...MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS Subject assignment’s: IKEA Model Professor: Terence Tse CONTENTS Abstract 3 Introduction 4 Part 1: Microeconomic analysis 5 I/ THE 5-FORCES APPLIED ON IKEA 5 1. Internal rivalry/competitors 5 2. Bargaining Power of Supplier 8 3. Bargaining power of Buyers 9 4. Threat of Potential Entrants 10 5. Threat of Substitutes 10 II/ APPLICATION OF SEVERAL MICRO ECONOMIC CONCEPTS 11 Part 2: The macroeconomic environment of IKEA: 15 I/ KEY POINTS OF SWEDEN ECONOMY 15 II/ ANALYSIS OF THE MONETARY AND FISCAL POLICIES 16 III/ SWEDEN ECONOMY NOWADAYS AFTER CRISIS 19 Part 3: Macroeconomics of competitiveness 19 I/ THE DIAMOND MODEL ...
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...Conforama Newsletter But Cdiscount Ikea Made http://www.conforama.fr/ http://www.but.fr/ http://www.cdiscount.com/ http://www.ikea.com/fr/fr/ http://www.made.com/ Inscription peu visible (Dans le footer) Inscription mise en avant (Recevoir ventes flash…) Emailing modéré Réseaux sociaux, SEO SEM Social Fight Emailing Faible Inscription peu visible (Dans le footer) Non Inscription dans le footer, mais Visible Emailing Fort Plusieurs X/jour Emailing Faible 142088 fans 118905 fans 860386 fans 123285 fans 181942 fans 0,23% d’engagement 0,72% d’engagement 0,26% d’engagement 5,60% d’engagement 3,25% d’engagement ème 3 position Référencemen t Naturel Fort Création de trafic Affiliation Faible 4,5% des ventes (Zanox) Retargetting Cross-selling ème 5 position Référencemen t Payant Fort / Naturel Faible 1 ère position Référencemen t Payant Fort / Naturel Fort Affiliation Faible 4,5% des ventes (Zanox) Affiliation Forte Entre 2,2% et 5% selon le nb de ventes (Zanox) Fort Faible, plus par mail Fiche produit + Panier Fiche produit ème 4 position Référencemen t Payant Fort / Naturel Faible ème 2 position Référencemen t Payant Fort / Naturel Faible Affiliation Quasi inexistante Affiliation Très Forte en direct avec les clients 0,25€/CPC Fort Faible Très...
Words: 407 - Pages: 2
...entreprise innovante : Ikea 1 Présentation et historique succinct Ikea est le nom d'un détaillant de mobilier, souvent à assembler, d'origine suédoise. La société a été fondée en 1943, par Ingvar Kamprad qui n’avait alors que 17 ans. À l'origine, il vendait de la papeterie (des stylos, portefeuilles, cadres pour photo, nappes, montres, bijoux et bas nylon) par correspondance, en profitant de la tournée du laitier pour faire livrer ses produits à la gare ferroviaire la plus proche. Depuis, IKEA est devenu un acteur de premier plan dans le monde de la distribution, employant 118 000 personnes dans 40 pays/territoires et enregistrant un chiffre d'affaires annuel de plus de 19 milliards d'euros. • 1945 : Premières publicités IKEA dans la presse locale Le porte-à-porte n’étant plus adapté à ses ambitions, Ingvar commence à faire de la réclame dans la presse locale. Le premier mobilier fut proposé en 1947. • 1951 : Publication du premier catalogue IKEA. Ingvar entrevoit alors la possibilité de distribuer des meubles à plus large échelle. Il supprime les autres produits de son assortiment pour se concentrer sur les meubles à bas prix. • 1953 : La première exposition permanente de meubles ouvre ses portes à Älmhult. L’ouverture du premier hall d’exposition est une étape décisive du développement du concept IKEA. Pour la première fois, les clients peuvent voir et toucher les meubles avant de passer commande. • 1955 : IKEA commence à créer...
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...EU Furniture Market Study – Summary August, 30, 2006 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Emerging Markets Group, Ltd. EU Furniture Market Study – Summary Submitted by: Emerging Markets Group, Ltd. StrikConsulting d.o.o. Sarajevo Submitted to: USAID Contract No.: AFP-I-800-03-00029-04 DISCLAIMER The author’s views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. Assumptions and limitations a) This is the summary of the report “EU Household Furniture Market Overview in France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and Ireland,” which was prepared by AGRCo Team in April 2006 (contract number: AFP-1-00-03-00029-00, Task order number: 800). b) The authors used the following source documents for producing this Summary (the file names are in brackets): • • • • • • A Market Overview – United Kingdom [ 3UK MarketStudy April06-PR.doc] Appendices for the Furniture Market Overviews – EU Country Markets of France; Germany; Italy; United Kingdom; Ireland [Appendix 1 Product Groups.doc] A Market Overview – France [MS-France-Apr06-PR.doc] A Market Overview – Italy [MS-Italy3.doc] A Market Overview – United Kingdom [UnitedKingdom MARKET OVERVIEW (2a).ppt] A Market Overview – Germany [Germany MARKET OVERVIEW (3).ppt In addition, the following files were obtained: • • EU Market Survey summary...
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...Best Retail Brands Founded in 1974, Interbrand is one of the world’s largest branding consultancies. With nearly 40 offices in 26 countries, Interbrand’s combination of rigorous strategy, analytics and world-class design enables it to assist clients in creating and managing brand value effectively across all touchpoints in all market dynamics. Interbrand is widely recognized for its Best Global Brands report, the definitive guide to the world’s most valuable brands, as well as its Best Global Green Brands report which identifies the gap between customer perception and a brand’s performance relative to sustainability. It is also known for having created www.Brandchannel.com, an international online exchange and resource about brand marketing and branding. For more information on Interbrand, visit www.Interbrand.com. For more than 30 years we have been creating retail brand experiences for companies around the world. Interbrand Design Forum’s talent for game-changing innovation spurred us to create a business model that integrates analytics-based strategy into what began as a design and architecture group — the first and only company with such a comprehensive offering. Our broad range of services includes: retail design, brand strategy, shopper sciences, packaging, digital, documentation and rollout. This unique ability to address retail’s growing complexity has led many of the world’s top companies to our doorstep and propelled Interbrand Design Forum to the forefront of...
Words: 24571 - Pages: 99
...INTERNET VS STORE-BASED SHOPPING: THE GLOBAL MOVE TOWARDS OMNICHANNEL RETAILING Euromonitor International August 2014 INTERNET VS STORE -BASED SHOPPING: THE GLOBAL MOVE TOW ARDS OMNICHANNEL RETAILING Passport I LIST OF CONTENTS AND TABLES Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................... 1 Growth Drivers .......................................................................................................................... 1 Internet Retailing Trends .......................................................................................................... 2 Chart 1 Global Internet Sales by Category 2013....................................................... 2 Behaviour and Characteristics of Online Shoppers .................................................................. 3 Retailer Strategies .................................................................................................................... 4 Outlook ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Summary 1 Opportunities and Threats to Retailers ......................................................... 6 Introduction................................................................................................................................... 7 A New Way of Shopping ...................................................
Words: 44028 - Pages: 177
...INTERNET VS STORE-BASED SHOPPING: THE GLOBAL MOVE TOWARDS OMNICHANNEL RETAILING Euromonitor International August 2014 INTERNET VS STORE -BASED SHOPPING: THE GLOBAL MOVE TOW ARDS OMNICHANNEL RETAILING Passport I LIST OF CONTENTS AND TABLES Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................... 1 Growth Drivers .......................................................................................................................... 1 Internet Retailing Trends .......................................................................................................... 2 Chart 1 Global Internet Sales by Category 2013....................................................... 2 Behaviour and Characteristics of Online Shoppers .................................................................. 3 Retailer Strategies .................................................................................................................... 4 Outlook ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Summary 1 Opportunities and Threats to Retailers ......................................................... 6 Introduction................................................................................................................................... 7 A New Way of Shopping ...................................................
Words: 44028 - Pages: 177