...Contemporary issues in Organisational Practice Revision Ethics * Business Ethics simply means good behaviour and only applies to private businesses and not public sector businesses. * The term ethics means treating other people with respect, in general it means what we ought to act towards others. * Ethics is a broad term which includes concepts such as Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility. * Often the issues which arises under “Business Ethics” relate to ethical behaviour of businesses overseas in poorer countries. The main issues are: Bribery of foreign officials, corruption, human rights violations in newly industrialising countries (sweatshops) and environmental pollution of host countries. * It is sometimes argued that ethics is nothing to do with business, acting ethically is only justified if it promotes the organisations best interest (Profit and the share price). * Ivan Boesky defines “Greed is Healthy”. * The whole point about business is profit and beating the competition. If you worry about ethics and social good then the business will end up failing. * Others argue that a business has a moral duty to take into account the effect of their actions. * Huge multi-national corporations control billions of pounds and they are often shown to be as rich as the countries they operate in. They need to be careful to avoid pollution in their operations and exploitative “sweatshop” labour. * Multi-national corporations...
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...Case #1: Ethical Issues & Family Practice Patient confidentiality is an integral part of HIPAA, which insures that patient information is not disclosed improperly and their autonomy is kept. However, complications arise in the special case of minors where in most cases, parents are the personal representatives for their children. Since young children may not make sound judgment and parents provide for them financially, many agree parents should be able to make medical decisions and have disclosure of their child’s medical records. However, there is a gray area that is illustrated in the case concerning the 14-year-old patient requesting oral contraceptives. Over recent years, it has been recognized by many state governments and the U.S. Supreme Court that many minors will forgo important sexual and reproductive healthcare services while still being sexual active if parental involvement is mandatory (An Overview of Minors’ Consent Law, 2014). The main argument revolves around whether minors can provide informed consent. There are individuals who argue that competency and maturity are not automatically bestowed at the age of 18, therefore to withhold privacy rights for minors would be wrong (Minors’ Access to Contraceptive Services, 2014). In the court case Carey v. Population Services International, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the "right to privacy in connection with decisions affecting procreation extends to minors as well as adults (Carey v. Population Servs...
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...Singapore Nursing Board Standards for Nursing Practice defines that Nurses/midwives have the professional responsibility and accountability to uphold Standard of care and to contribute to their dissemination, interpretation and development despite medical advances, social and demographic changes and an increasingly complex healthcare delivery system that challenge the ability of nurses to provide safe quality of care. Should nurses fail to uphold certain standards and by doing so cause harm or injury to the client, they would be held liable in the tort of negligence. Description of a practical situation which raised ethical issues: Mr Lim 70 years old has been hospitalised for medical treatment with the diagnosis of chronic heart failure. He was ordered intravenous therapy by Dr Peter the medical resident. Nurse Su questions the order because it is for an infusion of Dextrose 50%. Dr Peter tells her that he checked it with Dr Lee, the medical officer. Nurse Su checks it with Nurse May before administration. Later, Mr Lim has a cardiac arrest and suffers extensive brain damage as a result of the infusion. The hospital inquiry is held and it determined that the correct infusion would be Dextrose 5%. Mr Lim’s family members are very upset and seek legal advice. All names mentioned in the above scenario are pseudonym. Identification of the ethical issues within the situation: Negligence Negligence is the breech of an obligation or duty to act with care, or failure...
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...I.INTRODUCTION RATIONALE Metal industry is one of the most rapid growing fields in the market today. Working in the metal industry has a great impact in one’s health and safety. One type of job in this field is welding. It is process that joins metal parts. Welding processes require heat and sometimes other substances to produce the product. Byproduct resulting from the welding process includes fumes, gases and other harmful substances which can be serious health hazards to employees. Moreover, safety hazards can exist such as the potential for fire or explosion and injuries, electrical shock, or materials handling. That is why having a written agreement and proper briefing/ training about the nature of the job is a must before starting a job. Rules and Regulations should be introduced and briefed properly to each employee to secure one’s safety. Having this printed and well visualize and presented to them reminds them to strictly follow them to avoid accidents. Clearly, the ultimate goal of safety rules and regulation is to increased safety—in particular, fewer accidents and injuries. Moreover, increasing a system’s level of safety leads to reduced material losses and enhances productivity. This makes the case that safety is good for business. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND A health and safety policy sets out your general approach and commitment together with the arrangements you have put in place for managing health and safety in your business. It is a unique document that...
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...Three most pressing issues in Organizational Behavior and the practices that might be implemented Organization behavior is the study of behaviors and attitudes of people in an organization. After all human behaviors and attitudes determine effectiveness of any organization. The approach used in studying OB is the system approach. In other words, this approach interprets people-organization relationships in terms of the whole person, whole group, whole organization, and whole social system. Its purpose is to build better relationships by achieving human objectives, organizational objectives, and social objectives. In this paper we propose to study leadership, motivation and organizational conflict, as among the most pressing issues in organizational behavior. Further, we shall discuss how these issues can be addressed. Critical role of motivation It is critical for managers to understand why and how employees are motivated if they are to make full use of a worker’s capacity to learn and perform. For a manager, motivating employees to learn and perform at their best is a complex and difficult challenge. No two individuals, that is, no two employees including the two who are doing the same job are alike. At any time two different individuals will have two distinct needs and desires. Moreover, what motivates an employee to perform well today may not motivate him the next year, or next week, or even next hour. However, a motivated set of employees represent tremendous promise....
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...After HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act was passed in 1996 by the US Congress; the patient medical records were bound to be more protected. The private policy was designed to protect the individually identifiable information on health which is held or transmitted through any covered entity in any form including print, electronic or oral. At the same time, this privacy rule also permits disclosure of health related information of a person who needs patient care or other important purpose. The information which is considered as ‘individually identifiable’ relates to the following: • The past, present or future conditions related to either physical or mental health of the individual. • An individual’s provision of healthcare • The payment for health care which took place in the past, present or future of the individual. The common identifiers like name, birth date, address and social security number are also included in the individually identifiable information. With the application of this law, the health care organisations have to be cautious about whom to share the information of patient with. Thus, it acts as an added responsibility for the staff. The separate billing system can be beneficial in such situations for a health care organisation, since they helps in getting the EMR and private policy in place. The separate billing system can also substantially improve the revenue cycle since it is included in their field of expertise and thus, leave...
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...manager acted on the maxim that a corporation should be honest when reporting profits. Being honest is a principle that has been universalized – consider the exception, which was exactly what happened in Italy back then: as a “generally accepted Italian practice”6, understating profits by 30%-70%7 was adopted by most companies in Italy when filing for tax. The consequence was that the Italian Tax Authorities no longer believed there is still any “honest player” and assumed every one cheats when filing tax. Thus in Italy a tax system that’s supported by honest and genuine self-reporting ceased to exist – the Tax Authorities had to meet the representative of the corporation (the commercialista8) and negotiate the “true tax payment” – the immoral action of being dishonest is thus self-defeating9. Kant’s 2nd categorical imperative promotes “respect for persons” principle10 which, put in business context, requires that “people in a business relationship not to be used (coerced or deceived) and business practices to be arranged to contribute to the development of human rational and moral capacities” (the “positive freedom”)11. In this case the American manager refused to be coerced (forced to adopt the Italian tax-filing practice) and deceived (hiring a commercialista to represent the company and possibly ending up paying more tax than the company actually owes). The manager’s act is moral on...
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...A macro practice involves addressing and confronting social issues that can act as a barrier to allow one’s basic needs to be met on an organizational level by creating structural change through social actions (Martin, 2014). This practice can bring about challenges due to there are always going to be those that are opposed to what the organization that is trying to make the change is doing. Sister Simone Campbell and her organization Network is a prime example of having to face challenges while working in a macro practice. Network as an organization addresses so many issues that happen in society today all through a faith based outreach, this can cause some resistance from others that do not believe that faith should be part of the helping...
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...1. One Specific Issue That Is Relevant and Specific to me as an Advanced Practice Nurse Assisting the patients and the families make major decisions related to the health offers the APN a challenge and is a major issue in practice (Ingersoll, McIntosh & Williams, 2000).. Managing the expectations and the emotion of the patients and their families usually take their toll on the APN and calls for a delicate balancing act to ensure that confidence between the practitioner and the members remains. Assuring that reassuring the patients and their families that the medical practitioners and their families area doing every within the contents of the treatment plan to ensure the recovery of the patient is critical. Coping with the expectations could have an impact on the practitioners and hence interfere with the performance of the duties. The issue could also lead to stress of the caregivers. Understanding that the APN are human with feelings and families sometimes is not the case leaving the families of the patients venting their frustrations on the caregivers whenever things go wrong 2. Specific Description of The Area and why it is selected...
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...Foreman HCS/335 May 20, 2012 Tracey A. Gomez Administrative Ethics in Healthcare There are many issues surrounding the health care crisis in America today. As we learn about the role of administrators in the health care field, these issues are important in the decisions we make as health care professionals. Those that study to assume the role of a physician should pay close attention to the issues that current physicians are facing financially. Independent practices have begun to see serious financial issues due to the rise in business and drug costs as well as the decrease in Medicare reimbursements (Green, 2012). In a report published by CNNMoney, physicians in private practice are having an extremely hard time staying in business in the current economy and the future does not look any better with the changes projected in the federal budget. Medicare physicians can look forward to their pay being cut by 27.4% (Kavilanz, 2012). The best doctors in the country have already sacrificed receiving a personal salary so that they could pay staff and stay in practice. Many of these physicians are contemplating bankruptcy or leaving medicine all together. If these physicians begin to file bankruptcy, many Americans could be left without any health resources that are vital to their communities. One of the main contributing factors to this issue is the oncologists that were once allowed to profit from drug sales. They would buy the most expensive cancer drugs...
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...Legal and Ethical Issues Relating to Business Information Introduction I this task I’m going to explain the legal and ethical issues in relation to the use of businesses information and also I’m going to explain operational issues as well in the last park of the task i going to analyse the legal ethical and operational issues using appropriate examples . Most people do not feel safe in putting or giving their personal details on different social networks like Facebook and Twitter and another organization who uses the personal detail from the people or customers , the reason being of many hackers invading other people's privacy this also can happen with many businesses as well such as Tesco ,Asda e.g. if they do not have a security system to keep them safe . Legal Issues These are various items of legislation to protect the use of business information. Data Protection Act 1998 is one of the legal issue business information. Many businesses store use information about people. The Data Protection Act protects information held about people from being misused. The information stored by businesses on databases must be: ✓ Obtained fairly and lawfully ✓ Used only for the purposes stated during collection ✓ Adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the intended use ✓ Accurate and up to date ✓ Not kept for longer than necessary ✓ Processed in line with your rights ✓ Subject to procedures to prevent unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction...
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...the concept of corporate social responsibility encourages responsible business practices. To support your evaluation and argument, include an appraisal of how two companies currently promote social responsibility. In order for companies to positively impact their communications with their stakeholders many companies like Nike and Goldman Sachs are continuously seeking new ways of carrying out corporate social responsibility Reeves (2012). The re-developments of corporate social responsibility often derive from responding actively to emerging and current issues in society (REFERENCE). (REFERENCE) describes current issues such as, human rights, labour, and environmental practices that Nike and Goldman...
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...Computer security principles and practice. Pearson Education, Inc. Software Microsoft® Project 2010 (Virtual Desktop) Microsoft® Visio® 2010 (Virtual Desktop) Microsoft® Excel® 2010 (Virtual Desktop) Microsoft® Word 2010 (Virtual Desktop) All electronic materials are available on the student website. Supplemental Resource Microsoft. (2012). Microsoft Office Project 2010. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Article References Barr, J. G. (2012). Business continuity for web sites. Faulkner Information Services, 1-9. Barr, J. G. (2012). Identity management market trends. Faulkner Information Services, 1-10. Barr, J. G. (2013). Common criteria overview. Faulkner Information Services, 1-10. Barr, J. G. (2013). Biometrics market trends. Faulkner Information Services, 1-7. Week One: IT Security Overview Details Due Points Objectives 1.1 Recognize the importance of IT security implementation. 1.2 Identify major security issues associated with physical and operating system security. 1.3 Describe basic advantages and disadvantages among the various security implementations. Course Preparation Read the course description and objectives. Review the Learning Team Toolkit. NOTE: TestOut LabSims are available for this course. See Week One, Course Materials Page. Reading Read Ch. 1, “Overview,” of Computer Security Principles and Practice. Reading Read Ch. 2, “Cryptographic Tools,” of Computer Security Principles and Practice. Reading Read Ch. 3, “User...
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...[pic] |Course Syllabus College of Social Sciences BSHS/302 Version 6 Introduction to Human Services | |Copyright © 2011, 2009, 2005 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course provides a broad overview of the human services discipline using practice settings and social problems as lenses so that the role and function of the human service provider, as well as the clients with whom they work can be understood in context. The course begins with a brief overview of what a human service provider is, and what services these professionals provide. A history of social welfare is provided so that students can gain a historical perspective of how poor and marginalized populations have been cared for in the United States. Generalist practice skills and intervention strategies are introduced generally, but a more in-depth exploration of intervention strategies are discussed in later chapters as they apply to particular social problems and practice settings. The course concludes with an exploration of macro practice where change is affected on a broader scale, both domestically and abroad. Students should leave this class having a good idea of what a human service worker is, what they do, who they work with, as well as the gaining a deeper understanding of the mission, values and goals embraced by the human service profession. Students will gain knowledge of skills needed to do critical thinking, make oral presentations, function in learning...
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...ADAPTATION OF BEST PRACTICES THE EXPERIENCE OF THE INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN CANADA (Written Report, 2015) AS PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR ADMINISTRATIVE INNOVATIONS AND REFORMS (MPA 620) SUBMITTED BY UMAR SHADRACK. J SUBMITTED TO: PROF .SHERWIN WILLIAM A. CUASAY (MPM) UNIVERSITY OF BATANGAS GRADUATE SCHOOL INTRODUCTION A best practice may be a particular method, or it may be a whole program or intervention. “Best practice” status is sometimes conferred either officially – by a government body, professional association, or other authoritative entity – or by published research results. Best practices, in short, are those methods or programs that have been found to be successful in accomplishing their goals and that can be used, or adapted for use, in your circumstances. The standards for choosing a best practice vary tremendously, depending upon who’s doing the choosing. In some cases, almost any program that can show some success is labeled a best practice. In others, the criteria are so strict that only a few are selected (more likely with professional associations that are trying to set or uphold research standards.) Where the standards are relatively loose, programs designated as best practices may be only adequate, rather than truly the best the field has to offer. Where the standards are too strict, many superb...
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