...CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION Stock exchange play a pivotal rate in the economic development of under developed developing and least developed countries like Bangladesh. It contributes to the development of economy through the development of business and industries. It can perform well to meet financial needs of business enterprises on a continuous basis. Stock market in considered to be parameter of the economy. It is mechanism to flow fund from the hands of small savers (Individual and Institution) at low costs of those entrepreneurs who do need fund to start business an to expend capacity of existing business as to add new line of business. In other words, this capital market mechanism gives a part ownership of by companies to small savers scheme to share ownership of economic development with general public. Stock refers to shares bands. Debentures, mutual funds, derivates and future and option. Market refers to the way of exchanging assets usually cash for smoothing of value. So, we can say in a word, stock market in a market for trading products of stock market. Stock exchange is an independent company formed by shareholders members. It can take various decision independently the objectives of stock exchanges are to protect the interests of the investors and promote just and equitable principles of trade. The Chittagong Stock Exchange has been established in 1995 as a model of International Standard. Considering the import role of Chittagong Stock Exchange in the development...
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...be followed by a drastic and prolonged downswing has been successfully overcome. Discernible signs of renewed vitality have emerged. A number of actions have been considered by strategists to add depth to the market. Merchant banking, these days has been showing the path to achieve these goals. Although the concept is not too old in this country, its potential of meeting diverse challenges of capital market is high. This report emphasizes on the operations of Merchant Banking Division of Prime Finance & Investment Limited. It is aimed to achieve an overview on the operations of this division and measure how effective and efficient it has been in its working process. Keyword Prime Finance & Investment Limited, Merchant Banking, CDBL, DSE, SEC, TESA Merchant Banking Merchant banking is an emergent sector in the capital market. According to Securities and Exchange Commission (Merchant Banker and Portfolio Manager) Rules, 1996, merchant bankers is defined as “… those who manage portfolio on behalf of its clients or performs the business of underwriting or are related to securities as underwriter or advisor or are providing corporate advisory services on completion of all the activities relating to Issue...
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...implications to operate and develop the capital market. It consists of Central Depository Bangladesh Limited (CDBL), the only Central Depository in Bangladesh that provides facilities for the settlement of transactions of dematerialized securities in CSE and DSE. 2.1 Functions of capital market: The functioning of an efficient capital market may ensure smooth floatation of funds from the savers to the investors. When banking system cannot meet up the total need for funds to the market economy, capital market stands up to supplement. To put it in a single sentence, we can therefore say that the increased need for funds in the business sector has created an immense need for an effective and efficient capital market. It facilitates an efficient transfer of resources from savers to investors and becomes conduits for channeling investment funds from investors to borrowers. T 2.2 Product of capital market: • Shares, • Debentures, • Mutual funds, • Bonds, • Derivatives, • Future and options. 2.3 Player of capital market: • Investors, • PLCs, • Stock Exchange, • Broker & Dealers, • Merchant banks, • Securities and Exchange Commission, • CDBL. 2.4 Operation of capital market: Each and every step of capital market operation is regulated. Regulations may come from SEC, Stock Exchanges and CDBL under securities Act. 2.5 Parameters used to measure...
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...Working report on “IPO consent and listing procedure in Bangladesh”, Capital Market, Finance Division, Grameenphone, Ltd. Prepared by: Md. Asad-uz-zaman Id# 0410094 An Internship Report Presented in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Independent University, Bangladesh April 30, 2009 1 A WORKING REPORT ON THE CAPITAL MARKET, FINANCE DIVISION OF GRAMEENPHONE 2 Working report on “IPO consent and listing procedure in Bangladesh”, Capital Market, Finance Division, Grameenphone, Ltd. Prepared by: Md. Asad-uz-zaman Id# 0410094 Approved By: Rushdi Md Rezaur Razzaque Lecturer School of Business Independent University, Bangladesh 3 Letter of Transmittal Date: April 30, 2009 Rushdi Md Rezaur Razzaque Lecturer School of Business Independent University, Bangladesh Dear Sir, I have prepared my internship working report on “IPO consent and listing procedure in Bangladesh”, based on working experience of Capital Market division, Finance Department, Grameenphone Ltd, which I am submitting along with this letter. It was an energizing experience throughout the semester and preparing this report further enhanced my insight about how corporate level activities are being done and experience the real life situations which I have learnt throughout my internship (BBA-499A) in Grameenphone Ltd. This report will also reflect my working experience as an intern in Finance Division. As you will note...
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...Content Executive Summary Introduction Operation Efficiency Success Failure Recommendation Conclusion Executive Summary: Introduction: The stock market of Bangladesh is considered to be one of the emerging markets in the context of the global financial system. The market has immense potentials for country’s industrialization, development of infrastructure in particular and economic growth in general. The government and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have undertaken a good number of initiatives to meet Bangladesh's development financing requirements with a particular focus on developing long term infrastructure financing and strengthening financial stability through promotion of capital market. In this regard formulation of a Master Plan is of crucial importance. Stock markets or Stock exchanges play an important role in the modern capitalized economy by providing the strength to nation's economic infrastructure. Now the stock market is one of the most important sources for companies to raise capital. Stock market allows businesses to raise additional capital for expansion by transferring the ownership of the company. It provides individuals the opportunity to invest in corporations. The size of the world stock market was estimated at about $36.6 trillion at the beginning of October 2008. In Bangladesh, there are two stock exchanges, the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and the Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE), DSE was setup on April 28, 1954 that started...
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...Weak- Form Market Efficiency of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), Bangladesh ABU TAHER MOLLIK Economics & Finance, Regional School of Business, Faculty of Law and Management, La-Trobe University, Bendigo, VIC 3550, Australia. Email:abumollik@yahoo.com.au; a.mollik@latrobe.edu.au M KHOKAN BEPARI PhD Student School of Commerce and Marketing Faculty of Arts, Business, Informatics and Education Central Queensland University, Australia Email: k.bepari@cqu.edu.au; khokan552@yahoo.com Phone:+610402917968 Weak Form Market Efficiency of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), Bangladesh Abstract This paper examines the weak-form efficiency in Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) of Bangladesh adjusting for thin trading problem. Both non-parametric tests and parametric tests are used. The data sets consist of daily DSE General Index (DSE-GEN) and DSE 20 Index for the period ranging from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2007. The results of the study reveal that DSE return series are not normally distributed. Both the return series are stationary and do not follow a random walk. Overall, the study rejects the weak form efficiency of DSE. Key words: Efficient Market Hypothesis; Dhaka Stock Exchange; Random Walk Model; Weak Form of Efficiency; Return autocorrelation. JEL classification: G14, N25, G 34 Weak Form Market Efficiency of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), Bangladesh 1. Introduction The theory of efficient market hypothesis (EMH) proposed by Fama (1965) was a ‘water...
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...Department of Finance Faculty of Business Studies University of Dhaka TITLE OF THE STUDY: BANGLADESH STOCK MARKET PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS Course Title: Course Code: Submitted to Department of Finance University of Dhaka Submitted by Section “A” BBA 16th Batch Department of Finance University of Dhaka Date of Submission: ------------------------------------------------- about us… Sl No. | Name | Id | 1 | | | 2 | | | 3 | | | 4 | | | 5 | | | 6 | | | 7 | Md. Sanowar Hossain | 16-175 | 8 | | | 9 | Md. Mahbubur Rahman Khan | 16-263 | TABLE OF CONTENTS Topic Page No. Introduction 7 – 8 Stock & how it can be Traded 7 Stock Exchange 7 Broker 7 Listed and Unlisted Company 7 SEC 8 Important Definitions & Terminologies 8 – 10 Face Value, Market Value 8 Market Lot 8 EPS 8 Price Earning Ratio 9 Dividend, Stock Dividend 9 Right Issue 9 Dividend Yield 9 Circuit Breaker, LTP 10 Volume 10 High Price, Low Price 10 Trade 10 52 Weeks Range 10 IPO 10 Stock Placement & Market Analyses 10 – 11 Private Placement 10 Technical Analysis 11 Fundamental Analysis...
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...Overview of Financial system of Bangladesh The financial system of Bangladesh is comprised of three broad fragmented sectors: Formal Sector, Semi-Formal Sector, Informal Sector. The sectors have been categorized in accordance with their degree of regulation. The formal sector includes all regulated institutions like Banks, Non-Bank Financial Institutions (FIs), Insurance Companies, Capital Market Intermediaries like Brokerage Houses, Merchant Banks etc.; Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs). The semi formal sector includes those institutions which are regulated otherwise but do not fall under the jurisdiction of Central Bank, Insurance Authority, Securities and Exchange Commission or any other enacted financial regulator. This sector is mainly represented by Specialized Financial Institutions like House Building Finance Corporation (HBFC), Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), Samabay Bank, Grameen Bank etc., Non Governmental Organizations (NGOsand discrete government programs. The informal sector includes private intermediaries which are completely unregulated. [pic] The financial market in Bangladesh is mainly of following types: Money Market: The primary money market is comprised of banks, FIs and primary dealers as intermediaries and savings & lending instruments, treasury bills as instruments. There are currently 15 primary dealers (12 banks and 3 FIs) in Bangladesh. The only active secondary market is overnight call money market which is participated...
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...An Assignment on Investment Management [FIN 364] Capital Market of Bangladesh Submitted to: Farhana Rahman Lecturer, School of Business UITS Submitted by: Shakerul Islam Tazu ID. 09510127 Eamin Zabed ID. 09510082 Farhana Yeasmin Lopa ID. 09510189 Rawnak Razzak ID. 08310026 UNIVERSITY Of Information Technology & Sciences Baridhara, Dhaka ------------------------------------------------- LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL December 18, 2010 Ms. Farhana Rahman Faculty of Business Administration School of Business UITS Subject: Submission of the Assignment on “Capital Market of Bangladesh”. Dear Madam, It is a great pleasure for us that we have the opportunity to submit the assignment on “Capital Market of Bangladesh”. We have tried our level best to put meticulous effort for prepare this assignment. Any shortcomings or fault may arise as our unintentional mistakes. We will wholeheartedly welcome any clarification and suggestion about any view and conception disseminated through this assignment. Thank you. Yours Sincerely, Shakerul Islam Tazu ID. 09510127 Eamin Zabed ID. 09510082 Farhana Yeasmin Lopa ID. 09510189 Rawnak Razzak ID. 08310026 ------------------------------------------------- Aknowledgement One of the most pleasant parts of writing this report is the opportunity to thanks those who have contributed to it. Unfortunately, in any establishment, the list of expression of thanks- no matter how all-embracing-...
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..."Performance Evaluation of Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited and Comparison with the OIC Countries" (This internship report is submitted for the partial fulfillment of the degree of Masters of Business Administration with major in finance and Banking) Submitted By: Md. Forhadul Islam Metric No: R092036 Program: RMBA Date of Submission: 12 December, 2011 Department of Business Administration Faculty of Business studies International Islamic University Chittagong "Performance Evaluation of Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited and Comparison with the OIC Countries" (This internship report is submitted for the partial fulfillment of the degree of Masters of Business Administration with major in finance and Banking) Submitted To; Mr. Monir Ahmmed Assistant Professor, DBA International Islamic University,Chittagong [pic] Signature ot the Supervisor Department of Business Administration Faculty of Business studiesInternational Islamic University Chittagong Letter of Transmittal Date: December12, 2011 To The Dean Faculty of Business Studies International Islamic University Subject: Submission of the Internship Report. Dear Sir, I have great pleasure in submitting my Internship Report on "Performance Evaluation of Chittagong...
Words: 8164 - Pages: 33
...A Term Paper On “The Role of Capital Market on The Economic Development of Bangladesh” GOVT. SUHRAWARDY COLLEGE, PIROJPUR Department of Accounting Term Paper On “The Role of Capital Market on The Economic Development of Bangladesh” Submitted To: Md. Faruk Hosain Assistant Professor Department of Accounting Govt. Suhrawardy College, Pirojpur Submitted By: Alamgir Hossain Roll No- 9792874 Reg. No-1727384 Session-2010-2011 BBA (Hons) 4th Year Department of Accounting Govt. Suhrawardy College, Pirojpur Date of Submission: February 12, 2014 Letter of Transmittal Date : Md. Faruk Hosain Assistant Professor Govt. Suhrawardy College, Pirojpur Subject: Submission of Term Paper on “The role of capital market on the economic development of Bangladesh”. Sir, As a part of BBA program a term paper is enclosed herewith. The report was prepared on “The role of capital market on the economic development of Bangladesh.” In the course of preparation the report, I tried with the best of my capacity to accommodate as much information and relevant issues as possible and tried to follow the instructions as you have suggested. In the time of preparation the report, relevant documents, data, information were studied and practical knowledge had been gathered. I tried my best to make this report as much informative as possible. I sincerely believe that it will satisfy your requirements. I however sincerely believe that this report will serve the purpose of my term paper...
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...Letter of Transmittal: May 02, 2011. Md. Serajur Rasul Assistant Professor Dept. of Management Studies University of jagannath. Subject: Submission of the Report on Problems & prospects of Capital market of Bangladesh. Dear Sir, With due respect, it is a great pleasure to me submitting my report. The topic of the report is “Problems & prospects of Capital market of Bangladesh”. I have collected various important information about this. I sincerely believe that you would find the report very interesting, informative and elucidating. I, therefore, hope that you would kindly accept this report and oblige thereby. With thanks and best regards. Sincerely yours, Chittra Kundu B.B.A (4th batch) Section: B Roll no.: 07882559 Session: 2007-08 Department of Management Studies University of Jagannath Acknowledgement All praises and thanks to omnipotent creator for enabling me to complete my report with good health and sound mind. At this point, I would like to acknowledge some of the persons who have made a major contribution to its preparation. At first I would like to thank our honorable course teacher Mr. Md. Serajur Rasul, assistant professor of Management Studies, Jagannath University who assigned me to prepare such important report. I also like to thank to our Lab operator, Department of Management studies, seminar & library authority for making cordial co-operation by serving about internet & necessary Books when I asked them...
Words: 15853 - Pages: 64
...Term paper on Organization Design and Development Topic: Organization is like a child and it requires continuous nurturing. Prepared for: Md. Musharrof Hossain Course Instructor, MBA Program, School of Business United International University Prepared by: Name Nahid Akter Nupur Ayesha Chowdhury Trisha Riaz Ashekin Joty Fahmida Mahbub Preyanka Dey ID. No. 112 122 009 112 123 039 113 122 006 112 122 022 112 122 003 MBA Program, School of Business United International University Date of Submission: March 22, 2014 To Md. Musharrof Hossain Course Instructor School of Business United International University Subject: Submission of term paper on ― “Organization is like a child and it requires continuous nurturing” Dear Sir, We are the students of MBA department and eager to submit our term paper on ― Organization is like a child and it requires continuous nurturing, as a requirement for the course of Organization Design and Development (HRM 636). We would like to inform you that we took great pleasure in preparing this term paper. We have worked hard, concentrated on our work and tried level best to prepare this term paper. We have gained a lot of knowledge while preparing this term paper and enjoyed it. We tried to submit the term paper within specific time period and we apologize for any possible mistake. We are looking forward to get your kind acceptance of this term paper. Yours’ sincerely, On behalf of the group: Riaz Ashekin Joty ID# 113122006 ...
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...Executive summary Cash Flow Statement and Disclosure are potentially significant means for management to communicate company’s performance and governance to outside investors. Demand for Cash Flow Statement and disclosure arise from information asymmetry and agency problem between owners and management. The 1st chapter of this report is Introduction. It remain Origin of the project and thesis work, Background of the Report, Objective of the report, General objective, Project objective, Scopes, Methodologies, Data sources, Limitations and Research strategy. The 2nd chapters flash on IAS and BAS, it include History of IAS, Bangladesh Accounting Standard (BAS) Scopes, Current Status of Bangladesh Accounting Standard Data sources, IAS vs. BAS Data collection and IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statement. The 3rd chapter of this report is Overview of Cash Flow Statement. It includes what is cash flow statement, Objective of cash flow statement, Structure of the Cash Flow Statement, Presentation of a Cash Flow Statement and History of IAS-7. In 4th chapter contains the analysis and findings about some selected companies in Bangladesh which includes Pharmaceuticals industry, Bank Industry, Leasing industry, Textiles industry, Food & beverage industry. And, final chapter of this report contains some finding and recommendations are given to touch the landmark of quality cash flow statement and some similarities & dissimilarities and note disclosure practices. Introduction...
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...[pic] Bangladesh being a developing country, security market is very important source for the growth and development of the industrial section. SEC is working for a healthy economic capital, active administrated securities market. But BSEC it self is not smooth & efficient. There are few problems has been arise after it established. BSEC is working on some new projects and plans. SEC introduce an online database called EDGAR from which investors can access this and other information filed with the agency. In the same online system also takes tips and complaints from investors to help the BSEC track down violators of the securities laws. Apart from the macro policy of contributing to the development of the national economy through harmonization with monetary policy, securities policy dealing with securities houses and markets, generally pursue three broad objectives- Firstly, to improve the efficiency of securities market. Secondly, to ensure the stability and soundness of the financial system. Thirdly, to protect investors rights. In this paper we have shown the history of the organization, in the second section we have shown different functions done by the BSEC, in the third chapter shown types of stock exchange, registered under the BSEC. In the fourth and fifth section we have tried to discuss the different departments of the BSEC and effects of BSEC on the capital market. In the sixth section we have discussed registration and rules & regulation imposed...
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