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Immanuel Kant's Ethical Violation Of Human Rights

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Antithesis Torture has become an outdated and useless means to extract information even if that information were to ultimately save lives. This has been proven throughout the history of the world time and time again, where torture failed to provide a justifiable means to its end. Failing on multiple fronts and mainly in its one focal pursuit of life saving information, torture only leads to useless pain and suffering, and is an unacceptable and unjustifiable violation of human rights. It is wrong not only in theory, but also in its outcomes. All of which can be further understood with the teachings of Immanuel Kant, and the human right concepts of Kantianism. Kant’s way of thinking can be basically summarized as such:
“Kant believed that certain types of actions were absolutely prohibited, even in cases where the action would bring about more …show more content…
The problem with this way of thinking is that it it assumes the only happiness that would be affected would be the one being tortured. This state of mind fails to provide the implications and consequences that sprout to the people or even countries involved in the torturing. The person doing the torturing would obviously be affected negatively by tormenting another human being and his or her emotional and ultimately mental stability would have to come into question. The countries involved in these sorts of actions would ultimately lose respect and credibility not just internationally but also internally with its own citizens. The biggest caveat of all is that by torturing one person it would make it more acceptable to torture others, as society would become numb to the notion of intentional human suffering. This would lead to a chain of events that would ultimately make human life worth less than whatever information someone might deem “important

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