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News Insiders Terminology

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INTRODUCTION In May of 2011, Fox News Insider published a story about a new program being implemented in Portland, Oregon (Fox News Insider 2011). The “From Drugs to Mugs” Program, created by Deputy Bret King of the Multnomah County Sherriff’s Department, displays a series of images to middle schoolers (Fox News Insider 2011). These slides include what could be called “before and after” mug shots of drug use, showing what the use of drugs does to the human body over a period of time (Fox News Insider 2011).
Initial discussion of the terminology used in the text and in the news clip is appropriate. Deputy King specifically stated that the intent of “From Drugs to Mugs” was to show the deteriorating effects …show more content…
During the early 1960’s and before, often the strategy used was scare tactics that involved films and speakers (Hogan 2003). Detective King states that his program has been misunderstood, and that the intention is to “appeal to their intellect” and not to scare the students. Frankly, this is debatable. Although the program’s intention may not have been to scare viewers, it likely does so because it could be said that the images are outright scary. This program arguably uses film to implement scare viewers, an approach that hasn’t aligned with the national perspective and strategy of prevention since the early 1960’s (Hogan 2003). Evidence supports that prevention education should teach more than the harms and risks of substance abuse alone, instead including skills and protective factors (Hogan 2003). The program does address the aspect of favorable attitudes toward the problem behavior, which is a key risk factor (Hogan 2003). As Detective King eloquently said, vanity is an important aspect of life for youth today (Fox News Insider 2011). Appealing to that aspect of their life will make drug use less accepted, as they mentally link drug use with the physical deterioration of those shown in the mug …show more content…
It will spark conversation amongst the viewers, especially adolescents in school. However, these images may serve to encourage the stereotypes of users as opposed to addressing the issues that led them to use in the first place. A more successful program may go beyond the photos to discuss the life of the person in them, such as interviewing the individual and asking why they began using drugs. This would allow the program to move beyond the deterrence intervention and information dissemination (presented with arrest and cosmetic consequences) to include alternative activities (such as mentoring programs and community service) (Hogan

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