...Beauty, power, wealth, status …. the world around us is continuously evolving through technology and we are expected to keep up with various trends. Phone companies are constantly updating models of the same product to entice buyers, news agencies are constantly trying to out-do each other for ratings on trending topics. The pressure to remain relevant is high and it’s no wonder it trickles down to our personal and professional lives. Making the right impression on people around us has never been more important than now. A popular example of the worst impression management mistake is the case of Justine Sacco, a former PR executive whose irreverent use of social media ruined her professional image in a matter of seconds. (Brian Stelter, CNN). What I find disappointing about Sacco is a consistent pattern of racial and offensive tweets that portray her as a disturbed personality. Not only did she reveal her lack of knowledge about the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa, she prompted bigger debate on the stigmatization haunting the continent and making it harder to fight the disease. As a Public Relations expert from South Africa, it was rather ironic that Justine Sacco held such opinions. However, social media can be addictive if we let it get out of control. Despite the fact that Justine Sacco’s account was personal, it’s important to note that she was the face and voice of the organization she worked for. Her job was to decide how the company communicates its message to the world...
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...IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT In social psychology, impression management is a goal-directed conscious or unconscious process in which people attempt to influence the perceptions of other people about a person, object or event they do so by regulating and controlling information in social interaction. It is usually used synonymously with self-presentation, in which a person tries to influence the perception of their image. The notion of impression management also refers to practices in professional communication and public relations, where the term is used to describe the process of formation of a company's or organization's public image. SELF PRESENTATION: While impression management and self-presentation or giving Face are often used interchangeably, some authors have argued that they are not the same. In particular, Schlenker (1980) believed that self-presentation should be used to describe attempts to control ‘self-relevant’ images projected in “real or imagined social interactions’. This is because people may manage impressions of entities other than themselves such as businesses, cities and other individuals. MOTIVES AND STRATEGIES: People adopt many different impression management strategies. One of them is ingratiation, where we use flattery or praise to increase our social attractiveness by highlighting our better characteristics so that others will like us. Another strategy is intimidation, which is aggressively showing anger to get...
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...Research Topic IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT Narrated By Serhat Turken Business Project Course – Individual Study OUTLINE * Abstract * Definition of Impression Management * Historical Background of Impression Management * Interactions with other Social Sciences * Impression Management Strategies and Tactics * Daily Life and Impression Management * Business Life and Impression Management * Conclusion * Bibliography Abstract Impression management, the process by which people control the impressions others form of them, plays an important role in interpersonal behavior. All kinds of organisations consist of individuals with variety of personal characteristics; therefore, those are important to manage them effectively that identifying the behavior manner of each, interactions among them, and interpersonal relations on the basis of impressions given and taken. This essay presents the impression management concept in an explanatory view that examined in six chapters – Definition of impression management (IM), Historical background of IM, Interactions with other social sciences, Impression management strategies and tactics, Daily life and IM, and Business life and IM.- Each section discusses the related area with the examples and quotes...
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...Name Instructor Course Date Definition of Impression Management Impression management is described as a state where people have an element and aspect of pursuing socialization from birth. They have to build relationships with other people and maintain them by the most effective and efficient ways to meet their own physiological and psychological needs. In that aspect, the socialization is a necessity. Because every process includes unique difficulties and problems; if the subject is about plenty of people who needs to live together, it is a true output that there will be plenty of challenges, resulted in marked dissimilarities. This is the reason why each stranger encountered by others means a potential threat for the social groups or organizations. Therefore, analyzing this menace rationally is a fundamental objective to define the nature of the new relationships. Hence, when an entrant would be examined according to its physical appearance, then its character would be brought into environmental setting. This expression mentions the importance of the first impression concept. Moreover, it is a process which must be carefully managed (Jacobsen and Kristiansen 132). According to Coffman, five main self-perception approaches are always seen in an individual who has just secured a new job in a given work institution. These are; 1. Self-disclosure- In this method a newly employed person tends to seek identity from others thus commonly used by the authentic persona. For instance, telling...
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...According to Sinha (2009), "Impression management is an active self-presentation of a person aiming to enhance his image in the eyes of others" (p.104). A symbolic interaction theorist, Erving Goffman, coined the term impression management in 1959 and from then on, sociologists and theorists have been adding insight and importance to the concept. According to Newman (2009), impression management is an “act presenting a favorable public image of oneself so that others will form positive judgments” (p.184). Impression management is a fundamental and universal process that involves a number of influential factors. These factors are social, cultural and spiritual. Social Implications “Nobody hands values, norms, roles, and statuses to us fully formed, nor do we accept them mechanically. We mold them to suit us as we interact with others” (Brym and Lie, 2006, p.144). By molding values, norms, roles, and statuses, people can modify themselves and alter how others perceive them. It is not always clear whether or not people are aware of the allusions they create when they intentionally alter their values, norms, roles, and statuses to manufacture positive impressions. Ferrante (2008) expands on this concept in her book, Sociology: a Global Perspective, “Even if people are aware that they are manipulating reality, impression management can be a constructive feature of social interaction” (p.131). People across the globe implement this concept in order to obtain a favorable social outcome...
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...Self-efficacy– One’s belief in the likelihood of goal completion can be motivating in itself (Van der Bijl & Shortridge-Baggett, 2002). "Self-efficacy refers to people's judgements about their capability to perform particular tasks. Task-related self-efficacy increases the effort and persistence towards challenging tasks; therefore, increasing the likelihood that they will be completed" (Barling & Beattie, 1983, as cited in Axtell & Parker, 2003, p. 114). A person Self-efficacy beliefs are an important aspect of human motivation and behavior as well as influence the actions that can affect one's life. Regarding self-efficacy, Bandura (1995) explains that it "refers to beliefs in one's capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations" (p. 2). More simply, self-efficacy is what an individual believes he or she can accomplish using his or her skills under certain circumstances (Snyder & Lopez, 2007). Self-efficacy has been thought to be a task-specific version of self-esteem (Lunenburg, 2011). The basic principle behind Self-Efficacy Theory is that individuals are more likely to engage in activities for which they have high self-efficacy and less likely to engage in those they do not (Van der Bijl & Shortridge-Baggett, 2002). According to Gecas (2004), people behave in the way that executes their initial beliefs; thus, self-efficacy functions as a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, Employee A has high...
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...have witnessed cases of embellished responsibilities. The result of the survey begs one question, where does the ethical line lie in cases of impression management in interviews. Application of impression management tactics have been shown to positively influence interviewer evaluations. [1] There is no second opinion that there is nothing wrong with ‘putting your best foot forward’ in an interview situation, but when does the art of marketing oneself trespasses...
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...Dramaturgy Everyday we play different roles in society. There are different sides that we show to each individual we encounter based on what their roles are in our lives. In this paper, I will discuss the sociological perspective known as dramaturgy. I will describe my front and back stages. My use of impression management will be discussed as well as why we use this form of management. Being social beings on the stage of life, we must play our parts accordingly. Dramaturgy is one social perspective that revolves around role playing. This theory says that we are like actors on a stage and we take on many roles when we interact with others. We constantly change our role (character) when we meet new people. There are two stages associated with dramaturgy and they are the front and back stages. The front stage is the stage where actions are visible to the audience and are part of the performance. Everyday my life is filled with front stages. My office where I work as a Correctional Records Technician serves as one of my front stages. It is there where I assist a multitude of public citizens on a daily basis. My home is another front stage. This is where I take on the role of head of household. The back stage is where performers are present but audience is not, and the performers can step out of character without fear of disrupting the performance. When I get into my car and turn the radio on and hear a song with a nice beat, I start singing and moving to the beat. My car serves...
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...six of the Canary text is all about presenting the self, something that was very relevant to me last week. Last week was the first week of school and it is important for me to make a good impression on my peers and professors. I was all about engaging in impression management last week and to be honest, I still am this week. Impression management is when an individual is consciously trying to control how others perceive them. I spent more time than usual in the mirror before class last week, trying to decide what to wear and making sure I look nice for class. Normally, I do not care what I look like, but since it’s the first week of school I want people to think that I do not dress like a slob and have some sort of style. Along with taking forever to decide what I wore, I took forever doing my hair. I used a few products in order for my hair to look nice so that once again people would think that I am very dapper. Even during class I was trying to manage other people’s impression of me. I would think for a while on what to say when we had to introduce ourselves to our peers and teachers. I kept repeating what I was going to say in my head and made sure that I added some humor to it so that people would think that I am a funny person. I’m not embarrassed or ashamed that impression management is something that I practice because everyone does it whether they admit it or not. As I was reading the text and came across the self-presentation strategies and I immediately began to...
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...Leah Patterson Theory Thursday – Impression Management Theory Professor Smith Comm-3330.BO1 February 18, 2016 We are all like actors and actresses playing a role, according to the impression management theory. Erving Goffman’s theory is that we all act differently in different settings. A person has the ability to choose the person that they want to present to certain social groups. A person can be an actor or actress, yet can also be their own “audience” at the same time. Goffman referrers the ability as using “front-stage ” and “back-stage” behavior as we create identities to fit into social groups, and often present different identities in each social or group setting. Impression management is used as an attempt to influence perceptions of oneself to others. Or to persuade a group as to the person you are, or rather the person you want them to think you are. There are three setting in which a person will IM in. The basic setting that a person will use this sort of impression management is in the work life. A person will present an image to those that they work with, that they probably, and more likely, do not show with their family and close friends. A person can use this sort of behavior to set an image of oneself to the people that they work around. One is motivated by their desire to create a positive image, and take the steps to create an identity to fit the role of their desired status in the work environment. I have personally learned over the years in former...
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...Precious used a self-presentation form of impression management in order to get other to react to her in a positive light. At home, Precious was used by her mother and her father. She had no control or power over them and the things they did to her. At school Precious had the freedom to be someone else. She had the power to not say or do anything, and she had the power to stick up for herself and for others. At her first school she got up from her desk and smacked a boy for being disrespectful when the teacher was talking. She did the same things at her new school when a girl called her fat. I personally feel that this was a way for Precious to feel in control and to stand up for herself and for others and to show people she wasn’t someone to be messed with. While this may seem negative, I think that it was done as a positively in the eyes of Precious because for her, power was something that she didn’t have over herself, but it was something she needed and wanted. Precious also told her classmates that she had a boyfriend in order to explain why she had a child and why she was currently pregnant. This shielded the reality that she was being raped and abused at home. It showed to her classmates that she had things in control as much as she could for being 16 and pregnant. Both of these things were said and done in order to show to others that she was okay, when deep down she was hurting and...
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...during sunny days and hence this makes the compound highly cozy for anyone who would want to use the leisure relaxing within the compound. However, the trees planted to provide shade shed their leaves during dry spells to conserve water. Water running through the compound makes them rot making the compound become stinky. At times if the compound is not cleaned regularly during dry spells, it looks filthy due to the numerous leaves that are shed by the trees and spread over the compound by the running wind that usually characterize dry seasons. This steals away the beauty of this compound and hence making it less cozy during dry seasons. Part 2: rhetorical analysis The two paragraphs in part one above shows contrasting impressions about my compound. The impressions are contrasting in that in the first paragraph the compound seems so cozy to rest in whereas in the other paragraph the compound is stinky and filthy making it unsuitable for...
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...CONFIDENTIAL BM/APR 2011/MGT534/532/531 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA FINAL EXAMINATION COURSE COURSE CODE EXAMINATION TIME ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR / ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOR MGT534/532/531 APRIL 2011 3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of two (2) parts : PART A (4 Questions) PART B (5 Questions) 2. Answer ALL questions from PART A and any three (3) questions from PART B in the Answer Booklet. Start each answer on a new page. Do not bring any material into the examination room unless permission is given by the invigilator. Please check to make sure that this examination pack consists of: i) the Question Paper ii) an Answer Booklet - provided by the Faculty 3. 4. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO This examination paper consists of 4 printed pages © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL PART A CASE STUDY 2 BM/APR 2011/MGT534/532/531 You are in charge of a small department and have three subordinates - Mudzfir, Ammar and Amzar. The key to the success of your department is to keep these employees as motivated as possible. Here is a brief summary profile of these subordinates. Mudzfir is the type of employee who is hard to figure out. His absenteeism record is much higher than average. He greatly enjoys his family and thinks they should be central to his life. The best way to describe Mudzfir is to say that he is a kind of a character who believes deeply in the family values...
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...of First Impressions Name Institution Psychology of First Impressions Introduction In life, human beings get to play different roles and to be different things to a variety of people. The identities that individuals claim as well as the roles people assume in the interpersonal, social, and organizational settings are not often complicated, and everyone can be considered as actors demonstrating different characters in our quest to please other. As people experience differing social scenarios, many tend to alter or modify their behaviors to be perceived well by other. Such action is termed as Impression Management (IM). Hence, the manner in which individuals perceive others is of importance in social settings and interpersonal relations and thus tends to affect human lives. As individuals experience diverse social situations from the moment they step out of the house until the evening, people often carry themselves in a way that ensures others perceive them positively. Individuals draw trait assumptions from the appearance of subjects including facial appearance and body posture among others. A short time of contact and exposure correlates with the judgment made by others, demonstrating that exposure time is sufficient for individuals to form an impression. This paper discusses the concept of first impression and how they are perceived and incorporates tactics such as IM (Impression Management), self-presentation...
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...individuals the ability to be free from prejudice and biased. b. Motives: It occurs when an individual is inability to accept the truth about self or fail to be dispassionate during self-assessment. The cause of this problem is that individuals are guided by several important motives that push them in one direction or another and the psychological safety prevents leaders to accept objective feedback (Sedikides and Strube 1997). c. Self-Presentation: Self Presentation is the ability to affect public perceptions and persuade followers to believe we are who we show to the outsiders. Leaders often do that to maintain the initiate impression in others’ perception. However, self presentation will lead to misguiding others to believe in some characteristics that the leader is actually not (Sharp and Getz 1996). Those who present false impression about self to others end up creating a fake identity, leading to high degree of distortion (Showry 2014). d. Core Self-Evaluation: CSE is the...
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