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It Project Failures


Submitted By msavage
Words 441
Pages 2
Monica Savage
August 4, 2012
Renee Gorby

Case Study: IT Project Implementation Failures The case study of the Memorial Health System and their CPOE implementation poses many issues that contributed to their IT failure. The first issue I noticed was the unrealistic timeline developed by the original champions Dryer and Roberts. Dryer and Roberts planned to execute their new IT among eight hospitals in less than eighteen months. With their failure to respect uncertainty from members of the discussion board, they demanded and rushed results from their clinical and IT team. This resulted in a rushed out requirements analysis, request for proposal quickly issued, and a rush to select the vendor and signing the contract.
When the original champions were replaced by Lu and Sparks, I initially thought they were capable of successfully pulling off implementing this system even in the short timeframe. They would probably have been successful if Sparks did not lack candor. The executive project manager, Martin, had a perfectly thorough and detailed a project plan that most likely would have guided the organization to success if they followed her suggestions. Spark’s lack of candor and anger to Martin’s project plan lead her to lie about the truth and withhold important progress information on the project. At the end of the eighteen month timeline, the go live date resulted in failure due to all of these issues.
With an organization like ours, there are several ways to reduce an IT failure like the case study mentioned. Unlike the case of the Memorial Health System, a realistic timeline before the go live date is critical. Before a vendor is even chosen or a contract is signed, our organization needs to conduct a thorough analysis financially and organizationally. Our organization also needs to do necessary homework on different IT’s appropriate

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