...type of personal connection by providing a story of an untraditional family setting. Simpson’s story provided a few important lessons that people need to keep in mind as they go about their daily lives. The short story sheds light to what should be important in a person’s life; what should be a priority, the lessons taught to children through hard work and love. After reading Simpson’s “Coins” I was face to face with the lessons that the story presented, forcing me to take a look at my priorities and family, thus allowing me a moment to reflect on what I truly cherish in my life, which is the love for my family and the importance of teaching my children the qualities of hard work in order to appreciate all that we have. The story of Lola, the housekeeper/nanny, was one that I was easy to make personal connections to and provided me with an analysis of how easy it is truly is to lose sight on the priorities in my life. Much like the parents in the story, I have, at times, allowed the outside world negatively impact my place in my child’s life. I have too often placed work as a priority over my family, keeping long and unusual hours, and depending on others to pick up my slack and duties with my child. My particular...
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...Cancer is a life sucking disease, a phenomenon which quickly consumes its victims. This power, one which can devastate the life of one individual, can just as easily devastate a family. At the early age of four, my mom was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer, and at the age of ten, my father was diagnosed with stage four lymphoma. This bizarre atrocity was the foundation on which my early childhood was built, two life altering events which affected all aspects of my life. I can vividly remember the way my dad would sit in his rocking chair, the way my mom would wear her bandanas to hide her bald head, and the masks I wore whenever I wanted to hug my parents. Yet what tears one life apart cell by cell was what wove my life together. Through this struggle, I was able to gain important life lessons from my parents strength, my families undeniable connection, and the positive influences I felt at school, all of which impacted the way I want to be seen, and the future I hope for myself....
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...everything in life for granted, particularly the immeasurable blessing of having parents. During the entire time that I was with my parents, I used to be ignorant and resentful. My parents raised me, they nourished me, they educated me, and they tended to each and every one of my wishes. Yet I took their love and care for granted. I could never see the value of what they were doing for me. My parents never let any of my needs go unfulfilled. Still, I always demanded more and more of them. My father worked his shoes off to be able to provide for me while my mother sacrificed everything from her time to her energy for raising me. She taught me, cleaned after me, cared for me, and helped me strive for success in life. But alas, I was young, I was naïve. I never recognized what they would do for me. Whenever they could not fulfill my wishes on time, I would feel discontent with life. Whenever they could not tend to any one of my silly needs, I would be angry and upset with them. Whenever they forbid me from doing something, I would argue with them, not realizing that it was for my own good that they always forbade me. Today, I sit here in my house, my own house, thinking of how stupid and child-like I used to be. Through the efforts of my parents, I’ve become what you would say a ‘success’ in life. I have a stable job, my own family, my own car, my own house; but is this everything that matters? No. Now as I sit in my lounge, I realize that I would have been nothing in life had it not...
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...The life of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is our perfect example in everything we can do in this life. In the scriptures we can find many different good examples of how we should and live our lives. One of the most amazing examples we found in the scriptures is how Jesus Christ treated the people according to their problems. At the same time he was the perfect example as a leader. We also cannot forget how he was his relation with Jewish leaders. The Jewish leader made many changes to the gospel and taught incorrectly; therefore Jesus mission was to teach the gospel correctly and the spiritual way to understand every doctrine and principle. Defend the right is something that God is expecting of us, in the bible, more specific the four gospel we learn how Jesus Christ had to defend the right vs the error. Even though the critics and his death that was part of the plan. How the four gospel impact my life One of the most beautiful stories in the bible that impact my life is the love that Jesus shows during his mortal life. Days before his death, he prayed to our heavenly father for every single of his disciples and followers. In the prayed we can learned how important is for Jesus every single person, also how is his marvelous love for every single of us. Also how he asked to our Heavenly father the importance of the unity into Him ad our father in heaven. I consider the four gospels a sacred and powerful scriptures, I cannot imagine how would be the bible records without any modification...
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...In my life, I have been extremely fortunate to grow up in a household that promotes the importance of literacy in order to expand one’s mind. My mother, father, and sister are all avid readers and have been ever since they gained the ability to read. Personally, this ability did not come naturally due to my affinity towards hands on learning. As a result, my mother, a teacher, picked up on this. She would purchase me books that I could touch and smell. Additionally, my father would introduce me to stories through acting them out with toys or puppets. Eventually, my mom discovered the secret to sparking my love of literature. This secret being Harry Potter. I can clearly picture my mom sitting me on her bed and reading to me the first Harry...
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...College Writing II Searching for The Meaning of Life to make a Life Worth Living It was a typical Sunday night and after a long weekend you go to bed exhausted. After what seemed like minutes you open your eyes to the sound of the alarm blaring in your ear. Wanting nothing more but to hit the snooze button and drift back to sleep you turn on your phone and realize you are already running late to class. Immediately you jump out of bed, grab your backpack and sprint out the door. At the same time you run out of the door your phone slips from your pocket and it shatters on the concrete. You feel as if it is the end of the world, and the only thing on your mind is the thought of not being able to check Facebook or Twitter for the rest of the day and it just tears you apart. After what seems to be the worse day ever your phone rings. Irritated and unable to see who is calling you angrily answer the call. Realizing it is your mother on the other line you immediately interrupt her to tell her it is dire that you get a new phone as soon as possible. After ignorantly insisting for a new phone your mother then informs you that your grandmother has severely fallen and it is not looking to good for her and she might not make it. Taken back you instantly realize how selfish and ungrateful you were acting. Sometimes people get caught up in materialistic things and lose sight of the true meaning of life. It is moments like these that bring us back to reality and remind us not...
Words: 1952 - Pages: 8
...Biography and Life philispphy Attach a personal statement or essay of your original work that describes your interest in law study and Shepard Broad Law Center, your skills and qualifications, or otherwise supports your case for admission. utilize this opportunity to expand upon what is unique about you, your life experiences, and your goals Language and religion Like religion and language, my interest lay in my desire to understand the world around me; the various political philosophies and legal systems have a pervasive effect on the societies in which they are practiced, and therefore understanding the law is integral to understanding the world. As important as understanding and learning about the world around me is applying the knowledge acquired to help others. One value instilled in my childhood was the importance of giving back to the community. Growing up in Minnesota, I attended a summer program at a park near my home and eventually volunteered and worked with this same program, which helped to provide a safe environment for children in the area to play and develop their creativity through arts, crafts, reading, field trips, and other activities. Additionally, upon developing a degree of proficiency in Spanish and French, I have used my abilities to assist others by tutoring throughout high school and college. Seeing the impact of such activities has only further reinforced my awareness of the need to use one’s abilities to the betterment of others, which...
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...RELTIONSHIPS: tHE IMPORTANCE AND INFLUENCE IN ADULTHOOD Tebogo Joyhonour Malatjie 20110716 RELTIONSHIPS: tHE IMPORTANCE AND INFLUENCE IN ADULTHOOD Tebogo Joyhonour Malatjie 20110716 Adult Development and Training. Due date: 13 May 2014 Adult Development and Training. Due date: 13 May 2014 Table of Content * Cover Page * Introduction * 1. Friendships * Theoretical Perspectives of adult friendships * Importance of friendship in adulthood * Cross-sex friendships * Male vs Female Friendships * Loss and friendship in adulthood * 2. Love relationship * Love * Importance of love relationships * Marriage * Conclusion * Reference List * Introduction The Best Man Holiday is an intriguing piece of art which explores the complexities of various forms of relationships within adulthood. It looks at how friendships can be broken and repaired, aspects of marriage, love and trust. It looks at the tight ropes that get walked within cross-sex friendships and many more aspects of the functioning and importance of relationships in adulthood and ageing. The movie is a sequel to The Best Man and is set within the Christmas season. At this stage many relationships are strained between the individuals who have been the closest of friends since their college days, the strain being a result of events that...
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...Description Essay – Love What does love refer to? Love is a strong feeling that we have when we like somebody or something very much like a mother loves her children. Love also refers to a strong feeling of interest or enjoyment in something such as the love for adventure, sports or cars. In our colourful lives, there are many categories of living things and things that we love. To me, love is very vital than money because love can fulfill our requirements. There are the four main categories where I love a lot in my life. They are God, family, friends and pets. First and foremost, God creates this beautiful world for us to live. He has given me a good family, good health and high confidence and hope. Because of him, my life becomes more colourful and meaningful. He always do my prayers to thank him and ask for blessings. I thank God for watching over me and I hope my prayers are answered. I also ask God for forgiveness for the wrongdoings I have done. Furthermore, I love my family members deeply and they are everything to me. My beloved parents have brought me with unlimited love and care. I will always be a dutiful child and take care of them until my last breath. I also love my siblings whom I am very close to. Sharing is caring so we often share our joys and sorrows. They are willing to help me in my studies and guide me to become a useful citizen. We play indoor games and do outdoor activities together during our free time. In addition, there is a ship that will not...
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...The Importance of a Grandmother’s Love Many grandmothers are important people because many times they give love to their family. Their love can make their family comfortable, make life easier, and unite family members. Patricia Hampl, “Grandmother’s Sunday Dinner,” describes how her grandmother ruled over her family with her authoritative personality. And also, Hampl’s grandmother made her family members united with her professional cooking skills. Similar to Hampl’s grandmother, my grandmother rules over my family. My grandmother’s personality is not authoritative, and her cooking skills are not good compared to Hampl’s grandmother. However, her love sill makes out family united. Although both grandmothers have different personalities and cooking skills, they still make their families become one. Hampl describes her Sunday dinner with her family, and she describes her good memories at her grandmother’s house. Hampl’s entire family often gathered on Sundays at the Grandmother’s house (Beardslee 100). Hampl’s grandmother’s cooking skills were really professional because she had worked in the house of Justice Butler for many years (100). Because Hampl’s grandmother was so good at cooking, she always made many different kinds of meal for her children. Hampl’s grandmother not only was good at cooking but cooking was also a passion in her life (99). Hampl’s grandmother loved to feed her family, and she always asked her children to eat more: “She flew between her chair...
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...1) “But the appearance of my father was to me like that of my good angel . . . [he] was watching over me” (133-135). “[My father’s] serene conscience and guiltless life to inspire me with fortitude and awaken in me the courage to dispel the dark cloud which brooded over me” (61). “My mother's tender caresses” (16). “This, to my mother, was more than a duty; it was a necessity, a passion” (16). “Henry soothed me” (115). “I would not quit Henry for a moment, but followed him as his shadow, to protect him from the fancied rage of his destroyer” (118). Victor hunts the creature after his father dies. The creature threats/kills everyone Victor loves. Henry nurses Victor to health. 2) Shelley distinguishes the how the different types of nurture,...
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...Wedding Party March Song THEN BRIDE AND DAD We are gathered here because 2 people love each other very much. It is the desire of Brian and Tammy that we welcome you here to share with them in their celebration of marriage. And their commitment to each other. Pastor Bullock Who gives this woman to be married to this man? Her Mother & I ----- Charge PJ Brian and Tammy, Nothing could be easier than to simply say the words “I love you.” Yet nothing could be more difficult than to live those words out, day by day. What you promise to one another today will have to be renewed tomorrow. And all the tomorrow’s hereafter. Today, you become one husband and wife, yet tomorrow you must decide to fulfill the promise you make today. God ordained marriage long ago and gave it a special place in all of life. God chose to establish marriage of 1st importance in Genesis 2:24-25, and built all of life upon this institution called marriage. And He built it on love, true love which is giving, caring, sharing, and placing worth upon one another. Brian and Tammy in Genesis 2 God said, “It is not good for man to be alone.” And so He fashioned woman for man – to complete him. For God chose a rib from man’s side. He did not choose a bone from man’s head so that woman would rule over him. Nor did God choose a bone from man’s foot that woman would be trampled under man. Rather, God choose a bone from man’s side there she...
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...Introduction: Throughout the course and the topics we have learned and discussed, we realize that the importance of being an inspiration to nonbelievers. There are many factors that can help influence one’s mind and bring the non-believers to know Christ. In this paper, I am going to share the importance of three topics that I feel are most important in bringing others to know our lord and savior. The three topics I will be alliterating today are: why personal testimonies are so important in sharing the gospel. Another topic I will discuss is as a Christian, The importance of how he or she lives her life. Also I will be discussing the importance of local churches sharing god’s love to the community and how they can improve on this issue. Topic One: Why are personal testimonies important in sharing the gospel? Personal testimonies are important in sharing the gospel because every individual is a unique person in god’s eyes. Everyone has a different story to tell and in your story, Jesus’s name is lifted and exalted. While giving your personal testimony, it is important to speak to the individual as a person and not talk down to them as if you are better than the person or judging them because your beliefs. The bible says in Romans 2:1 “Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself: for thou that judgest doest the same things” (King James Version). We as Christians do not have the right to judge...
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...From my perspective of life, I can say there are several things that makes me unique. Every step I take in my life, and each moment that goes by makes me unique. It’s fair to say, everything that happens either it is good or bad, is a learning lesson to make me stronger. In fact, there are other things in my life that give me the strength to go on such as my family, my church life, music, electronics, and most of all my grandmother in her absence. In fact, each day that passes by and I examine my symbols, they allow me to love myself even more and building in me the confidence that I need to conquer the day. To begin with, the most important thing to me is my family. The symbol of a family starts off with the connection that a family brings....
Words: 840 - Pages: 4
...The Importance of being Earnest - THEMES # Lies and Deceit: The most prevalent reason characters in The Importance of Being Earnest lie is to get out of social or familial duties and, instead, to do something more enjoyable. Not surprisingly, few characters hold honesty in high regard. However, we see how hard it is for characters to set things straight once they’ve lied about them. As the situation gets increasingly complicated, characters must weave more complex lies to get out of the tangles of their previous lies. Eventually they reach the point where lies will no longer work and the truth is revealed. Perhaps the most striking thing is that none of the characters ever shows true remorse or guilt about lying. 1. Algernon: Yes. But why does your aunt call you her uncle? 'From little Cecily, with her fondest love to her dear Uncle Jack.' There is no objection, I admit, to an aunt being a small aunt, but why an aunt, no matter what her size may be, should call her own nephew her uncle, I can't quite make out. Besides, your name isn't Jack at all; it is Ernest. Jack: It isn't Ernest; it's Jack Jack lies to cover up his double life. A simple white lie that he doesn’t know anyone named "Cecily" gets him into an incredibly messy situation. When he’s forced to admit he does know a "Cecily," he tries to pass her off as his aunt. But Algy, a fellow Bunburyist, eventually sniffs it all out and forces Jack to confess. What is most surprising is that Jack seems to have no shame...
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