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I Have No Idea


Submitted By tiayasmin
Words 893
Pages 4
Unit 3 – Introduction to Marketing – Limitations and constraints on marketing activities.

SALE OF GOODS ACT 1979 - The Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended) is crucial for consumers because it refers to laws which have extended the basic 1979 Act and using the phrase tells the trader that not only do you know basic consumer law, you know it has been amended too. The Sale of Goods Act lays down several conditions that all goods sold by a trader must meet. The goods must be: * as described * of satisfactory quality * fit for purpose
As described refers to any advert or verbal description made by the trader. Satisfactory quality covers minor and cosmetic defects as well as substantial problems. It also means that products must last a reasonable time. But it doesn't give you any rights if a fault was obvious or pointed out to you at point of sale. Fit for purpose covers not only the obvious purpose of an item but any purpose you queried and were given assurances about by the trader.
CONSUMER PROTECTION FROM UNFAIR TRADING REGULATIONS 2008 - There are three main sections in the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations. These are as follows: * The general ban on unfair commercial practices * Misleading and aggressive practices which are assessed in light of the effect they have, or are likely to have, on the average consumer * The Black List which contains the list of those practices which are unfair and thus banned
Companies are not allowed to use misleading or underhand tactics to get you to part with your cash. Misleading actions include advertising goods that don't exist, or offering just a few items at the advertised price with no hope of meeting large demand.
CONSUMER CREDIT ACTS 1974 AND 2006 - An Act to establish for the protection of consumers a new system, administered by the Director General of Fair Trading, of licensing

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