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Infrastructure Protection Plan

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TO: All Members
FROM: Information Systems Security Director
It has come to the attention of the Chief Information Officer and other stakeholders of this company that there is a need to evaluate our Infrastructure Protection Plan. As such, in my capacity as the Information Systems Security director, I have reviewed the National Infrastructure Protection Plan as provided for by the Department of Homeland Security. Regarding this company, we need to focus more on ensuring that we develop and implement effective and efficient long-term …show more content…
These include natural disasters due to climate change, terrorism, and other emergencies. Due to this reason, our critical resources, as well as crucial infrastructure, have become increasingly vulnerable to these risks and hazards. It has, therefore, become a national priority to ensure the protection of life and prevention of disruptive impacts to infrastructure in such a case. This is especially critical since it will help in mitigating adverse effects to the economy of the country. These are the policies that we seek to adopt in this company to safeguard our resources and infrastructure, in line with the National Infrastructure Protection Plan. The implementation process demands efficient and practical strategies to guarantee a high success rate in the long term. In this case, our company will look to warrant that our Infrastructure Protection policies will entail resiliency, preparedness, risk-assessment, and focused …show more content…
We need experienced workers, professionals, and experts who we can trust with activities associated with infrastructure protection policies and responsibilities. This will help us reduce employee turnover in the long term as we will be in a position to hire from within and maintain infrastructure protection experts long into the future. Moreover, the company needs to conduct research and development by employing the latest technology in improving our protective capabilities. This research and development will also aid us in enhancing the capabilities of the strategies we develop in regard to resiliency. In the long run, the advantage that will accrue to the company will be lower implementation costs thus affording us the ability to engage in more protectionist activities with a limited budget. Another step we need to take is to develop and maintain a data system that is compatible with our Infrastructure Protection Policies, while also observing the provisions of the national policies on the same. This will involve simulations that will provide the framework for the sustained and refined assessment of risk across the different sectors and departments of the organization. Again, this will improve our preparedness in case of manmade

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