...Essay Writing 2: Planning & Structuring Your Essays Effective Learning Service Essay Writing 2: Planning & Structuring Your Essays University of Bradford, School of Management Essay Writing (2): Planning & Structuring Your Essays ESSAY WRITING (2): PLANNING & STRUCTURING YOUR ESSAYS WHY WRITE ESSAYS? Look for the word ‘essay’ in the dictionary and you will find one meaning listed is ‘to attempt’. An essay is an attempt by you to communicate your arguments or knowledge of a subject to the reader, usually your tutor. The mark awarded is a reflection, not on your intellect generally, but on your ability to communicate your ideas on the subject in question. Many tutors – and students – believe essays help in four ways: Ø They can be a good way to learn. The process of writing will help you clarify your thoughts on a subject or topic Ø They show your tutors that you understand key ideas on any particular subject Ø They are useful as a means of gaining feedback on your academic progress Ø Essays are usually an important part of overall assessment. Essay writing can therefore be viewed in a positive way. However, essays can cause be a source of anxiety to many students, particularly at the start of their academic careers. Many students feel vulnerable when they write and submit essays and feel their intellect generally is subject to official scrutiny. They have plenty of thoughts and ideas inside their heads – but how to get these out in a readable form? This is the challenge...
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...------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form * UK Essays * Services * Instant Price * Order Now * Essays * Dissertations * Guarantees * Contact * tourism The tourism essay below has been submitted to us by a student in order to help you with your studies. 1. UKEssays 2. Essays 3. Tourism 4. Importance Of Human Resources In The Hospitaliy Industry Tourism Essay Importance Of Human Resources In The Hospitaliy Industry Tourism Essay In order to gain competitive power for the hotel, human resource management is an elementary issue. Human resource management can be regarded as the foundation for the hotel to acquire competitive advantage. Honoring the employees through effective communication, training programs for the employees and benefit programs is what effective hospitality management is all about. Human resource management and effective hospitality management is the corner stone of successful business in hospitality industry. The Human Resources Management (HRM) function includes a variety of activities, and key among them is deciding what staffing needs you have and whether to use independent contractors or hire employees to fill these needs, recruiting and training the best employees, ensuring they are high performers, dealing with performance issues, and ensuring your personnel and management practices conform to various regulations. Activities also include managing your approach to employee benefits and compensation, employee records...
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...Essay writing Writing skills are particularly important for management students. Once statements are made in writing, they are much more difficult to retract or change so the meanings of sentences need to be concise and clear. It is therefore vitally important to develop your skills in this more formalised and rigorous form of communication. The following suggestions should help in preparing your essay: Planning: Before you start writing it is important that you know enough about the topic to form an argument in response to the question set. Make sure you have read enough – not just textbooks or lecture notes. Planning your essay is very important. Another key step before you put pen to paper, or finger the keyboard, is to work out a structure for your essay. Making the structure explicit will help you be clear about your overall line of argument. Equally, being clear about your line of argument will help shape your sense of structure. For these reasons IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO DECIDE THE THEME AND ARGUMENT OF YOUR ESSAY BEFORE YOU START TO WRITE. However many of you will also find it useful to try writing parts of the essay in order to work out your structure and plan your argument. Writing a structure plan does NOT mean writing a list of everything you want to include in the essay – the ‘shopping list’ approach. Rather you need to think through the logical steps of the argument. What information or points do you need to make before you can argue a certain line...
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...and resource management. In the next paragraph or paragraphs I will explain why these three work place readiness for the commonwealth are the most important for students to process in order to be successful upon graduating from Courtland High School. Teamwork is important because when you have to work in groups or with a partner and you suck at team work then you would not get much help. Also you won’t be getting help...
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...Management Papers Management papers are short pieces of written work. These are like articles which are published in the newspapers and magazines. Management papers give a picture of student’s best abilities, skills and expertise to the given assignment. CustomWritings.com provides all sorts of services for homework to the students and clients on any topic. In today's vast media and tough business competition environment, CustomWritings.com, offers the topics to the clients who are linked to us on online basis regarding the current HRM issues. We take very little from our clients and give them a lot. Our custom writing services in the field of business and public Management papers' home works are speedy, advantageous, innovative and cost effective. We receive very few charges from our clients and in return we offer them tremendous in the form of quality work and innovative work. Our panel of writing is brilliant and wonderful. The team's job is very organized. It shows mobility and strength for our clients. Whenever our clients order Management papers to us for home works, our writing is carefully checked for plagiarism and language mistakes. Buy Custom Written Papers on Management. Plagiarism-Free Guarantee. Professional Academic Writers.Free QuoteOrder now CustomWritings.com helps in providing the following Management papers topics in the field of HRM: An Introduction to Human Resource Management, A History of American Human Resources Management, Change: The Environment...
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...Writing Essays 1. Getting started The worst part about writing an essay can be starting the process. Before you rush into doing a pile of reading, you need to be very clear what your essay is about and what you are actually being asked to do. Typical essay questions: a) How do organizations typically manage stress? Critically evaluate the evidence for the effectiveness of stress management. b) Critically assess the extent to which a Conceptual Framework may guide the accounting standard-setting process. c) Identify and analyse significant developments in technology impacting on IMC. Discuss how such developments might affect international marketers and notions of the audience. The important thing to do when you approach an essay is carefully unpacking the essay question. For example, in question (a) above, you are being asked to do two things. First, to describe how organizations manage stress, and then to examine the evidence regarding the effectiveness of stress management. The first part of the essay, therefore, will be fairly descriptive, and you will be looking to read books and journal articles that discuss the ways that organizations manage stress. Don’t rely too heavily on one book or one particular journal article. Try to read as widely possible and make notes as you do so (see handout on reading and note-taking). The second part of the essay is rather more difficult, and it is here that many students fall down and lose marks. The key...
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...When it comes to setting your career goals, it is crucial to write them down. Why? Because studies have shown that you are more likely to reach their goals when you write them out. We can all say what we want, but our desires can change on a daily basis. You might no longer want what you wanted last year or five years ago. As you learn more about the world, you start to want different things. When you put your goals to a document, it forces you to clarify what you want. It also gives you the motivation to take action. Moreover, you can look at it and celebrate your progress. On the other hand, you might be confused when it comes to starting. This course gives you information on how to accelerate your career in 30 days. If you are writing a career goals essay, read on to learn how. Many graduate and undergraduate programs require an essay on your life, personal interests and career goals. For me, I can easily articulate my goals in a few sentences. However, when I’m asked to put it to paper, and in a concise way…well, that requires some thought and planning. Not to mention if graduate or undergraduate school acceptance depends on how well you convey your goals–it can be downright daunting. However, it doesn’t have to be. All it takes is some practice and thoughtfulness. What Are Career Goals? This is what you want to do with your professional life. It can be anything from getting hired by a specific company to holding a particular position. It can also span out five...
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...If you want to identify how to write a business essay with subjects like Finance, Marketing, Management and others, certain guidelines may help you in developing the essay which is perceptive, coherent and credible. The most significant considerations about how to write a business essay are that it provides related content as well as its opinions being supported with qualified examples or references. Some other important factors about how to write a business essay include management, design and usage of the suitable language. Breaking the procedure of how to write a business essay into different phases makes it less daunting and ensures that you cover all the angles. Prior to writing you business essay, you should: 1. Study the Essay Question: Determine exactly what the title or essay question is requesting you to deal with. Examine any particular wording for exercises and the approach that you need to take. The keywords that appear often in the business questions incorporate ‘analyse’, ‘illustrate’, ‘discuss’, ‘describe’, ‘compare’, ‘interpret’, ‘criticise’, ‘examine’, ‘review’, or ‘explain’. The question like ‘observe how use of the Internet could impact on the Marketing Mix for the organization’ might engage an exhaustive presentation of issues as well as an investigation for its implications. The topic implies ‘discussing’, so you will need to review the key arguments and provide reasons for as well as against. In this case, compose your individual essay question;...
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...Communication is defined as the giving, receiving or exchanging of information, opinions or ideas so that the message is completely understood by everybody involved. The sender sends a message out with a certain intention in mind. The receiver of the message tries to understand and interpret the message sent. He then gives feedback to the original sender who, in turn, interprets the feedback. This process, repeated continuously, constitutes communication. ➢ Elements in Communication There are several major elements in the communication process - a sender, message, channel, receiver, feedback, context. There is both a speaker’s intention to convey a message and a listener’s reception of what has been said. If you want to get your message across accurately, you need to consider three things: - The message; - The audience or receiver; and - How the message is likely to be received. ➢ Factors Affecting Communication Barriers to effective communication:- (a) Status/Role (b) Cultural Differences (c) Choice of Communication Channels (d) Length of Communication (e) Use of Language (f) Disabilities (g) Known or Unknown Receiver (h) Individual Perceptions/Attitudes/Personalities (i) Atmosphere/Noise/Distraction (j) Clarity of Message (k) Lack of Feedback 1.2 DEFINING WRITTEN COMMUNICATION - Oral communication involves conveying ideas, thoughts or information via a spoken language. - Written communication, however, information is exchanged using written...
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...writing Report Writing Effective Learning Service Report Writing Bradford University School of Management Report Writing REPORT WRITING A report is a form of communication in one or more of the following ways: Written form Verbal form Audio-visual form A report is a form of communication that will do one or more of the following: describes analyses summarises criticises or praises makes predictions about … a subject and is based on an analysis of current or past events or identifiable phenomena. If you are studying on an undergraduate or postgraduate course you will be expected to write reports and to present findings in both written and verbal and/or audio/visual forms. You will, for example, write reports: • • • • for module assignments, e.g. case study reports presenting the results of an individual research project summarising the result of a group project and presentation reflecting on a work experience or other placement you were involved in Effective Learning Service 1 Bradford University School of Management Report Writing What’s the difference between a report and an essay? There are two main differences: aim and presentation. Aim Essays give you more opportunity to expand on possibilities, ideas or concepts. Reports deal with describing and/or analysing actual past events. Reports can be written that make predictions or recommendations for the future, but these are usually the result of an analysis of past events or of current or...
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...Name: Course:Date:Instructor: | Expository Essay: Pre-Writing Worksheet Before you begin any writing assignment, it is often necessary to complete several “pre-writing” activities. This worksheet will assist you with several of the pre-writing activities necessary for completing your expository essay including selecting a topic, brain storming, developing a thesis statement, and identifying the audience for your essay. Follow the instructions to complete these pre-writing activities. Make sure you complete all 7 sections of this worksheet. 1. Choose a Topic Here is a list of possible essay topics to use for your expository essay. Please choose only one topic. You will indicate the topic you have chosen within the table below. * If you have a topic that you are passionate about please contact your instructor for their approval on the topic. Remember that your topic must be a topic where you can provide facts, not opinions. * Video games AND violence * Internet AND workplace * Exercise AND obesity * Academic achievement AND library 2. Read the Module 1 lecture and review “The Writing Process” media piece. Be sure to read your Module 1 lecture and review the “The Writing Process” media piece for instructions on how to develop a thesis statement and how to identify your audience. You will need to know how to do this in order to complete the table below and successfully begin your writing process. “The Writing Process” * “Menu” * “Who is the audience...
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...English for Academic Study New edition Writing Course Book Anne Pallant Book map Unit 1 Introductiontoacademic writing No source text Unitessay (Reflective questionnaire) Skillsand languagefocus ■ Reflecting on the process of academic writing 2 Sustainableenergy 2a Using waste, Swedish city cuts its fossil fuel use (1) 2b Using waste, Swedish city cuts its fossil fuel use (2) How can alternative sources of energy be harnessed effectively? Getting started: Planning an essay ■ Writing a first draft of an essay ■ Peer evaluation of a first draft ■ Incorporating sources ■ Writing introductions ■ 3 Thebusinessofscience 3a Stop selling out science to commerce 3b Is business bad for science? Over the past 20 years, commercial influences on scientific research have become increasingly detrimental. Discuss. Organizing and supporting ideas: ■ Generating ideas for an essay ■ Organizing ideas ■ Incorporating and referencing sources ■ Using paragraph leaders to help organization Writing in examinations: ■ Understanding key instruction verbs in examination questions ■ Interpreting examination questions ■ Writing an examination essay 4 Telemedicine 4c Telemedicine Timedessay: As technology continues to improve, the range of potential uses for telemedicine will increase. Telemedicine will offer more beneficial applications in preventing rather than curing disease. Discuss. There are many threats to global food supplies...
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...money as well should be transferred as such in order to improve the situation,resentment among team members escalated, why is because others were notcompetent enough to do the work (Mokate 2007).The members of the team should be tolled of their expected roles to play within thegroup or teamwork and team skills seems to be a stagnating point to solving issues andprogressing. Teamwork skills include the following as stipulated by Scarnati (2001:5)“lack of listening skills, lack of respect, sharing, helping and participation. As teams growlarger, the skills and methods that people require grow as more ideas are expressedfreely but the problem is other teams cannot keep up with the rapid growth of teams andoften experience the following problems: • Absence of trust – it develops from the teams unwillingness to be vulnerablewithin the group and team members are often not genuinely open with oneanother about mistakes and weaknesses and making it impossible to build afoundation for trust. • Fear of Conflict – teams that lack trust are incapable of engaging in unfilteredpassionate debate of ideas and instead the only solution is resort to veileddiscussions and guarded comments.The causes of teamwork failure is group size cause large groups less productivityand coordination losses is mostly to take place within that organization, meaninginefficiency that result from the group member’s inability to combine their resource in a maximally productive way. Social loafing is the other ingredient...
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...saying, “Well begun is half done.” (“Proverb Hunter”, 2012) Having a good foundation and ideas at the beginning allows easier and more efficient transition throughout the program. The ideas obtained from the Graduate Student Orientation Course are not something new. However, they can be compared to the missing pieces of a treasure map that has been put away up in the attic. Finding a treasure without them may be possible, but very challenging. By having those missing those missing pieces, the path to the treasure can be clear. I obtained many different ideas from the course, but there are three main ideas, which I believe will be very helpful through my degree program. They are (a) time management, (b) effective writing skills, and (c) use of CSU Online Library. Time Management According to Eerde (2003), managing time gives a person a sense of control of time. When a person has a control, it reduces tension and stress. Minimizing those two factors results in a positive performance and outcome. Being stressed about completing a certain task usually results in procrastination. One will try to find a justification to not complete the task right away, because the task will seem too overwhelming when he/she does not have adequate control of time. When the task can be justified as something that does not require an immediate attention, it no longer becomes an important task. In addition, one can still think of it as an important task even if it does not require an immediate...
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...International Business School MODULE HANDBOOK Management in Context GRADUATE PROGRAMS Academic Year: 2015 - 2016 Module Tutor: Kaja Prystupa-Rządca © Kozminski University 2015 str. 1 Kozminski University Management in context MODULE MANUAL ACADEMIC YEAR: 2015-2016 CONTENTS Page 1. Module Staff 3 2. Teaching and Learning Strategy 4 3. Recommended Readings 4 4. Module Assessment 4 5. Length 6 6. Structure of essay 7 7. How to start writing your essay 8 8. Grading 8 str. 2 1. Module Staff Office: Internal (direct) phone: E-mail: Office hours: str. 3 Room C/15 22 519 -21-65 kmprystupa@kozminski.edu.pl Please see current information on www.alk.edu.pl 2. Teaching and Learning Strategy Class Organization Please see detailed timetable below: dates may differ depending on which group you are attending – you will receive specific timetable with dates on the first day of class). Attendance and Participation As a general policy, I do not accept latecomers in this class. People who are more than 5 minutes late for the class will not be allowed to participate in the course. 3. Recommended Readings Several copies of “Organizational Behaviour and Management” by D. Knights and H. Willmott are available in the library. This book is an excellent companion to this course and should be also helpful in preparing your final assignment (Essay). It may also be a useful supplementary resource...
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