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In The Time Of The Butterflies Summary

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As stated before, a leader should not exercise complete dominance over their followers; Alvarez shows the readers what happens if a leader does break this moral code. The story that Alvarez has conjured is set in the Dominican Republic, where tyrant Rafael Trujillo established a totalitarian government. He leads his people with an iron fist, and is well known for not being brutally honest towards his followers. Spoken from the man himself, Rafael Trujillo once said, “He who does not know how to deceive does not know how to rule.” In the Time of the Butterflies shows the effects of Trujillo’s powerful reign on the people of the Dominican Republic, from the point of view of a middle class family. At the mention of Trujillo’s name, “they [the …show more content…
Trujillo has brought the morality of the country to an all time low, through propaganda, panic, and autocracy. To the point where all families of the Dominican Republic live in complete fright over what Trujillo is capable of. This time period of despotism is an example of a poorly constructed chain. Where one particular link exercises control and strength over the others, which in turn causes the other links to suffer. At the time, the Dominican Republic was not a shared leadership - it was a biased leadership. Where one man controlled the lives of the many, and forced them to live in unconquerable fear, only to benefit himself. This is not leadership, this is not a well balanced chain, and this is not a display of equal links. Ultimately, this is a display of a moral lawbreaking dictatorship, and a broken chain. In this text, Alvarez properly conveys the character of a horrid leader. Alvarez displays how corrupt leadership can be, as well as how badly a following can suffer. With her use of apt discussion, Alvarez really brings the reign of Trujillo to

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