...asking questions are all things that can not only help you select your topic, but help to get ideas on that topic to write about later. By using your own observations and experiences you will think about things that you have already been exposed to. This can make for writing that is interesting to you because you will have a personal viewpoint and opinion to share. Reading can be of great assistance because it can jumpstart your curiosity about a topic or provide background on something that you may not have known about before. Freewriting is a technique where you simply try to get your unobstructed thoughts onto paper without having to worry about any grammar or structure. This has the potential get ideas out that may even surprise yourself since the writing comes so easily. Some other techniques that can be used during prewriting include brainstorming, idea mapping, and searching the internet. Brainstorming is similar to making a list, however it is very broad in scope. You will want to start with an overall idea or topic and then from there list anything and everything you can think of that may be even slightly related. Idea mapping is a more visual method where you link together related thoughts or topics. Begin with a main idea and then by using bubbles or arrows, draw off a related thing, and then another related to that and so on. This will visually create clusters of ideas that can be expanded upon at a later point in the writing process. Searching the internet...
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...imagination and what it means to literacy. Yes, imagination is the thought process that leads to creativity, but is it possible to be creative without the basic principles of literacy? Mikala Lowe’s narrative, Charlie, and Katja Kleine’s Reading Without An Imagination argue that the answer to this question is no. Both authors have discovered the value of literacy in their own creativity. In order to appreciate the role of imagination in literacy, one must first learn to appreciate literacy itself. Imagination is defined as “the faculty of imagining, or of forming mental images or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses” (Lowe 3). Without imagination, everything, including this very paper, would be blank. It takes an idea to spark the creative ideas that later become something purposeful. In Lowe’s narrative, she outlines how she learned to appreciate her own imagination through her experience writing for her fourth grade teacher during their daily one-hour “Creative Workshops.” To her, this was a time when she felt free to write whatever her heart desired, from songs to poems to full-blown stories. Her teacher valued “the power of a child’s imagination and words,” knowing full well the potential that young minds have to create and inspire (1). One particular story resonates in her mind—Charlie. This was a story about a boy who lived in misery, but found light when he realized the freedom that creative outlet provides. This is the same epiphany the author had. She realized...
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...Are you? 2 Einstein would have been a terrible manager. There is a huge misconception among students that being smart is the way to be successful. Let me break this to you. It is not about being smart. There are many smart people who are absolutely incompetent managers. Not to mention the fact that many smart people are first-rate jerks. Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying you have to be dumb to succeed. What I am saying is that you do not have to be a Mensan to make it to the top. All you need is average intelligence. But, you need other qualities. 3 Bill Clinton would have been an excellent manager. The man had his faults. But, he could communicate like few others. Bad managers are, frequently, terrible communicators. They have good ideas. They simply don’t know how to get them across. You cannot lead, motivate or sell if you cannot communicate. If there is one thing you want to do when you are in school, learn to communicate. 4 Don’t Lose Touch With What is Right. Do not use analysis to justify what you know to be wrong. Frequently, the wrong path comes dressed in pretty clothes. Don’t buy it. Hang on to your moral compass for all its worth. Remember what your mama taught you. If you think something is wrong, stand...
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...Solve a Problem Paper There are many situations that a person will experience throughout her professional careers. Often the ways in which people handle these issues will affect the ways in which they are viewed within the organization, which will either help or hinder them in the end. The creative process can often help employees to navigate through issues in a professional manner that presents new ways of dealing with issues. By allowing people to plan and practice, through brainstorm ideas, discussing the ideas, and questioning these ideas, improvising on those ideas, reviewing the ideas, refining the thoughts revolving around the ideas proposed, and sharing and reflecting on the various ideas proposed, people can successfully use the creative thinking process to resolve various problems (Murphy, 1956). For example, the creative process was instrumental in assisting workers resolve many issues that presented itself within the ad agency. While doing an internship for the state agency that regulates higher education, it has been witnessed many issues resolved through the use of the creative thinking process. Many of these issues presented themselves during meetings, whether it was during the preparation for these meetings, or whether it was while discussing various issues within the meeting. For example, various school leaders met to evaluate ways in which they could decrease the number of students who become college drop-outs. Students’ dropping out of college...
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...The 25 C’s of Innovation by Cesar Malacon It is well known that most people would rather receive information in beautifully wrapped packages that help them ‘contain’ the message in a simpler way by connecting the info with a tool that allows them to access it when needed. Such is the value of a reliable acronym, reference or letter bundle that offers a welcome bridge over what might otherwise feel like a sea of unwieldy or unpackaged information. Maybe we were taught to do this in primary school or maybe the method is really useful to retain data more easily. The fact is that acronyms and letter bundles came to stay in the teaching/learning process, and we have many of them rolling in our minds since long ago. Maybe you are thinking in the famous 4 P’s of marketing right now! One of the strongest examples of a letter bundle is precisely the 4 P’s of Marketing that E J McCarthy popularized in 1960 for the marketing mix, and which has been widely accepted by academics and practitioners around the world ever since. The 4 P’s of Marketing were later changed to 4 C’s because Bob Lauterborn, professor of advertising at the University of North Carolina, thought the C was a better way to think about a marketing mindset. He dared to propose his new approach to the marketing mix, but stayed within the letter packages information-delivery method. Which is my point for this occasion. 4 P’s of Marketing, 4 C’s of Marketing, 7 P’s of Service Marketing, 5 S’s of Kaizen in Continuous Improvement...
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...In thesis writing, the most difficult part to write is Chapter 1 (Introduction/The Problem). As they say, the most difficult part of any endeavor is the starting point. This is because the first chapter is where you conceptualize your entire research. The whole research/thesis can be reflected in Chapter 1 including expected results or outcomes. For your guidelines, please read the following sample format of Chapter 1. Remember, the format is not universal, meaning it could vary from one school to another and/or from one course to another. CHAPTER 1: THE PROBLEM Chapter 1 includes the following subtopics, namely: 1) Rationale; 2) Theoretical Framework; 3) Conceptual Framework/Paradigm; 4) Statement of the problem; 5) Hypothesis (Optional); 6) Assumption (Optional); 7) Scope and Delimitation; 8) Importance of the study; 9) Definition of terms. 1) Rationale (Background of the study) -Describe the problem situation considering global, national and local forces. Justify the existence of the problem situation by citing statistical data and authoritative sources. Make a clinching statement that will relate the background to the proposed research problem. 2) Theoretical Framework -Discuss the theories and/or concepts, which are useful in conceptualizing the research. 3) Conceptual Framework/Paradigm -Identify and discuss the variables related to the problem. Present a schematic diagram of the paradigm of the research and discuss the relationship of the elements/variables...
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...CASE STUDY ANALYSIS ON NTT DoCoMo: Marketing i-mode ANALYSIS There is one simple word to describe this case, and the word is “RADICAL” . From radical ideas leading to radical technologies, from radical ways to market the technology. We can safely say that the i-mode idea was an immense success, from 2 M subscribers 30 M subscriber’s in just 2 years from launch is a feat that is comparable to none. NTT launched this revolutionary service to reduce the existing load on their wireless spectrum but even they did not have an idea on the phenomenon, they had given birth to. It is clear from the success that the trio understood clearly the customer’s need at that time and also the value that the customer was expecting. Right from the start, the trio defied the regular rules of the industry to achieve one single goal – to gain new subscribers whilst delivering value to the customer. The concept of the service, the pricing, the content available, the billing structure, the hardware used to access the service were all conceptualized and developed keeping in mind the convenience to the user and were responsible for the success of the product. The whole concept caused a paradigm shift in the way the Japanese telecom industry operated, from adopting easy transmittable data standards, to the ease of use of the phone developed to provide the i-mode service, this shift actually brought to the customer the value they wanted. The value offered to the consumer was immense...
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...To start this essay, let me give a brief summary of the topic to be discussed. I shall start with some definition of terms to set the scope of my discussion. I will mention four ideas however I shall be focusing more on self-awareness because I believe that this is the fundamental concept upon which the rest of the ideas stem. Firstly, let me begin with self awareness which is defined as the capacity to perceive one’s strength, capabilities and limitations; in other words: insight. Secondly, we have self concept which involves multi-dimensional facets of oneself. One’s past, present and foreseeable future as well as how a person interacts with the people around him/her shapes one’s self concept. Next, we have self-esteem which is roughly the amount of pride one invests in oneself. Lastly we have self-disclosure which is both the conscious and subconscious act of revealing oneself to others. This may include but not limited to thoughts, feelings, aspirations, goals, fears and dreams as well as one’s personal preferences. I believe that self awareness, self concept, self-esteem and disclosure are easily defined concepts. All of these boil down to knowing, understanding and accepting oneself. And when we talk about these things, the questions “why” and “how” often comes to mind. First, why do we need to know ourselves? The answer is pretty obvious. As you develop self awareness, establish self-concept, grow self-esteem and begin self-disclosure you are able to make changes in...
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...Public Speaking Public speaking is an art. Like art, it’s the product of human reasons in the community. Public Speaking is a work that came from our skills and imagination. To be good at our skill we need to undergo trainings and exercising. You need to exercise your skill in public speaking. Just like bird, it doesn’t fly not unless it is being taught how to fly. Performing needs preparation. Preparations include different parts that make up your speech. You need to know what the purpose in delivering your speech is. Know your main objective to make everything clear. Also make sure that your idea fits the interest of your audiences. Your message depends in your audience. In writing your speech, you need to have a plan. Organize your ideas and make sure you’re ideas go well with your topic. Accept and renew ideas that can help enhance your message. Reject ideas that is out of the boundary of your speech. It would be nice if you use simple words so that your audiences can easily understand you. What’s significant in telling is that you’re audience can get what you want to tell them. Try to use words that are easy to understand. Lastly is delivering your speech. Eye-to-eye contact is really necessary. Make sure that you’re conversation to your audience is good. It’s like you are talking and your audience is the one who will agree to you. You should let them know that you are talking to them. Your voice is one of the special things needed in delivering your speech. You need...
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...APP DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SCOPING DOCUMENT The purpose of this document is for us to get a good idea of the project and respond to you with a detailed proposal which would become the basis of our app development agreement. The more you tell us, the more accurate our understanding. 1. About You |Name: | |Email: | | |Organisation: | |Phone: | | 2. About the Idea A. Name of the app / working title | | | | | | B. Provide an outline of the app, in as much detail as possible. | | | | | | C. Provide an outline of...
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...La carga del escepticismo Por Carl Sagan Este artículo fue publicado inicialmente en la revista Skeptical Inquirer, vol. 12 otoño de 1987. Traducción al español por Gabriel Rodríguez Alberich ¿Qué es el escepticismo? No es nada esotérico. Nos lo encontramos a diario. Cuando compramos un coche usado, si tenemos el mínimo de sensatez, emplearemos algunas habilidades escépticas residuales (las que nos haya dejado nuestra educación). Podrías decir: "Este tipo es de apariencia honesta. Aceptaré lo que me ofrezca." O podrías decir: "Bueno, he oído que de vez en cuando hay pequeños engaños relacionados con la venta de coches usados, quizá involuntarios por parte del vendedor", y luego hacer algo. Le das unas pataditas a los neumáticos, abres las puertas, miras debajo del capó. (Podrías valorar cómo anda el coche aunque no supieses lo que se supone que tendría que haber debajo del capó, o podrías traerte a un amigo aficionado a la mecánica.) Sabes que se requiere algo de escepticismo, y comprendes por qué. Es desagradable que tengas que estar en desacuerdo con el vendedor de coches usados, o que tengas que hacerle algunas preguntas a las que es reacio a contestar. Hay al menos un pequeño grado de confrontación personal relacionado con la compra de un coche usado y nadie afirma que sea especialmente agradable. Pero existe un buen motivo para ello, porque si no empleas un mínimo de escepticismo, si posees una credulidad absolutamente destrabada, probablemente tendrás que pagar un precio...
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...Katie Phillips Mr. Brown English 102 June 28, 2012 School Is Bad For Children In School Is Bad For Children, Holt gave a negative review of the education received in a public school. He started off by saying that most children are better off before they ever set foot in school. Holt goes on by explaining how a baby learns how to sit up, stand, walk, and speak all on their own. When they start school the teachers are not there to help the children, but instead tell them that they are wrong, says Holt. He said that some states are starting to let students go out into the world and get hands on experience, which he thought was a good idea. Holt thinks that children should not be forced to go to school if they don’t want to, but we should make it so that they do want to go. He also believes that school isn’t right for everyone and that if it’s not that they shouldn’t waste their time, instead they should get a job. In School Is Bad For Children, Holt’s view that school is not the best thing for all children was very apparent. I agree with him that it isn’t always the right place for everyone, but I thought that he was a little bit too extreme with some of his thoughts and reasons. I think that children shouldn’t feel like they are being forced to go to school, that they should enjoy it in some way. I recently graduated high school though and I know the feeling, of not wanting to be there or not caring about school like I should. Holt puts a lot of blame on the...
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...are four stages to the creative process that include searching for challenges, expressing the problem or issue, investigating the problem or issue, and producing ideas. In the first stage: searching for challenges, it is expected for challenges to be constantly thought about and searched for. The text book “The Art of Thinking”, it says that the importance of searching for challenges is reflected in the fact that you can be creative only in response to challenges that you perceive (Ruggiero, 2009). In other words, without challenges there is no need for the mind to be creative. The second stage of the creative process is expressing the problem or issue. In this stage, it is best to find an expression that will yield the most helpful ideas. When looking for the best expression, it is looking for the best way to identify the problem or issue in a question form. The third stage: investigating the problem or issue, is where necessary information is collected to effectively deal with the problem or issue. Lastly, the fourth stage: producing ideas, is the stage where ideas are produced to decide what action to take or what belief to embrace. There are two common obstacles in this stage that consist of the unconscious tendency to limit your ideas to common, familiar responses and the temptation to stop producing ideas too soon. When searching for a personal challenge, the first thing that came to my mind was the imperfections in my new position at my employer. I and three other...
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... 3- Which is your monthly cost in transport? a) 0-50 b) 50-100 c) >100 4- Are you interested in a motorbike (e-Bike) ? a) Yes b) No 5- Would you buy an e-Bike to take care about the environment? a)Yes b)No 6- Do you think it is useful? a) Yes b) No 7- What situation do you prefer? a) A motorbike with a license with its advantages and extra cost. b) An e-Bike without license and without extra cost. 8- Do you think 1000-1600 euros is a reasonable price? a) Yes b) No 9- If not, how much would you pay for it? a) <500 b) 500-1000 10- Would you change something of the e-Bike? a) Accessories b) Motor c) Design d) Others 11- Would be a good idea to design your own e-Bike? a) Yes b) No Learning aspects By writing the questionnaire we discovered that is quite difficult to do the right questions, because the questions have to be done thinking in the answer we want and the information we want to gather from the potential customer. Also, we figured out that questions have to be direct to the point and specific to have a straightforward answer. When doing the questionnaire we noticed that is hard to have people willing to answer you questionnaire, therefore we arrived to the conclusions that questions have to be short and simple because people are in a rush or might not give you time to ask the questions. We have found some advantages and disadvantages of the questionnaire ...
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...Mill And John Stuart Mill JAMES MILL states that mind is just like machine. James Mill applied the doctrine of mechanism to the human mind with a rare directness and comprehensiveness JOHN STUART MILL says that mind played an important and active role in the association of ideas. John Stuart Mill argued against the mechanistic position of his father, who viewed the mind as passive, something acted upon by external stimuli. CREATIVE SYNTHESIS the idea given by Stuart Mill. The notion that complex ideas formed from simple ideas take on new qualities, the combination of the mental elements creates something greater than or different from the sum of the original elements. MY VIEWS ABOUT THIS CONCEPT: * Human mind comes up with ideas; human mind does associates one idea with another. For example, 2+2 =4 but it can also 22, so it depend on human mind how to perceive it. * Mind is not like machine this concept is limited. * Chemists were demonstrating the concept of synthesis, in which chemical compounds were found to exhibit attributes and qualities not present in their component parts or elements. CONCLUSION: This is clear that mind is not like a machine because this idea is not correct as well as association is the fundamental function of mind so it depend on humans how they can perceive. The process of creative synthesis is also...
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