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Importance Of Mentorship

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The Importance of Mentorship

In this day and age we can often times get carried away in thinking we have to do everything and anything on our own. It is society telling us that if we asked for advice or help we are weak. However, this is completely not the case. In order to get anywhere in life you have to have an amazing support system. What is a better support system then having a mentor and being a mentor to those around you? In this article we will discuss the 33 percent rule? Never heard of it? Well you're about too.

33 Percent of Your Time Needs to be Spent Mentoring

Yes you of course should have a mentor in your life, but what will give you even more satisfaction is mentoring someone yourself. Therefore you should spend 33 percent of your time with someone who needs guidance themselves. This keeps the cycle going. These are typically younger people who have the same dreams or goals that you once had, and have achieved. The young person you are mentoring should look up to you, value the same things you do, and can learn from the lessons you have to share with them about your experiences. These three things can make your mentorship great.

33 Percent of Your Time Needs to be Spent with the People on Your Same Level …show more content…
Your peers are the ones you can talk with, learn with, and grow with. These are the people who are on the same journey as you. Therefore, their thoughts and opinions can help you overcome obstacles that come your way. Your mentor is someone who will guide you in the right direction, they people you mentor are who you pass your wisdom down to, but your peers are the ones who keep you grounded and knowing exactly what level you are one. Surround yourself with peers who encourage and challenge you at the same time at least 33 percent of the

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