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案例6-2 偏执者生存—英特尔战略分析案例

一、英特尔公司简介 《时代》周刊1997年12月撰文称:“正如当年的蒸汽机、电力和装配线一样,微芯片已经成为推进新经济的先驱……英特尔公司则是数字时代的核心企业。”如果说在电脑的广泛普及和运用的信息时代中,什么公司对世界的巨变做出了杰出贡献的话,英特尔毫无疑问是其中一员。这家成立仅40年的企业,作为一家高科技企业,长期以来占据着芯片行业老大的地位。它与另外一个IT巨头——微软公司所构建的“WINTEL联盟”,凭借二者领先的产品技术和市场力量,持续统治世界IT行业长达二十年之久。 在1968 年,由罗伯特·诺伊斯 (Robert Noyce) 、戈登·摩尔 (Gordon Moore)、安迪·格鲁夫 (Andy Grove) 共同创立的英特尔公司在硅谷奠基,在20世纪70年代初,就开发出了世界上第一块用于个人电脑的4004型微处理器。最初的英特尔是以生产电脑存储器为主,后由于日本半导体企业的冲击,而被迫转以芯片生产。1995年,其芯片的销量占全球总销售额的79%。世界上大约有90%的计算机在使用其生产的80X86CPU及兼容芯片。1995年,英特尔公司的营业额达到138亿美元,继1992年超过日本 NEL后,四次蝉联半导体行业的桂冠。 2006 年,英特尔全球年收入达到 354 亿美元。在2006 年 8 月公布的 “全球品牌价值 100 强”排行榜上,英特尔排名第五位。经过近 40 年的发展,英特尔公司在芯片创新、技术开发、产品与平台等领域奠定了全球领先地位,并始终引领相关行业的技术产品创新,及产业与市场发展。 英特尔是一家以偏执著称的公司,它有一句著名的言论:“只有偏执狂才能生存。”无论是在产品研发、生产、营销,还是在管理、创新上面,英特尔都以其无与伦比的偏执,时刻力求冲破陋习陈规,标新立异,争做行业领导者,从而对IT产业,乃至整个企业界都产生了深远的影响。 英特尔的成功不是偶然,概括地看,以下几方面是其取得成功的关键,即:快速的产品研发、积极的品牌建设、奔腾的企业文化。

二、快速的产品研发——摩尔定律 产品的研发是决定产品能否迅速占领市场和产品竞争力的重要因素,尤其是在市场变化迅速的IT业,企业能否及时保持与外界变化的适应和协调,产品能否及时满足日新月异的市场需求,是保证企业在竞争中处于主动地位的关键因素之一。基于产业的这样一条基本特征,英特尔一直以来所坚持的一个重要策略就是:研制速度要快于模仿速度。 最能说明英特尔的快速产品更新战略的便是著名的“摩尔定律”。1965年,英特尔的三个创始人之一,擅长分析和谋略的摩尔观察到一个奇怪的现象:集成电路上可容纳的电子零件数量每隔一年左右就增长一倍,性能提高一倍,成本下降一倍。因此,他大胆预测这种增长在未来还将一直延续下去,并将这条规律运用到英特尔的产品开发中来。 此后的30多年实际情况证明了芯片的进步正是循着这条轨迹进行的,也正是在“摩尔定律”的指引下,英特尔一直坚持着这样一条产品战略:首先,凭借技术优势,率先推出新产品,推动产业链升级;其次,对新产品采取高价撇脂定价策略,获取超额利润;然后,当竞争对手模仿跟随推出类似产品时,英特尔将会利用学习曲线形成的成本优势,主动降价打压竞争对手;最后,在对手还没有缓过气之前,又推出更新的产品,启动新一轮的竞争。这样一套紧密联系的组合拳,环环相扣构成了英特尔的产品战略逻辑,英特尔的全部团队就像一台精密的机器沿着这样一个技术更新的圆环周而复始地向前滚动。 这种率先推出新产品的策略,还有助于英特尔成为行业中的技术领跑者,并最终将英特尔扶上了产业标准制定者这一宝座。英特尔以其“超前决策”和“领先开发”的策略,引导和促进产业标准的发展和更新,“摩尔定律”不但成为英特尔的金科玉律,并且成为一堵牢不可破的“摩尔墙”,英特尔这种将竞争对手远远甩在身后的策略不但给自身带来巨大的先行优势,而且让英特尔建立起了“产业标准制造者和推动者”的形象。在产业内和市场上,将“Intel”的标识等同于“芯片”的生产者和消费者大有人在。 英特尔的“摩尔定律”是一种不断进步的创新精神,它对英特尔的意义不仅仅在于促进了其芯片的更新速度和带来的巨大利润,在更深层次上,“摩尔定律”让英特尔发现,任何一家公司一旦抓住了技术进步的核心,并实现了转变,从而成为领跑者,其他竞争者就不得不紧随其后。在“摩尔定律”的启发下,英特尔在进入其他新行业时也始终采取“产业标准制定者”的姿态。例如,1994年,英特尔首次推出符合 “100Base-X”标准的网卡,并生产与其匹配的集线器等一系列网络硬件设施,提供建立符合此标准的网络的完整解决方案,最终使得“100Base-X”成为当时快速以太网(Fast Ethernet)的行业标准。

三、积极的品牌建设——Intel Inside 简单地看,英特尔的品牌战略管理由如下几方面构成: (1)以Pentium、Celeron、Xeon等产品品牌相互合作以支撑整体从而实现协同效应——1995年11月,Pentium Pro问世,把Intel的产品线扩展到高端桌面、工作站和服务器;1998年6月,Pentium II Xeon芯片问世,用于高端工作站和服务器;在Pentium II后面加上代表神秘和力量的Xeon,Intel公司把用于服务器的产品和其他产品明确的区分开来。 (2)通过引进MMX等副品牌不断给产品增加活力——1997年1月,Pentium MMX问世,MMX给Intel的产品线带来更好的多媒体表现;通过Mobile Pentium等系列创造新的产品类别,产品线扩展到台式机、笔记本和服务器等多种硬件设备;——1997年9月,Mobile Pentium问世,宣告英特尔把笔记本芯片市场从整个个人电脑市场中细分出来,从此,英特尔把市场细分为桌面、高端桌面和服务器、以及笔记本三部分。 (3)引进Centrino(迅驰)等技术品牌使自身从芯片生产走向解决方案提供者——2003年,英特尔正式宣布推出无线移动计算技术的品牌:Centrino移动计算技术.Centrino基于全新的移动处理器微架结构和无线连接功能,并在电池寿命,轻薄外形和移动性能方面具有增强特性,代表了英特尔为笔记本电脑提供的最佳解决方案。 (4)通过Intel Inside计划全面增强产品清晰度——1991年启动“Intel Inside”计划,总共投入超过70亿美元,创造了将近390亿美元的品牌价值。 其中最让人津津乐道的便是“Intel Inside”计划。该项计划于1991年启动,旨在树立英特尔高科技品牌。根据该计划,任何一位电脑生产商,只要在其广告上加入英特尔公司认可的“Intel Inside”图像或者标志,英特尔就会为其支付40%的广告费用(在中国这一比例是30%)。 这项计划在推出的初期曾受到了IT界和广告界专业人士的质疑,因为对于传统观念来说,英特尔生产的产品是不与消费者产生直接接触的芯片,除非是能熟练打开电脑外壳更换元件的用户,一般消费者对于芯片基本是处于“看不见、摸不着”的概念。英特尔如此大规模宣传其品牌,似乎会费力不讨好。 但是,英特尔这项广告攻势并非是简单的广告宣传,而完全是一种品牌打造,它等同于一次对消费者的全面教育。在这项计划中,英特尔公司启用了一个简单的标志形象代表“Intel Inside”的品牌,这个标志的新颖创意与优秀的图案设计在当时市场上树立了一个具有真正吸引力和特色的形象。这个设计鲜明的“Intel Inside”的商标被用在所有营销与传播活动中,所有广告、直销、包装、公关,以及内外部传播都被设计得具有相同的外观和感觉,并享有同样鲜明的图形要素,“Intel Inside”在策略层面上完全被整合起来了,简单的由“一种形象、一种声音”展现。这种整合可以分为以下几方面内容: 其一,英特尔的整合最先是从组织“内部”做起。这是指把工程、生产、营运、物流、财务等结合起来,然后将其集中在一个所有要素必须支持的重要因素上,也就是“Intel Inside”计划。这就需要培训与发展,而且最重要的是,管理高层对于这个计划要有坚定的执行决心。 其二,虽然在整个计划中,消费者是最后接触计划的一个环节,但是他们却是最重要的一群人。如果英特尔无法说服消费者掏出钱来购买带有“Intel Inside”志的计算机,那么整个计划就将注定无法成功。”Intel Inside”之所以能成功,是因为计划在各个阶段都是以最终消费者为中心。这个计划把所有的参与者都纳入了同一价值链中,为最后的消费者带来了价值。 其三,英特尔必须协调中间厂商。中间厂商包括计算机制造商,也包括渠道伙伴,如计算机零售商、分销商、增值零售业者、目录销售者以及所有那些可以让消费者、客户与潜在客户取得使用英特尔处理器计算机的形式与方法,所有参与这个计划的厂商,都能从中获利。 其四,英特尔整合了外部传播计划,包括广告、促销、采购点、公关、商品装饰、包装以及其他所有可以让“Intel Inside”计划接近最终客户的传播渠道。 强大的宣传攻势造成了这样一个效果:当很多买计算机的人不知道该怎么选择产品时,英特尔公司通过“Intel Inside”的标志向客户暗示产品的质量保证,驱动客户与消费者购买带有Intel标志的产品。久而久之,消费者便习惯于以“Intel Inside”来识别电脑是否有保证,英特尔也一跃成为“名牌”、“创新”、“高性能”、“高品质”、“有保障”等多个褒义词的代名词。 经过十多年的积累,现在“Intel Inside”计划已经得到全球2700多家计算机制造商的支持,在全球平均每五分钟就响起一次“Intel Inside”的广告曲,仅2000年一年,粘贴在各种产品上的“Intel Inside”标签如果连成一条直线,长度达2650公里。 从“Intel Inside”计划最初开始发展到今天,英特尔品牌的范围已经被大大的延伸。在垂直方向上,”Intel Inside“的品牌,最初仅仅被限制在桌面系统上,随着整个CPU市场份额不断扩大,英特尔品牌和英特尔产品线一起,不断向高低两端延伸。到今天,英特尔的品牌已经从最初的桌面系统,延伸到低端的”廉价PC“,延伸到移动领域内Pentium Mobile系列芯片,延伸到高端服务器和工作站的Pentium Xeon系列芯片。 另外一个方面,英特尔公司在IA构架芯片取得巨大成功以后,又逐渐把品牌水平延伸到其他领域。这些扩展领域中既有其他类型的芯片生产,也有完全和芯片分离的其它产品市场。例如今天英特尔的产品组合、产品线已经达到13大类69种产品。英特尔的产品已经从最初的台式机、笔记本、服务器与工作站的主处理器远远地扩展出去,不仅包括在台式机、笔记本、服务器与工作站市场上使用到的主板、网卡、芯片组,还扩展到网络连接、存储与I/O设备、掌上与手持设备、网络与通信处理器、嵌入式产品与闪存、以太网、电信计算、软件应用开发、光设备、有线接入等等方面。在“Intel Inside”计划的帮助下,英特尔成为先进技术、品质承诺的代表。

四、奔腾的企业文化——六大价值观 美国历史学家戴维•兰德斯在《国家的穷与富》书中说:“如果经济发展给了我们什么启示,那就是文化乃举足轻重的因素。”同理,企业的生存和发展也离不开企业文化的哺育,从世界500强企业的历史来看,这些优秀的企业的持续成长无一不是以人为本,以顾客为中心,努力服务社会。这就是他们优秀企业文化的核心。他们平等对待员工,平衡相关者的利益,提倡团结精神,鼓励创新。 尽管它们的经营战略和实践活动总是不断地适应着外部世界的变化,却始终保持着稳定不变的核心价值观和基本目标。这种在不断发展的过程中又能保持其核心价值观不变,正是世界500强企业成功的深层原因。 英特尔也不例外,它很注重对企业文化的建设,自创立之初它就明确地确定了六项价值观,并将它们写在员工的胸卡上,时刻提醒员工按照这六大价值观的要求做事。这六大价值观也是被理论界和实务界广为称赞的企业文化的象征,它们分别是:以客户为导向,以结果为导向、纪律严明、鼓励尝试冒险、质量至上、良好的工作环境。 (1)以客户为导向 英特尔的以客户为导向的价值观是市场营销观念的思想核心与最高境界,在其产品设计、生产、销售的整个企业流程中,英特尔始终要求所有员工认真倾听客户、供应商和股东的声音,对他们的要求做出积极反应。 在英特尔的广告宣传中也充分体现了以客户为导向的特点,在芯片对于消费者来说还是一种比较模糊的概念的时期,英特尔简单直接的宣传理念让消费者很快接受了“Intel Inside”这一标识,并将其等同于芯片的保证。 (2)以结果为导向 英特尔要求每一位员工都必须坚持以结果为导向的原则,任何研发项目和推广计划都需设定可以评量的目标,并依设定的时间表提出阶段性的成果。在英特尔公司内部,每一个部门都必须以公司的方向为指导原则,为自己设定季度目标,并且为完成目标设立具体小目标进行支持。每一个季度结束时,每个部门为自己的成果评价打分。这种“计划式管理”是英特尔以结果为导向的价值观的最好体现。 英特尔的以结果为导向的价值观还体现在“让数据说话”这一独特的企业文化中。按照其创始人之一的安迪·格鲁夫的构想,认知未来商业趋势的一个有效途径就是运用指标进行预测。英特尔关于以结果为导向的几点操作规则是:设立挑战和竞争的目标,关注产出,假想责任,建设性地对抗和解决问题,无缺点地执行。 (3)纪律严明 英特尔的所在地——硅谷——是一个高科技企业汇集的地方,许多企业以充分尊重员工个性、给员工很大的自由为企业特色。但英特尔严明的纪律却成为硅谷纪律自由化的一大反例,这种极其注重细节的作风使英特尔形成了自己独特的企业文化,而且收效显著。 英特尔强调纪律严明的典型例子便是“迟到签名制”。英特尔规定的上班时间是早上8点,任何人只要迟到5分钟以上,都要在事先准备的签名簿上留下自己的大名,即便是高级主管也不例外。这种迟到签名的制度执行了很多年,最后由于公司整体长期的优异表现,几乎无人迟到而宣告“退役”。 (4)鼓励尝试冒险 英特尔之所以能够长久以来成为行业领袖,不断领跑于整个IT产业,主要原因之一在于它能够勇于尝试冒险,不断创新求变。从1985年的放弃存储器生意,大举进入当时前景未明的微处理器市场,到1991年力排众议冒险推出“Intel inside”的品牌推广活动,英特尔遵循着“富贵险中求”的道理。 英特尔这种冒险精神并不是盲目迎接挑战,相反英特尔非常强调冒险之前的项目预评估以及后备方案的选择,因此,这种冒险精神本质上是一种创新理念的升华,其最终目的就是为了实现企业的不断创新。为了确保市场份额,抵御其他厂商的竞争,英特尔在成立之初就确立了“永不停顿、不断创新”的企业理念。 (5)质量至上 自创立初期开始,英特尔就投入了大量的人力物力专门从事质量管理,英特尔认为:质量是产品的生命线,尤其是在其他公司均忽视质量管理的20世纪7、80年代,产品质量好坏直接决定了企业的声誉和品牌的价值。为此,英特尔建立专门的质量管理机构——质量保障部和可靠度工程部,并给予这两个部门实权,一旦发现有不合格的产品,就立即停止出货。同时,英特尔还将质量管理与各部门的绩效评估直接挂钩,从激励上促进质量上升。 (6)良好的工作环境 英特尔倡导“先育人,再用人”也支持“用新人”,并根据人才实际情况给予相匹配的工作。在英特尔公司,无论是总裁还是新员工都没有个人的单独办公室,也没有主管人员单独的餐厅,公司停车场也不为任何人预留车位,用安迪·格鲁夫的话说:“这是英特尔的生存之道,民主与平等是高科技公司的发展需要。”英特尔给员工提供了一种处处“以人为本”的工作环境,使员工能全身心投入工作,每个人都在一个具有创造力、充满挑战的开放环境下工作。 在英特尔公司有一个独特的管理方式就是“对抗性管理”,简而言之就是在管理的过程中,允许员工自由发表不同的意见,比如大家有不同意见和分歧时,尤其是当下属对上级有不同意见的时候,英特尔特别鼓励下级能够对上级提出不同的意见,当然其前提是出发点一定是积极的、富有建设性的,是以解决问题为目的。为了让每一个员工都能体会到这种对抗性管理的要点,在“对抗性”与“粗鲁”中恰当权衡,英特尔的所有新员工进来后都会接受一个培训,叫做“建设性对抗”,这种培训主要教新员工怎么去实现这个建设性对抗。

五、英特尔的战略总结——偏执者生存 英特尔前任CEO安迪·格鲁夫有句名言,“只有偏执狂才能生存”。正是在这种偏执狂的精神引领下,英特尔从一家生产存储器的濒临倒闭的平庸企业变为一家引领IT行业发展的伟大公司。在他的管理学著作《只有偏执狂才能生存》中,他提出了一个新的管理理念:偏执狂管理:偏执地发明,偏执地经营,偏执地成功。 安迪·格鲁夫的偏执狂管理是一种居安思危的危机管理精神,他认为,“只要涉及企业管理,我就相信偏执万岁。企业繁荣之中孕育着毁灭自身的种子,你越是成功,垂涎三尺的人就越多。因此英特尔的管理者,最重要的职责就是常常提防他人的袭击,并把这种防范意识传播给手下的工作人员。” 20世纪80年代,原本顺风顺水的英特尔遇到了日本存储器产品的巨大竞争,经营每况愈下,是转向新领域还是继续守卫日渐被蚕食的存储器市场,英特尔面临一个历史性选择。在这种情况下,英特尔的偏执狂精神体现到了极致——1985年,英特尔决定放弃存储器的生意,将全部精力放在一个前景未明、没有任何把握的微处理器市场。 其实,在外界看来,英特尔如果能加紧研发投入,在经营上采取有效策略的话,坚守存储器领域依旧是一个比较合适的选择,大可不必如“惊弓之鸟”般掉头转向另一块完全未知的领域。然而,正是偏执狂的精神,让英特尔很快意识到未来日本存储产品的强大攻势,以及存储器市场即将成为“红海”的必然趋势,从而毅然地“壮士断腕”,也正是这次转型让英特尔成为日后的微处理器芯片之王。 1991年,英特尔启动了“Intel Inside”宣传计划,该计划在旁人看来根本就是不合逻辑——当时英特尔在芯片市场上是“技术独此一家”的地位,根本就没有打广告的必要。该计划的实施,让英特尔的标识深入人心,成为消费者购买硬件产品时一个重要的参考标准。英特尔该项计划的成功,也让其他许多如甲骨文、惠普和思科等高科技公司纷纷效仿,开始花费数百万美元以建立品牌忠诚度。 从表面上看,“Intel Inside”让其他企业看到了强势的品牌战略所带来的巨大利润,但是从英特尔自身而言,这只不过是其偏执狂精神的再一次体现。任何企业在发展过程中,将会出现一个或多个战略转折点,这时候,如果能恰当把握,企业将有机会上升到新的高度,反之则预示着没落的开始。在这一过程中,偏执狂式的管理能使公司保持足够的谨慎,时常提防他人的袭击、窃取你的生意。因此,“Intel Inside”计划本质上其实是英特尔公司为了对抗未来潜在竞争者所采取的一种居安思危的战略,是为了让企业有机会上升到新高度,从而能有足够力量对付未来可能出现的强大的“敌人”。 安而不忘危,冶而不忘乱,存而不忘亡。在世界500强中,英特尔是半导体公司的第一位,而且远远地将第二位甩在身后,这样一家在市场上几乎没有一个绝对强大的对手的公司,在一般人看来应该是员工脸上洋溢着优雅和高傲,领导者无处不显示其帝王气质的公司。但是,正可谓“生于忧患、死于安乐”,坚持偏执狂管理的英特尔却始终像一个正在创业的公司那样绷紧每一根神经,时时刻刻都勤恳务实,戒骄戒躁,努力经营。

1. 英特尔企业文化的关键是什么?
2. 英特尔的偏执精神体现在哪些方面?有人认为,这种精神的成功只是一个偶然,不具备普遍性,你如何看待这一观点?
3. 快速的研发就一定能够保证市场领先地位吗?还有什么因素会对企业市场地位产生影响?
4. 你知道吗,世界著名的服装纤维品牌 “莱卡”的成功几乎就是“Intel Inside”方式在另一行业的翻版。请收集资料,分析“莱卡”与“Intel Inside”的异同。
5. 假设你现在是英特尔的决策者,请用SWOT分析工具对目前的英特尔做一个简单的分析。并设想一下未来英特尔可能的战略方向。
6. 伴随“Intel Inside”计划一起成长的是对于英特尔垄断地位的争论以及竞争对手的诉讼官司。2009年,欧盟称将对英特尔违反反垄断法案罚款十余亿美元。结合案例,谈谈你对保持市场领先与垄断之间的关系。

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...trends. Intel company is a great example of their always trying to keep up with the consumers trends. Due to the rise of smartphones and tablets, the sales of PC’s have been declining in the past few years. Intel has created a product that will help them with their declining pc sales. Intel had started from humble beginnings. Intel Corporation was formed in Mountain View, California in 1948. It was founded by Gordon E. Moore who was a chemist, Robert Noyce who was a physicist and Arthur Rock who was an investor/venture capitalist. Originally they wanted to name the company Moore Noyce but it sounded like “more noise” which meant that the technology was having some problems. It was initially call NM electronics then it was later called Integrated Electronics (Intel). In its early years, Intel were able to distinguish themselves by making semiconductors. Their first product was a 64 bit random access memory (RAM), which was able to outpace its competitors. In the same year Intel released their 1024 bit read only memory (ROM). By the 1980’s Intel sales were declining because the growing success of IBM. Intel decided to shift it’s focus to microprocessors. For 10 years, Intel was the primary supplier to the PC industry. By 1991, Intel was able to create brand loyalty with customer selection. At the turn of the century, the demand for their high end microprocessors slowed down. Intel biggest competitor, AMD, had the biggest share of the market, so Intel decided...

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...Current and Future Challenges to Intel: 6 Analysis of Intel Corporation: 7 Corporate strategies: 8 Conclusion and Recommendations: 8 INRODUCTIONS AND HISTORY: Intel is one of the world’s largest and very best introducers of semi conductor chip Makers Company. It’s an American based multinational chip makers corporation which is located Santa Clara, California and founded on founded mountain view on July 18, 1968 by Gordon E. Moore , Robert Noyce, Arthur Rock and Max Palevsky. Rock was the Chairman of the Board. After Rock Andry Grove ran the company till 1980 till 1990. The word Intel is basically used in terms of intelligent. Intel manufactured many products as motherboards ,chipsets, network interface controllers and integrated circuits, flash memory ,graphics chips ,embedded processors and other devices which are used in communications and computing systems on large scale. In ages of 1990 Intel was only be known primarily to engineers and technologists i.e. Intel inside which made it a household name, along with its Pentium processor. The main ability of Intel is to combine advance chip design capability with as leading-edge manufacturing capability. As compared to other companies like Google in today’s world Intel is not using common system. As Google is transferring data from long distance by using fiber optics but when machines move individually then its takes time to update information over old fashioned copper wire. Recently Intel has started to produce commercial...

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...Intel is known as the world’s largest chip manufacturer, based on revenues. The company mainly influenced the development of personal computers due to their invention of the world’s first microprocessor in 1971. Michael Moore, the cofounder of Intel, established Moore's Law which says that the number of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years. This builds the basis for the semiconductor industry of setting up their future development plan. Over the years, Intel fulfilled this rule and did not stop to improve its microprocessors all the time. Intel developed further over the years from just manufacturing microprocessors to providing platform solutions. One main customer of Intel is Hewlett-Packard, a major operating IT company in the world which produces computers as well as smartphones. Their buying centre consists of a team of 16 representatives from event marketing, procurement, and executive management. This team is considered as... Intel is known as the world’s largest chip manufacturer, based on revenues. The company mainly influenced the development of personal computers due to their invention of the world’s first microprocessor in 1971. Michael Moore, the cofounder of Intel, established Moore's Law which says that the number of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years. This builds the basis for the semiconductor industry of setting...

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...Intel was founded in 1986, the founders was Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce.The global headquarters is in Santa Clara, California Intel has 100,100 employees in 36 countries. The chairman is Andy Bryant and Paul Otellini is the President and CEO. Few facts about Intel: World leader in the production of microprocessors: Intel is the world largest and highest valued microprocessor maker in the world. Intel Corporation designs and manufactures integrated digital technology platforms. IDM business model – Integrated Device Manufacturer: IDM is a business model, his initials stand for Integrated Device Manufacturer. Intel is one of the last companies that work with this business model. Penetration to the mobile processors: In November 2003 Intel purchased the Israeli company Mobiline which developed chips for cellphones. But Intel knew it needed to do more than make a few key hires so in August, 2010 Intel purchased the German company Infineon. Intel also purchased another several cell companies in order to be part of the communication world. They believed that they had to be part the growing communication markets. Low market share in mobile devices: Interestingly, Intel with $54 billion in annual revenue is the biggest chipmaker in the world. It has 100000 employs, including some of the brightest minds in the industry. But when it comes to powering mobile phones, Intel is nowhere Alternative Strategy #1 Using old technology in new markets Marketing existing technology...

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...Introduction This paper will unearth how Intel is working on making the internet more powerful and to high light the strategies that they are using to reinvent the diffusion of the internet as an innovation. Intel holds about 80% of the market share for microprocessors that go into desktop and notebook computers, and also into computer servers. Intel also makes embedded semiconductors for the industrial, medical, and in-vehicle infotainment markets. Their advance manufacturing technology has allowed them to remain number one within their market. Main Ideas/Points Stated Clearly and Logically • The technology industry is so competitive that firms have to be constantly creating new technologies in order to remain competitive. Intel being one of the leading innovators in technology has create the atom processor E6xx series this new processor offers significant improvements in graphics performance, memory bandwidth and integration allowing it to handle In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) . • IVI is a digital application that can be used by occupants of a vehicle, including internal connectivity, navigation and location-based services, external communications, and radio. • The New Intel Solid-State Drive, is a reliable alternative to traditional hard drives, it offer breakthrough storage performance by taking your PC to a new level of responsiveness including: faster boot, application launch and file loading. • Intel has collaborated with Vice magazine in what...

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...TASK 1 AbaKus Technology Interest Group at IIMK INTRODUTION Founded on July 18, 1968 by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, Intel manufactures the Intel computer processors, Intel Overdrive CPU upgrades, networking devices, and is considered by most to be 'the' company that has influenced the hardware market. The Company offers platforms that incorporate various components and technologies, including a microprocessor and chipset, a stand-alone system-on-chip (SoC) or a multichip package. The Company offers microprocessors with one or multiple processor cores. In addition, its Intel Core processor families integrate graphics functionality onto the processor die. The Company offers and develops SoC products that integrate the Company’s central processing units (CPU) with other system components, such as graphics, audio, imaging, communication and connectivity, and video, onto a single chip. The Company offers a multichip package that integrates the chipset on one die with the CPU and graphics on another die, connected through an on-package interface. The Company also offers fifth generation Intel Core processor, code-named Broadwell. The Company offers manufacturing technologies and design services for its customers. Its foundry offerings include full custom silicon, packaging, and manufacturing test services. It also provides semi-custom services to tailor Intel architecture-based solutions with customers' intellectual property blocks. The Company also offers design kits, intellectual...

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...Intel began in 1968. It was founded by Gordon E. Moore who is also a physicist and chemist. He was accompanied by Robert Noyce, also a fellow physicist and co-creator of integrated circuitry, after they both had left Fairchild Semiconductor. During the 1980’s Intel was run by a chemical engineer by the name of Andy Grove, who was the third member of the original Intel family. Many other Fairchild employees participated in other Silicon Valley companies. Andy Grove today is considered to be one of the company’s essential business and strategic leaders. As the 1990’s concluded, Intel had become one of the largest and by far the most successful businesses in the entire world. Intel has gone through many faces and phases. In the beginning Intel was set apart by its ability primarily to create memory chips or SRAM.  When the firm was founded, Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce had the idea to name their company Moore Noyce. However when the name is spoken it is heard as “More Noise” This idea was quickly abandoned and the pursuit of a more suitable name – one which was not associated with a bad interface. The name NM Electronics was shortly thereafter chosen and used for nearly a year, when the company experienced a name change to Integrated Electronics, or INTEL for short. The rights to the name however had to be purchased as it was already in use by a fairly well known hotel chain. Though Intel had mastered the first microprocessor called the Intel 4004 in 1971 and also one of the...

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Premium Essay


...Intel Corporation is the biggest semiconductor manufacturer in the world and has changed the global marketplace radically since it was founded in 1968. The first handheld calculators and PC’s were developed through the innovation of Intel’s microprocessors. The company is currently valued at more than $54 billion and employs more than 100,000 people. Intel’s product line of Pentium processors have become a household name. Today, at least 80% Intel processors are used in PC’s globally. Suppliers:. The essential material used to create semiconductors is silicon which is an element of sand and is plentiful in nature. Suppliers cannot alter the prices of this primary commodity to significantly influence Intel Corp’s business because Intel can afford to have several suppliers. Additional suppliers provide the metallization needed between the silicon layer and the plastic for the packaging of the fully manufactured processors. These too are plentiful and Intel can afford to have several suppliers at considerable prices. Competition rivalry:. Intel Corp continues to enjoy large market shares with minimal competition. In 2011, the company controlled 79.3% of the PC processors market and 84.4% of the of the mobile PC microprocessors. These figures included a 2% drop from the first quarter of the year. The decline in market share could be attributed to increased competition from companies such as AMD, Samsung, Texas Instruments, and Toshiba. These companies sell their products at reduced...

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...Intel Unveils Silverthorne By Sumner Lemo Http:// Silverthorne is a newer and cheaper power saver processor for mobile phones in the Upcoming year. Silverthorne was founded on the Pentium Pro. Silverthorne is a great Value of performance and power efficiency. Silverthorne struck as one of the best performance and power efficiency chip out on The market today, Via Technologies is releasing a micro processor called the Isaiah. The Isaiah a faster front bus and twice the cache space that has an advantage over the Silverthorne, but the Silverthorne is cheaper which may prove difficult with Intel’s orders. With Intel making a cheaper and very reliable processor that can match the speed of The Mobile Core 2 Processor and consumes less power would be a good chip to bring The market. Silverthorne performing at a high standard and the cost of the chip Inexpensive would put the Silverthorne chip as one of the next processing chip in the Mobile industry Apple to use Intel’s Silverthorne chip in 2008 By Tom Krazit Http:// Apple decides to use Intel’s upcoming low power Silverthorne chip in the upcoming Year, Apple is using Samsung S3C6400 or just for I phone. The Samsung S3C6400 is based on the ARM1176 Core that consume just a little over 279 mill watts that are running full out in performance. Silverthorne...

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...To: From: Subject: Date: Andrew Grove, PhD – President and CEO of Intel Corporation FT50812 Intel Pentium Chip Controversy December 17, 1994 Summary Intel’s reputation as a producer of quality microprocessors is being questioned. Public perception views Intel as insensitive to consumer concerns and overly profit driven. The investments Intel has made in the Pentium chip to secure a competitive advantage will be pointless if consumers lose trust in the Intel brand. Analysis of Issues Intel’s dilemma is whether to recall a product that is defective under certain conditions (p. 2).1 This decision requires consideration of the financial and operational issues, as well as the potential long-term impact to Intel’s competitive advantage in the computer industry and Intel’s relationships with companies that purchase microprocessors. These issues are further described below. Competitive Advantage The new Pentium chip is the embodiment of Intel’s advantage over other companies. Intel has the distinction of being first in the industry to engineer and produce microprocessors (p. 2). In addition, Intel has made significant investments in research and development to design the Pentium, has incurred significant expenditure in promotions, and has secured its investment with a name-based patent (p. 3). 1 All page numbers referenced herein are drawn from the following case study: Narayanan, V.C. (2002). The Intel Pentium Chip Controversy (A). Harvard Business School. 9-196-091...

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...* Intel Corporation was founded on July 18, 1968 by  Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore and  Andrew Grove (按) It’s headquarter is located in Santa Clara, California and the name "Intel" was conceived of the words integrated and electronics. * Intel is one of the world's largest and highest valued semiconductor chip company. It is the inventor of the x86 series of microprocessors, the processors found in most personal computers.(按下一頁) *  Intel supplies processors for computer system manufacturers such as Apple, Samsung, HP and Dell Intel also makes motherboard chipsets, network interface controllers and integrated circuits, flash memory,graphics chips, embedded processors and other devices related to communications and computing. (按) * Intel was ranked #56 on the 2015 rankings of the world's most valuable brands published by Millward Brown Optimor. (按) * Its primary competitor is AMD(Advanced Micro Devices) (按下一頁) And now I’m going to introduce the history of Intel. * Intel founded in 1968 by Robert noyce, gordon moore and andrew grove. Intel’s early success came from selling memory chips. * In 1981, IBM selected Intel’s 8088 chip for its personal computer(PC) securing the company’s leading position in the industry * In 1985, Intel priced out of the memory market and focus on microprocessors * In mid -1990s, Intel stared to brand its products and coining intel inside. They switching from numbering their products to using the brand names like...

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Intel Corporation

...What strategy did Intel use to gain a competitive advantage in microprocessors? Intel gained its competitive advantage by focusing on its competitors, buyers and suppliers. The company focused mainly on a strategy of leadership at the development stage in conjunction with an aggressive marketing campaign. Intel faced a dual threat from outside companies making Clones and RISC architecture. Intel was able to counter these threats by being a leader in innovation of new products. Intel continued to improve its products at a very high rate, which greatly helped Intel command a premium lead in its technology and product offerings over the competition. This is a highly technical field with new technology in chips demanding higher and more premium chips. Even with updating the facilities this means also to utilize economies of scale to gain a cost advantage, these combinations will give the ability to introduce new chips to increase their profit margins. The aggressive marketing campaign such as the Crush and Checkmate campaigns along with the latest Intel Inside campaign that has played a major role in gaining a competitive edge and building brand recognition for the company. What threats has Intel faced in sustaining its competitive advantage in microprocessors? Intel has faced many threats over the course of the years. Intel has been threatened by other entrants to the microprocessor market virtually since they started making microprocessors. The Asia firms have proven...

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Intel Inside

...Business marketing’ Report on: Intel Submitted to: Khan tahsina nimmi Lecturer Department of Marketing School of Business Submitted By: |Rased Abdur |09-14501-2 | |Anoy Md Shakib Ahamed |09-14497-2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Executive Summary The internal complexity of the personal computer has grown to a staggering level. Today’s most advanced processors and chipsets incorporate millions of transistors, and must be compatible with dozens of operating systems, hundreds of platform components and thousands of hardware devices and software applications. To ensure leading performance, reliability and compatibility in this complex environment, Intel invests over $300 million annually...

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Intel Company

...Intel Aisha Sultana Busgr-590 In 1968 a chemist Gordon E. Moore and a physicist Robert Noyce who co-invented the integrated circuit, left the company named Fairfield Semiconductor and founded what became Intel. Intel was incorporated in California in 1968 and re-incorporated in Delaware in 1989. Intel developed x86, microprocessors for personal computer the leading PC microprocessor. These include 8086,386, 486, Pentium and the newest Quad Core and i7 processors. Intel processors are faster than their competitor’s (AMD) like processor but it cost more. Later they hired Andy Grove and several other researcher to help them. Andy Grove later became CEO in 1987; Grove was very demanding and expects high expectation from everyone. Grove was detailed oriented, pushed hard to measure everything and was constantly looking for ways to drive down costs and speed up development process. He became Intel’s strategic planner by discipline, and pushed people to their limits to get things done. By 1999 Intel has become one of the biggest and best known businesses in the world. Intel’s growth happened in a number of clear phases.  It began with excellence in semiconductor manufacturing, with SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) chips its main product.  Intel improved its manufacturing processes and expanded its product line throughout the 1970'a, growing its business to new levels. Intel had created the worlds' first microprocessor (Intel 4004) in 1971, and an early microcomputer...

Words: 451 - Pages: 2

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Intel Case

...choose from, this problem becomes even more complicated, because the innovations of other firms who might not even be direct competitors might have an impact on the focal firm, because they can change the competitive dynamics of the ecosystem. Intel is in exactly this situation – its microprocessors are essential components of many products, which is good (note ‘essential’) and bad (note ‘component’) at the same time: whereas Intel’s position in the microprocessor business is probably unrivaled, it also needs to fend of the threat of the larger ‘products’ (or: ecosystems) shift in a way that renders microprocessors obsolete, or creates different demand profiles for microprocessors which are better met by competitors’ offerings. This is exactly where Intel Research comes in – it is Intel’s sensor for the future, which, opposite to the R&D conducted by the core departments (note: Intel’s microprocessing business has its own R&D, and the integration of production and R&D was one of the core organizational design choices of Intel’s founders) follows principles of open innovation in doing exploratory research that does not necessarily focus on silicone. The case goes on to describe how Intel Research was set and the choices that led Intel Research to evolve into what it had become at the time of the case. Unsurprisingly, this case has become one of the cornerstones of my case portfolio on open innovation – not many cases capture the benefits of open innovation on...

Words: 427 - Pages: 2