Premium Essay

Illustration Essay


Submitted By benjimsmith
Words 542
Pages 3
Benji Smith
The Problem at Reactor Number Three There are many dangerous effects of an overheated nuclear reactor. It can lead to a huge nuclear meltdown such as the Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine, killing thousands and affecting millions. It can also have a much more minimal effect, still being very serious. A minimal overheating of reactor number three is exactly what happened at the Oconee Power Plant last Tuesday. This report will reveal the causes for this disaster. While not trying to blame anything or anyone for this occurrence, it is important to know how it occurred. Nuclear power plants run at excessively high temperatures. For this reason they are built close to a body of water which is used to cool down the blazing reactors. The Oconee plant is built beside the deep waters of Lake Keowee. This fall was preceded by drought with extremely high temperatures. This lack in rainfall accompanied by the above-average temperatures lowered the water level in Lake Keowee by twenty-five feet and raised the average temperature of the water by eleven degrees Fahrenheit. While the low level and high temperature of the water could not, by itself, allow the reactor to overheat, it did force the water cooling pumps to work harder and slower. This did not provide for the preferable amount or temperature of water to flow. The radio-active uranium used to create electricity is where the heat of a nuclear reactor comes from. The more uranium present leads to more heat to be dealt with but more power to sell. Because the amount of electricity demanded this summer was monumentally high, much uranium was being used. This summer, the Oconee nuclear power plant was running at its maximum output. A nuclear power plant’s maximum output is safe but, coupled with the poor water cooling conditions, became risky. This risk was said to be well worth it because of the benefits.

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