...Raymond Moenich III IC IC stands for Integrated Circuits. An IC is a semiconductor circuit that has more than one component on the same substrate material. Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby are both credited with the invention of the integrated circuit in 1958 and 1959. ICs are also called chips and are used for a variety of applications, including audio and video equipment, microprocessors, and automobiles. ICs are classified by the number of electronic components they contain. SSI stands for small-scale integration and contain up to 100 electronic components per chip. MSI stands for medium-scale integration and contain 100 to 3,000 components per chip. LSI stands for large-scale integration and contain 3,000 to 100,000 components per chip. VLSI stands for very large-scale integration and contain 100,000 to 1,000,000 components per chip. ULSI stands for ultra large-scale integration and contain more than 1 million components per chip. The very first prototype IC was made by Kilby in 1958 and contained only one transistor, several resistors, and a capacitor on a single slab of germanium, and had fine gold “flying wires” to interconnect each component. This design was not pratical to manufacture because each flying wire had to be individually attached. Noyce came up with a better design, in 1959, called a “planar” design. In a planar IC all the components are etched on a silicon base, including a layer of aluminum metal interconnects. The first planar IC was constructed by Fairchild...
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...Unit 1 Assignment 1: Integrated Circuit Technology 1. Search the Internet using keywords such as “Intel processor transistor count”. 2. Create a table that presents the processor model, year, and the transistor count for Intel processors from 1971 to present. 3. Identify the processor model and year when two billion transistors were placed on a single processor chip. * In 2008 * The next generation in the Intel Itanium processor family code named Tukwila is described. The 21.5 mm by 32.5 mm die contains 2.05 billion transistors, making it the first two billion transistor microprocessor ever reported. Tukwila combines four ported Itanium cores with a new system interface and high speed serial interconnects to deliver greater than 2X performance relative to the Montecito and Montvale family of processors [1], [2]. 4. Cite the sources where you located the information you placed into the table. * http://download.intel.com/pressroom/kits/intelprocessorhistory.pdf * http://www.ece.ncsu.edu/asic/ece733/2009/docs/Itanium.pdf * [1] S. Naffziger et al., “The implementation of the Itanium 2 microprocessor,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 37, no. 11, pp. 1448–1460, Nov. 2002. * [2] S. Naffziger et al. , “The implementation of a 2-core, multi-threaded Itanium family microprocessor, ”IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 197–209, Jan. 2006. 5. Comment on the growth of the number of transistors used in integrated circuits over the...
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...inefficiencies. Vacuum tubes were notoriously unreliable, due to the heat they generated, and in larger instillations, one failed every couple hours or so. In order to counteract the problem, two Bell Laboratory engineers went to work. In 1947, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain created the transistor. It was smaller, more reliable, and consumed much less power; it made the vacuum tube obsolete. A few short months later, Bell associate William Shockley created the junction transistor, and together the three men were awarded the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics. Moore's Law observes that over the history of computing technology, roughly every two years the number of transistors in dense integrated circuitry doubles. In 1971 Intel created the 4004, the first microprocessor. A microprocessor is a piece of integrated circuitry that contains all the functions of a computer's CPU. the Intel 4004 housed 2,300 transistors, in a chip that was only 2 inches large. Just a few decades prior it would've taken an entire room worth of equipment to do what the two inch 4004 could do. Intel was comissined to create a chip not only capable of running on computers but a variety of products as well. For example, the Intel 4004 was used in traffic light controllers, blood analyzers, and even in the NASA Pioneer 10 deep space probe; this inventioned nearly singlehandedly paved the way for the PC, smartphone, and...
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...2 Moore’s Law is a computing term which originated around 1970; the simplified version of this law states that processor speeds, or overall processing power for computers will double every two years. A quick check among technicians in different computer companies show that the term is not very popular but the rule is still accepted. To break down the law even further, it specifically stated that the number of transistors on an affordable CPU would double every two years (which is essentially the same thing that was stated before) but more transistors’ is more accurate. If you were to look at processor speeds from the 1970’s to 2009 and then again in 2010, one may think that the law has reached its limit or is nearing the limit. In the 1970’s processor speeds ranged from 740 KHz to 8MHz; notice that the 740 KHz, which is Kilo Hertz- while the 8 is MHz, which is Mega Hertz. From 2000-2009 there has not really been much of speed difference as the speeds ranged from 1.3 GHz to 2.8 GHz, which suggests that the speeds have barely doubled within a 10 year span. This is because we are looking at the speeds and not the number of transistors; in 2000 the number of transistors in the CPU numbered 37.5 million, while in 2009 the number went up to an outstanding 904 million; this is why it is more accurate to apply the law to transistors than to speed. With all this talk of transistors the average technician or computer user may not understand what the figures mean; a simpler...
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...Model | | Year | | | Transistor Count | | | | 4004 | | 1971 | | | 2,300 | | | | 8086 | | 1978 | | | 29,000 | | | | Intel 486 Processor | | 1989 | | | 1,200,000 | | | | Intel Itanium 2 Processor | | 2004 | | | 592,000,000 | | | | Intel 9300 Tukwila Processor | | 2010 | | | 2,000,000,000 | | | | * The transistor count reached a 2,000,000,000 count in the year of 2010 * The name of this processor was Quad-Core Itanium Tukwila * I believe the growth is reasonable. From the advances we’ve made from the 70’s to now such as the cell phone, laptops, hand held devices. It’s no surprise that it increased so much each year. We are able to grow rapidly, and we are in a generation of technology. It wouldn’t be crazy to think that this was possible from seeing other devices progress as well, even now you can hold a computer in the palm of your hand. * The growth from 1971-2014 is outstanding. The first couple years they were released the processors had very few transistors and didn’t increase that much yearly. However, after 1974 with each year the amount of chips almost doubled itself each year. Afterwards with the years to come, the growth rapidly increased. By the year 2010 the transistor count reached 2 billion with the release of the Quad-Core Itanium Tukwila processor. * With this information it’s hard to predict when it could reach 100 billion transistors on a single chip, however seeing the growth from...
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...Unit 1 – Integrated Distributors Incorporated Marcial Norori IS3230 Mr. James Hollis ITT Technological Institute – Miami 5/29/2014 IDI cannot continue operating with a neglected IT infrastructure. A plan needs to be prepared to identify every issue with the IT infrastructure. Such plan should describe actions to eliminate or mitigate the risks, and provide a framework within which the improvement, development and delivery of information technology could be increasingly responsive, stable, and secure in the coming years. Some of the upgrades included on that plan are the following: •Network infrastructure should be upgraded to Gigabit Ethernet, considerably increasing network speed •Port speed needs to be increased from 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps •IDI Internet bandwidth should double immediately and significantly increased annually from that point forward •Deteriorating network infrastructure components have to be identified, replaced, and upgraded, and network reliability improved through the implementation of greater redundancy •Digital modems should replace the analog modems, improving reliability and connection speed •Wireless network standards need to be developed and implemented, and wireless access needs to be provided to several other locations •A new central directory needs to be created and developed as the authoritative source for identity information and authentication •A state-of-the-art backup system will be implemented for centralized backup of enterprise...
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...Chapter 2: The Integrated Buying Model Tennessee State University MGMT 6220 The integrated buying model is used by the buyer in making buying decisions. Factors that affect decisions made in the integrated buying model are the cost per unit, quality level, and lead time. As each company tries to achieve their competitive advantage, the goals of a purchasing decision may vary. For example, most purchasing decisions require buying the right material at an acceptable cost and quality level within a reasonable lead time. The decision maker must consider multiples goals. As a result, the buyer is faced with several constraints. Budgetary constraints and quality level constraints can cause issues with making the best buying decision. Companies may have limited resources, budgets may not be high enough to cover costs, or the storage size may limit the amount a product can be purchased. Nonetheless, the buyer must achieve the multiples goals within the constraints. The integrated buying model is shown in figure 1. Figure 1: Integrated Buying Model The cost per unit, quantity discount schedule, and price/cost analysis are considered when making buying decisions based on cost. The cost per unit is influenced by the volume or amount purchased, the quality level desired, and the desired lead time. A company’s strategy may to purchase in bulk to buy at a discount which can drive the material costs down. A buyer must also consider the quality...
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...ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 2 INTEGRATED DESIGN MUHAMAD NAZMI FITRI BIN ABD AZIZ 2014406812 INTEGRATED DESIGN Integrated design is a collaborative method for designing buildings which emphasizes the development of a holistic design. INTEGRATED DESIGN IMPROVES THE ENERGY PERFORMANCE OF BUILDINGS. The conventional definition of integrated design is that project team members from all disciplines work together early and often throughout the project design process. ORIGINS OF MODERN-DAY INTEGRATED DESIGN Integrated design has become a buzzword in the green building world. Everyone claims to do it, although not everyone understands it in the same way, and not everyone is successful at it. DESIGN FEATURES THAT BENEFIT FROM INTEGRATION * DAYLIGHTING * GREEN ROOFS * EXPOSED THERMAL MASS Conventional building design usually involves a series of hand-offs from owner to architect, from builder to occupant. This path does not invite all affected parties into the planning process, and therefore does not take into account their needs, areas of expertise or insights To a growing number of building owners and designers, this linear process needs to change. The process they prefer is called integrated design. It’s built around better communication and more planning. Through the use of integrated design, owners and designers are able to build better, less expensive buildings. The problem is that even though integrated design has been around for nearly a decade...
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...INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION Student’s Name Institution Integrated marketing communication Introduction Integrated marketing communication (IMC) is the new trend in the world of marketing. Companies and especially international companies are using IMC in order to reach out to their customers. New establishment want to get large market shares or start up new market share. This is not easy unless their marketing task force is good and efficient in its work (Yeshin, 2012). As an IMC director, Thalmic Labs MYO Armband advertises its products in Australia as much as possible. An advertisement will matter a lot to the audience if it is made very attractive and especially eye-catching. A good advertisement should focus on the main point but most of all able to make the audience want to listen and view it. In this century, everybody is very busy trying to make an extra dollar in order to live the life they have always wanted to live. They do not have time to stop and listen to advertisements unless it is very important. My company is willing to make such an advert for Thalmic Labs MYO Armband as it prepares to set up its establishment in Australia. The fact that most people are using computers to do almost all their jobs is useful to the company in that they can use websites to advertise their new product. The use of muscles flexibility and computers is very new and attractive to...
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...Kimberly Hoefer April 29, 2015 Integrated Case Week 7 MGNT 5000- Webster University The principle of management control that I would recommend as the new Police chief is the bureaucratic control approach. The bureaucratic control uses rules, policies, authority, written documentation and reward systems to control the behavior and performance of the organization. Due to the severity of the issues that were address by the Mayor and city council the bureaucratic control approach will help streamline the system of rules and standards that will take place immediately. The process will help with standard of behavior for all department functions and employees. The ethical behavior has been a huge issue and will be the first thing that needs to be addressed. I would like to start with a town hall meeting for each department to address all the issues and concerns. I would also like to get suggestions from the department on how to turn around the negative reputation of the police officers, and how to create a positive outlook from the community regarding the police officers. By addressing the issues and concerns in individual departments it will help set the standards for every department. I would suggest reviewing the performance standards and set up new performance and rules for each police officer to follow within the department and while they are out on the streets serving the community. Performance will be measured by...
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...Integrated Science Energy in a system may be transformed so that it resides in a different state. Energy in many states may be used to do many varieties of physical work. Energy may be used in natural processes or machines, or else to provide some service to society (such as heat, light, or motion). For example, an internal combustion engine converts the potential chemical energy in gasoline and oxygen into heat, which is then transformed into the propulsive energy (kinetic energy that moves a vehicle). A solar cell converts solar radiation into electrical energy that can then be used to light a bulb or power a computer. In the modern world we use energy for anything such as to power our house, to drive our car, cellphones and many other devices. We can take the most common use of energy transformation use now which is oil to electricity. Conventional steam - Oil is burned to heat water to create steam to generate electricity and Combustion turbine Oil is burned under pressure to produce hot exhaust gases which spin a turbine to generate electricity. Oil is widely use in our everyday lives even though the try to develop other means of energy oil will be always the number source of energy (http://powerscorecard.org). Fossil fuel is a hydrocarbon deposit, such as petroleum, coal, or natural gas, derived from the accumulated remains of ancient plants and animals and used as fuel. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases generated by burning fossil fuels are considered to be one...
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...GUIDANCE FOR ENGINEERING CONSULTANCY FIRMS INTEGRATED CONTRACTS PREFACE Our industry is facing new integrated business models with increasing frequency. The processes driving these models are very different from the traditional model. An integrated project process implies high demands on teamwork and a focus on results. Such an integrated approach is also reshaping relationships among contractors, engineering consultants and clients. Moreover, it has an impact on the way they work together, and the liabilities and risks they assume. This guide is intended as a quick reference for engineering consultancy firms, working outside the traditional design-bid-build approach and contracting relationships. It is in their interest to understand the various roles they can play in the „new‟ delivery methods throughout all phases of project development as well as the risks and benefits such integrated project delivery methods entail. We would like to thank all members of the Internal Market Committee as well as everyone involved in the preparation of this guide for their useful contribution. Jan Bosschem EFCA President November 2011 2 CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction: an increasing diversity of forms of contracts in construction projects in Europe .................................................................................................................... 4 Forms of Contract .....................................................................
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...company has on its stakeholders, society, and even the planet. Integrated reporting, which encompasses elements of traditional financial reporting, sustainability reporting, and governance reporting within a single presentation, represents a growing trend that reflects these new expectations. The core concept underlying the term “integrated reporting” is providing one report that fully integrates a company’s financial and non-financial (including environmental, social, governance and intangibles) information. Integrated reporting offers the opportunity to centre business reporting on strategy and value creation, to demonstrate how the business uses capital and the extent to which they should continue to be invested in business. Integrated reporting is a journey. Organizations are unlikely to achieve perfection in the first year. In the absence of a generally accepted framework, companies that wish to move toward integrated reporting may encounter several dilemmas around relevance, scope, assurance and other issues. However, as reporting processes for the production of the supporting information are designed and improved and as the executive team begins to benefit from a more informed implementation of the governing structures’ decision, reporting will improve. This paper considers the rationale behind the move towards Integrated Reporting, offers initial proposals for the development of an International Integrated Reporting Framework, and outlines the next steps towards its...
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...Good Advertising or Not? David A. Gatti BUSI 612-Integrated Faith & Learning Report Liberty University November 10, 2015 Abstract This paper will discuss a Bible verse(s) that would guide a marketer as they developed advertisements that would be considered within the boundaries of “good advertising.” Keywords: good advertising, advertising ethics, corporate social responsibility Good Advertising or Not? Advertisements Advertisements are an important vehicle designed to promote or help sell a product, service or idea (Young, 2014, p.35). As a dimension of IMC, advertising is “…most often associated with offenses that attract attention from critics and regulators alike” (Young, 2014, p.34). This can be contributed to the powerful effect whether perceived or not that ads have in persuading, influencing, disputing and or changing. According to Karp (1974), “Advertising can be that magnetic force” (p.1). Ad’s meanings, interpretations, and controversies can have adverse effects on consumers, societies and economies. There are laws, rules and guidelines in place to help protect the interests and rights of consumers, competing firms, affiliations and even the free speech of advertisers. Good Advertising Despite designed preventive measures, of course, the consequences of deceptive and abusive advertising have resulted compensated harm and convicting lawbreakers. But, fortunately, the majority of ads overall, past or present, are considered as positive...
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...Оставшиеся три текста, ВСЕМ достались слова, пролистывайте вниз, чтобы найти себя >_< Текст 5 1-10 Бекалдиев 11-20 Джилавян 21-30 Дубовик 31-40 Дыкин 41-50 Иванов |An integrated approach | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ...
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