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Informal Reading Inventory Paper

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Completing the Informal Reading Inventory was a strenuous process. This semester I was placed in a kindergarten classroom and unable to perform the informal reading inventory on a student in my class. For this process to accurately gauge the student’s strengths and weaknesses, my professor suggested that the student assessed should be between the grades 2nd to 6th. I reached out to the education director and requested that to use a student from a previous certified teacher’s classroom. Unfortunately, I found that this was not permitted. Afterwards I began reaching out to some of my parent friends and found a family whose daughter Emma has continuously struggled throughout school. I explained the process and the information that will be provided once the analysis is completed and the family agreed to allow her to participate in the process.
As part of the process the family and I set up weekly meeting times. However, prior to our first meeting the family had to reschedule. The next meeting Emma came to my home and we began the process. As outlined in the Flynt Cooper Reading Inventory instructions I began with the interview questions Once completed I and asked Emma if she was ok to continue to the next part of the process. She obliged so we moved onto the initial …show more content…
During these instances Emma did open up more and was able to engage in the learning process. After completing the assessments, miscue analysis’, and the student summary I found that Emma is on a 5th grade reading level. Although, Emma can read fluently through higher levels, she struggles with comprehension. Therefore, when planning the remediation lessons, I wanted to focus on strategies she can use when reading informational text and stay within the range of 5 and 6th grade. The reason I chose to use both 5th and 6th grade levels is because I wanted Emma to see how to use different strategies to better understand the

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