take it. When I was eight years old, it was the best time for me to leave home and become a pupil in a junior school. This was the worst thing that ever happened in my life....
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...Human Services Client Paper Tom Berg University of Phoenix BSHS/305 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES: AN INTRODUCTION Dr. Lowell Brubaker March 10, 2014 Abstract The Human Services Client Paper explains some of the many problems and issues that an individual may struggle with in his or her lifetime. From their ability to seek help with their most basic needs to seek help for more complex physical and mental needs. We have learned over the years that a client's needs and problems range from short term issues to longer term issues and being able to solve the most immediate ones first will allow the professional the ability to recognize and help solve the underlying long term issues. As Maslow’s hierarchy of needs shows us the complex structure of one’s needs, it also gives us an example of how to understand the need to satisfy those needs and to help the person achieve self-actualization. The professional must possess certain skills and qualities as they are essential to a well-balanced helping process. These skills range from effective communication with the ability to walk a few feet in someone else’s shoes. Human Services Client Paper According to the National Organization for Human Services (nationalhumanservices.org), the field of Human Services is broadly defined, uniquely approaching the objective of meeting human needs through an interdisciplinary knowledge base, focusing on prevention as well as remediation of problems, and maintaining...
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...Today's Client in Human Services Patricia Castillo BSHS/305 Sept 1, 2014 Kimberly Tarshis Today's Client in Human Services In this paper, I will be describing the range of problems facing human services individuals and also discussing the helping skills used with these individuals. Problems can be looked at in many different ways. Thinking about problems is one way to understand the concept of “problems in living.” The problem is described as a situation, event, or condition that is bothersome for the client. (Woodside & McClam, 2012) An important factor to consider when identifying problems and resolving them is how difficult it is to predict how an individual will experience a problem. What must be kept in mind are factors, such as, culture, values of the society and developmental needs of the individual. All of this will influence how problems are defined. The developmental perspective is one way of identifying problems with individuals. This theory looks at problems through the span of an individual’s lifetime. The development begins at the point of conception and ends at the time of death. During the time between these two points, the individual experiences systemic changes. (Woodside & McClam, 2012) Stage theories, such as those proposed by Erik Erikson contend that the development progresses through maturational determined stages. Each stage in Erikson's theory is concerned with becoming competent in the area of life. If the stage is handled well, the...
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...Problems Facing Human Services Clients Lizabeth J. Justus - Routson BSHS – 305 September 18, 2014 Dr. Robert Vado The Range of Problems Facing Human Service Clients Client problems are rarely limited to just one, single issue. One problem alone can lead to other problems and the human service helper should always keep this in mind so that specific helping skills can be implemented to serve the clients’ needs. These problems can range from housing, food, physical or mental illness, alcohol abuse, domestic abuse, Veteran’s issues and child or family issues. All of these issues are multi-faceted and can be very difficult to help with. (R. Woodside & T. McClam, 2011) Assisting with client’s problems requires gaining the trust of the client. This is important for gathering information so the helper can give the best and most effective help they can. (R. Woodside & T. McClam, 2011) to do this, a human service professional uses helping skills to assist their clients. Some of the basic skills are verbal and non-verbal communication, and listening and responding. These are the foundations to the human service professional and client relationship. Used correctly, they can help form an easy flow of helpful information and an effective helping relationship with the client. Problems The range of problems facing human service clients is multi-faceted. No one person has just one problem, and there are plenty of clients to go around...
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...e eBook Collection An Introduction to Human Services 7e Ch01 This is a Protected PDF document. Please enter your user name and password to unlock the text. User Name: Password: Unlock Remember my user name and password. If you are experiencing problems unlocking this document or you have questions regarding Protectedpdf files please contact a Technical Support representative: In the United States: 1-877-832-4867 In Canada: 1-800-859-3682 Outside the U.S. and Canada: 1-602-387-2222 Email: technicalsupport@apollogrp.edu. jalustoineen vastuuseen kuhunkin vieroitusoireet tavoittaa oppeja maakuntaan todistuksen poliisit ulos aamun auringon osiin mieluisa myontaa yritetaan tulokseen onnen pyyntoni tieta yh kaymaan talon arvossa presidentiksi raskas laskeekaikkiint kolmetuhatta tulvillaanvalmistaa melkoinenaaronille perheen suinkaan paallikot pylvasta kullakin seuraavaksi sairauden tekoja hinnalla viimeisena kallista karsimaansiitahan kysymaan edessa into telttamaja menemme haneen pitkaan hyvaksyn pohjoisessa suinkaan roomassa rankaisematta viedaan kosovossa kiittaa hartaastiosaksenne tarkoitus ruumis riisui sydamen jarjestyksessayona tuloa pyydatte rutolla viedaan mielensa asui havityksen kirottuja va kayttajat pannut ylistystaprofeetatjain akasiapuusta pystyttaa neidot tuomita luoksemme kohotti montanaille syda puutarhan vihollisiani tekijan sivelkoon henkeni yhteiset sinulta katkaisi ehdokkaat huoli paasiainen viisituhatta palvelua hinnaksi...
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...Problems Facing Human Service Clients and How They Are Helped Amanda Blue BSHS/305 February 23, 2015 Joanne Schrock Problems Facing Human Service Clients and How They Are Helped There are many problems in the world today that human service clients are faced with, and are not limited to just a few. There is no one person with one single problem which is shy it is so important that the “whole person” is helped. Some of the problems that plague clients today are innumerable, but I will attempt to elaborate on a few. Human Service workers ensure that children live in safe homes and have their basic needs met. Helping parents to take care of their children may include in assisting with applications for food stamps or low-income housing and helping them to locate appropriate childcare. Housing or the lack of housing is one of the issues facing Human Service clients today. Many people are without homes for various reasons, such as not having money to pay, which means they are jobless, or not making enough to cover their living expenses. A client that is homeless can be faced with many other issues simply because they have no place to live. Another challenge for Human Service clients is depression. Depression can come about when a client is not able to adequately live with the necessities of life and seem to have no means in which to acquire them. When a client cannot provide for him or herself, it is detrimental to their well-being and may bring on a bout of depression...
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...Problems with Human Services Clients and the Skills to Use to Help Them Marc L. Person BSHS/305 University of Phoenix November 11, 2014 Problems with Human Services Clients and the Skills to Use to Help Them Human Services clients can face obstacles/problems of all kinds. The term client can describe a person, a family, or a group of people in a particular area or neighborhood. The Human Services “Helper” will need to develop many different skills in order to service each client within such diverse echelons. The Problem Chain Clients enter the human service delivery system as individuals with many different perspectives such as psychological, biological, cultural, financial, educational, vocational, and spiritual elements. These elements include life experiences such as family, friends, health, school, work, legal status, residence, safety and security, finances, play, well-being, and personal accomplishments. These perspectives are assimilated into the individual to create the whole person that the human service professional experiences. There are a few possible theories that are used to define the problems and difficulties that individuals face. The developmental theory approaches problems from the life span perspective that describes them as events or crisis that have happened within a lifetime. The situational perspective describes problems that have happened in one instance or timeframe. Meeting basic human needs, both physical and mental, is another method...
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...Does Head Start Program increase a child’s chance of academic success? The Head Start Program is a program of the United States Department of Health and Human Services and this service supposed to provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement service for the low-income children and their families. The Head Start programs service and resources are designed to foster stable family relationship, enhance children’s physical and emotional well-being and establish an environment to develop strong cognitive skills. Head Start Program was launched in 1965 by its first director Jule Sugarman; it was originally conceived as a program that would be used as catch-up programs, for summer school that would teach low-income children in a few weeks on how to be prepared the children’s for the start for kindergarten. It was show that six weed of preschool could not make up for five years of poverty. In 1981 the Head Started program was expanded the program and December 2007 the program was revised. As of 2005 the program has more than 22 million pre-school aged children. Head Start mission was to enhancing the children social and health, wellbeing and to get the children prepared for school. Head Start program was part of President Johnson society campaign. The program started out as an eight-week summer program in 1965. The program was led by both Dr. Robert Cooke, a pediatrician at John Hopkins University and Dr. Edward Zigler, a professor of psychology...
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...of Health and Human Services [U. S. DHHS], n.d., p. 1). GCH, in response to the possibility of this type of catastrophic event, began moving to EMR in 2000. Staff training began immediately on EMR use. As an administrator of a hospital located in an area prone to hurricanes, priority is placed on preparing the staff for the possibility of a mass catastrophe. Staff is trained on privacy issues such as Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and ways to prevent the accidental disclosure of health information. Staff members are required to complete yearly education to maintain their competency in this area.essentially unreadable, indecipherable, and otherwise” reconstructed (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services [U. S. DHHS], n.d., p. 1). GCH, in response to the possibility of this type of catastrophic event, began moving to EMR in 2000. Staff training began immediately on EMR use. As an administrator of a hospital located in an area prone to hurricanes, priority is placed on preparing the staff for the possibility of a mass catastrophe. Staff is trained on privacy issues such as Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and ways to prevent the accidental disclosure of health information. Staff members are required to complete yearly education to maintain their competency in this area.essentially unreadable, indecipherable, and otherwise” reconstructed (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services [U. S. DHHS],...
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...The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is one of the many agencies that handle an array of healthcare departments as well as research. The DHHS caters to citizens of all nationalities, race, and ethnicities. The DHHS focus is to protect the health of all Americans and providing the highest level of human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves. The Public Health Service is divided into 42 subdivisions (Department of Health and Human Services, 2007). This paper will give highlights of the history of the DHHS, the source and scope of authority, how the day-to-day operations are guided and performed, and how DHHS is structured. In addition, examples are given as to the duties that are carried out within the department of the DHHS. History of the Agency The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) was established in 1953 and was referred to as the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. In 1979, the agency was recreated and renamed as the Department of Education. The DHHS agency has many components within the agency that handles and maintains day-to-day operations. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2008). Source and scope of authority According to the statement Office of Inspector General (OIG), the text reads that OIG will ensure that disseminated information meets the standards of quality set forth in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Health and Human Services (HHS) and OIG guidelines. OIG’s...
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... The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is one of the many agencies that handle an array of healthcare departments as well as research. The DHHS caters to citizens of all nationalities, race, and ethnicities. The DHHS focus is to protect the health of all Americans and providing the highest level of human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves. The Public Health Service is divided into 42 subdivisions (Department of Health and Human Services, 2007). This paper will give highlights of the history of the DHHS, the source and scope of authority, how the day-to-day operations are guided and performed, and how DHHS is structured. In addition, examples are given as to the duties that are carried out within the department of the DHHS. History of the Agency The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) was established in 1953 and was referred to as the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. In 1979, the agency was recreated and renamed as the Department of Education. The DHHS agency has many components within the agency that handles and maintains day-to-day operations. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2008). Source and scope of authority According to the statement Office of Inspector General (OIG), the text reads that OIG will ensure that disseminated information meets the standards of quality set forth in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Health and Human Services (HHS) and OIG guidelines. OIG’s...
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...BSHS/305 Client Paper There are several different problems that people face in their everyday life. Knowing this is critical to be able to understand the client and what problems the client can encounter. There are different levels of problems; some of them are small and some of them are large. The different problems affect people in different ways and this means each person deals with them in different ways. Knowing this is why there are different specific helping skills human professionals can use with clients. When a client has a problem that is letting the human service professionals know that the client is in need of help. The client can show different feelings for different types of problems. It is the professional’s job to focus on the clients problems to find a positive productive way to address their problems. In human service the problems in living have two different components. They are the description of the problems and a plan of action and this leads to the resolution. The problem can be a simple problem to a very difficult problem. The problem needs to be described and labeled such as an even, or situation that is troubling the client. The problem is identified and discussed with the client then they come to a plan of action for solving the problem. Once they know the problem and have discussed and they have a plan it is now time to put the plan in action the results will be evaluated by the human service worker. There are problems that are short term and they...
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...The Client Paper Leonardo Ruiz BSHS/305 May 10, 2015 Professor Jacqueline Goode The Client Paper The range of problems that Human Services Clients face today are or can be mobility, nutrition, communication, daily living, mental health, substance abuse, safety and the lack of social skills. These problems can be address with the tree models that a human service professional can work in the medical model, the public health model and the human service model. Within this models are the skills required to address the problems of the human service client. With the medical model the human service professional can use the skills within that model to assists the clients with problems such as mobility and mental health. The reason being that within this model there would be a possibility to find the symptom, diagnosis, treatment, and cure for the client in need of such services. The human service professional that works with the public health model can acquire the skills to help or assists individual with nutrition, communication, and safety. The reason why is because within this model the skills that are provided by it are to improve public health, improve education, nutrition, safe food and water supplies, immunization, and maternal and child health. Which makes the skills very diverse and can adjust to any problem the individual or individuals in that area may have. The human service model provides the human service client with a human service professional with the skills...
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... The human service worker has to be preparing to assist the clients in the best way. The organization has to adapt and accommodate the situation to grow the technologies. The human services future had made impact for economic and political. The key for organizations is to make a strong unique circumstance. There will always be homeless and families in need of help, affordable care act had made lot of changes for homeless and families who are in need, to give them much more help and to be able stand and build their life. The human needs theory is that higher needs cannot be made, if basic needs are not achieved. Basic human needs can be an issue when dealing with client needs and when it cannot be met if the basic needs are not taken care of first. Effective communication skills are one of the most important components for human services professionals and to discuss the critical information and make important decisions. Without effective communication skills, a social worker may not be able to resolve the issue with client. The Affordable Care Act event has impacted the political field for the better position. Medicaid coverage has expanded for many people that where not eligible for Medicaid. Many employees cannot afford the insurance it has been increased by the employer; healthcare has been a big issue for the families with low income. The five trend that make up the future to human services are the political cost increased demonstrate then change in human services. The process...
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