...People normally resist making change, which might prevent us from grow and competiveness. Even if you have no problem with current life, nobody surely say you will be still OK tomorrow since the world changes so rapidly. Without mobile phone, and e-mail address, it is very hard to communicate with anyone but it was nothing like that in 20 years ago. If you do not change, you will so behind of the area, and can not get advantages of modern technology, and fail to deal with peoples in modern society. In this international competitive world, you will be looser if you are just doing the same every day and no improvement. Because the market and demand are always changed, even product A was a big hit, market would not want it anymore because new product B sold by competitor fits well for the new market demand, low price or better quality. Ok, there is some old fashioned business like Kabuki performer, however, Kabuki has been changed to attract young customers, and go abroad to perform to attract foreigner. There are changes even in such a historical field to survive. Afraid of new thing is normal reaction because you do not know if it is safe. People says “curiosity kill the cat”, so better stay at home and do nothing. However, you have to lean how to get the food and go out from a warn/sweet home. To release your worry for the change, you try to see the benefit if you make change. You might just have doing it but it might not have been the best way. You can...
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...build his/hers world view on. When the child then grows up she is learning how the world actually works and the illusions shatters. This is a theme in the short story “The Flowers” (1976) from the collection titled “In Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Women” by Alice Walken. Based on what I know about Alice Walken and her work, I assume Myop is a young girl from a dark colored family in the south, which world limits to the wood behind her family’s house. In the beginning of the story Myop is a happy child with a child’s innocence and illusions. The atmosphere in the beginning is also very calm and peaceful. All these changes when Myop steps on a dead body in the wood. “.. and she reached down quickly, unafraid, to free herself” (p. 107 l. 33) As you see in this quote Myop is not afraid of the situation, but looks at it with a child’s eyes of interest, and trying to make her own experiences. She doesn’t know yet that she has to be afraid. The calmness is then broken and the sentiment changes. Something is wrong and when Myop wants to go back to the peacefulness of the morning, she can’t. The calmness she knows and is pursuing is gone, as Myop has left her childhood. The point of no return would be when Myop steps upon the body, that’s the turning point of her life. Not only he finds a dead body, but also his white teeth are cracked that shows us that he probably had been beaten up before the lynching.In her ‘illusions’, life is good and fair. Her illusion of the world is not including...
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...horrible. They were never trained with the hazardous chemicals they worked with but they were forced to wear badges that stated they were certified to work with them. The NLRB determined the video was protected because the employees voiced concerns about safety, (Protected Concerted Activity). A complaint was issued for the case to appear in court. On the second day of trail, the company settled with the employees. 2) In order to play this role the HR function needs to be transformed. The standard HR department filters resumes, handles grievances, conducts training, purchases salary surveys and maybe has a diversity program. While this is a start, it is not strategic. This process becomes automated and bureaucratic and, as the world changes around it, obsolete. A strategic HR department is looking at the age make up at various levels of the firm, is looking to understand the generation differences and address them. A strategic HR function is working to make the firm a great place to work. They are identifying what are the qualities of people we need in various positions do we have those people? Are they in the right job? Can we move them to the right spot? With a lot of the corporate upheaval as of late there job have been cut or restructured without much thought. To sum it up the HR function, to really be strategic, must be transformed to be about the people,...
Words: 330 - Pages: 2
...Introduction International politics has been shifted enormously into a new episode in the mid 20th century in the history of International Relation. Before 1950s world politics was confined within frequent wars including two world wars. But after 1950s world politics, including cold war was filled up by many variants to ensure each states security as arms race, nuclearization as well as security against global climate change. Like all other things, global climate change also got a strong basis of global agenda in international relations specificly in 1972. Since then international relations and global climate change have become very intimate to one another to be discussed. By 1972 and having a remarkable benchmark in 1992, global environment as well as global climate change is being practiced almost with every aspect of international relations which include state, non-state actors, domestic international relationship, various political approach, several global accord, security and world trade as well. In this paper, we will try to find out the intensity of the intimacy between international relations and global climate change through several different approaches. In the beginning of the paper we will survey on the theories of international relations through which both international relations and global climate change can be explained then the discussion will be shifted to the role of state and non state actors on climate change, which will be pursued to the effect of climate...
Words: 11943 - Pages: 48
...Changes in international order represent the changes of international relations in terms of economy and political issues. The new international order has affected greatly in many fields of the world, especially the economy. This research paper considers how changes in the international order influence employment and focuses on relations factors which can affect the usefulness of this research paper. The study indicates that China has reached a peak after reforming and become the second’s largest economy in the world. This leads to significant variations between the economy of US and China in manufacturing. Additionally, the US’s economy and China’s economy play a main role on the world’s economy and has huge influence on employment. With regard to the establishment of international organizations and associations, it is concluded that the appearance of the international organizations and associations has significant impacts on the world’s employment. Finally, how employment will be affected by changes in political relationship among countries, such as US and Vietnam and US and Cuba. In this research paper, the information will be collected from articles, websites and online newspapers. In recent years, wars between nations no longer occur. Peace, friendship and cooperation among countries are always a top priority. The value of collaboration occupies a significant position in today's society. At the same time, countries start focusing on promoting economic in order to enhance...
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...capital, and ideas around the world. Globalization is important because it increases efficiency; it is inevitable because international competition requires it. The anti-globalization movement blames globalization for increased world poverty and income inequalities, child labor, environmental pollution and many other problems. 2. Nations usually impose restrictions on the free international flow of goods, services and factors. Differences in language, customs and laws also hamper these international flows. In addition, international flows of goods, services and resources may involve receipts and payments in different currencies, which may change in value in relation to one another through time. International relations are to be contrasted with the interregional relations, which face no such restrictions as tariffs and are conducted in terms of the same currency, usually in the same language, and under basically the same set of customs and laws. 3. A rough measure of the degree of economic interdependence of a nation with the rest of the world is given by the ratio or percentage of its exports to its gross domestic product (GDP). For small, developed nations, such as the Netherlands and Belgium, the ratio can reach as high as 60 to 90. For large nations, such as Germany, England, France and Italy, the ratio ranges from 25 to 35. For the United States it is between 12 and 17 and growing. 4. The United States relies less on international trade for its high standard of...
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...Redefining the Concept of Sovereignty in a Globalized World Order 2. Introduction The theme of the present paper is to analyze the effect and impact of globalization on the sovereignty of states. While pointing out the effect, impact and even the need of globalization, albeit in a structured pattern, in the present era, the author intends to examine the concepts of industrial revolution, neo-liberalization, international corporate governance, millennium development goals, the need for international institutions and the international regulatory framework in different areas like international trade, financial services sector, environmental protection etc., with a view to question the relevance of the traditional concept of sovereignty in the present globalized world. * Origin of the research problem: Research Question Whether the traditional concept of sovereignty of states has undergone a sea change in the wake of massive globalization? The Industrial Revolution which is referred to the period from the 18th to the 19th century brought the winds of change during which major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, transport, and technology had a profound effect on the socio-economic and cultural conditions of the human race. Starting in the United Kingdom, and then subsequently spreading throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the world, the Industrial Revolution is the most important event...
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...1 The Foundations of International Society 2013-2014 Part I: Politics 2 (International Relations I) Paper organiser: Professor Christopher Hill (POLIS): Room 105, Alison Richard Building Email: cjh68@cam.ac.uk Lecturers: Professor Hill (CH), Dr Elisabetta Brighi (EB), Dr Aaron Rapport (AR) and Dr Stefano Recchia (SR). Aims and Objectives The course aims to introduce students to the subject of International Relations (IR), whose main focus is the nature of politics at the international level. Students will acquire the empirical and conceptual foundations needed to understand a world political system which cannot be accurately described as either pure anarchy or a coherent form of ‘global governance’. The starting point is the notion of ‘international society’, which refers to the set of institutions and common procedures generated by states over the last three and a half centuries in their attempts to achieve some minimal form of co-existence, but which has gradually evolved to include many non-state actors and different levels of activity – diplomatic, economic and cultural, as well as that of military competition. By the end of the course you should be able to have an informed discussion about: the historical origins of the present system; what is distinctive about international politics as opposed to politics inside the state; and the main challenges which confront humanity in the twenty-first century. You will also acquire a basic familiarity with the main theories needed...
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...How changes in technology have contributed Q. Explain How Changes In Technology Have Contributed Towards Globalization Of Markets And Of Production? Answer: Technology has dramatically changed people's way of life all over the world and the world today has become a true manifestation of a global village. Not only the frequency of international travelling increased manifold but the possibilities of cross-border trading of goods and services have also increased exponentially. These impacts are collectively known as globalization. (Hill, 2009) defines globalisation as a process which enables individuals, organisations and governments from different natins to come across each other and interact in an intergative manner. The end result of such intergation would be an intergated globalised market system which can act as a melting pot of indivual economies of different nations. There are two ways in which globalisation can be envisaged, i.e. with the production perspective and thebmarket perspective. (Hill, 2009) defines the markets' globalisation as melting down and convergence of individually independent market places into an amalgamated market place. Sharing of the sources of production from different geographical locations for levaraging the quality and cost of the goods and services produces is the idea behind the products' globalisation. (Hill, 2009) Many institutions have been formulated to help manage, regulate and police the phenomena of globalization and to promote the...
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...Media and Diplomacy in International Relations Id number: 620071261 Course code: Govt 1008 Course name: Introduction to International Relations Date: 17/03/2015 Topic: Media and Diplomacy Media and Diplomacy in International Relations. In the period leading up to the overthrow of political authorities in the Middle East, young activists used social media to spread dissident discourse, organize protests and transmit live footage of revolutions across the world. Simultaneously, stubborn autocrats clung to political survival tactics by blocking their citizens’ access to social media sites like Twitter and Facebook in order to disrupt the gathering momentum of a networked people determined to change their governments. Communication is essential to diplomacy, it always has been. As Nicolson (1954:2) wrote “The origins of diplomacy lie buried in the darkness preceding what we call the dawn of history. There came a stage when the anthropoid apes inhabiting one group of caves realized that it might be profitable to reach some understanding with neighboring groups regarding the limits of their respective hunting territories”. Information gathering, reporting, and sharing have been across the centuries the staple diet of diplomats. Communication is so crucial to diplomatic activity that, over history, virtually any advance in communication technology has affected the practice of diplomacy. Nickles (2003) in Under the Wire specifically examines the impact of...
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...Globalization What Is Globalization? The world is moving away from self-contained national economies toward an interdependent, integrated global economic system. Globalization refers to the shift toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy. Globalization has two facets: 1) the globalization of markets 2) the globalization of production 1) The Globalization Of Markets: The globalization of markets refers to the merging of historically distinct and separate national markets into one huge global marketplace. Ex: In many industries, it is no longer meaningful to talk about the “German market” or the “American market”. Instead, there is only the global market. Falling trade barriers make it easier to sell internationally. The tastes and preferences of consumers are converging on some global norm. Firms help create the global market by offering the same basic products worldwide. 2) The Globalization Of Production: The globalization of production refers to the sourcing of goods and services from locations around the globe to take advantage of national differences in the cost and quality of factors of production like land, labor, and capital Companies compete more effectively by lowering their overall cost structure or improving the quality or functionality of their product offering. The Emergence Of Global Institutions : Institutions are needed to: * help manage, regulate, and police the global marketplace * promote the establishment...
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...| The World Bank (IBRD) and The International Monetary Fund (IMF) | | | | | Appendix CDF Comprehensive Development Framework IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IMF International Monetary Fund LIC low-income countries SDR special drawing right Executive Summary The second half of the twentieth century was one of unprecedented economic achievement. Rapid growth in the world economy, fueled by expanding international trade and advancing technology, brought more rapid increases in living standards to more of the world's people than ever before in history. And yet, despite these significant gains, we live in a world with severe deprivation and inequality. Over one billion people one fifth of the world's population live on less than a dollar a day, and per capita incomes in some countries have been declining for decades. In the next two decades, world population will grow by another two billion people. Nearly all of them will be born in developing countries. Without action by the international community, the global divide will worsen. We live in one world, and poverty is a threat to global security and welfare. The purpose of IMF & World Bank (IBRD) is to help all our member countries develop their human potential and productive resources, thereby building the foundations for sustainable economic growth. Recent history shows that countries that pursue the right policies, operating in a growing world economy, and with...
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...against that dread, it turns out that it’s much easier to believe in a conspiracy. Then you have someone to blame, it’s not just randomness. - Psychological forces (VS evidence-based thinking) Psychological forces like motivated reasoning have long been associated with conspiracy thinking, but scientists are learning more every year. On the other side there is the evidence-based thinking which most of the people who do not believe in these theories have. o Motivated reasoning Motivated reasoning is an emotion-biased decision-making phenomenon - Expand the conspiracy Another common trait is the need to constantly expand the conspiracy as new evidence comes to light. An example of this is the climate change conspiracy theory which states that the climate changes are not true and are made up. This is, as we all know, a topic that has been researched a lot, but the conspiracy theorists means the...
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...International Business Environment Name: University: Course Title: Instructor: Date: Executive Summary International business environment changes in the last couple of years have had a significant impact on the sectors of the world economy more so the airline sector, with this in mind the term paper focused on the impact of changes in the international business environment on the airline industry. International business environment is viewed as the most contexts for international business and comprehending how forces in this environment impact the business operations is the difference between business failure and success. To this end, the research established various changes in the business environment that have taken place in political, economic, financial and socio-cultural circles. Political changes especially the Arab spring have had far reaching impact on the airline sector with fall in passenger numbers to these destination as well as the rise in fuel prices negatively impacting the growth of the industry, political instability in other areas as well as laws regulating the airline sector have been on the rise as countries seek to protect local airlines, the economic crisis slowed down the growth of the sector but with the recovery process on track, the airline industry is expected to grow into the foreseeable future, issues such a new taxes for example carbon tax in Europe, the unstable foreign exchange market and inflationary pressures...
Words: 3732 - Pages: 15
...* Topics to be discussed: * What is International Business Environment? * Changing Pattern of International Management * Major Elements Affecting International Business * International Business Environment * The international business environment can be defined as the environment in different sovereign countries, with factors exogenous to the home environment of the organization, which influences decision-making on resource use and capabilities. * It involves three environments such as domestic, foreign and international. * Domestic environment * composed of all the uncontrollable forces originating in the home country that influence the firm’s life and development. * Foreign environment * composed of all the uncontrollable forces originating outside the home country that influence the firm. * the kinds of forces are the same as those in the domestic environment but their values often differ and changes in the values of foreign forces are at time more difficult so assess. * International Environment * interactions between the domestic environmental forces and the foreign environmental forces AND * interactions between the foreign environmental forces of two countries when an affiliate in one country does business with customers in another. * The Forces: * environment: all the forces surrounding and influencing life and development of the firm; they can be external or internal * uncontrollable (external)...
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