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Jason Silva Research Paper

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Aristotle, Socrates and Plato would all wish they had what Jason Silva has today - the internet.

Jason Silva was born in Caracas, Venezuela on February 6, 1982. In Caracas, he attended an International school where he was exposed to lots of different ideas and cultures. Jason’s mother, Linda Mishkin, was an artist, so he grew up surrounded by theater, art, and music. At age 18 he moved from Caracas to Miami where he studied Philosophy and Cinema at the University of Miami. All these things affected his early life which made him into the entertainer and philosopher he is today. Jason is very sad that Venezuela is in the bad condition it is in. He still has relatives that are living there. He believes that technology and knowledge can …show more content…
His Youtube series, “Shots of awe” has received over 100 million views. He was also nominated for an Emmy for his tv series “Brain Games”, which was broadcast for five seasons to 171 countries. Jason has also been involved in many other film projects including “ ORIGINS: The Journey of Mankind” on the National Geographic Channel. Companies all over the world want to hear Jason speak. He has spoken at events for Microsoft, National Geographic, Google, Intel, TED GLOBAL and many others. Many of his videos are hard to understand. They all have one thing in common, LOTS of words. He practices something called “ stream of consciousness speaking.” When he starts a video he says whatever comes into his mind until the end of the video. He also has some very strange ideas about God and religion. Jason says that his goal is to make people think and to expand their brains. Whether you agree with what he says or not, he definitely makes you think. Aristotle, Plato and Socrates would be proud of Jason, but they would also be jealous that he can use the internet to spread his philosophy worldwide so

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