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All the particulars required below should be legibly and accurately filled in by the candidate in his own handwriting.

Only the form complete in all respect would be accepted. The incomplete form would be returned to the applicant on his permanent address as given below (at. S.No.8). The office will not be responsible for any delay in case form is not complete in all respect.

Only Part (A) is to be completed by the applicant and the applicant will be submitted to the Controller of Examinations.

PART (A) 1. Nature of Document 1. Degree 2. Duplicate Degree 3. D.M.C 4.Merit Certificate / Attempt Certificate 5.Any Other:________________________________

2. Name of applicant (in Block Letters) ________________________________ as per Matric Certificate 3. Father’s Name in Block Letters) ________________________________ as per Matric certificate 4. Name of Examination. ________________________________

5. Year of Passing ________________________________

6. Registration No. ________________________________ 7. Habib Bank (Engg.Univ.Br.) Bank Challan No. / Money Order Receipt / Postal Order No. (Please attach the Copy No..1) ____________Dated:_______________ 8. Permanent Home Address. ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

9. I ______________________ Reg. No./ Roll No.__________________________ a student / graduate of Department of ___________________ do hereby state that no dues of the University outstand against my name and I have deposited the prescribed fee for the Certificate / Degree applied for vide Challan No./ Postal Order / Money Order as mentioned above.

10. I solemnly declare that I have filled-up the form and the particulars mentioned therein are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Dated: __________________ _______________________ Signature of the Applicant

PART (B) IN CASE OF FINAL TERM DMC / DEGREE It is to certify that the statement of the applicant at S.No.9 has been checked from the office record and it is correct / incorrect. He has to pay Rs./_________ as outstanding dues.(if any)

Admn. Officer (Dues)

PART (C) IN CASE OF APPLICATION FOR DEGREE ONLY It is to certify that the photo copy of the Provisional Certificate attached with the application form has been compared with counterfoil of the original Provisional Certificate and is found correct / incorrect. It is to certify that the candidate has successfully completed the Annual Surveying Camp, Summer Field Training and Underground Mining Engineering Course organized by the University. (For Civil & Mining Engineering Graduate only)

Deputy Registrar (SS)
| |

Admn. Officer (Exams) Dealing Assistant (Exams.Br.)

Received the requisite document Signature of Applicant: ____________________


1. Application for University Certificate / Degree or its Duplicate copy should be sent to the Controller of Examinations.

2. Candidates applying for D.M.C. should use only one form for more than one year, All fee should either be deposited in Habib Bank University Branch University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore. The nature of the Certificate / Degree must be indicated in the Bank Challan. The fee once paid shall not be refunded.

3. The Original Bank Challan (i.e No.1) should accompany the application form otherwise it will not be entertained.

4. Certificate / Degree cannot be issued to any person other than actual candidate whom the Certificate / Degree is prepared. It can however, be handed over to an authorized person in production of a Letter of Authority from the candidates duly attested by the Class “A” Officer of the University.

5. A duplicate Degree can only be issued if supported with an affidavit on stamped paper of Rs.50/-duly testified by a First Class Magistrate of Class”1” Officer and a press cutting and a copy of FIR in connection with missing of degree.

6. The amount to be deposited by a candidate for Degree / Certificate or duplicate copy to be issued by Examination Branch is as under:-

(i) Detailed Marks Certificate Rs.100/- Term System Rs.100/- Annual System

(ii) Duplicate Detailed Marks Certificate Rs.100/- Term System Rs.100/- Annual System

(iii) Merit Certificate Rs.150/- Term System Rs.150/- Annual System

(iv) Degree before Convocation Rs.500/- Degree in Absentia / Duplicate Degree

(v) All other Certificates Rs.150/-


i) The Certificate or Duplicate Copy Except Degree will ordinary be issued within 10 days on the receipt of Application form and fee in the Examinations Branch provided the form is complete in all respect.

ii) In case a Certificate or a Duplicate copy is required within 48 hours a candidate shall have to deposit double fee prescribed for such Certificate except Degree. iii) Degree will normally be issued within one month on the receipt of application form and fee provided the form is complete in all respect.

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...AC 410B Intermediate Accounting II Final Exam Topics Chapter 11: Depreciation, Impairments, and Depletion Questions 1. Explain the meaning of depreciation. 2. Describe factors involved in the depreciation process. 3. Describe the different methods of depreciation. 4. Identify the conditions for impairment of fixed assets. 5. Explain the treatment of impairments for different kinds of assets. 6. Describe the full cost vs. successful efforts concepts for depletion. 7. Explain liquidating dividends. 8. Explain the required disclosures related to depreciation and depletion. Exercises 1. Calculate depreciation using the following methods: [E11-6] a. activity method b. straight-line method c. sum-of-the-years’ digits method d. declining balance method e. group & composite methods [E11-9] 2. Calculate partial-period depreciation. 3. Calculate depreciation based on revision of salvage value or estimated life. [E11-11], [E11-13] 4. Conduct a recoverability test for impairment. [E11-17] 5. Determine the amount of impairment to be recorded on a fixed asset. [E11-17] 6. Prepare the journal entries to record: a. depreciation expense b. the impairment of a fixed asset c. the restoration of impairments d. impairment and restoration of impairment for an asset held for disposal [E11-17] e. depletion of a natural resource...

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...MEASURES SURGE IN DIM-SUM BOND ISSUANCE DIVERSIFICATION OF ISSUERS THE “DIM-SUM SUBSTITUTE”: SYNTHETIC RENMINBI BONDS 6 6 7 9 This report addresses recent developments in the offshore market for bonds denominated in mainland China’s currency, the Renminbi (RMB), whether settled in RMB or another currency. Called “dim sum” bonds when settled in RMB or “synthetic” if settled in other currencies such as U.S. dollars, these debt instruments have so far come out primarily in Hong Kong, with several synthetic convertible bonds in Singapore. However, in future, Chinese authorities may allow offshore RMB transactions elsewhere, and more euro-RMB bonds1 issued in other financial centers could soon appear. A comment answering investors’ frequently asked questions on our approach to rating both types of these bonds will follow within a few weeks. The progressive internationalization of the RMB will facilitate growth in Hong Kong of both kinds of RMB-denominated bonds. In particular, the rapidly expanding volume of the city’s deposits and of trade settlements in RMB has driven growth in dim-sum bonds, and the Chinese government’s allowance last week for Chinese enterprises to settle direct overseas investment in RMB will catalyze this trend. However, the market is still at an early stage, and evolving regulations for RMB business in Hong Kong will determine the speed and sustainability of its growth. A diversification in the types of issuers and issuances for dim-sum bonds has already...

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