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Jack And Ralph Analysis

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Image having to risk your life by doing some of the most wild and craziest things in order to survive. Now think about how hard it would be to control a group of teenagers and little kids as well, it doesn't sound very easy considering there are no adults around to try and help you. Ralph was elected leader by all of those who survived from the plane crash. It wasn't a very easy decision considering ralph wasn’t the only one who wanted to be leader of the group, Jack also wanted to be leader. In the beginning a lot of bad things were happening for instance the plane that all of these people were on crashed down and all of the adults died and the teenagers and little kids were the only ones to survive, even the pilot died as soon as the plane crashed. …show more content…
For instance Jack wanted to be the leader but not all of the littlenuns voted for jack like they did for ralph. Jack is the person that is the dare devil and he does a lot of the work to help others. Jack is the one who helps people out when they were injured. Jack is also the one who is one of the smart people in the whole entire group besides Piggy. When the plane first crashed, everybody was freaking out and screaming and just being out of control, Jack was the only person trying to calm everybody down and make sure that everybody was okay and seeing if anybody needed any medical assistant. Nobody voted for jack to be leader because the little nuns were persuaded to vote for ralph, and Ralph is one of other guys that survived during the plane

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