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Contraception Pill Research Paper

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“The Pill” another name for the contraception pill, used widely by millions of women around the world. Yer a large number of women around the world. Yet a large number of women have no clue about the huge number of women have no clue About the huge risk the or taking. The Pill can help in many shapes and forms. Although like everything in this world, it’s had both benefits and risks. Birth-control is primarily used to prevent pregnancies. However that is not always the case various women who struggle with menorrhagia or dysmenorrhea take it to help decrease the pain or flu. We’re control once on it will regulate the menstrual periods. Even women who are diagnosed with premenstrual dysphoric disorder, A severe form of premenstrual syndrome. Take birth control, to treat such symptoms, due to the estrogen and progestin. As much as birth control can help with periods, decreased breast cysts and pelvic inflammatory disease, it does not help prevent sexually transmitted disease. While taking the pill, effects are to come it. Some can come across as a positive side effects. There are higher chance of receiving health issue affects, keep in mind. Nether less some women might find these effects better for them, and yet some women might not. Some women experience …show more content…
The thought that multiple women don’t bother to ask is “ how will this effect my body?”. As body ecology states “ some physical and emotional changes take places that are permanent while you stay on the pill. Many occur as your body’s response to synthetic estrogen.” Estrogen is in all the birth control pills no matter the brand. A brand just determines the amount of estrogen it will have. Unless you obtain a brand that is only progestin. However both have negative side effects such as breakthrough bleeding. The Main system it will do damage to you are your reproductive, digestive, integumentary, cardiovascular and central nervous

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