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Impact Of Diet And Nutrition On Recovery

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Page Title: How Diet and Nutrition Impact Addiction Recovery|Urban Naturale
Meta Description: Proper diet and nutrition are essential to a successful recovery from substance abuse. Learn how it impacts total health and the overall recovery process.

The Impact of Diet and Nutrition on Recovery from Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Alcoholics and addicts require detoxification, counseling and/or therapy, as well as medical intervention in order to successfully undergo withdrawal and stay sober. But they also need proper diet and nutrition, one essential factor that has often been overlooked. Today, more and more treatment facilities and medical experts are giving importance to the role of healthy eating in the recovery from substance abuse. …show more content…
For example, opioids slow digestion and metabolism. Stimulants can cause permanent memory problems. And marijuana leads to obesity or being overweight.

Why Diet and Nutrition Help with Recovery

Because most users have depleted levels of vitamins, minerals, essential fats and amino acids, they are more susceptible to mental and physical problems. In addition, withdrawal usually causes diarrhea and vomiting, so you lose a lot of nutrition and fluids. Aside from that, some medical experts believe that it can be more difficult for recovering alcohol and drug dependents to focus on therapy and counseling when their bodies are still battling malnutrition and other health conditions. In order for the body to successfully recover and fight addiction, it needs to have real and nourishing food.

Many rehabilitation centers include nutritional counseling as part of their treatment programs. You get to meet with a nutritionist or dietician who can help you create a customized plan. There are also some facilities that provide training or assistance in preparing healthy meals on your own.

A Diet Helpful for …show more content…
But always take into consideration the advice from your nutritionist and dietician as you may have some special dietary needs.

Proper Nutrition and Diet Isn’t Just for Recovery but also for Maintenance

When you are eating healthily, your organs, muscles, and tissues have a better chance of healing. You are also able to rebuild a body that is stronger and healthier. And as you increase your physical health, you are also able to improve your mental and emotional wellness. You need to maintain these three in order to sustain and manage your sobriety. Therefore, proper nutrition and diet should be a part of your lifestyle change as whole, instead of just being a part of your recovery

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