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I Am Number Four Book Report

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Over the past month I chose to read the science fiction novel I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore. This book details the life of Four, or John Smith, an alien from the planet Lorien who has fled to Earth with his guardian Henri in an effort to escape the Mogadorians, who are an evil alien race that demolished almost everyone from John’s home planet. It is explained that nine aliens from Lorien were sent with their guardians to Earth for protection, but if they are found by the Mogadorians they must be killed in the order of their numbers. The first scene that is described in the book illustrates the murder of number Three, signaling number Four that he is next. John, or Four, and Henri have to constantly move around to avoid being caught by the Mogadorians so when the find out Three is dead, …show more content…
John starts to spend more time with Sarah, but an unfortunate incident occurs when they are at a carnival together and Sarah’s ex-boyfriend Mark attacks both John and Sarah. To defend himself and Sarah, John fights off Mark with his special abilities called legacies that include inhuman strength and speed. John tells Henri about his abilities and they work together to develop them further in an effort to prepare John in case the Mogadorians come sooner than expected, which leads Henri to tell John they should move as to avoid being caught. John opposes moving, as he grows very attached to Paradise, so Henri goes to find out where Sam learned of the Mogadorians. After Henri is not replying to John, John finds Sam, as Sam is the only one who knows that John is an alien, and they go to rescue Henri. After Henri is safe, he tells John once again that the need to move, but John uses his newfound powers to show Henri his strong opposition to moving, especially because he does not want to leave

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