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Intro to Management


Submitted By robsims85
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Unit 2 Assignment- Contemporary Approaches

Robert Sims
July 10, 2013
Prof. Jessica Hoover

The contemporary approaches to management, sociotechnical system theory, quantitative management, organizational behavior, and systems theory, have developed at various times since World War II, and they continue to represent the cornerstones of modern management thought.
Sociotechnical system theory is a theory of management that believes technology merely constrains human action, rather than rigidly determining behavioral outcomes. Conscious choice can build good human relations into the technical workflow. On the total opposite end of the spectrum there is the quantitative management method that relies solely on technology. A quantitative management approach involves the use of mathematical modeling to find the best solutions to problems. This can be applied to a variety of workplace challenges, ranging from making decisions during product development to resolving employee conflicts.
Organizational behavior is similar to the sociotechnical system theory, when the focus is more on human action than technology. Organizational Behavior is the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations. It does this by taking a system approach. That is, it interprets people-organization relationships in terms of the whole person, whole group, whole organization, and whole social system. Its purpose is to build better relationships by achieving human objectives, organizational objectives, and social objectives. Similarly the system theory doesn’t look at individuals but the flow of business as a whole. It does however focus on subdivisions within the organization and how it ties in with the big picture, the purpose of the business.
I feel as though thee system theory is more important due to my personal experience with in

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