...DIARY ENTRY DAY 1666 1666 days have passed since the start of the oppression. I fear not much time will pass for the imperium of man to collapse. War is the only mechanism that keeps the imperium from crumpling in on itself. Society is harshly oppressed because it is accepted that if man is left to his own devices and creativity, he will eventually become corrupt .One of the many teachings in this society is that an open mind is like a fortress with its bridge down and gates open . Humans are xenophobic and openly racist between social classes therefore cannot be trusted with independence of creativity all sense of such are severely punished. Technology is viewed as a religion, and modifying it in any way whether improving it or not is punishable by death. The “loftier” the leader, nobody knows nor has seen him there are countless gossips on his appearance some even say his not human nonetheless the certain truth is nobody knows. Society has suffered more than it should we have been and always will be slaves. Every single one is a slave of time maybe religion and certainly technology. Technology had made the value of time-life decrease, years passed feaster days passed faster and hours seemed minutes. Everyone had forgotten how to life they didn’t socialize anymore that was seen as a taboo, they had disregarded their values, their identities even their pride. Human had suffered from the production of too many useful things resulting in too many useless people as the...
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...było tworzenie na terenach kolonii baz wojskowych, które zabezpieczały interesy potęg kolonialnych. Ocena kolonializmu nadal wywołuje wiele kontrowersji. Jego przeciwnicy wskazują na brutalny wyzysk ludności tubylczej i niszczenie jej kultury. Zwolennicy wskazują, że cywilizacja europejska była wówczas jedyną propozycją kulturową godną opanować świat. Za sprawą białego człowieka zmieniały się stosunki w koloniach. Uruchamiano tam przemysł, budowano drogi, linie kolejowe i rozwijano szkolnictwo. Niemniej biały człowiek spełniał na tych obszarach misję cywilizacyjną polegającą na przyśpieszeniu przeobrażeń tej części świata według własnych wzorów kulturowych. Największe imperium kolonialne stworzyli Anglicy, do których należała 1/4 kuli ziemskiej i tyle samo ludności. Drugie co do rozległości imperium kolonialne stworzyli Francuzi posiadający liczne kolonie w Afryce i Azji. Rywalizowały z nimi Stany Zjednoczone skupiające swoją uwagę na strefie Pacyfiku i Rosja, która nie posiadała kolonii zamorskich, ale na podbitych terenach stosowała typowe metody kolonialne. W cieniu potęg kolonialnych pozostawali Holendrzy i Belgowie. Takim podziałem świata czuły się poszkodowane Niemcy i Włochy,...
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...Long essay How Christianity affected the empire * Think in term of centuries * Constantine Germans, army, borders * German influence lead to the end of the empire * Battle of Adrianople Germans beat romans * Start taking parts of Rome * Bad emperors in west * Bad economy lets Germans in Short essay The splitting of the empire * Why do they split * Why does the west fall * How are they different in culture, language * West has bad emperors * East pays people no to invade Emergence of absolute autocracy * Augustus * Power of the emperor Who is the most important person in second triumvirate * Augustus * Sets of empire * What world did he create with reforms * Makes it seem like he is going back to old time values Dates Edict of toleration 313 AD Founding of Constantinople 330 AD Fall of western Rome (fall of the roman empire) 476 AD Start of the empire 27 BCE When Germans sacked Rome 410 CE?? Study 11-5 to present Christianity Chronology 64 First persecution of Christians under Emperor Nero 274 Birthdat of Constantine 303 Great Persecution begins and Diocletion issues edict that bans the practice of christianity 312 Constantine embraces christianity after vision 313 Edict of Milan tolerates christians 324 Constantine is sole emperor of Rome 326 Edicts of Constantine against Christian heretics 330 Constantinople "New Rome" 341 Imperial...
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...Some also add to the argument that Controllers of the unmanned vehicles can also experience psychological stress from the combat they are involved in. A few may even experience posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). There are even some reports of drone pilots struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder after they have killed civilians, especially children. Unlike bomber pilots, drone operators linger long after the explosives strike and see its effects on human bodies in stark detail. The intense training that US drone operators undergo "works to dehumanize the ‘enemy’ people below whilst glorifying and celebrating the killing process” (Drone: Robot Imperium). For example, If I’m in the field risking and taking a life, there's a sense that...
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...endure after his death. Charlemagne did not restore the Roman Empire to its fullest through his actions of governing and forming his empire. Charlemagne formed his empire and then divided it into smaller administrative units. These unites were called counties and he appointed Counts to administer them in his name. In some military districts he created other royal officials called Dukes and Margraves to serve the same purpose as counts but was responsible for leading the king’s armies. Because of Charlemagne giving power to other people to rule his empire, it made his empire different than the Roman Empire. In the formation of the Roman Empire, Augustus Caesar was granted two powers by the Senate, the “Tibunician Power” and the “Proconsular Imperium Maius.” Both these powers...
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...Hvordan er latin kommet ind i det danske sprog? Med sværdet: Romerriget (ca. 500 f-500 e), men jo ikke DK Kristendommen 500 – 1500. Hovedsæde i Rom. Derfor blev latin det kristne sprog. Videnskab – med renaissancen i 1500-tallet. Derfor er vidensskabssprog ofte præget af fremmedord fra latin. CARPE DIEM – side 6+7; Romulus et Remus 1. Romulus et Remus - Rheam Silviam Mars amat = Krigsguden elsker Rheam Silviam - Rhea Silvia duos filios creat, Romulum et Remum = Rhea silvia føder to sønner Romolus og Remus. - Nunc mater est, et Mars est pater = Nu er hun mor, og Mars(krigsguden) er far. - Amulius filios timet = Amulius frygter sønnerne. - Portrat geminos ad fluvium = Han bærer tvillinger til floden. - Fluvius Romulum et Remum servat et ad terram portat = Floden redder Romulus og Remus og bærer dem til jord. - Lupa geminos audit = ulvinden hører tvillingerne. - Ad fluvim venit et geminos nutrit = Den kommer til floden og giver tvillingerne mad. - Pastor Romulum et Remum videt et in casam portat =En hyrde ser Romulus og Remus og bærer dem til en hytte. Nominativ X (grundled) 3. Pers Sg-t Akkusativ Δ (genstandsled) 3. Pers Pl-nt Udsagnsled o * 2. Sæt analysetegn i følgende sætninger, og oversæt dem til latin: a. numitor elsker datteren. = numitor filiam amat X O Δ x Δ o b. Rhea Silvia er datteren = Rheam Siliviam est filiam c. Amulius elsker ikke Rhea Silvia = Amulius Rheam...
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...with efficiency and came to be known at the “Julian Laws”. The first order of business was to distribution of Campanian public lands among 20,000 needy citizens, the only obligation was that they were to have a minimum of three children. This was important to Romans because it allowed the poor and suffering to obtain and finally own their own land, it also insured that the Roman population would remain strong for generation to come. The law en bloc ratified all of Pompey’s settlements in the East. A law to help ease the treasury in Rome, Caesar remitted 1/3 of the payments that the tax collectors of Asia. Julian’s Laws were also favorable to Caesar, a bill was passed in legislature through a tribune that allowed him to be proconsular imperium for five years over the provinces of Cisalpine Gual and Illyricum. The law also gave Caesar command of three legions in Aquileia. This law allowed Caesar to gain the majority of his power over the senate, after obtaining and gathering troops outside the city wall, Caesar was unstoppable. Another early law enforced that all senatorial proceedings become publications, Proceedings of the Senate. This enabled the public for the first time see what was going on behind closed doors of the senate. Lastly, his law that most statesmanlike and would benefit...
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...er et stort turist besøgt sted da mange byens dele er ruiner i dag og der findes stadigt store arkæologiske fund som skeletter, potter, pander og andre hverdags ting. De havde et utroligt håndværk og lavede mange smykker. Zapotkerne byggede de største byer på den vestlige halvkugle. Zapotekerne findes stadig der lever omkring 400.000 zapotkere, i mellem Mexico inden i regnskoven de lever nu af landbrug i Mexico. Zapotkerne havde også fjende som også var store indianer stammer i mellem Amerika, mixtekerne, olemekiske, og mayaerne. De havde mange guder som de gav gaver og havde menneske ofring ligesom aztekerne. 900 år efter kristuts fødsel var der krigen mellem zapotkerne og mixtekerne hvor at mixterkerne vandt og zapotekernes overgav der imperium til mixtekerne som benyttede deres byer til handel i Mellemamerika. Zapotekerne er en langt mindre kendt civilisation mayaer og aztekerne, som ligeledes opbyggede deres civilisationer i det vi i dag kender som Mexico, trods de andre store stammer var zapotekerne ikke bange for de andre de var tvært imod de første til at danne deres eget land bygge byer og deres storhedstid var 250 år efter...
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...Imperialism is a type of advocacy of empire. Its name originated from the Latin word "imperium", meaning to rule over large territories. Imperialism is "a policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means".[2] Imperialism has greatly shaped the contemporary world.[3] The term imperialism has been applied to Western political and economic dominance in the 19th and 20th centuries, however its precise meaning continues to be debated by scholars. For example, cartographers of the nineteenth century used cartography to further fuel imperialism. As scholar Bassett notes, "Maps were used in various ways to extend European hegemony over foreign and often unknown territory."[4] It is better to use terms such as cultural or economic imperialism to describe some of these less formal types of domination.[5] Some writers, such as Edward Said, use the term more broadly to describe any system of domination and subordination organised with an imperial center and a periphery.[6] From a Marxist perspective, imperialism is a natural feature of a developed capitalist nation state as it matures into monopoly capitalism. In Lenin's work Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, he observed that as capitalism matured in the Western world, economies shifted away from manufacturing towards banking, finance, and capital markets, as production was outsourced to the empires' colonies. Lenin concluded that competition between Empire and...
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...The Roman Empire The Roman Empire was one of the strongest empires in all of mankind. The Roman Empire has such a rich history and shows how power and strategic tactics can run an empire efficiently. The Roman Empire was characterized by an autocratic form of government which meant the top leaders made all the important decisions. They had a large territorial area around the Mediterranean which went into present day Europe, Africa, and Asia. Rome history starts at the time it was know as Rome Republic and was ran by royal Rome. There Imperium was in command and are represented by consuls and the senate and assembly. Rome in their Republic they started their conquest as they fought Carthage in three Punic Wars. Carthage main advantage was their navy and Hannibal was leading Carthage to victory over Rome and take over. But Rome had its own power in Scipio Africanus and he ended Hannibals victory run and they were able to hold Carthage back and became the the power of the west with a great strategic army. The fall of the Republic started with Julius Caesar he mid wife of the Roman Empire and was more of a dictator figure. Julius Caesar was part of the first triumvirate of the new Roman Empire. He was ulitmately betrayed at the end of his term. Octavian, the adopted son of Julius Caesar, would take over after Caesars untimely end. He lead Rome to its second triumvirate and was the first empire of Rome. After Emperor Augustus took over and was a very low profile ruler and...
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...of the of ancient Rome struggle for stability. This struggle started with the collapse of the Roman Monarchy government structure in 509 BC. The republic lasted approximately 482 years pending its collapse through sequences of interior battles. The major cause for this down fall was the power struggle between the two classes. This rise of the Roman Republican government, which was ran by two consuls, was very difficult to change. But because of the growth in Italy, the Romans began to create more political organizations. These organizations were positioned there to enforce laws and provide authority, which in essence circled the idea of the right to command. “The Romans had a clear concept of executive authority, embodied in their word imperium, or “the right to command” (Spielvogel, 117). Because the Romans glorified honor they were very reasonable, thus they fulfilled laws only when desired. The few elected magistrates, and the two consuls were the highest positions held. The two consuls would then only serve for a certain period of time, usually a year. They were the cores of power in the republic because they led the roman army, which was very dominant. Polybius summarizes the consul’s role by saying; “The Consuls, before leading out the legions, remain in Rome and are supreme masters of the administration. All other magistrates, except the Tribunes, are under them and take their orders.” (Polybius, 1). If the consuls were then occupied in battle, then a dictator or praetor...
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...Joana Marie O. Orlando BM-2 REASONS AND FUNCTION OF AUTHORITY | Obedience: we are treating the subject fearlessly even though today there is a bad press for whoever declares himself in favour of obedience and of respect for the values and virtues always considered basic to civil and spiritual life. Being free from any responsibility (which is always a cross) and from every concern for a position of power (which is always a temptation) may perhaps guarantee to a person the hope of not being misinterpreted if he attempts to express in current terms considerations which might seem—but really only seem—so out of date.If the modern age is characterized by the substitution of the principle of reason for the principle of authority, we know that in more recent years a kind of charismatic impulse has been on the increase; in every area of life, profane and religious, it takes the place of reason itself as the motive of action and is imposed in a much more decisive manner. Democracy is the daughter of reason and to it owes its definitive validity, even if it was conceived among the presumptions of the Enlightenment.The recent totalitarian regimes were linked to a will for power which in its wear and tear fashioned various ideologies as substitutes for the objective principles of the natural law, contested as it was by philosophical relativism and juridical positivism. The contestation is the expression of primordial impulses, at times defined in profane and lay circles, as charisms...
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...Persatuan Republik Sosialis Soviet Persatuan Republik Sosialis Soviet ( Rusia : Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik disingkat CCCP [aksara klerik] atau SSSR [aksara latin]) adalah sebuah negara sosialis konstitusional yang berdiri dari tahun 1922 hingga 1991 yang daerahnya meliputi sebagian besar warisan Imperium Russia. Uni Soviet didirikan Desember 1922 dibentuk dari RSFS (Republik Sosialis Federasi Soviet) Rusia yang diperoleh dari Revolusi 1917 dan digabung dari berbagai kemenangan dari perang sipil seperti Republik Sosialis Soviet (RSS) Transkaukasian, Ukraina, dan Belarusia . Uni Soviet seperti halnya RRC, hanya mengenal kediktatoran partai tunggal yaitu Partai Komunis. Maret 1917, Tsar Nikolas II memundurkan diri dan digantikan oleh pemerintahan sementara pimpinan Alexander Kerensky. Pemerintahan ini penuh ketidakstabilan sehingga dengan mudah Bolshevik pimpinan Lenin dan Soviet Petrograd menguasai ibukota secara efektif bulan November. Bulan Maret 1918, pemerintah Bolshevik keluar dari Perang Dunia I. Masalah belum selesai, kaum ninggrat tak rela dengan kenyataan melakukan pemberontakan yang berujung pada Perang Saudara 1917 hingga 1923. Beuntung, Soviet memiliki panglima yang hebat, Lev Trotsky. Walau tak punya latar belakang militer, ia membangun semangat dan disiplin tinggi bagi tentara barunya dengan luar biasa. Tapi kamerad Stalin semberono dengan tidak mau memakai bekas tentara Tsar dan melakukan kesalahan yang berakibat kehilangan Polandia....
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...Different approaches The concept of sovereignty has been discussed throughout history, from the time before recorded history through to the present day. It has changed in its definition, concept, and application throughout, especially during the Age of Enlightenment. The current notion of state sovereignty contains four aspects consisting of territory, population, authority and recognition. According to Stephen D. Krasner, the term could also be understood in four different ways: domestic sovereignty – actual control over a state exercised by an authority organized within this state, interdependence sovereignty – actual control of movement across state's borders, assuming the borders exist, The Roman jurist Ulpian observed that: The imperium of the people is transferred to the Emperor. The Emperor is not bound by the law. The Emperor's word is law. Emperor is the law making and abiding force. Ulpian was expressing the idea that the Emperor exercised a rather absolute form of sovereignty, although he did not use the term expressly. Medieval Classical Ulpian's statements were known in medieval Europe, but sovereignty was an important concept in medieval times. A later English Arthurian romance, The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell, uses many of the same elements of the Wife of Bath's tale, yet...
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...Name: Jimmenia Hewitt Date: 1/12/2014 Instructor’s Name: Assignment: HUMA215 Individual Project Unit 1 Title: Compare/Contrast Greek and Roman Cultures Assignment: Part 1: Fill in the below table with both similarities and differences of the Greek and Roman cultures. Indicate if you are describing a similarity or a difference. If you are describing a similarity then place your research information under both the Greek and Roman culture. If you are describing a difference list the difference between the two cultures under each culture. Please fill in all 10 lines within the table, each row will expand as you type in your information. | Similarity/Difference | Greek Culture | Roman Culture | 1 | Difference | The Greek Culture was older than the Roman culture | The Greek Culture was older than the Roman culture. | 2 | Similarity | The Roman was great admirers of Greek cultures they copied their gods and specific ranks and Romanized it. | The Roman was great admirers of Greek cultures they copied their gods and specific ranks and Romanized it. | 3 | Difference | Roman did gladiatorial games and Greeks did not. The Greeks did theatricals plays | Roman did gladiatorial games and Greeks did not. The Greeks did theatricals plays | 4 | Difference | The Greek developed democracy and Roman had a republican for class later ruled by emperors. | The Greek developed democracy and Roman had a republican for class later ruled by emperors. | 5 | Similarity...
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