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Inequality In The Workplace

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Inequality still exists in the workplace and in childhood along with society. The term “inequality” not only creates such controversy but it also shows how history continues to repeat itself. Both interviews demonstrate different opinions coming from a woman’s perspective. Questions were asked in one interview about women in the workplace. The first ideal issue is realizing there is a problem in our society about women being paid less than men. The interviewee pointed out that instead of being aware of this problem as a divided nation both genders should come together and negotiate how the problem can be fixed. Some people agree with inequality because they see it as separating both genders from the dominant side to the traditional side. Geraldine …show more content…
More boundaries are being broken every day because women are being more educated than centuries ago. Women are standing to the forefront willing to compete with men because they constantly want to keep on breaking the stereotype of what a woman should be. The question was asked about what is a qualified woman? The interviewee believes that qualification can be based however anyone sees it but also realizing every woman is qualified in her own way. Whether it is working at an acting establishment you still have responsibilities that need to be taken care of which is a skill. Depending on the company’s women do get paid more than men but if the roles were reverse men would be getting paid the same amount which makes inequality so much harder because some women may have the same qualifications but are being paid less because of their gender. In the second interview questions are asked questions about gender in childhood along with society. Gender is not biologically based by what science says it’s a preference. By it being a preference individuals have the freedom to be whoever they want regardless of what society

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