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Int Task 1


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INT Task 3, 4-25-2015

Popcorn Experiment

Lakshmi Prakash

Project Design Plan
Popcorn is a popular treat for individuals. It is made up of dried corn kernels that have the ability to pop when activated by heat, yielding a soft, but crunchy snack. Popcorn can be made over the stove or in a microwavable bag. When the corn kernel is brought to a heat temperature of a boiling point, steam is formed from the water inside the kernel, this causes an intense pressure inside the kernel. Because the outside of the kernel is strong, it’s able to hold and capture the steam inside, which then quickly explodes and turns inside out. This is where we get the soft, but crunchy snack.

Literature Review
There are many brands of popcorn readily available at the grocery stores. There have been quite a few experiments done to test which one is the best in terms of producing the most amount of popped kernels.

Sean Boyd did an experiment, titled “The Jawbreakers of the Popcorn Industry,” where he tested a total of 5 different brands of popcorn to see which one would produce the most kernels.
He performed the experiment 3 times on each brand and it was successful. His hypothesis was incorrect, but it yielded an answer that Oroville popcorn was not the best popcorn, but that another brand was. I am using a similar method in my experiment, but based on his results I did not choose Oroville to be the leading popcorn brand (Boyd).

Barbara Bolz wrote an article as to why popcorn pops while other grains do not. Reading this helped me understand and put together the design on my project. She states that there needs to be a certain level of heat that will create steam and make the kernel turn inside out, which

INT Task 3, 4-25-2015

Popcorn Experiment

Lakshmi Prakash

creates the softer exterior that we eat as a snack. Because of this research, I was able to understand the mechanics the experiment and create a design plan to conduct it (Bolz, 2009).

Experimental Design Step
1. Purchased popcorn from store.
2. Microwaved each individual bag for 2 minutes and 30 seconds, the recommended time for each brand.
3. Removed bag from microwave
4. Opened bag.
5. Poured Popcorn into a bowl and sifted through popped kernels and un-popped.
6. Placed un-popped kernels on plate and counted individual kernels.

Often popcorn brands are based on their advertising more than the product itself. Each brand claims to be the best on the market. This experiment will allow us to find out which brand actually is best in product. By knowing this we will know which brand to purchase because it will be giving us more product for our dollar.

Tools and Technologies
1 Bag Oroville Gourmet Popcorn
1 Bag Act II Popcorn
1 Bag Stater Bro.s Popcorn
Paper Plate

INT Task 3, 4-25-2015

Popcorn Experiment

Lakshmi Prakash

Independent Variable: The brand of each popcorn bag being used.
Dependent Variable: The amount of kernels that will pop.
Controlled Variables: Microwave timing, microwave oven, each bag purchased on the same day, how the kernels are counted and sorted.

Threat Reduction to Internal Validity
By using the same time in the microwave to heat up the kernels, the experiment assures that one bag will not be given the opportunity to sit in the heat longer and thus pop more kernels. By using the same microwave, it takes away the risk of one bag being exposed to a different temperature than the others. By placing the popped popcorn in a bowl, it prevents any kernels that are un-popped from being seen to the conductor.

Oroville Gourmet will have the most amount of un-popped kernels, where as Generic Stater
Bros. Brand will have the least amount of un-popped kernels.

Process of Data Collection
As predicted, Oroville Gourmet popcorn did have the most amount of un-popped kernels.
Though this brand is more expensive and advertised more heavily, it failed to produce results that would have been expected. Unexpectedly, the Generic Stater Bros. brand did not produce the least amount of kernels, rather Act II did.

INT Task 3, 4-25-2015

Un-Popped Kernells


Lakshmi Prakash






Stater Bros

Act II

Appropriate Methods
The fact that each bag of popcorn produced a different amount of un-popped kernels proves that microwaving them in the same place for the same amount of time was a good method. It took away any factors that would have favored one bag of kernels more than the other.

Act II Butter Lovers- 8.25 oz bag
Burned the most
52 kernels un-popped

Orville Gourmet Popping Corn, Butter- 8.7 oz extremely melted plastic on bag lots of burned popcorn
81 kernels un-popped

INT Task 3, 4-25-2015

Popcorn Experiment

Lakshmi Prakash

Stater Bros Microwave Popcorn, Butter Flavor- 8.5 oz
53 kernels un-popped not burned at all

Orville brand did in fact produce the most amount of un-popped kernels, but it was not Stater
Bros. that gave us the least, rather it was Act II resulting as the better brand out of the three.

Confirmation of Hypothesis
The results above confirm the first half of the hypothesis that Orville was the worst brand out of the three. The results also disproved the second half, resulting in Act II being the best brand out of the three and not Stater Bros.

Experimental Design as Key Factor
The design of the experiment is crucial because it determines the precise outcome. If you have too many variables that are changed and not monitored, your results will be marred because you will be unsure of which element affected the results. The experimenter must be able to confidently know what procedure is giving the result of the experiment. If there are too many undocumented factors, the results will be invalid and unreliable.

In order to replicate this experiment, the experimenter must use the same microwave and microwave each bag for the same amount of time. Since less exposure to heat will result in not enough steam being produced in each kernel or more exposure to heat will result in more steam

INT Task 3, 4-25-2015

Popcorn Experiment

Lakshmi Prakash

to pop more kernels, it’s important to give an equal time to each bag. Also, each individual microwave may have slight variations in the heating temperature that it is set at, so using the same microwave will ensure that the experiment is conducted at the same temperature.

Evaluation of Validity
Repeating this experiment that has been conducted in a similar fashion shows that there is validity and truth to the results. When it cannot be replicated, it causes experimenters and scientists to question the validity of the experiment. By following the steps as conductors before
I was able to come to the same conclusion in certain areas. It’s important in science for us to be able to see that a fact has been tested over and over again to produce the same results. If for some reason something changes and similar results aren’t given, it gives us and opportunity to explore and expound our understand.

Reference List

“Sean Boyd’s Popcorn Experiment - - 2nd Prize.” Sean Boyd’s Popcorn Experiment - - 2nd
Prize. Web. 26 Apr. 2015. .
“Why Popcorn Pops and Other Grains Don’t.” A Moment of Science RSS. Web. 26 Apr. 2015.<>.

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