...Exchange Association Ltd in 28 April 1954 and started formal trading in 1956. It was renamed as East Pakistan Stock Exchange Ltd in 23 June 1962. Again in 13 May 1964 it was renamed as Dacca Stock Exchange Ltd. After the liberation war in 1971 the trading was discontinued for five years. In 1976 trading restarted in Bangladesh. In 16 September 1986 was started. The formula for calculating DSE all share price index was changed according to IFC in 1 November 1993. The automated trading was initiated in 10 August 1998. In 1 January 2001 was started. Central Depository System was initiated in 24 January 2004. As of November 16, 2009, the benchmark index of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) crossed 4000 points for the first time, because of the debut of Grameen Phone in DSE. From the year 2007 the market capitalization is growing at a constant pace. The market is growing both in capitalization and trading volume. The growth is fueled by increased demand for financial assets and influx of liquid money. The growth is outpacing the growth of the national economy. Sudden rise of capitalization in DSE has raised the question, whether the growth has been healthy and market is functioning in a justifiable manner. [pic] Because economic development of a country is deeply related the development of country. If the market grows and functions in an unhealthy manner, allocation of capital may go to less productive sector. Good entrepreneurs may feel discouraged. Excess volatility in the...
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...Efficient Market Hypothesis: Examining the Case of South Asian Stock Markets Sharon Prakash Abstract This study examines the relevance of the Efficient Market Hypothesis among emerging stock markets belonging to the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh) and the Global economy. The study employs daily closing prices of eminent market indices from a time period 2004-2013.The stock returns have been subjected to unit root tests such as the Augmented Dickey Fuller test and a panel unit root test. Additionally the existence of random walk for these stock markets has also been examined through the Jarque-Bera statistic. The results indicate information inefficiency in the time period under study for all indices. Investors can therefore predict future prices on the basis of historical information, and receive excessive returns. The results have implications for developing economies wherein the government has to ensure that all asset related information be made public, to curb state interference. Introduction The concept of Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) holds special importance in the field of Finance, especially Capital markets. This hypothesis postulates that markets are informationally efficient. This asserts that the price of any security will fully reflect all the information that is available to the investors. That being said, one cannot consistently achieve returns that are excess of the average market returns...
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...University Savar, Dhaka FNB209: Financial Institutions and Markets | Executive Summary Submission of the Report on : Efficiency Analysis and Volatility Effect of Bangladesh Stock Market Submitted by:Sariful Islam(Student ID: 610)Ashfaq-ul- haq oni(Student ID: 621)Jafrin Siddique (Student ID: 1922)Zunaid Hossain (Student ID: 1928)K. M. Zeman Adnan (Student ID: 2128)William Masterson Shah (Student ID: 2129) | Submitted to:Dr. Sheikh Abu TaherLecturer,Department of Finance & BankingJahangirnagar University | August 2, 2012 Term Paper Topic: Efficiency Analysis and Volatility Effect of Bangladesh Stock Market Executive Summary: This paper empirically examines the behavior of stock returns in the Bangladesh stock market namely Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), the efficiency of the market in pricing securities and the relationship between stock returns and conditional volatility and the impact of some institution factors such as lock-in, circuit breaker, and caretaker government on volatility, using best known three different daily price indices DSEG, DSI and DS20. The results of autocorrelation function, results of ADF and PP tests and also the results of ARIMA models do not support the hypothesis of weak-form of market efficient of DSE. The results of GARCH (p, q)-M models indicate significant departure from the hypothesis of weak form efficiency; the tendency for returns to exhibit volatility clustering; and a significant positive link between risk and returns for...
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...Testing the weak form efficiency of Islamabad Stock exchange (ISE) Syed Tauseef Raza Gilani Department of Management Sciences, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan Email: tosif399@gmail.com, Tel: +00923006327270 Abstract The characteristics of stock prices reflect the all available information in market. This study explored the weak form efficiency of Islamabad Stock Exchange (ISE). In this research paper, we have also revealed the behavior of prices traded in Islamabad Stock Exchange, and how it behaves in different unusual events. Stock markets are the major contributor to economy. To test the weak form efficiency of Islamabad Stock exchange, we have tested Efficient Market Hypothesis. EMH is method to measure the stock prices trends in the market. Efficient market hypothesis also helps for making the right investment decisions. From two of decades, EMH has obtained much great importance in the field of finance. So it has attracted many researchers to explore the anomalous behavior of efficient stock market. Efficient market hypothesis has three main categories: 1. Weak form 2. Semi-strong form 3. Strong form. We will focus only weak form of market efficiency in ISE. Focus of the study is to analyze the weak form of ISE-10 in the stock market. For this purpose we have used different statistical technique for analyzing the data that is collected from the official website of ISE. Data will be in the form of weekly ISE-10 share index. Time period of data is From...
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...for the Weak-Form Market Efficiency of the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange DETAILS:- Author(s)- Year- Name of Journal- Volume- Issue- Page number | Authors : Yilmaz Guney - University of Hull, Gabriel Vitus Komba - Mzumbe University, School of BusinessDate: October 21, 2015. | - RESEARCH OBJECTIVES(s)-RESEARCH QUESTION(s) | This study investigates into the weak-form efficiency of the Dar es Salaam stock exchange (DSE), a frontier market, in Tanzania. | - HYPOTHESES- VARIABLES:Eg: Dependent variables, Independent variables | The weak-form efficiency of the Dar es Salaam stock exchange (DSE), a frontier market, in Tanzania.Dependent Variable: Weak-form efficiency of DSE | METHODOLOGY:Eg: Scope of study, Respondent type & number, Analysis used | The study covers the period from January 2007 to December 2014. To establish the consistency and robustness of the obtained conclusions, we employ different tests (i.e., Augmented Dickey-Fuller test, variance-ratio test, and Ranks and Sign test) to examine the hypothesis that the returns based on the price and return indices follow a random walk process | FINDINGS & DISCUSSION:Eg: Types of relationships (support or not), Reliability & variance | Wright (2000) shows that ranks and sign tests can be exact, and have better power properties than the conventional variance-ratio tests. Moreover, they demonstrate that rank-based variance-ratio tests have, generally, more power than the sign-based variance-ratio tests. Considering...
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... So, in addition to the theory of dividend policy, it is necessary to discuss the empirical evidence on the dividend payment practices of the corporations and their possible impacts on common stock prices. Empirical testing of dividend policy may focus on whether the determinants carry information in pricing the common stocks and whether the dividends are the only determinants serving as signals in conveying information about the current and future earnings of the corporation. Purpose: The present study will strives on the relative importance of dividends, retained earnings, and other determinants in the explanation of stock prices in Bangladesh with particular stock price of the companies associated with Dhaka Stock Exchange (henceforth DSE), an emerging capital market of Bangladesh. The prime objective of this study...
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...consequences of the stock market crash. During preparing this report we have enforced our best effort. Surely, it enriches our knowledge and promotes our study. Thank you for giving us such an opportunity for working on the topic. We will be honored to provide you any additional information, if necessary. Respectfully, Taher Jamil (On behalf of the group) Executive Summary Between July and December 1996, the Bangladesh capital market experienced an unprecedented surge in market prices and volume of activity. It was not 1996 but 2011, which will be recalled for bubble burst of capital market. January 10, 2011 is another black day for capital market history of Bangladesh. For the first hour of trading, the DSE general index dropped to 660.43 points or a record 9.25 per cent, the highest single day fall of our capital market. CSE also observed similar fall in stock prices. Portfolios of most of the investors have been reduced significantly following such dripping of Index. The regulators who were earlier frequently imposing several rules, regulations to make the market vibrant had to withdraw these rules after such fall. Market investors in panic started to sell their shares which made the market more unstable. The bullish trend of market suddenly turned to bearish more than expected which ultimately made the market plummet and reduced...
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...Private Limited Company in 1964. The company became Public & became listed in the DSE in the year 1991, since then there was no looking back. The supremacy of Square is such that the closest competitor Beximco Pharmaceuticals is not even close in comparison to the market share; the latter has only about half the market share.Square Pharmaceuticals Limited has extended its range of services towards the highway of global market. The company pioneered exports of medicines from Bangladesh in the year 1987 and has been exporting antibiotics and other pharmaceutical products since then. This extension in business and services has increased the credibility of Square Pharmaceuticals Limited ten folds. Introduction Capital Asset Pricing model concentrates on the analysis of risk in relation to investment return which has long been the problems of classical economic approaches to investment decisions. The market model, which is a complement of the CAPM is considered as a useful theoretical tool to analyze the systematic relationship between the return from a particular security and the overall market return. Such an information provides a general idea on the average fluctuation of return from a security relative to the overall market movement. In literature although quite a number of works have been conducted, in the context of Bangladesh, very few empirical work has been done to empirically test the market model. What is Risk? Risk and uncertainty are terms used to describe situationswhere...
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...Working Paper 3/2010 Investment Climate Series Investment Climate in Bangladesh: Enhanced Role of the Capital Market Dr. Prashanta K. Banerjee Md. Mohiuddin Siddique Economic Research Group Working paper No: 3/2010 Investment Climate Series Investment Climate in Bangladesh: Enhanced Role of the Capital Market Authors Dr. Prashanta Kumer Banerjee1 Mohiuddin Siddique2 Mentors Mohammad Musa Ph.D3 Farook Chowdhury4 ECONOMIC RESEARCH GROUP JUNE 2010 1 Senior Associate Professor, Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM), Dhaka 2 Associate Professor, BIBM, Dhaka 3 Professor of Finance, School of Business, United International University 4 Program Manager, BMB Mott MacDonald, Dhaka. Published By Economic Research Group (ERG), Dhaka, Bangladesh The papers in this series are published as part of contract under the Small Grants Program, implemented by ERG and BMB Mott MacDonald and supported by the Bangladesh Investment Climate Fund (BICF). BICF is managed by IFC, in partnership with the U.K. Department for International Development and the European Union. Details about the program can be found at http://www.ergonline.org/ifc/index_of_SGAPP.html © Dr. Prashanta Kumer Banerjee, Mohiuddin Siddique, 2010 This publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted for research and academic works without prior permission of the publisher or the author(s) but proper acknowledgement must be given...
Words: 21996 - Pages: 88
...Internship Report On Effectiveness of DSE Monitoring System SUBMITTED TO: Md. Rafiqul Islam Professor Department of Business Administration Faculty of Business & Economics Daffodil International University SUBMITTED BY: Md. Nasir Uddin ID: 072-11-2038 BBA Department of Business Administration Faculty of Business & Economics Daffodil International University Daffodil International University September 10, 2011 Internship Report On Effectiveness of DSE Monitoring System Date of Submission: 10 September, 2011 4/2, Sobhanbagh, Prince Plaza, Mirpur Road Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL August 10, 2011 Md. Rafiqul Islam Professor Internship Supervisor Department of business administration Daffodil International University Subject: Submission of internship report. Dear Sir, This is my pleasure to present my internship report entitled “Effectiveness of DSE Monitoring System” Which was prepared from my experience in Dhaka Stock Exchange. With your kind supervision I believe that the knowledge and experience gathered...
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...Salah Uddin Department of Business Administration East West University 43, Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh E-mail: rimsust2002@yahoo.com Abstract Stock exchange and interest rate are two crucial factors of economic growth of a country. The impacts of interest rate on stock exchange provide important implications for monitory policy, risk management practices, financial securities valuation and government policy towards financial markets. This study seeks evidence supporting the existence of share market efficiency based on the monthly data from January 1988 to March 2003 and also shows empirical relationship between stock index and interest rate for fifteen developed and developing countries- Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Germany, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippine, S. Africa, Spain, and Venezuela. Stationarity of market return is tested and found none of this stock market follows random walk model, means not efficient in weak form. To investigate the reasons of market inefficiency, relationship between share price and interest rate, and changes of share price and changes of interest rate were determined through both time series and panel regressions. For all of the countries it is found that interest rate has significant negative relationship with share price and for six countries it is found that changes of interest rate has significant negative relationship with changes of share price. So, if the interest rate is considerably controlled...
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...An Analysis On The Role of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission Course Name : Financial Institution and Market Course Code: Fin-335 , Sec: 1 Prepared for Prof. Tanvir Ahmed Chowdhury Chairman, Department of Business Administration East West University Prepared by Holistic Heroes Submission Date: 25th March, 2014 Group Profile Department Of Business Administration Letter of Transmittal 25th March 2014 Prof. Tanvir Ahmed Chowdhury Chairman Department of Business Administration East West University Dear Sir, It gives us immense pleasure to present our term paper on the topic “ An Analysis on Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission, for the course Financial Institution and Market (FIN_335). By doing this paper we have learned a lot practical issues regarding BSEC , Capital Market, Stock Market, Bond Market etc and we think that will help us in our near future. We would like to thank you for your valuable guidance in every problem we had the precious time that you give us. We will be available for any further clarification required and requesting to accept our term paper. Thank you Sincerely All the Members of Holistic Heroes Syed Md. Fakruuddin Nahid Hasan Sayma Sultana Al Mumtahina Shuovy Asma Sultana Nusrat Sharmin Eva Table of content | Page no | Introduction | 6 | 1.0.0 Bangladesh Securities and Exchanges Commission | 7 | 1.2.0 Function of BSEC | 9 | 2.0.0 Capital...
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...INTRODUCTION Macroeconomic Variables Macroeconomics is a branch of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behaviour, and decision-making of an economy as a whole, rather than individual markets. This includes national, regional, and global economies. Macroeconomic is a factor that is pertinent to a broad economy at the regional or national level and affects a large population rather than a few select individuals. Macroeconomic factors are key indicators of economic performance and are closely monitored by governments, businesses and consumers. Macroeconomic factors are the factors which affect the wider economy. In other words these factors seem to summarize the picture of economy. Macroeconomic variables include economic output, unemployment, inflation, interest rates, money supply, exchange rate, foreign reserves, savings and investment. Variables used in study: • Consumer Price Index (CPI) Inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. When the general price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services. Consequently, inflation also reflects erosion in the purchasing power of money – a loss of real value in the internal medium of exchange and unit of account within the economy. A chief measure of price inflation is the inflation rate, the annualized percentage change in a general price index (normally the CPI) over time. A consumer price index (CPI) measures changes in the...
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...Al-smadi Graduate Business School, College Of Graduate Studies, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Jalan IKRAM-UNITEN, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia. mahmoud@uniten.edu.my, hanis.husni@gmail.com, smadi370@yahoo.com ABSTRACT Investing can help a person's wealth to generate more, and investing in stock is proven as one of the most profitable forms of available investment. The benefits gained in stock broking are immediate Buy/Sell which investor can sell part of their investment any time and at low transaction cost. However, investing in stock will require investor to observe the market, as market can be a volatile place and investor need to acquire knowledge of what they actually are doing. This study will discuss the price trends over the year, and how it will get affected by the seasonality in Malaysia, which also known as the calendar effects. The factor to be investigated in this study is the price on holiday’s season, the January effect or any other monthly seasonality. The daily price of KPJ Healthcare Berhad for the year 2011 is the sample was chosen in this study. Further this study, data used is derived from the weak-form efficient markets hypothesis, which is the price history and case study. Regression method is used in this study in order to help achieving the findings. This should be a continuous study, and adding on more other factors, such as wars and economic crises, and traders, investors and other speculators. Keywords: Stock, Malaysia, Calendar effect...
Words: 4125 - Pages: 17
...[pic] A Project Report on Customer Satisfaction Survey of Maruti Udyog Ltd. Final project report submitted in the fulfillment of requirements for the Postgraduate Diploma in Management (2007-09) Submitted To: Prof. Anita Saxena Submitted By: Ravindra Kumar Roll no-40 PGDM(2007-09) [pic] New Delhi Institute of Management, New Delhi. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The research on “Customer Satisfaction Survey of Maruti Udyog Ltd.” has been given to me as part of the curriculum in the completion of 2-Years Post Graduate Diploma in Management. I have tried my best to present this information as clearly as possible using basic terms that I hope will be comprehended by the widest spectrum of researchers, analysts and students for further studies. I have completed this study under the able guidance and supervision of Dr. Manab Adhikari and my project guide Prof. Anita Saxena; I will be failed in my duty if I do not acknowledge the esteemed scholarly guidance, assistance and knowledge I have received from them towards fruitful and timely completion of this work. Mere acknowledgement may not redeem the debt I owe to my parents for their direct/indirect support during the...
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