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Jack Coughlin's Memoirs Of A Soldier

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As a sniper you have to be stealthy and move slowly ,but as the war broke out in Iraq there became a new sniper tactic run around and move as fast as you can and pursuit the target. This is was Jack Coughlin brought to his battalion in the marines and had changed the sniper came with his crew in Iraq and Kuwait. As the book takes you though Jack’s deployments it makes you think about what they actually have to go through in the military. Jack starts off the story in one of his deployments. After that it takes you to boot camp to where it all started as trying to become a marine and decided while doing that to go to sniper school, and then it takes you to his high school career playing sports and he talks about his life growing up. Then it takes …show more content…
I found myself relating to that quote because when I shot my first deer I had a similar experience as I watched the bullet leave the muzzle of my gun and I watched to bullet land right on the deer. The story always leaves me wanting to keep reading and see the next time he shoots a target because I just find it cool how he explains everything as he gets ready to pull the trigger. One situation he describes is where there making saddam husein retrogress out of the country. Jack describes before he was taking a shot at a guy gunning down his men behind a bush. He aimed in his scope trying to find the target, and as he find him his breath slows down focuses on just the target and has blank thoughts and pulls the trigger and watches his target fly backwards and he completed a 915 yard shot. After he took that shot he saw a guy at the story above the guy he just killed and watched him duck. One of jacks squad member said that guy is long gone and ran away, but Jack thought otherwise and said in curiosity any human will look back to see what happened and as Jack said the guy peaks his head around the corner to look at his friend Jack pulls the trigger on another …show more content…
One of the sad things in the book is how he tells his life at home like he will have nightmares about being in the war and it affects his everyday life. Another thing is when he has to say goodbye to his two daughters the younger daughter doesn’t really understand what he’s doing other than going to work, but his oldest daughter knows where he’s going because of what shes seen on t.v. and this was when 9/11 happened and before Jack leaves he talks about how his oldest daughter reacted before he left “She tried to be brave but cried on the shoulder as I held onto her tightly and promised that everything would be fine and that I would be back as soon as I could” (Jack 64). The way he decribes how that happens even though I cannot relate because I do not have kids obviously but it just seems so like heart

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