...Canadian Center of Science and Education The Situations of Sole Proprietorship, E-Commerce Entrepreneurs and Trends in Their E-commerce: A Case Study in Thailand Pattarawadee Permwanichagun1, Sumeth Kaenmanee1, Aree Naipinit1 & Thongphon Promsaka Na Sakolnakorn2 1 Faculty of Management Science, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand 2 Institute for Peace Studies, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai Campus, Thailand Correspondence: Pattarawadee Permwanichagun, Faculty of Management Science, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand. E-mail: pattarawadee999@hotmail.com Received: June 16, 2014 doi:10.5539/ass.v10n21p80 Accepted: September 4, 2014 Online Published: October 30, 2014 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ass.v10n21p80 Abstract The aim of this study is to examine the situations of sole proprietorship, e-commerce entrepreneurs and trends in their e-commerce. This study uses a mixed-method quantitative and qualitative approach for collecting the data. The study finds that most sole proprietorships in e-commerce are owned females between 31 and 40 years old who are educated with a Bachelor’s degree (63.16%) and draw an income of 40,001–50,000 bahts per month (approximate $1 USD = 33 bahts). Most of these sole proprietorships (66.59%) are located in the central part of Thailand. These entrepreneurs spend more than eight hours a day on their businesses and supply their products by themselves. However, most of the problems faced by...
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...Role of Social Media in Building Fashion Brand in Thailand Name Instructor Course Institution Date Role of Social Media in Building Fashion Brand in Thailand Social Media Social media are tools that permit the creation, sharing, or the exchange of information, career interests, concepts, and multimedia images and videos in online networking and communication sites. Social media is reliant on mobile and web-based technologies that create an interactive social platform that enables individuals, groups and organizations to share, converse and revise on the different contents available by the users. Social media appear in different forums such as blogging, business networking, social networking and video sharing. Social media sites have certain characteristics that make it suitable for business and brand marketing. One of the characters of social media sites that most businesspeople look forward to is virality common in most sites. Most social media sites have the reshape feature such as the retweet button in Twitter, pin in Pinterest and reblog in Tumblr. This is an important tool in marketing products since viral marketing may lead to the reaching of the post to a large population of social media users who may spread it to other important sites. Another form is the use of mobile social media. Mobile social media is a growing forum in the current generation. Mobile social media is a combination of mobile devices and social media. This includes the inclusion of...
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...the Thai Chamber of Commerce and the Thai Chamber of Commerce Volume 4 Issue 3 JUNE - AUGUST 2012 ISSN: 1906-8646 Arbitration in Thailand Sorawit Limparangsri Thailand’s Brand Image Brand Studies and Research Center, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Doing Business in Creative Economy with the Growing Impact of AEC: ASEAN Economic Community Waralak V. Siricharoen, Nattanun Siricharoen Organizational Preparation for the Asean Economic Community Associate Professor Thongtippha Viriyapan THAI SKILLED LABOR AND THE AEC An Analysis of “Competitive Potential of Skilled Labor in the Service Sector Free Opening under the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)” Contents June-August 2012 3 4 9 16 Editor's Memo Arbitration in Thailand 04 14 Thailand’s Brand Image 16 Doing Business in Creative Economy with the Growing Impact of AEC: ASEAN Economic Community 21 Organizational Preparation for the Asean Economic Community 2 www.facebook.com/ThailandEcoReview Thai Skilled Labor And the AEC An Analysis of “Competitive Potential of Skilled Labor in the Service Sector Free Opening under the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)” 09 21 Editor's Memo “Seven Thai Professionals … How They Will Compete When We Enter the AEC?” In a relatively short time, Thailand will have a free flow labor with the other ASEAN member countries. The ten nations of ASEAN have prepared the Mutual Recognition Arrangements...
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...[Pick the date] | Table of Contents 1. The Company - Introduction 3 2. The Product 4 3. Core Competencies of Thailand 5 ♦ Country Profiles 5 ♦ Demographic Factors 6 ♦ Political Scenario 9 ♦ Economic & Financial Conditions 12 ♦ Legal & Bureaucratic Environment 15 ♦ Competitive Environment 16 ♦ Effects of Porters’s Diamond four factors 17 ♦ Hofstede’s Dimension Evaluation 19 Power Distance (PDI) 19 Individualism(IDV) 20 Masculinity / Femininity (MAS) 20 Uncertainty avoidance(UAI) 20 Long term orientation(LTO) 21 ♦ Labor Climate 21 4. Infrastructures Issues 23 5. Diamonds of Competitiveness for Thailand and Malaysia 25 6. Technology and CRM Implications 26 7. Marketing Strategies 30 ♦ Size of Market 30 ♦ Socioculture Acceptance of Product 32 ♦ Method for Marketing & Distributions 32 8. Conclusion 33 References 34 1. The Company - Introduction Picture 1 ICT Facilities Integrated Container Terminal (Thailand) Pte (ICT) was incorporated in 1st February 2011 with an authorized and paid up capital of Thai Baht 10 million. The company’s nature of business is container storage, maintenance and repair of containers. ICT (Thai) is a subsidiary of Integrated Container Terminal (M) Sdn Bhd, located in Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas, Malaysia. The company was established on the 6th February 2002 and currently is one of the main service providers for container storage in Malaysia’s port. 3 Picture...
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...Doing Business in Thailand: 2012 Country Commercial Guide for U.S. Companies INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT, U.S. & FOREIGN COMMERCIAL SERVICE AND U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, 2010. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES. • • • • • • • • • • Chapter 1: Doing Business In Thailand Chapter 2: Political and Economic Environment Chapter 3: Selling U.S. Products and Services Chapter 4: Leading Sectors for U.S. Export and Investment Chapter 5: Trade Regulations, Customs and Standards Chapter 6: Investment Climate Chapter 7: Trade and Project Financing Chapter 8: Business Travel Chapter 9: Contacts, Market Research and Trade Events Chapter 10: Guide to Our Services 1 Return to table of contents Chapter 1: Doing Business In Thailand • • • • Market Overview Market Challenges Market Opportunities Market Entry Strategy Market Overview • Return to top Thailand is the 27th largest export destination for the United States. Two-way trade in 2011 was about $35.75 billion, with $24.8 billion in Thai exports to the U.S. and $10.9 billion in U.S. exports to Thailand. The figures represent an increase of 12.9 percent in the value of trade between the two countries. U.S. exports to Thailand increased by 21.7 percent, while US imports from Thailand increased by about 9.4 percent for the same period in 2010. In Asia, Thailand ranks as the United States’ 10th largest export destination after China, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. The Thai...
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...Table of Content 1. Introduction .................................................................................................. 1 2. Causes of the Booming Sex Industry .......................................................... 2 3. Economic implications of Sex Industry...................................................... 3 3.1. Thailand ................................................................................................. 3 3.2. Philippines .............................................................................................. 5 4. Social implications of Sex Industry ............................................................ 8 4.1. Moral Implications ................................................................................ 8 4.2. Child Prostitution .................................................................................. 9 4.3. Sex Trafficking and Slavery ............................................................... 10 4.4. Health and Cost Issues ........................................................................ 11 5. Recommendations ...................................................................................... 14 6. Conclusion ................................................................................................... 17 7. References ................................................................................................... 18 1. Introduction The sex industry involves the sale of sex related...
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...[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |MALASIYA |SINGAPORE |THAILAND | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |INDONESIA |LAOS |PHILIPINES | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |BURMA |VIETNAM |BRUNEI | | [pic] | |CAMBODIA | MALAYSIA Facts and Statistics Ethnic Make-up: Malay 50.4%, Chinese 23.7%, indigenous 11%, Indian 7.1%, others 7.8% Religions: Muslim 60.4%, Buddhist 19.2%, Christian 9.1%, Hindu 6.3%, Confucianism, Taoism, other traditional Chinese religions 2.6%, other or unknown 1.5%, none 0...
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...TOURISM IN THAILAND WITH REGARD TO SERVICES PROVIDED BY HOSPITALS A CASE STUDY TO UNDERSTAND THE FACTORS THAT PROMOTE AND FACILITATE MEDICAL TOURISM IN THAILAND WITH REGARD TO SERVICES PROVIDED BY HOSPITALS Tejasvi Vasudevan An Independent Study Presented to The Graduate School of Bangkok University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Business Administration 2014 2014 Tejasvi Vasudevan All Rights Reserved This Independent Study has been approved by The Graduate School Bangkok University Title: A case study to understand the factors that promote and facilitate medical tourism in Thailand with regards to services provided by hospitals Author: Ms. Tejasvi Vasudevan Independent Study Committees: Advisor Dr. Sriwan Thapanya ………………………………………………………………………… Field Specialist …………………………………………………………………………… (Asst. Prof. Dr. Sivaporn Wangpipatwong) Dean of the Graduate School Tejasvi Vasudevan. Master of Business Administration, May 2014, Graduates School, Bangkok University Title: A case study to understand the factors that promote and facilitate medical tourism in Thailand with regards to services provided by hospitals (72 pages) Advisor of Independent Study: Dr. Sriwan Thapanya ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to understand reasons behind the growing medical tourism industry in Thailand. By studying the attributes that make the hospitals in Thailand more attractive...
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...general computer penetration among households. Then, as the Internet became more predominant, Internet access by individuals became the measure. Now, with free Internet access available through most public libraries, experts discuss the quality of access and usage. Even the term "digital divide" is controversial. "Digital" focuses attention on technology over other factors. "Divide" implies a distinct split. My opening sentence referred to haves and have nots, but can everyone really be separated into one group or the other, or is the difference more graduated?. BODY: Do you think that the digital divide is a major problem inside the United States: Why or why not? YES Digital Divide in the U.S. The Digital Divide is the gap between those who have the skills, access and resources for technology and those who do not. This divide is based on factors such as race and class. In order to have access to the Internet one must have the resource to own a computer and pay for Internet connection. Though comparatively inexpensive in the United States, the cost is still a burden that is not necessarily a necessity for those who do not make much money. The United States is the wealthiest nation in the world. The U.S. is one of the most technologically advanced countries as well. According to statistics put out by the U.S. Department of Commerce (fall, 2000), 51% of all U.S. homes had a computer; 41.5% of all U.S. homes had internet access. These...
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...communication and integration of all countries’ economies through the growth in international trade and investment, but also the rapid cultural, social, technological and industrial exchange between nations (IYP, 2002, p. 11). Globalisation presents significant opportunities, as well as many challenges, for business around the globe. Many companies are currently making the decision to move production offshore to lower expenditure and increase profits. However, there are numerous environmental challenges, as well as ethical dilemmas involved with outsourcing. Throughout this essay I will show how globalisation is connected with the present issue of New Zealand’s ‘Fisher & Paykel’ (F&P) Brisbane plant outsourcing manufacturing of their whitegoods to Thailand. Shown by exploring the reasons and challenges involved both in the business environment and ethical arena. Such ethical issues under scrutiny at present are the loss of Australian jobs and the replacement of low wage employment offshore. After the analysis of various sources of information, it will be clear that the move by Fisher & Paykel, to commence production offshore, is in fact beneficial to the Australian economy. Globalisation is not a new process, but rather the result of human modernisation and advancement, and, industrial and technological development. Although the term ‘globalisation’ is widely used there is no clear or universally accepted definition. For the purposes of this essay, in the...
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........................................ 5 Business process & Marketing Activities ................................................................. 6 Applied Information Technology ............................................................................ 6 Analysis of Source of Revenue ............................................................................... 7 Outstanding Point of the business Model ............................................................... 7 Major Key Success Factor ....................................................................................... 8 Business analysis and planning ....................................................................................................... 8 Ihere.tv Website Statistic ........................................................................................ 8 Comparison with other company ........................................................................... 9 Analysis of ihere.tv information and its strategic...
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...general knowledge and overall concept regarding the theories and previous research related to this research. 2.1 Overview of International and Thai tourists According to Tourism Authority of Thailand (2011), the international tourist arrivals to Thailand figure for 2011 reached 19.09 million, an increase of 19.84%. The number of tourists had shown an accumulative growth rate over the first ten months. The flooding crisis late in the year, however, slowed down the growth in the number of tourist arrivals in October, and caused shrinkage of 18% in November 2011. Fortunately, all market groups still retained an increasing growth at the good level, including East Asia at a 32.30% increase, ASEAN at a 21.96% increase, the Americas at a 12.85% increase, Europe at an 11.40% increase, Africa at a 6.73% increase, and the Middle East at a 5.95% increase. Domestic tourism by Thais in 2011 was estimated at 98 million tourists/trips, generating an income of 407.6 million Baht which was less than the target of 421.1 million Baht. The purchasing power dramatically shrank in the second-half year due to the flooding crisis, which abruptly halted the positive growth trend of the first half of the year (TAT, 2011). Furthermore, the study of Euromonitor International reported that in 2011 Thailand posted strong growth in arrivals, in particular from China and Russia and received a large number of tourists from Malaysia, China and Japan. Despite the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the number...
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...waves of cultural globalization era in addition to Japanese and Chinese culture. Cultural influences that have spread in the West mephitis characteristics unique to different cultures in Korea, this does not mean that in the past cultural prosperity but now means the world to manufacture a new culture (Modern society) to comply the current generation and also a mixture of old world with new world seamlessly, enabling the industry have begun a cultural growth and change and making new forms of culture. Currently the word "Korea" stands for fashionable and stylish in Asia, which is largely due to South Korea's close ties with Western culture, while maintaining Asian values and themes. Korean culture is currently influencing to consumers in Thailand, especially the Korea entertainment is very influential to the young consumer that considered a significant combined with the modern Korean culture to infiltrate in all entertainment media from countries such as Korea fashion, make up, Locations etc. Provide education with an interest in consumer behavior, influencing consumer entertainment from Korea especially to study behavioral imitation of Korea culture from Korea entertainment media among sample of Thai teenager living in Chiangmai area who ever...
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...INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS (EXECUTIVE BACHELORS IN MANAGEMENT) Question 1 Geographical and Logistical Advantage Myanmar represents the second largest landmass in Southeast Asia and has the 40th largest population in the world. It neighbors five countries, India and Bangladesh in the Northwest, China and Laos in the Northeast and Thailand in the South. Its geographical location makes it the ASEAN link to China and India - the two largest, most dynamic and most rapidly developing emerging markets in the world. This combined with the ASEAN block, which contains over 600 million people, means Myanmar will have a bordering market of almost 3 billion people. Because of this, Myanmar is likely to compete with Vietnam as a preferred alternative to China and India-based manufacturing producers. At the moment, China offers the best and most efficient supply chain alternative for traders and manufacturers who rely heavily on mass-market, fast, and efficient subcontracting facilities – though not the cheapest. The price of efficiency and reliability is high and industries whose labor costs are a significant component of the overall product cost have to look elsewhere, such as Cambodia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, and India – which have all been viable options for some years now. After infrastructure development takes place, Myanmar will also be a solid option for those in need of inexpensive manufacturing services. Furthermore, with its borders now open, it will serve as a more...
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...Child Abuse - A Hidden Epidemic in America There is a well-known but grossly underreported crime that is occurring daily, not only abroad, but right here in the United States as well. This crime not only affects a person at the time of the event, but for a lifetime. Although there are better attempts being made to further understand its diversity and complexity, the question still lies, is enough being done to control and prevent it from happening. This crime is child exploitation and abuse. Though it seems absurd to most, it is certainly happening worldwide and there is documented evidence that will be explored in this research paper. By examining this documented evidence I will try to determine the roots and causes of this despicable crime and uncover some avenues and characteristics that lead to its continued behavior. I hope to combine my sources to paint a picture of the epidemic of child abuse today and throughout history in America. I hope to examine the risks factors for child abuse and identify ways to educate parents, child care providers, educators and any other persons who may come into contact with our most vulnerable citizens, our children, on how we can prevent child abuse from occurring in the future. The federal government defines child abuse and neglect, at a minimum, any recent act or failure to act of the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation, or an act or failure...
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