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INFP Personality Profiles

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INFP Personality Type: Not Just Dreamers – Healing The Wounded
My confirmed MBTI profile is INFP, which was no surprise because this were the same letter preferences I had pick last week during the reading exercises. Being an INFP academically means that we are more interested in topics that covers humanities and the human experience as a whole. Autonomous - is probably the best word to describe an INFP like me. We do not much conform to rules, guidelines. We like to experiment and apply theories to real life.
We thrive in an educational system where our interests are piqued. Topics such as human and social sciences interests us the most. While we learn new theories easily, we also tend to apply and validate these theories in real life. …show more content…
I think one of the best strategies I can employ is to learn how to separate my own emotions from the emotions of others. As an INFP and an HSP (highly sensitive person), I frequently associate the emotions of other to my own emotions. This I must learn to ensure that I am well-grounded, knowing which emotions are truly mine and which ones are projected by others.
2. Journal – Journaling I think would help me improve my emotional intelligence by writing down the facts, my emotions at that time and what I think was the approach I must use to overcome a situation. Journaling would help me go back to a time where my emotions are heightened and how I can manage the same situations in the future in a more emotionally intelligent manner.
3. The last strategy I would employ is mindfulness. Mindfulness is a practice that grounds your thoughts and emotions. In a study it was found out that “mindfulness and its cultivation facilitates adaptive psychological functioning” (Keng S-L , et al, 2011). This I believe is a practice that everyone must do to ensure inner peace.

Keng S-L, Smoski MJ, Robins CJ. Effects of Mindfulness on Psychological Health: A Review of Empirical Studies. Clinical psychology review. 2011;31(6):1041-1056.

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