...Coming into college, I knew that I wanted to study abroad. I had heard from older friends that their time abroad had been life-changing, and I wanted to experience it for myself. I grew up travelling internationally because my extended family lives in China, but I have never intentionally gone abroad for school. I was always to visit family or for tourist purposes. After talking to my academic advisor during orientation, she recommended that I study abroad during the fall of my sophomore year which I thought was too early. My advisor also suggested that I study abroad over the summer, but I knew that I wanted to go abroad during a semester, not over the summer. I wanted to study during a semester because I wanted to experience the culture for...
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...interested me. With many international and local businesses entering the market in Kazakhstan, I believe it is a growing field that appeals to me. I always wanted to study business since it gives you broad opportunities for work and it's such a valuable part of our modern day society. This subject interests me because I want to work for a firm in the future. Additionally, business is a field with a vast employment variety. You can work in many sectors and gain different experiences and that is what I want to do, try a bit of everything. Also, business is not a static field of study and is constantly changing, which makes it every more interesting. The biggest factor that makes me suitable for the course are my interests, perseverance, determination, and willingness to learn. I am also suitable for this course because it is easy for me to understand concepts related to business and people's behavior due to the fact that I studied IB Economics and IB Psychology at a Higher Level. I am also a recipient of Honor Roll awards in every year of high school as well as a recipient of many individual awards....
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...Living in a continuously evolving generation I have come to the conclusion that technology development and life itself is always advancing due to an endless number of discoveries. The expansion of every new thing relies on intelligence and boundless curiosity of which science is leading ahead in, making these new discoveries possible. Studying biochemistry at university will give me a unique and rewarding opportunity to be a part of this development which is my principle desire. Studying triple science at GCSE, I was able to study all three sciences separately where I experimented and chose my favourite subjects. Contextualising theoretical lessons into practical lessons has been extremely enjoyable as I have the chance to see the things I learnt with my own eyes. I particularly enjoyed doing titrations during my laboratory lessons in chemistry. Discovering the book "Genome" by Matt Ridley resulted in questions in my head such as 'how is a simple chemical compound, DNA, so powerful'? How does chemistry allow the formation of complex molecules and help the heart beat? Being particularly attracted to my biology and chemistry lessons I realised that both subjects are the key facets that generate intelligence and development....
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...answer the following questions: 1. What do you hope to study in university? I hope to study in university because I believe that it will an opportunity to be professionally specialized in a specific area and bring impactful improvements to my community in the future; besides, I believe that studying in a university will bring me many other opportunities and will permit me to develop professional skills in Business administration and Economics. 2. Why do you want to study this...
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...I developed interest in studying Economics the very day I was introduced to the subject in my first year in the secondary school. Although I had the penchant to become a Financial Management Specialist, I realized that I could hardly become a successful one without studying Economics. This underpinned my resolve to combine Economics with Accounting during my undergraduate studies. My exposure to the intermediate level of Economics broadened my reasoning and decision-making skills which further deepened my interest in Economics. I have realized that Economics is important in every aspect of human life and that the study Economics offers a plethora of Vista. As Finance Manager, I employ both micro and macro economic data in taking financial decisions that will be in the best interest of my employers and stakeholders of the firm. For example, I consider economic factors such as inflation, interest and exchange rates and the principle of opportunity cost when performing my financial planning and treasury management functions. Apart from helping an individual to make rational choices, decisions or maximize any resources no matter how small, the study of Economics enables one to evaluate the effect of economic policies on the welfare of citizens. It also helps to evaluate government policies on...
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...my reasons to study Law at university. The idea of delving into an issue to debate whether it is right or wrong fascinates me. I feel debating is my forte and is exemplified when I am challenged. I aspire to help people that have less of a say in life and I believe I can best exercise this through Law, much like the illustrious civil rights solicitor Dan Ackman. ''What about Law'' is book I particularly enjoyed- it portrays the stimulating nature of the work well, which was a big deciding factor when I chose to venture into a degree in Law. I also like the way it highlights what it's like to study law. The book is split up into the seven sub sections of the Law. It really helped me to decide that I would like to embark on a Law degree and gives a brief insight into the types of Law society has. Studying English Literature at A-Level helped me to concentrate heavily around drafting arguments for or against a question, not to mention the amount of reading that was essential for the subject. Law is an ever changing subject that is centred on society, studying Economics at A-level gave me an insight to the workings of...
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...this simple yet meaningful message drives me on to reach my goal. I was deeply inclined towards the field of science and technology, being allured by its sheer vastness and the plethora of knowledge. My desire to pursue graduate studies in the field of Computer Science and Technology is a cumulative result of my interest in it and my strong desire to contribute something meaningful to the society to the best of my abilities. I believe graduate study will refine and sharpen my skills and help me in realizing my goal as a research scholar in an academic or a commercial research oriented organization. The desire to explore and innovate in academic and research-oriented setting, leads me to apply to the Master of Science program in Computer Science & Engineering at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill...
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...Cultural Issues in Global Organization Name: Institution: Global organizations are companies whose operations are not limited by the national boundaries, but expand their operations worldwide. Globalization and advanced technology place an essential role in ensuring the success of these organizations because they help in communicating and giving an understanding of different cultures maintained by different communities, which the organization trades with. Strategic leaders have the responsibility of creating and maintaining the organizational characteristics to reward and encourage communal effort. Organizational cultures help it to cope with the environment. Organizational culture is the basic pattern of shared assumptions, values and beliefs that the company considers as the correct way to of thinking and acting on problems and opportunities that the company faces defining the issues considered of importance. There are numerous cultural issues that affect the smooth operations of global organizations following the differences in the peoples’ cultural practices and beliefs. Some cultural issues that affect global organization include personal beliefs, legal requirements, religious belief, and superstitions. Personal, ethical and cultural beliefs come as a result of the environment an individual is living. Living includes dressing, foods among others. Some of the cultural and ethical practices are recognized...
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...Family Relation to the Study Habits of College students DIRECTIONS: Put a CHECK on the corresponding answer | ALWAYS | SOMETIMES | NEVER | 1. Whenever we have a family conflict, I can’t focus in my studies. | | | | 2. Whenever my parents argue, I can’t study well. | | | | 3. Whenever my other siblings and I have misunderstandings, I get destructed in my studies. | | | | 4. When we have a monetary hardship, I feel like I don’t want to study anymore. | | | | 5. Whenever my little brother wants to play with me, I can’t do my homework. | | | | 6. Whenever my other siblings ask me to do household chores, I don’t have enough time to study my lesson. | | | | 7. When my little brother asked me to tutor him/her, I can’t review my previous lesson. | | | | 8. Whenever my parents go out and leave my other siblings with me, I study for my quiz. | | | | 9. Whenever my sister asked me to go with her, I can’t finish my homework. | | | | 10. Whenever my father and I had misunderstandings, I can’t focus well on my studies. | | | | 11. When one of my grandparents had a sick, I can’t concentrate in my studies. | | | | 12. Whenever my parents had a loud conversation, I can’t review my lesson. | | | | 13. When my parents decide to separate, I feel like that I don’t want to continue my study. | | | | 14. Whenever my little sister asked me to do her research, I can’t do my own homework...
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...I was in English conversations school when I was in kindergarten, but it was not a difficult thing as grammar or how to talk. Just learn about American events and experience in English from that event. After I graduate a kindergarten I move to America for my father's job. At there I think I had a great experience, and this stay change my image of America, and become an unforgettable experience. This experience made me loves western music and foreign film, and made me likes to study English. If I have not lives in the America my life was different from now. I keep study English to study abroad to my favorite America. I watched American drama in English to keep my ability of listening and reading. Although, I know that living in America, and...
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...quantitative study of the researchers looked into the environment-centered and time-centered study habits of graduating CIHM students of the UPHSD-Las Pinas. Data were collected using validated self-made questionnaire and were analysed statistically. With overall average of 3.19 means that the CIHM students ‘Sometimes’ prefer environment-centered study habits. The indicator ‘I want to have a good light’ has the highest average of 3.35 which means that the CIHM students ‘Sometimes’ prefer to have a good light. Similarly, with overall average of 3.18 the CIHM students ‘Sometimes’ prefer time management-centered study habits. There is very low relationship between the general weighted average of CIHM students and their study habits, and this relationship is found to be not significant. When CIHM students are grouped according to their general weighted average, results show there are no significant differences in the environment-centered study habits of CIHM students; there are also no significant differences in time management-centered study habits of CIHM students; and, in general, there are no significant differences in the study habits of CIHM students. The researchers conclude that what the CIHM students preferred in their environment when they study, namely, a comfortable chair, a good light and a right room temperature, are exactly the same things that learners would prefer to have when they study. Temperature is as important as the light. No one can study, or do anything...
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...My father and I disagreed about my future, but after a year we understood each other like Danzy Senna and her grandmother in "The Color of Love". My father is a Vietnamese traditional man who does everything for his family, majestic, a firm mainstay of his family, make them listen to him and always teach children about the value of culture and traditional and made them remember their homeland, where they came from. He is a police officer and he is quite short temper. I am an obedient daughter, I was always listening to my father. He always showed me the way to grow up, chose my school and taught me to follow the traditional thing in my culture. When I read “ The Color of Love” by Danzy Senna, Danzy’s grandmother has the same old-fashion thinking. When I was 16 years old, I choose nurse become my job in the future because I love to take care of people, also when I become a good nurse, I can take care of my family. At that time, I wished I can study abroad to make myself more confident and grow up. Also, I can study more about the other country, other people and learn more about my major: Nursing. I always think about it and I tried to find the best way to follow what I want. Until the years I became a seventeen girl, I found the way to go to the United States of America to study. I found every information about the college I want to study, Edmond Community College is a good college can match with my case. After studying in this college, I can transfer to the University of Washington...
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...Effective Study Habits Worksheet Review Phoenix Career Plan results of Career Plan Building Activity: Work Culture Preference, respond to the following in 50 to 100 words each: 1. Describe your ideal study environment. My ideal study environment would be a very quiet room with no TV. or distractions. I would want no one to bother me while I am trying to study and complete my assignments for school. I would want a bright light so my eyes do not have to strain while reading my paperwork. I would put a sign on the door to not bother me while I am trying to study or complete my work. 2. List some of the distractions that might hinder your study progress or your performance in an online classroom. There would be a lot of distractions like my son and family while trying to study or complete my assignment. My job can be another one if they ask me to work over time when I need to complete my assignments. Some other distractions would be TV., phone, video games, and just not concentrating on my homework. 3. What actions can you take to manage and eliminate distractions? The way to manage and eliminate distractions would be to be on the alert of external distractions. If you know the spot you have picked to try to complete your work or try to study and you know there will be distractions that is probably not a good place to try to concentrate. 4. How will you apply your personal learning style? How does your personal Learning style affect your study habits? The way I will apply...
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...parents want her to do even if she wants to do something different. In her article, Hwang said, “When my parents boarded the plane, they knew they were embarking on a rough trip. I do not think they imagined the rocks in the path of their daughter.” This means that on many occasions parents try to give their children a better life by moving to a new country, which they feel has more opportunities; however, at the same time, parents do not realize what their children are going be confronted with in the new country. I agree with Hwang that first generations in the United States have to deal with many obstacles especially feeling alienated from their home country and feeling obligated to fulfill their parents’ expectations. Some children of immigrants may feel they do not fully belong in their country. Hwang said, “They do not see that I straddle two cultures, nor that I feel displaced in the only country I know.” This explains that Hwang does not feel as if she belongs to a community and much less to the country she is living on. When I moved from Mexico to Santa Barbara and started high school, I did not know any English at all and that made me feel excluded as if I did not belong here. One day, when I was in my soccer class, the teacher made groups of people and had us discuss about how the team could communicate better. In my group, there were three Americans and me; for a few minutes I felt I had fit in the group. But when they would not even let me talk, I realized I did not...
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...Rylie S. Kinsey To influence or not to influence: External reference price strategies in pay-what-you-want pricing Journal of Business Research Jennifer Wiggins Johnson & Annie Peng Cui Markets & Stakeholders ORGL 4443 Online Course <http://www.sciencedirect.com.vortex3.uco.edu:2050/science/article/pii/S0148296312002524> In a nutshell, the authors are investigating the title of the article. They are investigating “pay-what-you-want pricing” and the consumer. They are, like the companies, trying to figure out how to maximize the firm’s yield while giving consumers the freedom of choice, while choosing their own price. Johnson and Cui do a very good job of uncovering evidence and information on the subject from multiple kinds of businesses, from music, food, and household products. In all honestly I believe that in my personal opinion that the authors are both describing and explaining something. The method of pay-what-you-want is being described and then it is being explained by telling how, individual companies and businesses are using it. The major characteristics here are the consumers who are choosing the prices in the pay-what-you-want pricing, the businesses involved and how they are profiting or not profiting from, and the outcome for the consumers and the companies after the use of the pay-what-you-want pricing method. Also, the pay-what-you-want pricing method is being explained here. Cui and Johnson’s research is showing us exactly how this method...
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