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Human Services and Clients


Submitted By lahlaa23
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Human Service Professionals and Clients
Week 3 Assignment: Client Paper

University of Phoenix

There are so many issues that we as a human race face in today's society and some people may fare better than others when it comes to coping and dealing with problems while others may face more tumultuous events that require them to seek the help of a professional trained in Human Services. The most common problems that human service professionals deal with include: Children and Families, Elderly, Homeless, Veterans, Immigrants, People with Addictions, Criminal Records, Disabilities and Mental Illnesses. Human service workers provide a great deal of services and they all ultimately are aimed at improving client’s lives. Although the duties may vary by the job and client, all human service professionals essentially perform many of the same tasks. They interview clients, evaluate needs, create a treatment plan and put the plan into action. HSP’s often use outside services that work specifically a clients individual needs, such as addiction, job placement, assistance/aid, housing, etc. While working closely with a client, the helper will then be able identify the any problems that are preventing self sufficiency. This process includes evaluating the client’s support system, environment and values which are taken into consideration and is tailored to each individual’s specific needs. HSP’s (Human Service Professionals) cannot force assistance on someone who doesn’t want it for themselves so instead, they’ll try to help the client make sound decisions, locate resources to help overcome problems and continuously inspire the client to make improvements.
HSP’s or workers work with Children and Families often by coordinating services, which I feel is the most popular and one that I’m familiar with. They often refer government, for and non-profit agencies, such as city housing authorities that provide housing for low-income families to assist clients with better living environments, removing them from unsafe living conditions and aid, (foodstamps, TANF, AFDC) to assist the client with an allotted amount of money each month to maintain bills, food and other necessities. After clients start receiving assistance, workers monitor the progress to ensure that the services aren't being misused and are appropriate. It’s also the duty of the worker to assist or step in when violence and abuse is an issue for children. The HSP can recommend that the child is removed from the home, placed in foster care or a group home either temporarily or permanently to ensure the child’s safety while the parent is working towards correcting the situation so the child can safely return home. While HSP’s want positive and happy endings, some situations may be different. If the child is unable to return to the home, the HSP will try to locate permanent homes and adoptive parents, promoting a new environment dedicated to providing a better life for the child.
HSP’s assist the elderly by helping them to live an independent lifestyle; preferably in their own homes or in a setting they’re familiar and comfortable with. Many older clients receive the help of personal aides, prepared meals and other services that assist them with daily activities. For clients who are unable to support themselves while living alone, HSP’s can help make arrangements for placements in assisted living facilities, nursing homes and for clients nearing the end of their lives, hospice care is an option.
HSP’s help homeless people by getting them back on track with basic needs like housing and employment. While putting a plan in action, the helper will assist the client identify the problems that caused the client to be homeless; advising the client which steps he/she should avoid. HSP’s may refer clients to temporary housing facilities, organizations like local soup kitchens and rescue missions that serve meals and provide shelter. A local organization, affiliated with Goodwill called Job Junction, is a full-service career center for people who want to find a job and develop the skills they need to be successful in starting over. Anyone looking for work can access resources and learn skills to conduct an independent job search at no charge to them. They provide a job board with leads, computer use for resumes, internet searches, fax machines, phones, individualized career counseling and job fairs.
Helping immigrants adjust to life in a new country is a service that the HSP provides. Helpers work with immigrants to locate housing, jobs, healthcare, welfare and other resources, like programs for learning the English language and legal services for free to assist them with any legal matters and administrative issues.
Human service professionals work to help people who are struggling with various types of addictions, such as alcohol, drugs, food or gambling. After an evaluation of the client and their specific needs, the worker may refer the client to a rehabilitation facility. Whether it being an inpatient or outpatient program, the client is usually paired with a facility that is compatible based on the client’s need. They can also arrange for the client to attend programs or groups outside of treatment centers. Programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are generally available for people who are coping with addiction and dedicated towards getting themselves addiction free. HSP’s may even help family members understand the nature of the addiction and encourage them to attend support programs as well; whatever it takes to help lead the addict towards recovery.
People with a criminal background need assistance re-entering society. They face many challenges while attempting to readjust from a controlled living environment. HSP’s can help these clients merge back into society by pairing them with job training programs, assisting them with locating housing and pushing them towards programs designed to rehabilitate the individual so they avoid reoffending.
When working with individuals that have disabilities, the HSP’s focus is the get the client to live and maintain independently. Helpers will assist clients with finding rehabilitation services geared towards helping them adapt to the disability, working with employers who are able to bend or adjust job functions so positions may be filled by clients with disabilities and referring clients to personal care services that can aid with daily living activities. Disabled persons who cannot function on their own and perform daily activities are referred to assisted living facilities.
People suffering from mental illnesses are directed to more suitable resources such as self help and support groups, ensuring that they receive proper care and promote them to become self-sufficient. HSP’s refer these clients to providers of personal care services, assisted living facilities and group housing.
Veterans who are adjusting to civilian life after military duty often find it difficult to transition. HSP’s work with veterans in many different ways: locating housing, referring veterans to services available (Department of Veteran Affairs), applying the skills learned in the military and applying them to civilian jobs, etc. For some veterans, such as combat veterans, may face additional challenges readjusting because of a physical or mental disability. Examples of that are: a veteran that lost limbs in the line of duty or suffering from PTSD or “Shell-Shocked” due to events that occurred while serving in the military. HSP’s usually direct veterans with disabilities to services that provide the appropriate assistance specifically tailored to their needs.

In conclusion, human service professional strive to do what their title states and that’s to provide humans with services that will better their lives. It can be a very rewarding career and if you’re passionate about changing someone’s life and getting them on the right path, then this is for you. The results of working in this field will display how much people can accomplish when professional help is involved. As stated above, providing human services starts off similar in each and every case; assess the client’s problems and put a plan into action to correct whatever issue that’s stagnate towards their progress. Human service professionals make a great difference in people’s lives and are, in my opinion, the foundation of services in our country; providing services enabling people to accomplish more, they represent the frontline, doing whatever it takes to keep our society moving by getting people the help they need and deserve to live a successful, joyful and healthy life.

References Cited:
"Helping Those in Need: Human Service Workers." Http:// Retrieved March, 2014, n.d. Web. ‘

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