...are needed. One of the health career in particular that are vastly increasing its numbers are Medical Assistants. In order to pursue the life of a medical assistant, education for the occupation must be sought out thoroughly and efficiently. To be a medical assistant, forms of educational experience vary from vocational schooling, on-the-job experience, or obtaining an associate's degree (Online Medical Assistant, 1). On-the job experience are usually obtained by those who want to get into the field right away and in most cases with no additional schooling. The highest form of education must be a...
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...Everyone should want a career in their lifetime in order to survive. By survive I mean financially. The career I want is Clinical Medical Assistant. The Healthcare industry is one of the few industries that have a lot of stability in its jobs. A Medical Assisting career could probably provide you with everything you are looking for out of a career. It has a short training period, an excellent salary, and a professional working environment. A clinical medical assistant or CMA is basically a medical professional that supports the doctors and that does a variety of tasks to assist physicians in providing patient care, all the while making sure doctor offices or hospitals run smoothly and efficiently. Medical assistants pick up the slack that the...
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...I chose to become a dental assistant because I always wanted to work in the health profession. I enjoyed working with people since I was a child and now I want to be a dental assistant. Although dental assisting is an exciting career and highly rewarding, the most important excitement is I like helping people. Since last year dental assisting became my highly professional career than other career, like nursing or another medical profession. In my essay, I will argue about the pros and cons of the dental assisting profession. To get in the dental assistant program for certificate, there is a one-year training program. They require you to have a high school diploma or GED to start the class. If you have financial aid to pay for your class or for book, that’s good. If you are not eligible for financial aid because of your income, you must pay for your class before the due date. Once you are done with training, they give you a test at the end and if you pass the test you can get a job with your certificate. Students are assigned to work in local dental...
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...Medical Administrator Essay I enjoy working in the medical field. I always wanted to work in a field where I am providing care or helping others who are ill. Since organizing and management are two of my strongest workplace capabilities, I would like to be a health care administrator, specifically running a medical facility. While working in a medical facility I plan to find advancement in my career. My goal is to accept a full-time position with a growing healthcare organization, so I can continue doing what I love. Upon completing my college education, I plan to obtain an entry level position as a Medical Administrator Assistant, expand growth with in the medical field, and to become financially stable. Somehow, when doing things you...
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...First, many individuals have written documents declaring their disapproval of reform. One such essay that opposes welfare reform is an essay written by Lester Spence, assistant professor of political science at John Hopkins University. In his essay, "An Argument against Welfare Reform," Lester Spence disputes that as a result of the Reform of 1996 "more harm has been done than good." Some of the issues he brought out in his essay are as follows: people moving from welfare to employment are not receiving as much money as when they were receiving welfare, medical care for children, and medical care for adults (Spence). Second, many individuals have implicated their approval of welfare reform. Not only have many approved...
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...holy sites. For far too long, Harjo argues, Native American people have been seen as nothing more than a people ripe for exploitation and plunder, especially since relics and bones can fetch hefty prices at museums or amongst collectors of such rare items. Harjo's intended audience is a lay one; she assumes that most people have been very uninformed and passive about her topic; as such, she makes concerted efforts to inform and persuade her audience that the desecration and exploitation of her people must stop.Ultimately, while Harjo's essay does a very good job of establishing an ethical and emotional warrant so as to support her initial claim, I contend that she fails to completely convince me as to why studying Indian relics and skulls on the part of scientists is a useless endeavor. She raises up a point about the futility of such ethnographic / scientific studies on the bones, but does not include sufficient counterevidence to support her view. I would argue that the bones and relics do serve a vital purpose--yet Harjo seems to give up halfway through her argument about the issue of the relics' utility. | Rhetorical Analysis First Draft by Mr. KHarjo, Susan Shown. "Last Rites for Indian Dead." in Kennedy, X.J., et.al., eds. The Bedford Guide for College Writers....
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...introduction are enticing. 2. I have an effective thesis. 3. I have included enough details so that the reader can visualize my experience. 4. The events are presented in s logical sequence. 5. I used transitions to help the sequence of events to flow smoothly. 6. I did use a dialogue in my essay. 7. I used consistent point of view and verb tense. 8. My point in my narrative are evident. 9. I ended my story satisfactorily. 10. I have proofread several times thoroughly. Earning My Degree I have always wanted the best for myself and family, so one day I decided to work towards my future. I have always been the type to work hard at what I do. I try my best to get what I want. I thought of my accomplishments and I figured I was missing something. I had a job, but I knew it was going to be a dead end one. I was already a high school graduate, so I thought why not go back to college and further my education. I was on the road to success, after that idea. Choosing my program was not hard for me. I have a long line of family members that are in the health field. So why not I thought, I would be following in the footsteps of my elders so they can feel that they have set an example for me. I decided on becoming a Medical Assistant. This way I could still set my goal in pursuing me education and apply for better jobs upon graduating. I have always loved to help people. Communicating and meeting new people are my strong points. I was comfortable with this...
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... the classifications for legal and illegal drugs are quite unbalanced. Marijuana is currently an illegal drug. Its primary contents are the cannabis plant and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Along with cocaine and heroin, marijuana is classified as a Type 1 drug, meaning that its use can result in maximum penalties in state or federal prison. Currently, the only states with legal authorization to medically administer the drug are California and Arizona. Marijuana use should be legalized in all states because the reason for its previous abolition is nonexistent today, research supporting its use is kept hidden from the public, it is safer than most legal drugs, it does not contribute to the use of other drugs, and it proves effective in the medical field. The use of marijuana should be legalized because the government’s reason for prohibiting it does not apply today. According to Charles Schaffer, founder of the Schaffer Library of Drug Policy, “Marijuana was outlawed in 1937 as a repressive measure against Mexican workers who crossed the border seeking jobs during the Depression. The specific reason given for the outlawing of the hemp plant was its supposed violent ‘effect on the degenerate races’” (Schaffer, sec. 1). Government used the prohibition of marijuana as a discriminatory tactic to keep foreigners out of the United States. In outlawing the use of marijuana, the plan backfired – more Mexicans entered with large supplies of the drug. Lawmakers were more interested in restricting...
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...on television is not always reality. Take the shows Law and Order: SVU and Hawaii 5-0. These shows reveal the aspects of detectives’ everyday lives inside the job. They have a high tolerance for violence and depict an unrealistic representation of certain occupations. Methodology: Reading two essays, researching television media and genres, observing two shows and participating in a Roundtable Discussion on American Media Images (RDAMI) were the steps I took in putting together my ideas on television media. “Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie and “Where Have All the Parents Gone” by Barbara Dafoe Whitehead were the two essays I read for this paper. They develop ideas on what has an impact on American people and culture. I observed two episodes of two different television shows. Law and Order: SVU was one of the shows. Law and Order: SVU is a show about sexually based crimes, SVU meaning “Special Victims Unit”. “Friending Emily” and “Manhattan Vigil” were the two episodes with the main characters being senior detectives Olivia Benson and Odafin “Fin” Tutuola, detectives Nick Amara and Amanda Rollins, Sergeant John Munch and Captain Donald Cragen. Hawaii 5-0 was the other show I observed. Hawaii doesn't have its own state police force but the Governor has set up a special task force, which becomes known as "Five-0", to investigate serious crimes on the islands. “Popilikia”, which stands for misfortune in Hawaiian and...
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...the "Sign Me Up!" link. CANVAS/LOLA/EMAIL: ID: LOLA NAME; Password: LOLA PIN Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Maximum Enrollment 24 TEXTBOOK(S): Norton Field Guide to Writing with Readings and Handbook, 3rd Ed MLA Formatted Essay Pages 523-530/ Works Cited: 531-534. MATERIALS: dictionary, loose-leaf notebook paper, pens, pencils, stapler, flash drive, two 2- pocket folders to keep ALL material completed for the class and for a special assignment, 4 large bluebooks for exit exam practice and exit exam final Course Description: Introduces students to the critical thinking, reading, writing and rhetorical skills required in the college/university and beyond, including citation and documentation, writing as a process, audience awareness, and writing effective essays. Students must pass a departmental exit exam to pass the course. | Prerequisites: | Appropriate placement test score or ENGL 091 with a “C” or better. | | Co-requisites: | None | | | Suggested Enrollment Cap: | 24 | | | Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to: | 1. Apply fundamental strategies such as invention, drafting, revising, and editing (GELO 1). 2. Construct thesis-driven essays that adhere to a...
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...English 103 section 20 Spring 2013 Mrs. Mary Clark-Flynn Office RB 2115, office phone 5-8371 Email: mcupchurch@bsu.edu Office hours 11:00-12:oo, MWF, and on Thursdays by appointment Home phone 286-4895: Do not call after 9:00 p.m. General Information BOOKS Read, Reason, Write: an argument text and reader; ed. Dorothy U. Seyler The Purdue OWL Ball Point online URL http://goo.gl/nMnnb MATERIALS Two Pocket Folders Flash drives or what ever you need to save your work Course description: English 103: Rhetoric and Writing (3) Introduces and develops understanding of principles of rhetoric; basic research methods; elements, strategies, and conventions of persuasion used in constructing written and multi-modal texts. Prerequisite: appropriate placement. Not open to students who have credit in ENG 101 or 102. Course Goals * Understand that persuasion—both visual and verbal—is integral to reading and composing * Understand how persuasive visual and verbal texts are composed for different audiences and different purposes * Develop effective strategies of invention, drafting, and revision for different rhetorical situations and individual composing styles * Compose texts in various media using solid logic, claims, evidence, creativity, and audience awareness * Integrate primary and secondary research as appropriate to the rhetorical situation * Develop strategies for becoming more critical and careful readers of both their...
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...Jasmine Lofton Delta GEMS Presidential Essay Collin County Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta, Inc Jasmine Lofton THE STRONGEST WOMAN I HAVE EVER KNEW, AND THROUGH IT ALL I HAVE LEARNED “You can never give up, always believe in yourself and you can become anything you want to be.” This is something my mother always says to my sister and I as inspiration. The most important person in my life who has impacted it completely is my mother. She is my inspiration, she is even my hero. My mother was diagnosed with Discoid Lupus in the middle of March in 2007. Discoid Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that is limited to the skin, caused by the autoimmune system. Along with Discoid Lupus, she was also diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis also known as RA; this is also an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in the joints. After finding out the diagnoses, the doctor tells her she won’t be able to work anymore. This was devastating for my mother to hear. Working was another life for her. She loved her job. She was a Pediatric Medical Assistant. She had been a MA since I was born in 1992. She loved working with pediatricians and fulfilling the needs of infants and children in the mist of having a cold or maybe even a tummy ache. Being given this news was terrible. All I could do was fell my heart pounding in my chest and my head spinning in the mist of confusion. I knew my mother was very independent and strong. She loved doing for herself, and other people. Through...
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...Selection for the following posts is made in three successive stages (i) Preliminary Examination (ii) Main Written Examination and (iii) Oral Test Sl. No. 1) Name of the Post and Post Code Deputy Commercial Tax Officer (Post Code No: 1013) Sub Registrar, Grade-II (Post Code No: 1071) Name of the Service Tamil Nadu Commercial Taxes Subordinate Service Tamil Nadu Registration Subordinate Service Tamil Nadu Jail Subordinate Service Tamil Nadu Labour Subordinate Service No. of vacancies 66 2 (ST Carry Forward vacancies) 14 Scale of pay Rs.9300-34800+ Grade Pay Rs.4800/- (PB2) Rs.9300-34800+ Grade Pay Rs.4800/- (PB2) Rs.9300-34800+ Grade Pay Rs.4800/- (PB2) Rs.9300-34800+ Grade Pay Rs.4800/- (PB2) 2) Probation Officer in Prison Department (Post Code No:1023 ) Assistant Inspector of Labour 4) in the Labour Department (Post Code No: 1068) Junior Employment Officer (Non-Differently Abled) in Employment and Training 5) (Employment Wing) Department (Post Code No: 1017) Junior Employment Officer (Differently Abled) in Employment and Training 6) (Employment Wing) Department (Post Code No: 2203) Assistant Section Officer in Finance Department in 7) Secretariat (Post Code : 1074) Assistant Section Officer in 8) Law Department in Secretariat (Post Code No: 1073) Assistant Section Officer in 9) TNPSC (Post Code No: 2201) Special Assistant in the Vigilance and Anti corruption 10) Department (Post Code No: 2265) Assistant Inspector in Local 11) Fund Audit Department (Post Code No: 1069) 3) 9...
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...To completely understand how William James got his start in Psychology, I think must first start with his father. William's father, Henry James Sr., was 1 of 13 children. His parents were Irish immigrants. Henry inherited wealth from his father before his own children were even born. When William was born, Henry and his wife Mary lived in New York City. There, Henry studied theology, philosophy, and mysticism. William James was born in New York City on January 11, 1842, to a deeply religious family. Henry often took the family for extended stays in Europe. He was a very devoted father. He wanted his children to have the sort of education so they might out-do others in knowledge. He enrolled them in fine schools, hired them gifted tutors, and made sure they went to museums, attended lectures, and the theater with regularity. William and two of his siblings would follow their father's educational efforts. His brother Henry became one of America's most famed novelists, and his sister Alice also acquired a literary reputation of her own after her diaries were published. Mary James complained of William that "The trouble with him is that he must express every fluctuation of feeling, and especially every unfavorable symptom, without reference to the effect upon those about him." It seems this introduction to the great philosopher and psychologist William James. It is also appropriate, his was life a reconsideration of spirituality and consciousness in relation to physiology and neuroscience...
Words: 2268 - Pages: 10
...above mine. I told her I didn’t know anybody in our class and she said “You do now.” We’ve been friends ever since. Most boys think Liz is cute. She has long red hair, cascading over her shoulders. She laughs about everything and when she does, you see about a hundred white teeth – so bright, you almost need sunglasses. When she laughs, her eyes grow wide, glowing emerald green. Liz likes to dress kind of skater-ish, in camouflage pants, sweatshirts, and wristbands. But, she’s unpredictable, too. Sometimes she’ll wear overalls or a fancy dress. She must have three closets full of clothes, because she barely ever wears the same outfit twice. Liz is the most lively, animated character I’ve ever known. She’s always rushing around, trying to get the latest scoop on everybody. It’s like she’s in the FBI. Right before she shares important news, Liz tosses back her hair, takes a deep breath, and quickly looks side to side, to be sure the coast is clear. She never says anything mean about people, she just wants to know what’s going on. She always supports me in everything I want to do. Not many girls in our group of friends play sports, but when I told Liz I wanted to go out for basketball, she said “Go for it.” Now, she comes to see almost every game I play and cheer me on. Not only is Liz a tremendous supporter, she also trusts me to give her my honest opinion and to say what I feel. Last year, she thought Mrs. Jones gave her a lower math grade than she deserved. I told her the...
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